Blob Blame History Raw
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright 2011-2020 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License").  You may not use
# this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
# in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at

# ====================================================================
# Written by Andy Polyakov <> for the OpenSSL
# project. The module is, however, dual licensed under OpenSSL and
# CRYPTOGAMS licenses depending on where you obtain it. For further
# details see
# ====================================================================
# May 2011
# The module implements bn_GF2m_mul_2x2 polynomial multiplication used
# in bn_gf2m.c. It's kind of low-hanging mechanical port from C for
# the time being... Except that it has two code paths: code suitable
# for any x86_64 CPU and PCLMULQDQ one suitable for Westmere and
# later. Improvement varies from one benchmark and µ-arch to another.
# Vanilla code path is at most 20% faster than compiler-generated code
# [not very impressive], while PCLMULQDQ - whole 85%-160% better on
# 163- and 571-bit ECDH benchmarks on Intel CPUs. Keep in mind that
# these coefficients are not ones for bn_GF2m_mul_2x2 itself, as not
# all CPU time is burnt in it...

$flavour = shift;
$output  = shift;
if ($flavour =~ /\./) { $output = $flavour; undef $flavour; }

$win64=0; $win64=1 if ($flavour =~ /[nm]asm|mingw64/ || $output =~ /\.asm$/);

$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
( $xlate="${dir}" and -f $xlate ) or
( $xlate="${dir}../../perlasm/" and -f $xlate) or
die "can't locate";

open OUT,"| \"$^X\" \"$xlate\" $flavour \"$output\"";

($lo,$hi)=("%rax","%rdx");	$a=$lo;


.type	_mul_1x1,\@abi-omnipotent
.align	16
	sub	\$128+8,%rsp
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset	128+8
	mov	\$-1,$a1
	lea	($a,$a),$i0
	shr	\$3,$a1
	lea	(,$a,4),$i1
	and	$a,$a1			# a1=a&0x1fffffffffffffff
	lea	(,$a,8),$a8
	sar	\$63,$a			# broadcast 63rd bit
	lea	($a1,$a1),$a2
	sar	\$63,$i0		# broadcast 62nd bit
	lea	(,$a1,4),$a4
	and	$b,$a
	sar	\$63,$i1		# broadcast 61st bit
	mov	$a,$hi			# $a is $lo
	shl	\$63,$lo
	and	$b,$i0
	shr	\$1,$hi
	mov	$i0,$t1
	shl	\$62,$i0
	and	$b,$i1
	shr	\$2,$t1
	xor	$i0,$lo
	mov	$i1,$t0
	shl	\$61,$i1
	xor	$t1,$hi
	shr	\$3,$t0
	xor	$i1,$lo
	xor	$t0,$hi

	mov	$a1,$a12
	movq	\$0,0(%rsp)		# tab[0]=0
	xor	$a2,$a12		# a1^a2
	mov	$a1,8(%rsp)		# tab[1]=a1
	 mov	$a4,$a48
	mov	$a2,16(%rsp)		# tab[2]=a2
	 xor	$a8,$a48		# a4^a8
	mov	$a12,24(%rsp)		# tab[3]=a1^a2

	xor	$a4,$a1
	mov	$a4,32(%rsp)		# tab[4]=a4
	xor	$a4,$a2
	mov	$a1,40(%rsp)		# tab[5]=a1^a4
	xor	$a4,$a12
	mov	$a2,48(%rsp)		# tab[6]=a2^a4
	 xor	$a48,$a1		# a1^a4^a4^a8=a1^a8
	mov	$a12,56(%rsp)		# tab[7]=a1^a2^a4
	 xor	$a48,$a2		# a2^a4^a4^a8=a1^a8

	mov	$a8,64(%rsp)		# tab[8]=a8
	xor	$a48,$a12		# a1^a2^a4^a4^a8=a1^a2^a8
	mov	$a1,72(%rsp)		# tab[9]=a1^a8
	 xor	$a4,$a1			# a1^a8^a4
	mov	$a2,80(%rsp)		# tab[10]=a2^a8
	 xor	$a4,$a2			# a2^a8^a4
	mov	$a12,88(%rsp)		# tab[11]=a1^a2^a8

	xor	$a4,$a12		# a1^a2^a8^a4
	mov	$a48,96(%rsp)		# tab[12]=a4^a8
	 mov	$mask,$i0
	mov	$a1,104(%rsp)		# tab[13]=a1^a4^a8
	 and	$b,$i0
	mov	$a2,112(%rsp)		# tab[14]=a2^a4^a8
	 shr	\$4,$b
	mov	$a12,120(%rsp)		# tab[15]=a1^a2^a4^a8
	 mov	$mask,$i1
	 and	$b,$i1
	 shr	\$4,$b

