Blob Blame History Raw
# BEGIN_ICS_COPYRIGHT8 ****************************************
# Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
#       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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#     * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
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# END_ICS_COPYRIGHT8   ****************************************


# This is an expect (tcl) library of procedures to aid testing
# These functions provide support for remote login and command execution
# against a test target host

## tcl procedures to support testing:
## =============================================

# pattern to match for unix prompts (both local and on target)
global target_unix_prompt
set target_unix_prompt {[$#>][\033 ]}

# pattern to match for chassis prompts
# since it starts with a -, -gl must be passed to expect
global target_chassis_prompt
set target_chassis_prompt {-> }

# prompt which comes after login when connect to support shell
global target_chassis_shell_prompt
set target_chassis_shell_prompt {shell-> }

# limit on login retries
global target_chassis_retry_limit
set target_chassis_retry_limit 3

# is the present chassis session a support shell session?
global target_chassis_shell
set target_chassis_shell 0
# save area for main card when in a rlogin shell
global target_chassis_shell_save
set target_chassis_shell_save 0

global os_type
set os_type [ exec uname -s ]

proc chassis_strip_slots { chassis } {
## chassis_strip_slots
## -------------------
## strip slot specifications from chassis
## Usage:
##	chassis_strip_slots chassis
## Arguments:
##	chassis - chassis name of the form:   name[:slot,slot...]
## Returns:
##	resulting chassis name
##	-code error on failure

	if { [ regexp {.*\[(.*)\].*:.*} "$chassis" full ret] } {
		# [chassis]:slot format
		return "$ret"
	} elseif { [ regexp {.*\[(.*)\].*} "$chassis" full ret] } {
		# [chassis] format
		return "$ret"
	} elseif { [ regexp {.*:.*:.*} "$chassis" full ] } {
		# ipv6 without [] nor slot
		return "$chassis"
	} elseif { [regexp {([^:]+):.*} "$chassis" full ret] } {
		# chassis:slot format
		return "$ret"
	} else {
		# chassis without [] nor slot
		return "$chassis"

proc chassis_get_slots { chassis } {
## chassis_get_slots
## -------------------
## get slot specifications from chassis
## Usage:
##	chassis_get_slots chassis
## Arguments:
##	chassis - chassis name of the form:   name[:slot,slot...]
## Returns:
##	resulting list of slots as a TCL list : slot nos after colon
##	if no slots, returns "all"
##	-code error on failure

	if { [ regexp {.*\[.*\].*:(.*)} "$chassis" full slots] } {
		# [chassis]:slot format
		return [string map {, " "} "$slots"]
	} elseif { [ regexp {.*\[.*\].*} "$chassis" full] } {
		# [chassis] format
		return "all"
	} elseif { [ regexp {.*:.*:.*} "$chassis" full ] } {
		# ipv6 without [] nor slot
		return "all"
	} elseif { [regexp {[^:]+:(.*)} "$chassis" full slots] } {
		# chassis:slot format
		return [string map {, " "} "$slots"]
	} else {
		# chassis without [] nor slot
		return "all"

proc local_sh { } {
## local_sh
## -------------------
## start a local shell
## Usage:
##	local_sh
## Arguments:
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global expecting

	test_spawn "bash" bash

	expect_unix_prompt 60
	return 0

proc local_sh_exit { } {
## local_sh_exit
## ----------------
## exit from shell connection created by local_sh
## Usage:
##	local_sh_exit
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

	send_unix_cmd "exit 0"

	return 0

proc local_set_env { } {
## local_set_env
## -------------------
## setup environment for shell session to allow testing
## Usage:
##	local_set_env
## Arguments:
##	None
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

	# set COLUMNS real large so the Posix shell doesn't enter
	# command edit mode and confuse us
	#unix_cmd 60 "" "export COLUMNS=500"
	#unix_cmd 60 "" "unset EDITOR"
	#unix_cmd 60 "" "unset VISUAL"
	#unix_cmd 60 "" "umask 0"
	# get rid of cr and control characters in logs for easier reading
	#unix_cmd 60 0 {unset PROMPT_COMMAND; export PS1='[\u@\h]\$ '; stty -onlcr columns 500}
	unix_cmd 60 0 {unset PROMPT_COMMAND HISTFILE; set +o history; export PS1='[\u@\h]\$ '}


proc target_rlogin { target usercode password } {
## target_rlogin
## -------------------
## rlogin to the given target host
## Usage:
##	target_rlogin target usercode password
## Arguments:
##	target - hostname to rlogin to
##	usercode - usercode
##	password - password
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global expecting
	global stty_init
	global target_unix_prompt

	test_spawn "rlogin" rlogin $target -l $usercode
	set_timeout 120
	set expecting "rlogin session ($target $usercode)"
	expect {
		"assword:"	{ exp_send "$password\r"
		"incorrect"		{ set info "Failed to rlogin to $target as $usercode, incorrect usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"failure"	{ set info "Failed to rlogin to $target as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"refused"	{ set info "Failed to rlogin to $target as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"nknown"	{ set info "Failed to rlogin to $target as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"$target_unix_prompt"		noop

	return 0

proc target_telnet { target usercode password } {
## target_telnet
## -------------------
## telnet to the given target host
## Usage:
##	target_telnet target usercode password
## Arguments:
##	target - hostname to rlogin to
##	usercode - usercode
##	password - password
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global expecting
	global stty_init
	global target_unix_prompt

	test_spawn "telnet" telnet $target -l $usercode
	set_timeout 120
	set expecting "telnet session ($target $usercode)"
	expect {
		"assword:"	{ exp_send "$password\r"
		"incorrect"		{ set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode, incorrect usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"failure"	{ set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"refused"	{ set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"nknown"	{ set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"$target_unix_prompt"		noop

	return 0

proc target_chassis_telnet {target usercode password} {
## target_chassis_telnet
## -------------------
## telnet to the given target chassis
## Usage:
##  target_chassis_telnet target usercode password
## Arguments:
##  target - chassis name to telnet to
##  usercode - usercode
##  password - password
## Returns:
##  0 - success
##  -code error on failure
	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global expecting
	global stty_init
	global target_chassis_prompt
	global target_chassis_shell target_chassis_shell_prompt
	global target_chassis_retry_limit

	set target_chassis_shell 0
	test_spawn "telnet" telnet $target
	set_timeout 120
	set expecting "telnet session ($target $usercode)"
	set retries 0
	expect {
        "ogin:" { exp_send "$usercode\r"
					set retries [ expr $retries + 1 ]
					if { $retries > $target_chassis_retry_limit } {
						 set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode"
				  		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
        "sername:" { exp_send "$usercode\r"
					set retries [ expr $retries + 1 ]
					if { $retries > $target_chassis_retry_limit } {
						 set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode"
				  		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
        "sername->" { exp_send "$usercode\r"
					set retries [ expr $retries + 1 ]
					if { $retries > $target_chassis_retry_limit } {
						 set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode"
				  		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
        "assword:"  { exp_send "$password\r"
        "assword->"  { exp_send "$password\r"
		"incorrect"		{ set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode, incorrect usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"failure"	{ set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"refused"	{ set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"nknown"	{ set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		-gl "$target_chassis_shell_prompt"	{ set target_chassis_shell 1 }
		-gl "$target_chassis_prompt"		noop

