Blob Blame History Raw
// Copyright (c) 1994, 1996 James Clark
// See the file COPYING for copying permission.

#ifndef Vector_INCLUDED
#define Vector_INCLUDED 1

#include <stddef.h>
#include "xnew.h"

// This offers a subset of the interface offered by the standard C++
// vector class as defined in the Jan 96 WP.
// Code in SP currently assumes that size_type is size_t.

namespace SP_NAMESPACE {

template<class T>
class Vector {
  typedef size_t size_type;
  typedef T *iterator;
  typedef const T *const_iterator;
  Vector() : size_(0), ptr_(0), alloc_(0) { }
  Vector(size_t n) : ptr_(0), size_(0), alloc_(0) { append(n); }
  virtual ~Vector();
  void resize(size_t n) {
    if (n < size_)
      erase(ptr_ + n, ptr_ + size_);
    else if (n > size_)
      append(n - size_);
#ifndef NC
  Vector(size_t, const T &);
  Vector(const Vector<T> &);
  Vector<T> &operator=(const Vector<T> &);
  void assign(size_t, const T &);
  void push_back(const T &t) {
    reserve(size_ + 1);
    (void)new (ptr_ + size_) T(t);
  void insert(const_iterator p, size_t n, const T &t);
  void insert(const_iterator p, const_iterator q1, const_iterator q2);
  void swap(Vector<T> &);
  void clear() { erase(ptr_, ptr_ + size_); }
  size_t size() const { return size_; }
  T &operator[](size_t i) { return ptr_[i]; }
  const T &operator[](size_t i) const { return ptr_[i]; }
  iterator begin() { return ptr_; }
  const_iterator begin() const { return ptr_; }
  T &back() { return ptr_[size_ - 1]; }
  const T &back() const { return ptr_[size_ - 1]; }
  void reserve(size_t n) {  if (n > alloc_) reserve1(n); }
  iterator erase(const_iterator, const_iterator);
#ifdef NC
  Vector(const Vector<T> &);
  void operator=(const Vector<T> &);
  void append(size_t);
  void reserve1(size_t);
  size_t size_;
  T *ptr_;
  size_t alloc_;		// allocated size


#endif /* not Vector_INCLUDED */

#include "Vector.cxx"