Blob Blame History Raw
A) Introduction
B) Basic Loop Test Operation
C) Information in the Logs
D) Advanced Loop Test Options
E) Debug Options

A) Introduction
1. SM must be started manually.

2. is a simple wrapper script to start and stop loop test.
   (and also for controlling the loop test parameters)

3. starts loop test in fast mode. In fast mode, loop test,
   by default starts with max loop path length of 4 and is able to
   finish setting up the loops faster. At the end the script sets fast mode
   back to 0.

B) Basic Loop Test Operation
1. Start SM manually. (Configure FM threshold for Integrity errors to 1 for a strict check. Default is 100.)

2. Wait till SM reaches a stable state i.e. finishes all initial sweeps.

3. Start loop test

       ./ -s   (By default injects 5 packets into each
								    loop. See -i option for changing number of packets injected)

   Side effect of starting loop test is that periodic SM sweeps will stop.
   But fabric events can still trigger a sweep. Since loop test is started in
   Fast Mode, subsequent sweeps will not inject packets by default. (this
   behavior can be controlled by fm_cmd smLoopTestInjectEachSweep option)

4. Check SM logs to see if loop test is covering all ISLs (see point (C) below for more info on the SM logs)

5. Use iba_top to monitor SWs group (group 3) for utilization to see if ISLs are getting stressed.
6. Let loop test run for a few hours.

7. Use iba_top and/or SM logs to check for integrity errors on ISLs.

8. Stop loop test
      ./ -e

     This also turns off Loop test Fast mode.

9. Optional: Reboot all switches.
       Stopping loop test will reprogram the fabric without loops, so the loop packets will stop.
       If desired, switches can be rebooted to make doubly sure everything returns to a clean state.


[root@george ~]# ./ -s
Turning on Loop test Fast Mode...
Connecting to LOCAL FM instance 0
Successfully sent Loop Test Fast Mode 1 control to local SM instance
Starting Loop test with 4 packets...
Connecting to LOCAL FM instance 0
Successfully sent Loop Test START control (4 inject packets)to local SM instance

<This will trigger a new SM sweep that will program the loops. Packets will be injected at the end of the sweep.>

[root@george ~]# ./ -e
Stopping Loop test...
Connecting to LOCAL FM instance 0
Successfully sent Loop Test STOP control to local SM instance
Turning OFF Loop test Fast Mode...
Connecting to LOCAL FM instance 0
Successfully sent Loop Test Fast Mode 0 control to local SM instance

<This will trigger a new SM sweep that will re-program fabric without the loops.>

C) Information in the Logs
Whenever loop test runs, following useful info is logged in the log file which looks like:

fm0_sm[20334]: PROGR[topology]: SM: print_LoopCoverage: Total 828 ISL ports (hence 414 ISLs) are in loop paths                        
fm0_sm[20334]: PROGR[topology]: SM: print_LoopCoverage: Loop Coverage: Full - all ISL ports covered                                   
fm0_sm[20334]: PROGR[topology]: SM: print_LoopCoverage: Total 414 Loop paths of length <= 4 links. MinISLRedundancy is 4.             
fm0_sm[20334]: PROGR[topology]: SM: print_LoopCoverage: Total LIDs required for loop paths is 828.                                    
fm0_sm[20334]: PROGR[topology]: SM: topology_loopTest: Packets injected since start of loop test = 4                                  
fm0_sm[20334]: PROGR[topology]: SM: topology_loopTest: END topology_loopTest             

If loop coverage is partial - information about all switch ports not covered in the test is logged.

D) Advanced Loop Test Options

1. Injecting more packets

	./ -i <num> will inject num packets in all the loops.


    a) Can be used along with -s to determine how many packets will be injected at start.

		./ -s -i 2

    b) Can be used separately after starting the test to inject more packets in the loops.

		./ -i 1

2. Changing minimum number of loops in which each ISL is included (smLooptestMinISLRedundancy)


     a) After changes, parameter value DOES NOT reset to default value automatically after stopping loop test. 
        Changes are persistent through out the SM run even after stopping the loop test.

 	 b) This needs updated fm_cmd which is in the build. You can use -d option of
		run_hsm_loop_test to run fm_cmd present at a different location.

   Default value of smLooptestMinISLRedundancy is 4.


	a) Stop loop test (if its running) 
		./ -e


	b) Set MinISLRedundancy
		./ -r <num> -d <path_to_fm_cmd> [if updated fm_cmd is NOT at standard location]


		./ -r <num> [if updated fm_cmd is at standard location]

	c) Start loop test
		./ -s

3. Changing loop path length (smLooptestPathLength)

		   After changes, parameter value DOES NOT reset to default value automatically after stopping loop test. 
           Changes are persistent through out the SM run even after stopping the loop test.

   Default value of smLooptestPathLength is 4.


	a) Stop loop test (if its running)
		./ -e


	b) Set path length
		./ -l <len>

	c) Start loop test
		./ -s

E) Debug options
To see a list of all loop paths:

1) Set SmPerfDebug parameter to 1.

2) Start SM binary directly in the foreground on the terminal.

3) Start loop test.

4) SM prints out all the loop paths on the terminal.