    return 0

proc target_ssh { target usercode password } {
## target_ssh
## -------------------
## ssh to the given target host
## Usage:
##	target_ssh target usercode password
## Arguments:
##	target - hostname to ssh to
##	usercode - usercode
##	password - password
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

    global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
    global expecting
    global stty_init
	global target_unix_prompt

    test_spawn "ssh" ssh -q $usercode@$target
    set_timeout 30
    set expecting "ssh session ($target $usercode)"
    expect {
		"assword:" { exp_send "$password\r"
		"denied" { set info "Failed to ssh to $target as $usercode, incorrect password"
	    			return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"failure" { set info "Failed to ssh to $target as $usercode"
	    			return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"refused" { set info "Failed to ssh to $target as $usercode"
	    			return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"nknown" { set info "Failed to ssh to $target as $usercode"
	    			return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"ast login" {
		"$target_unix_prompt"		noop

    return 0

proc target_chassis_ssh { target usercode password } {
## target_chassis_ssh
## -------------------
## ssh to the given target chassis
## Usage:
##	target_chassis_ssh target usercode password
## Arguments:
##	target - chassis to ssh to
##	usercode - usercode
##	password - password
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

    global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
    global expecting
    global stty_init
	global target_chassis_prompt
	global target_chassis_shell target_chassis_shell_prompt
	global target_chassis_retry_limit

	set target_chassis_shell 0
    test_spawn "ssh" ssh -q $usercode@$target
    set_timeout 60
    set expecting "ssh session ($target $usercode)"
	set retries 0
    expect {
		"ogin:" { exp_send "$usercode\r"
					set retries [ expr $retries + 1 ]
					if { $retries > $target_chassis_retry_limit } {
						 set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode"
				  		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"sername:" { exp_send "$usercode\r"
					set retries [ expr $retries + 1 ]
					if { $retries > $target_chassis_retry_limit } {
						 set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode"
				  		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"sername->" { exp_send "$usercode\r"
					set retries [ expr $retries + 1 ]
					if { $retries > $target_chassis_retry_limit } {
						 set info "Failed to telnet to $target as $usercode"
				  		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
        "assword:"  { exp_send "$password\r"
        "assword->"  { exp_send "$password\r"
		"denied" { set info "Failed to ssh to $target as $usercode, incorrect password"
	    			return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"failure" { set info "Failed to ssh to $target as $usercode"
	    			return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"refused" { set info "Failed to ssh to $target as $usercode"
	    			return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"nknown" { set info "Failed to ssh to $target as $usercode"
	    			return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"continue connecting" { exp_send "yes\n"
		"ast login" {
		-gl "$target_chassis_shell_prompt"	{ set target_chassis_shell 1 }
		-gl "$target_chassis_prompt"	noop

    return 0

proc target_chassis_rlogin_slot {slot usercode password} {
## target_chassis_rlogin_slot
## -------------------
## rlogin to the given slot within the present chassis
## This should only be called by target_chassis_admin_sh
## otherwise tracking of shell vs cli prompt will be incorrect
## Usage:
##  target_chassis_rlogin_slot slot usercode password
## Arguments:
##	slot - slot to login to
##  usercode - usercode
##  password - password
## Returns:
##  0 - success
##  -code error on failure
	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global expecting
	global stty_init
	global target_chassis_prompt
	global target_chassis_shell target_chassis_shell_prompt
	global target_chassis_retry_limit
	global target_chassis_shell_save

	set target_chassis_shell_save $target_chassis_shell
	send_chassis_cmd "rlogin $slot"
	set_timeout 60
	set expecting "rlogin session to slot $slot ($usercode)"
	set retries 0
	expect {
        "sername:" { exp_send "$usercode\r"
					set retries [ expr $retries + 1 ]
					if { $retries > $target_chassis_retry_limit } {
						 set info "Failed to rlogin to slot $slot as $usercode"
				  		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
        "sername->" { exp_send "$usercode\r"
					set retries [ expr $retries + 1 ]
					if { $retries > $target_chassis_retry_limit } {
						 set info "Failed to rlogin to slot $slot as $usercode"
				  		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
        "assword:"  { exp_send "$password\r"
        "assword->"  { exp_send "$password\r"
		"incorrect"		{ set info "Failed to rlogin to slot $slot as $usercode, incorrect usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"failure"	{ set info "Failed to rlogin to slot $slot as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"refused"	{ set info "Failed to rlogin to slot $slot as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"nknown"	{ set info "Failed to rlogin to slot $slot as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"orry"	{ set info "Failed to rlogin to slot $slot as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"not responding"	{ set info "Failed to rlogin to slot $slot as $usercode"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		-gl "$target_chassis_shell_prompt"	{ set target_chassis_shell 1 }
		-gl "$target_chassis_prompt"		{ set target_chassis_shell 0 }

    return 0

proc send_unix { text } {
## send_unix
## -------------------
## send a interactive response to a unix command during a login session
## Usage:
##	send_unix text
## Arguments:
##	text - text to send
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	Do NOT use this to send commands.
##	send_unix_cmd or unix_cmd should be used for that purpose

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out

	exp_send "$text"

proc send_chassis { text } {
## send_chassis
## -------------------
## send a interactive response to a chassis command during a login session
## Usage:
##	send_chassis text
## Arguments:
##	text - text to send
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	Do NOT use this to send commands.
##	send_chassis_cmd or chassis_cmd should be used for that purpose
	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out

	exp_send "$text"

proc target_set_intr {} {
## target_set_intr
## ----------------
## set the interrupt character to control-C
## Usage:
##	target_set_intr
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

	unix_cmd 60 0 "stty intr ^C"

proc target_send_intr {} {
## target_send_intr
## ----------------
## set the interrupt character (eg. control-C) to a host
## Usage:
##	target_send_intr
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

    global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout

	exp_send "\003"

proc chassis_send_intr {} {
## chassis_send_intr
## ----------------
## set the interrupt character (eg. control-C) to a chassis
## Usage:
##	chassis_send_intr
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

    global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout

	exp_send "\003"

proc target_set_noecho {} {
## target_set_noecho
## ----------------
## disable echo during a unix login session or sh
## Usage:
##	target_set_noecho
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

	unix_cmd 60 0 "stty -echo"

proc target_set_echo {} {
## target_set_echo
## ----------------
## enable echo during a unix login session or sh
## Usage:
##	target_set_echo
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

	unix_cmd 60 0 "stty echo"

proc target_su { usercode {password "" }} {
## target_su
## -------------------
## change usercode during a unix login session
## Usage:
##	target_su usercode [password]
## Arguments:
##	usercode - usercode
##	password - password, if omitted assumes no password needed
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global expecting env
	global target_unix_prompt

	send_unix_cmd "su - $usercode"
	set_timeout 120
	set expecting "su session ($usercode)"
	expect {
		"assword:"	{ if { "$password" == "" } {
					set info "Failed to su $usercode, password required"
				  	return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
				  } else {
					exp_send "$password\n"
		"Sorry"		{ set info "Failed to su $usercode, incorrect password"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"$target_unix_prompt"		noop

