Blob Blame History Raw
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xccdf:Benchmark xmlns:xccdf="" xmlns:xsi="" id="xccdf_cdf_benchmark_scap-fedora14-xccdf.xml" resolved="1" style="SCAP_1.2" xml:lang="en" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <xccdf:status date="2011-10-12">draft</xccdf:status>
    <xccdf:title>Example of SCAP Security Guidance</xccdf:title>
    <xccdf:description>This example security guidance has been created to demonstrate SCAP functionality
        on Linux.</xccdf:description>
    <xccdf:model system="urn:xccdf:scoring:default"/>
    <xccdf:model system="urn:xccdf:scoring:flat"/>
    <xccdf:Group hidden="false" id="xccdf_cdf_group_group-">
        <xccdf:title xml:lang="en">Create Separate Partition or Logical Volume for /tmp</xccdf:title>
        <xccdf:description xml:lang="en">
            The /tmp directory is a world-writable directory used for 
            temporary file storage. Ensure that it has its own partition or logical volume.<xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml=""/>
            <xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml=""/>
            Because software may need to use /tmp to temporarily store large files, ensure 
            that it is of adequate size.  For a modern, general-purpose system, 10GB should be adequate. Smaller or larger sizes could be used, depending on
            the availability of space on the drive and the system’s operating requirements
        <xccdf:Rule id="xccdf_cdf_rule_first-oval" selected="true" weight="10.0">
            <xccdf:title xml:lang="en">Ensure that /tmp has its own partition or logical volume</xccdf:title>
            <xccdf:description xml:lang="en">The /tmp directory is a world-writable directory used for temporary file storage.  Ensure that it has its own partition or logical volume.</xccdf:description>
            <xccdf:check system="">
                <xccdf:check-content-ref href="first-oval.xml" name=""/>
        <xccdf:Rule id="xccdf_cdf_rule_second-oval" selected="true" weight="10.0">
            <xccdf:title xml:lang="en">Ensure that /tmp has its own partition or logical volume</xccdf:title>
            <xccdf:description xml:lang="en">The /tmp directory is a world-writable directory used for temporary file storage.  Ensure that it has its own partition or logical volume.</xccdf:description>
            <xccdf:check system="">
                <xccdf:check-content-ref href="second-oval.xml" name=""/>