Blob Blame History Raw
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2016-2018 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License").  You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at

use File::Spec::Functions;
use File::Copy;
use MIME::Base64;
use OpenSSL::Test qw(:DEFAULT srctop_file srctop_dir bldtop_file data_file);
use OpenSSL::Test::Utils;

my $test_name = "test_store";

my $mingw = config('target') =~ m|^mingw|;

my @noexist_files =
    ( "test/blahdiblah.pem",
      "test/blahdibleh.der" );
my @src_files =
    ( "test/testx509.pem",
      "apps/server.pem" );
my @generated_files =
     ### generated from the source files


     ### generated locally

     "rsa-key-pkcs1.pem", "rsa-key-pkcs1.der",
     "rsa-key-pkcs8.pem", "rsa-key-pkcs8.der",
     "rsa-key-pkcs8-pbes1-sha1-3des.pem", "rsa-key-pkcs8-pbes1-sha1-3des.der",
     "rsa-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha1.pem", "rsa-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha1.der",
     "rsa-key-sha1-3des-sha1.p12", "rsa-key-sha1-3des-sha256.p12",
     "rsa-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha256.pem", "rsa-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha256.der",
     "rsa-key-pkcs8-pbes1-md5-des.pem", "rsa-key-pkcs8-pbes1-md5-des.der",
     "dsa-key-pkcs1.pem", "dsa-key-pkcs1.der",
     "dsa-key-pkcs8.pem", "dsa-key-pkcs8.der",
     "dsa-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha1.pem", "dsa-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha1.der",
     "ec-key-pkcs1.pem", "ec-key-pkcs1.der",
     "ec-key-pkcs8.pem", "ec-key-pkcs8.der",
     "ec-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha1.pem", "ec-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha1.der",
my %generated_file_files =
    $^O eq 'linux'
    ? ( "test/testx509.pem" => "file:testx509.pem",
        "test/testrsa.pem" => "file:testrsa.pem",
        "test/testrsapub.pem" => "file:testrsapub.pem",
        "test/testcrl.pem" => "file:testcrl.pem",
        "apps/server.pem" => "file:server.pem" )
    : ();
my @noexist_file_files =
    ( "file:blahdiblah.pem",
      "file:test/blahdibleh.der" );

my $n = (3 * scalar @noexist_files)
    + (6 * scalar @src_files)
    + (4 * scalar @generated_files)
    + (scalar keys %generated_file_files)
    + (scalar @noexist_file_files)
    + 3
    + 11;

plan tests => $n;

indir "store_$$" => sub {
        skip "failed initialisation", $n unless init();

        my $rehash = init_rehash();

        foreach (@noexist_files) {
            my $file = srctop_file($_);

            ok(!run(app(["openssl", "storeutl", "-noout", $file])));
            ok(!run(app(["openssl", "storeutl", "-noout",
                local $ENV{MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL} = "file:";

                ok(!run(app(["openssl", "storeutl", "-noout",
        foreach (@src_files) {
            my $file = srctop_file($_);

            ok(run(app(["openssl", "storeutl", "-noout", $file])));
            ok(run(app(["openssl", "storeutl", "-noout", to_abs_file($file)])));
                skip "file: tests disabled on MingW", 4 if $mingw;

                ok(run(app(["openssl", "storeutl", "-noout",
                ok(run(app(["openssl", "storeutl", "-noout",
                            to_abs_file_uri($file, 0, "")])));
                ok(run(app(["openssl", "storeutl", "-noout",
                            to_abs_file_uri($file, 0, "localhost")])));
                ok(!run(app(["openssl", "storeutl", "-noout",
                             to_abs_file_uri($file, 0, "dummy")])));
        foreach (@generated_files) {
            ok(run(app(["openssl", "storeutl", "-noout", "-passin",
                        "pass:password", $_])));
            ok(run(app(["openssl", "storeutl",  "-noout", "-passin",
                        "pass:password", to_abs_file($_)])));

                skip "file: tests disabled on MingW", 2 if $mingw;

                ok(run(app(["openssl", "storeutl", "-noout", "-passin",
                            "pass:password", to_abs_file_uri($_)])));
                ok(!run(app(["openssl", "storeutl", "-noout", "-passin",
                             "pass:password", to_file_uri($_)])));
        foreach (values %generated_file_files) {
                skip "file: tests disabled on MingW", 1 if $mingw;

                ok(run(app(["openssl", "storeutl",  "-noout", $_])));
        foreach (@noexist_file_files) {
                skip "file: tests disabled on MingW", 1 if $mingw;

                ok(!run(app(["openssl", "storeutl",  "-noout", $_])));
            my $dir = srctop_dir("test", "certs");