	#unix_cmd 60 0 "ksh"

	return 0

proc target_su_exit { } {
## target_su_exit
## -------------------
## exit super user shell created by target_su
## Usage:
##	target_su_exit
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

	global env

	# exit ksh
	#unix_cmd 60 "" "exit 0"
	# exit su
	unix_cmd 60 "" "exit 0"

proc target_set_env { } {
## target_set_env
## -------------------
## setup environment for unix shell session to allow testing
## Usage:
##	target_set_env
## Arguments:
##	None
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure

	# set COLUMNS real large so the Posix shell doesn't enter
	# command edit mode and confuse us
	#unix_cmd 60 "" "export COLUMNS=500"
	#unix_cmd 60 "" "unset EDITOR"
	#unix_cmd 60 "" "unset VISUAL"
	#unix_cmd 60 "" "umask 0"
	# get rid of cr and control characters in logs for easier reading
	unix_cmd 60 0 {unset PROMPT_COMMAND HISTFILE; set +o history; export PS1='[\u@\h]\$ '; stty -onlcr columns 500}

proc target_root_sh { target } {
## target_root_sh
## ----------------
## prepare for a test by login'ing to target host as user root
## Usage:
##	target_root_sh target
## Arguments:
##	target - hostname to login to
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
##	uses:
##		env(CFG_LOGIN_METHOD) to select between rlogin or ssh
##		env(CFG_USERNAME) as a non-root user name for rlogin (followed by su)
##		env(CFG_PASSWORD) as password for CFG_USERNAME for rlogin
##		env(CFG_ROOTPASS) as root password for ssh or su

	global env

	if { "$env(CFG_LOGIN_METHOD)" == "rlogin" } {
		target_rlogin $target $env(CFG_USERNAME) $env(CFG_PASSWORD)
		target_su root $env(CFG_ROOTPASS)
	} elseif { "$env(CFG_LOGIN_METHOD)" == "telnet" } {
		target_telnet $target $env(CFG_USERNAME) $env(CFG_PASSWORD)
		target_su root $env(CFG_ROOTPASS)
	} elseif { "$env(CFG_LOGIN_METHOD)" == "ssh" } {
		target_ssh $target root $env(CFG_ROOTPASS)
	} else {
		set info "CFG_LOGIN_METHOD must be rlogin, telnet or ssh"
		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info

	return 0

proc target_root_sh_exit { } {
## target_root_sh_exit
## ----------------
## exit from shell connection created by target_root_sh
## Usage:
##	target_root_sh_exit
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
##	uses:
##		env(CFG_LOGIN_METHOD) to select between rlogin or ssh

	global env

	if { "$env(CFG_LOGIN_METHOD)" == "rlogin" } {
	} elseif { "$env(CFG_LOGIN_METHOD)" == "telnet" } {
	} elseif { "$env(CFG_LOGIN_METHOD)" == "ssh" } {
		#unix_cmd 60 "" "exit 0"
		send_unix_cmd "exit 0"
	} else {
		set info "CFG_LOGIN_METHOD must be rlogin, telnet or ssh"
		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info


	return 0

proc target_chassis_admin_sh { target {slot ""} {user "admin"}} {
## target_chassis_admin_sh
## ----------------
## prepare for a test by login'ing to chassis as user admin
## Usage:
##	target_chassis_admin_sh target [slot] [user]
## Arguments:
##	target - chassis to login to
##	slot - slot to login to, default is ""
##	user - user code to login as, default is admin
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
##	uses:
##		env(CFG_CHASSIS_LOGIN_METHOD) to select between telnet or ssh
##		env(CFG_CHASSIS_ADMIN_PASSWORD) as password for admin (if no password-less ssh)

	global env

	if { "$env(CFG_CHASSIS_LOGIN_METHOD)" == "ssh" } {
		target_chassis_ssh $target $user $env(CFG_CHASSIS_ADMIN_PASSWORD)
	} elseif { "$env(CFG_CHASSIS_LOGIN_METHOD)" == "telnet" } {
		target_chassis_telnet $target $user $env(CFG_CHASSIS_ADMIN_PASSWORD)
	} else {
		set info "CFG_CHASSIS_LOGIN_METHOD must be ssh or telnet"
		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
	if { "$slot" != "" } {
		target_chassis_rlogin_slot $slot $user $env(CFG_CHASSIS_ADMIN_PASSWORD)

	return 0

proc target_chassis_admin_sh_exit { {rlogin 0} } {
## target_chassis_admin_sh_exit
## ----------------
## exit from shell connection created by target_chassis_admin_sh
## Usage:
##	target_chassis_admin_sh_exit [rlogin]
## Arguments:
##	rlogin - are we in an rlogin subshell
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
##	uses:

	global target_chassis_shell
	global target_chassis_shell_save

	if { $rlogin } {
		send_chassis "logout\n"
		expect_list 60 "connection closed"
		set target_chassis_shell $target_chassis_shell_save
	send_chassis "logout\n"
	set target_chassis_shell 0


	return 0

proc expect_prompt { timelimit prompt {out_var ""}} {
## expect_prompt
## -------------------------
## wait for prompt during a session
## Usage:
##	expect_prompt timelimit prompt [out_var]
## Arguments:
##	timelimit - maximum wait for shell prompt
##	prompt - regular expression for prompt
##	out_var - variable in callers context to receive all text which was
##		received during during this expect
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	if { "$out_var" != "" } {
		upvar $out_var $out_var

	expect_list $timelimit "{$prompt}" {} $out_var

	return 0

proc expect_unix_prompt { timelimit {out_var ""}} {
## expect_unix_prompt
## -------------------------
## wait for a unix/darwin prompt during a session
## Usage:
##	expect_unix_prompt timelimit [out_var]
## Arguments:
##	timelimit - maximum wait for shell prompt
##	out_var - variable in callers context to receive all text which was
##		received during during this expect
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
	global target_unix_prompt

	if { "$out_var" != "" } {
		upvar $out_var $out_var
	return [ expect_prompt $timelimit "$target_unix_prompt" $out_var ]

proc expect_chassis_prompt { timelimit {out_var ""}} {
## expect_chassis_prompt
## -------------------------
## wait for a chassis prompt during a session
## Usage:
##	expect_chassis_prompt timelimit [out_var]
## Arguments:
##	timelimit - maximum wait for shell prompt
##	out_var - variable in callers context to receive all text which was
##		received during during this expect
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
	global target_chassis_prompt
	global target_chassis_shell target_chassis_shell_prompt

	if { "$out_var" != "" } {
		upvar $out_var $out_var
	if { $target_chassis_shell } {
		set prompt "$target_chassis_shell_prompt"
	} else {
		set prompt "$target_chassis_prompt"
	return [ expect_prompt $timelimit "$prompt" $out_var ]