	movq	(%rsp,$i0,8),$R		# half of calculations is done in SSE2
	mov	$mask,$i0
	and	$b,$i0
	shr	\$4,$b
    for ($n=1;$n<8;$n++) {
	mov	(%rsp,$i1,8),$t1
	mov	$mask,$i1
	mov	$t1,$t0
	shl	\$`8*$n-4`,$t1
	and	$b,$i1
	 movq	(%rsp,$i0,8),$Tx
	shr	\$`64-(8*$n-4)`,$t0
	xor	$t1,$lo
	 pslldq	\$$n,$Tx
	 mov	$mask,$i0
	shr	\$4,$b
	xor	$t0,$hi
	 and	$b,$i0
	 shr	\$4,$b
	 pxor	$Tx,$R
	mov	(%rsp,$i1,8),$t1
	mov	$t1,$t0
	shl	\$`8*$n-4`,$t1
	movq	$R,$i0
	shr	\$`64-(8*$n-4)`,$t0
	xor	$t1,$lo
	psrldq	\$8,$R
	xor	$t0,$hi
	movq	$R,$i1
	xor	$i0,$lo
	xor	$i1,$hi

	add	\$128+8,%rsp
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset	-128-8
.size	_mul_1x1,.-_mul_1x1

($rp,$a1,$a0,$b1,$b0) = $win64?	("%rcx","%rdx","%r8", "%r9","%r10") :	# Win64 order
				("%rdi","%rsi","%rdx","%rcx","%r8");	# Unix order

.extern	OPENSSL_ia32cap_P
.globl	bn_GF2m_mul_2x2
.type	bn_GF2m_mul_2x2,\@abi-omnipotent
.align	16
	mov	%rsp,%rax
	mov	OPENSSL_ia32cap_P(%rip),%r10
	bt	\$33,%r10
	jnc	.Lvanilla_mul_2x2

	movq		$a1,%xmm0
	movq		$b1,%xmm1
	movq		$a0,%xmm2
$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
	movq		40(%rsp),%xmm3
$code.=<<___ if (!$win64);
	movq		$b0,%xmm3
	movdqa		%xmm0,%xmm4
	movdqa		%xmm1,%xmm5
	pclmulqdq	\$0,%xmm1,%xmm0	# a1·b1
	pxor		%xmm2,%xmm4
	pxor		%xmm3,%xmm5
	pclmulqdq	\$0,%xmm3,%xmm2	# a0·b0
	pclmulqdq	\$0,%xmm5,%xmm4	# (a0+a1)·(b0+b1)
	xorps		%xmm0,%xmm4
	xorps		%xmm2,%xmm4	# (a0+a1)·(b0+b1)-a0·b0-a1·b1
	movdqa		%xmm4,%xmm5
	pslldq		\$8,%xmm4
	psrldq		\$8,%xmm5
	pxor		%xmm4,%xmm2
	pxor		%xmm5,%xmm0
	movdqu		%xmm2,0($rp)
	movdqu		%xmm0,16($rp)

.align	16
	lea	-8*17(%rsp),%rsp
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset	8*17
$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
	mov	`8*17+40`(%rsp),$b0
	mov	%rdi,8*15(%rsp)
	mov	%rsi,8*16(%rsp)
	mov	%r14,8*10(%rsp)
.cfi_rel_offset	%r14,8*10
	mov	%r13,8*11(%rsp)
.cfi_rel_offset	%r13,8*11
	mov	%r12,8*12(%rsp)
.cfi_rel_offset	%r12,8*12
	mov	%rbp,8*13(%rsp)
.cfi_rel_offset	%rbp,8*13
	mov	%rbx,8*14(%rsp)
.cfi_rel_offset	%rbx,8*14
	mov	$rp,32(%rsp)		# save the arguments
	mov	$a1,40(%rsp)
	mov	$a0,48(%rsp)
	mov	$b1,56(%rsp)
	mov	$b0,64(%rsp)

	mov	\$0xf,$mask
	mov	$a1,$a
	mov	$b1,$b
	call	_mul_1x1		# a1·b1
	mov	$lo,16(%rsp)
	mov	$hi,24(%rsp)

	mov	48(%rsp),$a
	mov	64(%rsp),$b
	call	_mul_1x1		# a0·b0
	mov	$lo,0(%rsp)
	mov	$hi,8(%rsp)

	mov	40(%rsp),$a
	mov	56(%rsp),$b
	xor	48(%rsp),$a
	xor	64(%rsp),$b
	call	_mul_1x1		# (a0+a1)·(b0+b1)
	mov	0(%rsp),@r[0]
	mov	8(%rsp),@r[1]
	mov	16(%rsp),@r[2]
	mov	24(%rsp),@r[3]
	mov	32(%rsp),%rbp