            ok(run(app(["openssl", "storeutl",  "-noout", $dir])));
            ok(run(app(["openssl", "storeutl",  "-noout",
                        to_abs_file($dir, 1)])));
                skip "file: tests disabled on MingW", 1 if $mingw;

                ok(run(app(["openssl", "storeutl",  "-noout",
                            to_abs_file_uri($dir, 1)])));

        ok(!run(app(['openssl', 'storeutl', '-noout',
                     '-subject', '/C=AU/ST=QLD/CN=SSLeay\/rsa test cert',
                     srctop_file('test', 'testx509.pem')])),
           "Checking that -subject can't be used with a single file");

        ok(run(app(['openssl', 'storeutl', '-certs', '-noout',
                    srctop_file('test', 'testx509.pem')])),
           "Checking that -certs returns 1 object on a certificate file");
        ok(run(app(['openssl', 'storeutl', '-certs', '-noout',
                     srctop_file('test', 'testcrl.pem')])),
           "Checking that -certs returns 0 objects on a CRL file");

        ok(run(app(['openssl', 'storeutl', '-crls', '-noout',
                     srctop_file('test', 'testx509.pem')])),
           "Checking that -crls returns 0 objects on a certificate file");
        ok(run(app(['openssl', 'storeutl', '-crls', '-noout',
                    srctop_file('test', 'testcrl.pem')])),
           "Checking that -crls returns 1 object on a CRL file");

    SKIP: {
            skip "failed rehash initialisation", 6 unless $rehash;

            # subject from testx509.pem:
            # '/C=AU/ST=QLD/CN=SSLeay\/rsa test cert'
            # issuer from testcrl.pem:
            # '/C=US/O=RSA Data Security, Inc./OU=Secure Server Certification Authority'
            ok(run(app(['openssl', 'storeutl', '-noout',
                        '-subject', '/C=AU/ST=QLD/CN=SSLeay\/rsa test cert',
                        catdir(curdir(), 'rehash')])));
            ok(run(app(['openssl', 'storeutl', '-noout',
                        '/C=US/O=RSA Data Security, Inc./OU=Secure Server Certification Authority',
                        catdir(curdir(), 'rehash')])));
            ok(run(app(['openssl', 'storeutl', '-noout', '-certs',
                        '-subject', '/C=AU/ST=QLD/CN=SSLeay\/rsa test cert',
                        catdir(curdir(), 'rehash')])));
            ok(run(app(['openssl', 'storeutl', '-noout', '-crls',
                        '-subject', '/C=AU/ST=QLD/CN=SSLeay\/rsa test cert',
                        catdir(curdir(), 'rehash')])));
            ok(run(app(['openssl', 'storeutl', '-noout', '-certs',
                        '/C=US/O=RSA Data Security, Inc./OU=Secure Server Certification Authority',
                        catdir(curdir(), 'rehash')])));
            ok(run(app(['openssl', 'storeutl', '-noout', '-crls',
                        '/C=US/O=RSA Data Security, Inc./OU=Secure Server Certification Authority',
                        catdir(curdir(), 'rehash')])));
}, create => 1, cleanup => 1;