proc target_get_config_stack_type { { host "" } } {
## target_get_config_stack_type
## -------------------------
## get the configured stack type of the specified system.
## Usage:
##	target_get_config_stack_type host
## Arguments:
##	host - host to look for in CFG_OFED_HOSTS
## Returns:
##	-code error on failure (eg. unable to identify stack type)
## Additional Information:
##		checks for host CFG_OFED_HOSTS and stack type is reported based solely
##		on CFG_OFED_HOSTS.  If not specified or CFG_OFED_HOSTS is not exported
##		then returns an error
	global env

	if { "$host" == "" || ! [ info exists env(CFG_OFED_HOSTS) ] } {
		set info "Unable to Determine IB Stack Type"
		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
	set index [ lsearch -exact $env(CFG_OFED_HOSTS) $host ]
	if { $index != -1 } {
		return "OPENIB"
	} else {
		return "IBACCESS"

proc target_get_stack_type { { checkrun "y"} { host "" } } {
## target_get_stack_type
## -------------------------
## get the stack type of the current target Linux/Unix system.
## Usage:
##	target_get_stack_type [checkrun [host]]
## Arguments:
##	checkrun - if y, the running stack is checked first, otherwise
##		just installed stack is checked.  Note that during reinstall
##		an old stack could be left running until the next reboot
##		default is y.  Beware, due to newer distros including openib, if it
##		appears both are installed and 'n' is used, this reports IBACCESS.
##		It is safest to invoke this with 'y'.
##	host - if specified and CFG_OFED_HOSTS is exported, then host is looked
##		for in CFG_OFED_HOSTS and stack type is reported based solely on
##		CFG_OFED_HOSTS.  If not specified or CFG_OFED_HOSTS is not exported
##		then actual running or installed stack is checked
## Returns:
##	-code error on failure (eg. unable to identify stack type)
## Additional Information:
##	The global timeout is changed by this routine
##	If no IB stack is found running, then checks which stack is installed

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out
	global env

	# try static lookup first
	if { [ catch { target_get_config_stack_type "$host" } res ] == 0 } {
		return "$res";

	set target_os_type [target_get_os_type]

	if { "$checkrun" == "y" } {
		# ib_umad is a required module for OPEN IB stack
		send_unix_cmd {lsmod|egrep '^ib_umad[[:space:]]'}
		if { 0 == [ get_exit_status 60 ] } {
			return "OPENIB"
		# ibt is a required module for IbAccess stack
		send_unix_cmd {lsmod|egrep '^ibt[[:space:]]'}
		if { 0 == [ get_exit_status 60 ] } {
			return "IBACCESS"

	# see if IbAccess installed, 0 -> yes
	send_unix_cmd {test -e /etc/init.d/iba -o -e /lib/modules/`uname -r`/iba/ibt.ko}
	set iba_not_installed [ get_exit_status 60 ]

	# see if Open IB installed, 0 -> yes
	send_unix_cmd {test -e /etc/init.d/openibd -o -e /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/infiniband/core/ib_umad.ko -o -e /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/infiniband/core/ib_umad.ko.xz}
	set openib_not_installed [ get_exit_status 60 ]

	# newer distros include openib, so if both appear installed also assume iba
	# presently this is only called with checkrun=n for automated tests configio
	if { ! $iba_not_installed } {
		return "IBACCESS"
	if { $iba_not_installed && ! $openib_not_installed } {
		return "OPENIB"
	set info "Unable to Determine IB Stack Type"
	return -code error -errorinfo $info $info

proc target_get_os_type { } {
## target_get_os_type
## -------------------------
## get the os_type of the current target Linux/Darwin/Unix system.
## Usage:
##	target_get_os_type
## Arguments:
## Returns:
##	"Linux" or "Darwin" (eg. uname -s output of target system)
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
##	The global timeout is changed by this routine

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global expecting

	set_timeout 60
	# we use SSS around output so we don't mistake other text in output
	# (such as in hostname in prompt) for the os_type
	send_unix_cmd "echo SSS`uname -s`SSS"
	set expecting "target os_type"
	expect {
		-re {SSS[A-Za-z0-9]+SSS}	noop

	regexp {SSS([A-Za-z0-9]+)SSS} $expect_out(0,string) line ret
	expect_unix_prompt 60

	return $ret

# TBD - could be moved to TestTools/mpi.exp
# Note: not used by FF, only by Int Tests
proc target_get_registered_mpi_version {mpi_type} {
    global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
    global expecting

    # Below cmd to flushing out the out buffet that might contains
    # too many lines of screen output, causing the output of a cmd
    # not being capture in the output. May be there is other better
    # way to clean the out buffet
    set out ""
    send_unix_cmd "echo SSS`mpi-selector --list`EEE"
    expect_list 60 { "mpi-selector" "EEE" "EEE" } {} out

    set out ""
    send_unix_cmd "echo SSS`mpi-selector --list`EEE"
    expect_list 60 { "mpi-selector" "EEE" "EEE" } {} out
    regexp "EEE.*SSS+(.*)EEE$" $out full_out mpi_list

    check_exit_status 60 0    
    if {![regexp "($mpi_type)-(\[^ ]+)" $mpi_list line mpi_type_match mpi_version]} {
        set info "Did not find mpi_type($mpi_type) in mpi_list($mpi_list)"
        return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
    return $mpi_version

proc get_exit_status { timelimit { wait_prompt 1 } } {
## get_exit_status
## -------------------------
## wait for shell prompt and return the exit status of the last command executed
## during a login session, then wait for shell prompt
## Usage:
##	get_exit_status timelimit [wait_prompt]
## Arguments:
##	timelimit - maximum wait for shell prompt
##	wait_prompt - should we wait for prompt before issuing echo of status
## Returns:
##	exit code - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
##	The global timeout is changed by this routine

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global expecting

	if { $wait_prompt } {
		expect_unix_prompt $timelimit

	set_timeout 60
	# we use SSS around number so we don't mistake other numbers in output
	# (such as in hostname in prompt) for the exit code
	send_unix_cmd "echo SSS$?SSS"
	set expecting "exit code"
	expect {
		-re {SSS[0-9]+SSS}	noop

	regexp {[0-9]+} $expect_out(0,string) ret
	expect_unix_prompt 60

	return $ret

proc check_exit_status { timelimit exit_code { wait_prompt 1 } } {
## check_exit_status
## -------------------------
## wait for shell prompt and check the exit status of the last command executed
## during a login session, then wait for shell prompt
## Usage:
##	check_exit_status timelimit exit_code [wait_prompt]
## Arguments:
##	timelimit - maximum wait for shell prompt
##	exit_code - expected exit code ([0-9] if don't care)
##	wait_prompt - should we wait for prompt before issuing echo of status
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
##	The global timeout is changed by this routine