	xor	$hi,$lo
	xor	@r[1],$hi
	xor	@r[0],$lo
	mov	@r[0],0(%rbp)
	xor	@r[2],$hi
	mov	@r[3],24(%rbp)
	xor	@r[3],$lo
	xor	@r[3],$hi
	xor	$hi,$lo
	mov	$hi,16(%rbp)
	mov	$lo,8(%rbp)

	mov	8*10(%rsp),%r14
.cfi_restore	%r14
	mov	8*11(%rsp),%r13
.cfi_restore	%r13
	mov	8*12(%rsp),%r12
.cfi_restore	%r12
	mov	8*13(%rsp),%rbp
.cfi_restore	%rbp
	mov	8*14(%rsp),%rbx
.cfi_restore	%rbx
$code.=<<___ if ($win64);
	mov	8*15(%rsp),%rdi
	mov	8*16(%rsp),%rsi
	lea	8*17(%rsp),%rsp
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset	-8*17
.size	bn_GF2m_mul_2x2,.-bn_GF2m_mul_2x2
.asciz	"GF(2^m) Multiplication for x86_64, CRYPTOGAMS by <appro\>"
.align	16

#               CONTEXT *context,DISPATCHER_CONTEXT *disp)
if ($win64) {

.extern __imp_RtlVirtualUnwind

.type	se_handler,\@abi-omnipotent
.align	16
	push	%rsi
	push	%rdi
	push	%rbx
	push	%rbp
	push	%r12
	push	%r13
	push	%r14
	push	%r15
	sub	\$64,%rsp

	mov	120($context),%rax	# pull context->Rax
	mov	248($context),%rbx	# pull context->Rip

	lea	.Lbody_mul_2x2(%rip),%r10
	cmp	%r10,%rbx		# context->Rip<"prologue" label
	jb	.Lin_prologue

	mov	152($context),%rax	# pull context->Rsp

	lea	.Lepilogue_mul_2x2(%rip),%r10
	cmp	%r10,%rbx		# context->Rip>="epilogue" label
	jae	.Lin_prologue

	mov	8*10(%rax),%r14		# mimic epilogue
	mov	8*11(%rax),%r13
	mov	8*12(%rax),%r12
	mov	8*13(%rax),%rbp
	mov	8*14(%rax),%rbx
	mov	8*15(%rax),%rdi
	mov	8*16(%rax),%rsi

	mov	%rbx,144($context)	# restore context->Rbx
	mov	%rbp,160($context)	# restore context->Rbp
	mov	%rsi,168($context)	# restore context->Rsi
	mov	%rdi,176($context)	# restore context->Rdi
	mov	%r12,216($context)	# restore context->R12
	mov	%r13,224($context)	# restore context->R13
	mov	%r14,232($context)	# restore context->R14

	lea	8*17(%rax),%rax

	mov	%rax,152($context)	# restore context->Rsp

	mov	40($disp),%rdi		# disp->ContextRecord
	mov	$context,%rsi		# context
	mov	\$154,%ecx		# sizeof(CONTEXT)
	.long	0xa548f3fc		# cld; rep movsq

	mov	$disp,%rsi
	xor	%rcx,%rcx		# arg1, UNW_FLAG_NHANDLER
	mov	8(%rsi),%rdx		# arg2, disp->ImageBase
	mov	0(%rsi),%r8		# arg3, disp->ControlPc
	mov	16(%rsi),%r9		# arg4, disp->FunctionEntry
	mov	40(%rsi),%r10		# disp->ContextRecord
	lea	56(%rsi),%r11		# &disp->HandlerData
	lea	24(%rsi),%r12		# &disp->EstablisherFrame
	mov	%r10,32(%rsp)		# arg5
	mov	%r11,40(%rsp)		# arg6
	mov	%r12,48(%rsp)		# arg7
	mov	%rcx,56(%rsp)		# arg8, (NULL)
	call	*__imp_RtlVirtualUnwind(%rip)

	mov	\$1,%eax		# ExceptionContinueSearch
	add	\$64,%rsp
	pop	%r15
	pop	%r14
	pop	%r13
	pop	%r12
	pop	%rbp
	pop	%rbx
	pop	%rdi
	pop	%rsi
.size	se_handler,.-se_handler

.section	.pdata
.align	4
	.rva	_mul_1x1
	.rva	.Lend_mul_1x1
	.rva	.LSEH_info_1x1

	.rva	.Lvanilla_mul_2x2
	.rva	.Lend_mul_2x2
	.rva	.LSEH_info_2x2
.section	.xdata
.align	8
	.byte	0x01,0x07,0x02,0x00
	.byte	0x07,0x01,0x11,0x00	# sub rsp,128+8
	.byte	9,0,0,0
	.rva	se_handler

$code =~ s/\`([^\`]*)\`/eval($1)/gem;
print $code;
close STDOUT or die "error closing STDOUT: $!";