sub init {
    return (
            # rsa-key-pkcs1.pem
            run(app(["openssl", "genrsa",
                     "-out", "rsa-key-pkcs1.pem", "2432"]))
            # dsa-key-pkcs1.pem
            && run(app(["openssl", "dsaparam", "-genkey",
                        "-out", "dsa-key-pkcs1.pem", "1024"]))
            # ec-key-pkcs1.pem (one might think that 'genec' would be practical)
            && run(app(["openssl", "ecparam", "-genkey", "-name", "prime256v1",
                        "-out", "ec-key-pkcs1.pem"]))
            # rsa-key-pkcs1-aes128.pem
            && run(app(["openssl", "rsa", "-passout", "pass:password", "-aes128",
                        "-in", "rsa-key-pkcs1.pem",
                        "-out", "rsa-key-pkcs1-aes128.pem"]))
            # dsa-key-pkcs1-aes128.pem
            && run(app(["openssl", "dsa", "-passout", "pass:password", "-aes128",
                        "-in", "dsa-key-pkcs1.pem",
                        "-out", "dsa-key-pkcs1-aes128.pem"]))
            # ec-key-pkcs1-aes128.pem
            && run(app(["openssl", "ec", "-passout", "pass:password", "-aes128",
                        "-in", "ec-key-pkcs1.pem",
                        "-out", "ec-key-pkcs1-aes128.pem"]))
            # *-key-pkcs8.pem
            && runall(sub {
                          my $dstfile = shift;
                          (my $srcfile = $dstfile)
                              =~ s/-key-pkcs8\.pem$/-key-pkcs1.pem/i;
                          run(app(["openssl", "pkcs8", "-topk8", "-nocrypt",
                                   "-in", $srcfile, "-out", $dstfile]));
                      }, grep(/-key-pkcs8\.pem$/, @generated_files))
            # *-key-pkcs8-pbes1-sha1-3des.pem
            && runall(sub {
                          my $dstfile = shift;
                          (my $srcfile = $dstfile)
                              =~ s/-key-pkcs8-pbes1-sha1-3des\.pem$
                          run(app(["openssl", "pkcs8", "-topk8",
                                   "-passout", "pass:password",
                                   "-v1", "pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC",
                                   "-in", $srcfile, "-out", $dstfile]));
                      }, grep(/-key-pkcs8-pbes1-sha1-3des\.pem$/, @generated_files))
            # *-key-pkcs8-pbes1-md5-des.pem
            && runall(sub {
                          my $dstfile = shift;
                          (my $srcfile = $dstfile)
                              =~ s/-key-pkcs8-pbes1-md5-des\.pem$
                          run(app(["openssl", "pkcs8", "-topk8",
                                   "-passout", "pass:password",
                                   "-v1", "pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC",
                                   "-in", $srcfile, "-out", $dstfile]));
                      }, grep(/-key-pkcs8-pbes1-md5-des\.pem$/, @generated_files))
            # *-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha1.pem
            && runall(sub {
                          my $dstfile = shift;
                          (my $srcfile = $dstfile)
                              =~ s/-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha1\.pem$
                          run(app(["openssl", "pkcs8", "-topk8",
                                   "-passout", "pass:password",
                                   "-v2", "aes256", "-v2prf", "hmacWithSHA1",
                                   "-in", $srcfile, "-out", $dstfile]));
                      }, grep(/-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha1\.pem$/, @generated_files))
            # *-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha1.pem
            && runall(sub {
                          my $dstfile = shift;
                          (my $srcfile = $dstfile)
                              =~ s/-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha256\.pem$
                          run(app(["openssl", "pkcs8", "-topk8",
                                   "-passout", "pass:password",
                                   "-v2", "aes256", "-v2prf", "hmacWithSHA256",
                                   "-in", $srcfile, "-out", $dstfile]));
                      }, grep(/-key-pkcs8-pbes2-sha256\.pem$/, @generated_files))
            # *-cert.pem (intermediary for the .p12 inits)
            && run(app(["openssl", "req", "-x509",
                        "-config", data_file("ca.cnf"), "-nodes",
                        "-out", "cacert.pem", "-keyout", "cakey.pem"]))
            && runall(sub {
                          my $srckey = shift;
                          (my $dstfile = $srckey) =~ s|-key-pkcs8\.|-cert.|;
                          (my $csr = $dstfile) =~ s|\.pem|.csr|;

                          (run(app(["openssl", "req", "-new",
                                    "-config", data_file("user.cnf"),
                                    "-key", $srckey, "-out", $csr]))
                           run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-days", "3650",
                                    "-CA", "cacert.pem",
                                    "-CAkey", "cakey.pem",
                                    "-set_serial", time(), "-req",
                                    "-in", $csr, "-out", $dstfile])));
                      }, grep(/-key-pkcs8\.pem$/, @generated_files))
            # *.p12
            && runall(sub {
                          my $dstfile = shift;
                          my ($type, $certpbe_index, $keypbe_index,
                              $macalg_index) =
                              $dstfile =~ m{^(.*)-key-(?|
                                                # cert and key PBE are same
                                                ()             #
                                                ([^-]*-[^-]*)- # key & cert PBE
                                                ([^-]*)        # MACalg
                                                # cert and key PBE are not same
                                                ([^-]*-[^-]*)- # cert PBE
                                                ([^-]*-[^-]*)- # key PBE
                                                ([^-]*)        # MACalg
                          if (!$certpbe_index) {
                              $certpbe_index = $keypbe_index;
                          my $srckey = "$type-key-pkcs8.pem";
                          my $srccert = "$type-cert.pem";
                          my %pbes =
                               "sha1-3des" => "pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC",
                               "md5-des" => "pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC",
                               "aes256-cbc" => "AES-256-CBC",
                          my %macalgs =
                               "sha1" => "SHA1",
                               "sha256" => "SHA256",
                          my $certpbe = $pbes{$certpbe_index};
                          my $keypbe = $pbes{$keypbe_index};
                          my $macalg = $macalgs{$macalg_index};
                          if (!defined($certpbe) || !defined($keypbe)
                              || !defined($macalg)) {
                              print STDERR "Cert PBE for $pbe_index not defined\n"
                                  unless defined $certpbe;
                              print STDERR "Key PBE for $pbe_index not defined\n"
                                  unless defined $keypbe;
                              print STDERR "MACALG for $macalg_index not defined\n"
                                  unless defined $macalg;
                              print STDERR "(destination file was $dstfile)\n";
                              return 0;
                          run(app(["openssl", "pkcs12", "-inkey", $srckey,
                                   "-in", $srccert, "-passout", "pass:password",
                                   "-export", "-macalg", $macalg,
                                   "-certpbe", $certpbe, "-keypbe", $keypbe,
                                   "-out", $dstfile]));
                      }, grep(/\.p12/, @generated_files))
            # *.der (the end all init)
            && runall(sub {
                          my $dstfile = shift;
                          (my $srcfile = $dstfile) =~ s/\.der$/.pem/i;
                          if (! -f $srcfile) {
                              $srcfile = srctop_file("test", $srcfile);
                          my $infh;
                          unless (open $infh, $srcfile) {
                              return 0;
                          my $l;
                          while (($l = <$infh>) !~ /^-----BEGIN\s/
                                 || $l =~ /^-----BEGIN.*PARAMETERS-----/) {
                          my $b64 = "";
                          while (($l = <$infh>) !~ /^-----END\s/) {
                              $l =~ s|\R$||;
                              $b64 .= $l unless $l =~ /:/;
                          close $infh;
                          my $der = decode_base64($b64);
                          unless (length($b64) / 4 * 3 - length($der) < 3) {
                              print STDERR "Length error, ",length($b64),
                                  " bytes of base64 became ",length($der),
                                  " bytes of der? ($srcfile => $dstfile)\n";
                              return 0;
                          my $outfh;
                          unless (open $outfh, ">:raw", $dstfile) {
                              return 0;
                          print $outfh $der;
                          close $outfh;
                          return 1;
                      }, grep(/\.der$/, @generated_files))
            && runall(sub {
                          my $srcfile = shift;
                          my $dstfile = $generated_file_files{$srcfile};