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global expecting

	if { $wait_prompt } {
		expect_unix_prompt $timelimit

	set_timeout 60
	# we use SSS around number so we don't mistake other numbers in output
	# (such as in hostname in prompt) for the exit code
	send_unix_cmd "echo SSS$?SSS"
	set expecting "exit code: $exit_code"
	expect {
		"SSS${exit_code}SSS"	noop
		-re {SSS[0-9]+SSS}	{ set info "Incorrect exit code: Expected $exit_code, Got: $expect_out(0,string)"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info

	expect_unix_prompt 60

	return 0

proc get_chassis_exit_status { timelimit { wait_prompt 1 } } {
## get_chassis_exit_status
## -------------------------
## wait for shell prompt and return the exit status of the last command executed
## during an chassis session, then wait for shell prompt
## Usage:
##	get_exit_status timelimit [wait_prompt]
## Arguments:
##	timelimit - maximum wait for shell prompt
##	wait_prompt - should we wait for prompt before issuing echo of status
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
##	The global timeout is changed by this routine

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global expecting

	if { $wait_prompt } {
		expect_chassis_prompt $timelimit

	set_timeout 60
	send_chassis_cmd "showLastRetCode"
	set expecting "exit code"
	expect {
		-re {Code: [0-9]+:}	noop

	regexp {[0-9]+} $expect_out(0,string) ret
	expect_chassis_prompt 60

	return $ret

proc check_chassis_exit_status { timelimit exit_code { wait_prompt 1 } } {
## check_chassis_exit_status
## -------------------------
## wait for shell prompt and check the exit status of the last command executed
## during an chassis session, then wait for shell prompt
## Usage:
##	check_exit_status timelimit exit_code [wait_prompt]
## Arguments:
##	timelimit - maximum wait for shell prompt
##	exit_code - expected exit code ([0-9] if don't care)
##	wait_prompt - should we wait for prompt before issuing echo of status
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
##	The global timeout is changed by this routine

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global expecting

	if { $wait_prompt } {
		expect_chassis_prompt $timelimit

	set_timeout 60
	send_chassis_cmd "showLastRetCode"
	set expecting "exit code: $exit_code"
	expect {
		"Code: ${exit_code}:"	noop
		-re {Code: [0-9]+:}	{ set info "Incorrect exit code: Expected $exit_code, Got: $expect_out(0,string)"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
	expect_chassis_prompt 60

	return 0

proc longcmd { cmd } {
## longcmd
## --------
## Add newlines and backslashes to a command to avoid command line editor
## Usage:
##	longcmd cmd
## Arguments:
##	cmd - a shell command to break up into multiple lines
## Returns:
##	A command to execute
## Additional Information:
##	On some platforms the command line editor cannot be turned off.  On other
##	platforms setting COLUMNS=500, unset EDITOR and unset VISUAL would
##	cause the command line editor to not affect entry of long command lines
##	Unfortunately, the entry of such long
##	lines causes the command line editor to re-display the line
##	including the # or $ prompt.  This makes the expect scripts think the
##	command has completed before it has even started.
	if { [ string length $cmd ] < 70 } {
		return $cmd
	# break up every 70th character
	set result {}
	while { [ string length $cmd ] > 0 } {
		append result [string range $cmd 0 69 ]
		append result "\\\n"
		set cmd [ string range $cmd 70 end ]
	return $result
proc send_unix_cmd { cmd { separator "\n"} } {
## send_unix_cmd
## -------------------
## issue a unix command to the target system during a login session
## Usage:
##	send_unix_cmd cmd [separator]
## Arguments:
##	cmd - unix command to issue
##	separator - separator at end of command, default is newline
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	This must be used to send any command which could be larger than
##	70 characters and for which the first expect is for a shell prompt
##	If there are other expect's before the wait for the shell prompt,
##	a simple send can also be used
##	Do NOT use this to send responses to interactive commands.
##	exp_send should be used for that purpose

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global env

	exp_send "$cmd$separator"
	# possible workaround if command line editor gets involved
	#exp_send [ longcmd "$cmd$separator" ]

proc send_chassis_cmd { cmd } {
## send_chassis_cmd
## -------------------
## issue a command to the target chassis during a login session
## Usage:
##	send_chassis_cmd cmd
## Arguments:
##	cmd - chassis command to issue
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	This should be used to send all chassis commands.  It handles
##	the support shell vs cli interface as needed.  The decision as to
##	type of shell inteface is made per chassis during login.
##	Do NOT use this to send responses to interactive commands.
##	exp_send should be used for that purpose
##	unlike send_unix_cmd, there is no "separator" argument.  This is for a
##	few reasons:
##		- implementation with target_chassis_shell could be tricky
##		- older versions of chassis FW only allowed newline as the separator

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global env
	global target_chassis_shell

	if { $target_chassis_shell } {
		exp_send "cli \"$cmd\"\n"
	} else {
		exp_send "$cmd\n"

proc unix_cmd { timelimit exit_code cmd } {
## unix_cmd
## -------------------
## issue a unix command to the target system during a login session
## Usage:
##	unix_cmd timelimit exit_code cmd
## Arguments:
##	timelimit - maximum wait for command to complete (shell prompt)
##	exit_code - expected exit code ("" if don't care)
##	cmd - unix command to issue
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
##	The global timeout is changed by this routine

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global env

	if { "$exit_code" != "" } {
		send_unix_cmd $cmd ";"
		check_exit_status $timelimit $exit_code 0
	} else {
		send_unix_cmd $cmd
		expect_unix_prompt $timelimit

	return 0

proc chassis_cmd { timelimit exit_code cmd } {
## chassis_cmd
## -------------------
## issue a chassis command to the target system during a login session
## Usage:
##	chassis_cmd timelimit exit_code cmd
## Arguments:
##	timelimit - maximum wait for command to complete (shell prompt)
##	exit_code - expected exit code ("" if don't care)
##	cmd - chassis command to issue
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
##	The global timeout is changed by this routine

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global env

	if { "$exit_code" != "" } {
		send_chassis_cmd $cmd
		check_chassis_exit_status $timelimit $exit_code
	} else {
		send_chassis_cmd $cmd
		expect_chassis_prompt $timelimit

	return 0

proc host_send_unix_cmd { host cmd { separator "\n"} } {
## host_send_unix_cmd
## -------------------
## issue a unix command to host via the target system during a login session
## Usage:
##	host_send_unix_cmd host cmd [separator]
## Arguments:
##	host - host to issue command to
##	cmd - unix command to issue
##	separator - separator at end of command, default is newline
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	This must be used to send any command which could be larger than
##	70 characters and for which the first expect is for a shell prompt
##	If there are other expect's before the wait for the shell prompt,
##	a simple send can be used

