Blob Blame History Raw
# Copyright (c) 1996 James Clark
# See the file COPYING for copying permission.

# CmdLineApp message definitions

E1+invalidOptionError++invalid option %1
E1+missingOptionArgError++missing argument for option %1
E1+ambiguousOptionError++option %1 is ambiguous
E1+erroneousOptionArgError++option %1 doesn't allow an argument
I1+usage++Usage: %1
I1+usageCont++or: %1
I1+defaultUsage++%1 [OPTION] SYSID...
I1+usageStart++Short options need the same arguments as their long forms.
I2+versionInfo++%1 version %2
E1+unknownBctf++unknown BCTF %1
E1+unknownEncoding++unknown encoding %1
E2+openFileError++cannot open output file %1 (%2)
E2+closeFileError++cannot close output file %1 (%2)
I1+bHelp++Use bctf %1 for output.
I1+eHelp++Use encoding %1 for output.
I1+fHelp++Append error messages to file %1.
I1+vHelp++Display the program version.
I1+hHelp++Show this help text.
I0+tryHelpOptionForInfo++Try the "--help" option for more information.
I1+undocOption++Undocumented option (check the application's manual).