                          unless (copy srctop_file($srcfile), $dstfile) {
                              warn "$!\n";
                              return 0;
                          return 1;
                      }, keys %generated_file_files)

sub init_rehash {
    return (
            mkdir(catdir(curdir(), 'rehash'))
            && copy(srctop_file('test', 'testx509.pem'),
                    catdir(curdir(), 'rehash'))
            && copy(srctop_file('test', 'testcrl.pem'),
                    catdir(curdir(), 'rehash'))
            && run(app(['openssl', 'rehash', catdir(curdir(), 'rehash')]))

sub runall {
    my ($function, @items) = @_;

    foreach (@items) {
        return 0 unless $function->($_);
    return 1;

# According to RFC8089, a relative file: path is invalid.  We still produce
# them for testing purposes.
sub to_file_uri {
    my ($file, $isdir, $authority) = @_;
    my $vol;
    my $dir;

    die "to_file_uri: No file given\n" if !defined($file) || $file eq '';

    ($vol, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($file, $isdir // 0);

    # Make sure we have a Unix style directory.
    $dir = join('/', File::Spec->splitdir($dir));
    # Canonicalise it (note: it seems to be only needed on Unix)
    while (1) {
        my $newdir = $dir;
        $newdir =~ s|/[^/]*[^/\.]+[^/]*/\.\./|/|g;
        last if $newdir eq $dir;
        $dir = $newdir;
    # Take care of the corner cases the loop can't handle, and that $dir
    # ends with a / unless it's empty
    $dir =~ s|/[^/]*[^/\.]+[^/]*/\.\.$|/|;
    $dir =~ s|^[^/]*[^/\.]+[^/]*/\.\./|/|;
    $dir =~ s|^[^/]*[^/\.]+[^/]*/\.\.$||;
    if ($isdir // 0) {
        $dir =~ s|/$|| if $dir ne '/';
    } else {
        $dir .= '/' if $dir ne '' && $dir !~ m|/$|;

    # If the file system has separate volumes (at present, Windows and VMS)
    # we need to handle them.  In URIs, they are invariably the first
    # component of the path, which is always absolute.
    # On VMS, user:[] translates to /user/foo/bar
    # On Windows, c:\Users\Foo translates to /c:/Users/Foo
    if ($vol ne '') {
        $vol =~ s|:||g if ($^O eq "VMS");
        $dir = '/' . $dir if $dir ne '' && $dir !~ m|^/|;
        $dir = '/' . $vol . $dir;
    $file = $dir . $file;

    return "file://$authority$file" if defined $authority;
    return "file:$file";

sub to_abs_file {
    my ($file) = @_;

    return File::Spec->rel2abs($file);

sub to_abs_file_uri {
    my ($file, $isdir, $authority) = @_;

    die "to_abs_file_uri: No file given\n" if !defined($file) || $file eq '';
    return to_file_uri(to_abs_file($file), $isdir, $authority);