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global env

	exp_send "ssh -q -o ForwardX11=no -P root@$host $cmd$separator"
	# possible workaround if command line editor gets involved
	#exp_send [ longcmd "ssh -q -o ForwardX11=no -P root@$host $cmd$separator" ]

proc opacmdall_stop_child { spawn_id } {
## opacmdall_stop_child
## ----------
## stop the given child process
## provided for use by opacmdall only
## This avoids use of the test infrastructure
## Usage:
##	opacmdall_stop_child spawn_id
## Arguments:
##	spawn_id - spawn id's from spawn
## Returns:
##	exit status of process
##	or -code error if unable to wait for process

	global errorCode

	# see if child still running
	if { [catch {set pid [exp_pid -i $spawn_id]}] == 1 } {
	    # child must already be dead
	    #puts "Child exited"
	} else {
	    #puts "Stopping $pid"
	    # terminate child
	    catch {exp_close -i $spawn_id }
		catch {exec kill -s INT $pid }
		#catch {exec kill -s TERM $pid }
	set status {}
	catch {set status [exp_wait -i $spawn_id] }
	# return the exit status of the process
	# exp_wait returns a list:
	# { pid spawn_id OS_ret exit_status }
	# if OS_ret is 0, status is process exit status
	# if OS_ret is -1, status is OS errno and errorCode also set
	# if child was killed, there can be 3 more elements in list:
	# { pid spawn_id 0 0 CHILDKILLED signal desc}
	if { [ llength $status ] < 4 } {
		set info "wait for child failed"
		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
	} elseif { [ lindex $status 4] == "CHILDKILLED" } {
		set info "child killed: [lrange $status 5 end]"
		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
	} elseif { [ lindex $status 2 ] == 0 } {
		# process exited
		set exit_status [ lindex $status 3]
		return $exit_status
	} else {
		# OS error running wait
		set info "wait for child failed: $errorCode"
		return -code error -errorinfo $info $info

proc host_run_cmd { host user cmd {quiet 0} {timelimit -1} {prefix ""} } {
## host_run_cmd
## -------------------
## issue a unix command to host directly via ssh
## provided for use by opacmdall only
## This avoids use of the test infrastructure
## Usage:
##	host_run_cmd host user cmd [[[quiet] timelimit] prefix]
## Arguments:
##	host - host to issue command to
##	user - user code to connect to host as
##	cmd - unix command to issue
##	quiet - if 1 command is not shown
##	timelimit - maximum time to allow for command to complete, -1-> unlimited
##	prefix - prefix to output at start of every line output by host
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	errors are caught and output to stderr

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout errorCode
	global env

	if { ! $quiet } {
		puts "$prefix\[$user@$host\]# $cmd"
	if { $timelimit <= 0 } {
		set timelimit -1

	if { $timelimit == -1 &&  [string equal "$prefix" "" ] } {
		if { [ catch { exec ssh -q -o ForwardX11=no -P "$user@$host" "$cmd" >@ stdout 2>@ stderr } res ] != 0 } {
			set exit_status [concat $errorCode]
			if { [ lindex $exit_status 0 ] == "CHILDSTATUS" } {
				set res "child exit code: [lindex $exit_status 2]"
			} elseif { [ lindex $exit_status 0 ] == "CHILDKILLED" } {
				set res "child killed: [lrange $exit_status 2 end]"
			} else {
				set res "$res: $errorCode"
			puts stderr "$prefix$user@$host: $cmd: Command execution FAILED: $res"
	} else {
    	global spawn_id user_spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
		# disable normal output so we can insert prefix
		set save_log_user [log_user -info]
		if { [ catch { 
				log_user 0
    			spawn -noecho ssh -q -o ForwardX11=no -P "$user@$host" "$cmd"
				# do not use TEST_TIMEOUT_MULT
    			set timeout $timelimit
    			expect {
					\n		{puts -nonewline "$prefix$expect_out(buffer)"; exp_continue -continue_timer}
					\r		{puts -nonewline "$prefix$expect_out(buffer)"; exp_continue -continue_timer}
					eof		{
								# handle output without newline at end
								if { ! [ string equal "$expect_out(buffer)" "" ] } {
									puts "$prefix$expect_out(buffer)"

					timeout {return -code error -errorinfo "Timeout" "Timeout" }
 				#interact {
				#	-input $user_spawn_id
				#		timeout [ calc_timeout $timelimit ] {
				#			#puts "Timeout"
				#			 return -code error -errorinfo "Timeout" "Timeout"
				#			}
				#		\003	{
				#			#puts "Interrupted"
				#			 return -code error -errorinfo "Interrupted" "Interrupted"
				#			}
				#	-output $spawn_id
				#		eof	return
				set ret [opacmdall_stop_child $spawn_id]
				if { $ret != 0 } {
					set info "child exit code: $ret"
				  	return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
			} res ] != 0 } {
				catch { opacmdall_stop_child $spawn_id }
				puts stderr "$prefix$user@$host: $cmd: Command execution FAILED: $res"
		log_user $save_log_user

proc chassis_run_cmd { chassis user cmd {quiet 0} {slot ""} {marker ""} {prefix ""}} {
## chassis_run_cmd
## -------------------
## issue a chassis command to chassis
## provided for use by opacmdall only
## Usage:
##	chassis_run_cmd host user cmd [quiet [slot [marker]]]
## Arguments:
##	chassis - chassis to issue command to
##	user - user code to connect to chassis as
##	cmd - chassis CLI command to issue
##	quiet - if 1 command is not shown
##	slot - slot to login to, default is ""
##	marker - marker for end of command output, otherwise first instance of
##			prompt marks end of data.  When marker is supplied, prompts which
##			preceed marker are ignored, but a final prompt is still waited for
##			after the marker
##	prefix - prefix to output at start of every line output by host
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	errors are caught and output to stderr

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global env
	global target_chassis_prompt
	global target_chassis_shell target_chassis_shell_prompt
	global log_disable

	# disable detailed logging to stdout
	log_user 0
	set log_disable 1
	if { ! $quiet } {
		if { "$slot" != "" } {
			puts "$prefix\[$user@$chassis:$slot\]# $cmd"
		} else {
			puts "$prefix\[$user@$chassis\]# $cmd"
	if { [ catch { target_chassis_admin_sh "$chassis" "$slot" "$user" } res ] != 0 } {
		puts stderr "$prefix$user@$chassis: $cmd: Command execution FAILED (Login): $res"
	if { $target_chassis_shell } {
		set prompt "$target_chassis_shell_prompt"
	} else {
		set prompt "$target_chassis_prompt"
	if { [ catch {
				send_chassis_cmd "$cmd"
				set out ""
				if { "$marker" == "" } {
					expect_progress 120 {[\r\n\b]} "{$prompt}" {} out
				} else {
					expect_progress 120 {[\r\n\b]} "{$marker} {$prompt}" {} out
 				} res ] != 0 } {
		puts stderr "$prefix$user@$chassis: $cmd: Command execution FAILED: $res"
	} elseif { [ catch {
				# filter out $cmd at start
				set match [string first "$cmd" "$out"]
				set length [string length "$cmd" ]
				if { $match != -1 } {
					set out [string range "$out" [expr $match + $length] end]
				# filter out prompt
				if { "$marker" == "" } {
					regexp "\[\\\r\\\n\]+(.*)${prompt}" "$out" full_out output
				} else {
					regexp "\[\\\r\\\n\]+(.*$marker.*)${prompt}" "$out" full_out output
				if { ! [string equal "$prefix" "" ] } {
					# insert prefix
					regsub -all -line {^.*$} "$output" "$prefix\\0" new_output
					# if last character is not newline add one
					set lastchar [string index $new_output end ] 
					if { "$lastchar" != {\n} && "$lastchar" != {\r} } {
						puts stdout $new_output
					} else {
						puts -nonewline stdout $new_output
				} else {
					puts -nonewline stdout $output
				check_chassis_exit_status 60 0 0
 				} res ] != 0 } {
		puts stderr "$prefix$user@$chassis: $cmd: Command execution FAILED: $res"
	catch { target_chassis_admin_sh_exit [expr {"$slot" != ""} ] }

proc hosts_run_cmd { hosts user cmd {quiet 0} {timelimit -1} {output_prefix 0} } {
## hosts_run_cmd
## -------------------
## issue a unix command to hosts directly via ssh
## provided for use by opacmdall only
## This avoids use of the test infrastructure
## Usage:
##	hosts_run_cmd hosts user cmd [[[quiet] timelimit] output_prefix]
## Arguments:
##	hosts - hosts to issue command to, if "" uses $env(CFG_HOSTS)
##	user - user code to connect to host as
##	cmd - unix command to issue
##	quiet - if 1 command is not shown
##	timelimit - maximum time to allow for command to complete, -1-> unlimited
##	output_prefix - should host: be output as a prefix to each line
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	errors are caught and output to stderr

	global env
	if { "$hosts" == "" } {
		set hosts $env(CFG_HOSTS)
	foreach host $hosts {
		if { $output_prefix } {
			set prefix "$host: "
		} else {
			set prefix ""
		host_run_cmd $host $user "$cmd" $quiet $timelimit "$prefix"

# pardon my spelling but I need a plural version of chassis
# which has a different spelling so function names are unique
proc chassises_run_cmd { chassises user cmd {quiet 0} {marker ""} {output_prefix 0}} {
## chassises_run_cmd
## -------------------
## issue a chassis command to chassises directly via ssh
## provided for use by opacmdall only
## Usage:
##	chassises_run_cmd hosts user cmd [[quiet [marker]] output_prefix]
## Arguments:
##	chassises - chassises to issue command to, if "" uses $env(CFG_CHASSIS)
##			can have slot specifier per chassis entry
##	user - user code to connect to host as
##	cmd - unix command to issue
##	quiet - if 1 command is not shown
##	marker - marker for end of command output, otherwise first instance of
##			prompt marks end of data.  When marker is supplied, prompts which
##			preceed marker are ignored, but a final prompt is still waited for
##			after the marker
##	output_prefix - should host: be output as a prefix to each line
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	errors are caught and output to stderr

	global env
	if { "$chassises" == "" } {
		set chassises $env(CFG_CHASSIS)
	foreach chassis $chassises {
		set slots [chassis_get_slots "$chassis"]
		set chassis [chassis_strip_slots "$chassis"]
		foreach slot $slots {
			if { "$slot" == "all" } {
				set slot ""
			if { $output_prefix } {
				if { "$slot" != "" } {
					set prefix "$chassis:$slot: "
				} else {
					set prefix "$chassis: "
			} else {
				set prefix ""
			chassis_run_cmd $chassis $user "$cmd" $quiet $slot "$marker" "$prefix"

proc hosts_parallel_run_cmd { hosts user cmd {quiet 0} {timelimit -1} {output_prefix 0}} {
## hosts_parallel_run_cmd
## -------------------
## issue a unix command to hosts directly via ssh, in parallel on all hosts
## provided for use by opacmdall only
## This avoids use of the test infrastructure
## Usage:
##	hosts_parallel_run_cmd hosts user cmd [[[quiet] timelimit] output_prefix]
## Arguments:
##	hosts - hosts to issue command to, if "" uses $env(CFG_HOSTS)
##	user - user code to connect to host as
##	cmd - unix command to issue
##	quiet - if 1 command is not shown
##	timelimit - maximum time to allow for command to complete, -1-> unlimited
##	output_prefix - should host: be output as a prefix to each line
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	errors are caught and output to stderr

	global env
	global os_type
	if { "$hosts" == "" } {
		set hosts $env(CFG_HOSTS)
	parallel host $hosts {
		if { $output_prefix } {
			set prefix "$host: "
		} else {
			set prefix ""
		 host_run_cmd "$host" $user "$cmd" $quiet $timelimit "$prefix"

# pardon my spelling but I need a plural version of chassis
# which has a different spelling so function names are unique
proc chassises_parallel_run_cmd { chassises user cmd {quiet 0} {marker ""} {output_prefix 0}} {
## chassises_parallel_run_cmd
## -------------------
## issue a chassis command to chassises, in parallel on all chassises
## provided for use by opacmdall only
## Usage:
##	chassises_parallel_run_cmd chassises user cmd [[quiet [marker]] output_prefix]
## Arguments:
##	chassises - chassises to issue command to, if "" uses $env(CFG_HOSTS)
##			can have slot specifier per chassis entry
##	user - user code to connect to chassis as
##	cmd - chassis command to issue
##	quiet - if 1 command is not shown
##	marker - marker for end of command output, otherwise first instance of
##			prompt marks end of data.  When marker is supplied, prompts which
##			preceed marker are ignored, but a final prompt is still waited for
##			after the marker
##	output_prefix - should host: be output as a prefix to each line
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	errors are caught and output to stderr

	global env
	if { "$chassises" == "" } {
		set chassises $env(CFG_CHASSIS)
	parallel chassis $chassises {
		set slots [chassis_get_slots "$chassis"]
		set chassis [chassis_strip_slots "$chassis"]
		foreach slot $slots {
			if { "$slot" == "all" } {
				set slot ""
			if { $output_prefix } {
				if { "$slot" != "" } {
					set prefix "$chassis:$slot: "
				} else {
					set prefix "$chassis: "
			} else {
				set prefix ""
			chassis_run_cmd "$chassis" $user "$cmd" $quiet $slot "$marker" "$prefix"

proc chassis_scp_cmd { scp_cmd } {
## chassis_scp_cmd
## -------------------
## perform an scp to a chassis
## provided for use by opascpall, opauploadall, opadownloadall only
## Usage:
##	chassis_scp_cmd scp_cmd
## Arguments:
##	scp_cmd - scp unix command to issue
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	errors are caught and output to stderr

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global env
	global log_disable
	global expecting

	# disable detailed logging to stdout
	log_user 0
	set log_disable 1

	send_unix_cmd "$scp_cmd; echo 'SCP IS DONE'"
	# handle password prompts, once we start to see progress indicators
	# we can do a normal wait progress
	set_timeout 120
	set expecting "scp session ($scp_cmd)"
	expect {
        "assword:"  { exp_send "$env(CFG_CHASSIS_ADMIN_PASSWORD)\r"
        "assword->"  { exp_send "$env(CFG_CHASSIS_ADMIN_PASSWORD)\r"
		"refused"	{ set info "Failed to $scp_cmd"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"denied"	{ set info "Failed to $scp_cmd"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"Error"	{ set info "Failed to $scp_cmd"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"continue connecting" { exp_send "yes\r"
		{\*}	noop
		"%"		noop
		"No such" { set info "Failed to $scp_cmd"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
	expect_progress 200 { "\\\*" "\\\." "=" "-" "%" } { "SCP IS DONE" } {"No such" "Error" "Invalid" "lost" }
	check_exit_status 60 0 

    return 0

proc chassis_sftp_cmd { sftp_cmd sftp_action { not_found 1 } } {
## chassis_sftp_cmd
## -------------------
## perform an sftp to a chassis
## provided for use by opachassisadmin
## Usage:
##	chassis_sftp_cmd sftp_cmd sftp_action
## Arguments:
##	sftp_cmd - sftp unix command to issue
##  sftp_action - sftp command to issue once sftp connection has
##                been established
## Returns:
##	nothing
## Additional Information:
##	errors are caught and output to stderr

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global env
	global log_disable
	global expecting

	# disable detailed logging to stdout
	log_user 0
	set log_disable 1

	send_unix_cmd "$sftp_cmd; echo 'SFTP IS DONE'"
	# handle password prompts, once we start to see progress indicators
	# we can do a normal wait progress
	set_timeout 120
	set expecting "sftp session ($sftp_cmd)"
	expect {
        "assword:"  { exp_send "$env(CFG_CHASSIS_ADMIN_PASSWORD)\r"
        "assword->"  { exp_send "$env(CFG_CHASSIS_ADMIN_PASSWORD)\r"
		"refused"	{ set info "Failed to $sftp_cmd"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"denied"	{ set info "Failed to $sftp_cmd"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"Error"	{ set info "Failed to $sftp_cmd"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
		"continue connecting" { exp_send "yes\r"
		"sftp>" 	{ exp_send "$sftp_action\r" 
					exp_send "bye\r"
		{\*}	noop
		"%"		noop
		"No such" { set info "Failed to $sftp_cmd"
				  return -code error -errorinfo $info $info
	if { $not_found } {
		expect_progress 200 { "\\\*" "\\\." "=" "-" "%" } { "SFTP IS DONE" } {"No such" "Error" "Invalid" "lost" "not found"}
	} else {
		expect_progress 200 { "\\\*" "\\\." "=" "-" "%" } { "SFTP IS DONE" } {"No such" "Error" "Invalid" "lost"}
	check_exit_status 60 0 

    return 0

proc host_unix_cmd { timelimit exit_code host cmd } {
## host_unix_cmd
## -------------------
## issue a unix command to host via the target system during a login session
## Usage:
##	host_unix_cmd timelimit exit_code host cmd
## Arguments:
##	timelimit - maximum wait for command to complete (shell prompt)
##	exit_code - expected exit code ("" if don't care)
##	host - host to issue command to
##	cmd - unix command to issue
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
##	The global timeout is changed by this routine

	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global env

	if { "$exit_code" != "" } {
		host_send_unix_cmd $host $cmd ";"
		check_exit_status $timelimit $exit_code 0
	} else {
		host_send_unix_cmd $host $cmd
		expect_unix_prompt $timelimit

	return 0

proc host_save_log { hostname } {
## host_save_log
## -------------------
## Save OS log file for hostname for later use by check_log
## Usage:
##	host_save_log hostname
## Arguments:
##	hostname - host to save log on, saved to /tmp/log
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:

	global tests_dir

	exec "ssh -q root@$hostname '$tests_dir/bin/save_log /tmp/log'"

proc host_check_log { hostname testname } {
## host_check_log
## -------------------
## Check OS log file for hostname relative to last host_save_log
## Usage:
##	host_check_log hostname testname
## Arguments:
##	hostname - host to check log on
##	testname - name of test to be used in log filenames
## Returns:
##	0 - success
##	-code error on failure
## Additional Information:
##	The global timeout is changed by this routine
##	assumes already logged into hostname

	global tests_dir

	send_unix_cmd "cd /root/$tests_dir; ./bin/check_log /tmp/log ./logs/$test/$test. ./logs/$test"

	expect_list 120 "DONE" { "ERROR" "WARN" "kernel" }

proc host_basename { hostname } {
## host_basename
## -------------------
## return hostname with any $env(CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX) or $env(CFG_INIC_SUFFIX)
## suffix removed
## Usage:
##	host_basename hostname
## Arguments:
##	hostname - host name used by test driver (could be an $env(CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX)
##				or $env(CFG_INIC_SUFFIX) name)
## Returns:
##	base of hostname, suitable for an $env(CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX),
##	or $env(CFG_INIC_SUFFIX) suffix to be added
## Additional Information:
##	When called by FastFabric, CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX is "", so this is a noop
	global env

	set result $hostname
	if { "$env(CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX)" != "" } {
		regsub -- "$env(CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX)\$" $hostname "" result
	if { "$env(CFG_INIC_SUFFIX)" != "" } {
		regsub -- "$env(CFG_INIC_SUFFIX)\$" $hostname "" result
	return "$result"

proc get_hostname { number } {
## get_hostname
## -------------------
## return hostname for number'th host in CFG_HOSTS
## Usage:
##	get_hostname number
## Arguments:
##	number - host number, 1 is 1st host
## Returns:
##	hostname from CFG_HOSTS, might not be the host_basename

	global env

	return [ lindex $env(CFG_HOSTS) [ expr $number - 1] ]

proc same_host { hostname1 hostname2 } {
## same_host
## -------------------
## determine if hostnames are equivalent basenames
## Usage:
##	same_host hostname1 hostname2
## Arguments:
##	hostname1 - host name used by test driver (could be an
##			 $env(CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX) or $env(CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX) name)
##	hostname2 - host name used by test driver (could be an
##			 $env(CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX) or $env(CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX) name)
## Returns:
##	1 - names are same
##	0 - names are different

	return [ expr {"[ host_basename $hostname1 ]" == "[ host_basename $hostname2 ]"} ]

proc get_hostnumber { name } {
## get_hostnumber
## -------------------
## return host number for host in CFG_HOSTS
## Usage:
##	get_hostnumber name
## Arguments:
##	name - host name
## Returns:
##	host number in CFG_HOSTS, 1 is 1st host
##	0 - if name not in CFG_HOSTS

	global env

	set number 1
	foreach host $env(CFG_HOSTS) {
		if { [same_host $name $host ] } {
			return $number
		incr number

	return 0

proc have_other_hosts { hostname desthosts } {
## have_other_hosts
## -------------------
## determine if desthosts includes any others other than hostname
## Usage:
##	have_other_hosts hostname desthosts
## Arguments:
##	hostname - host name used by test driver (could be an $env(CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX) or $env(CFG_IPOIB_SUFFIX) name)
##	desthosts - list of hosts to check
## Returns:
##	1 - there is at least 1 host other than hostname in desthosts
##	0 - desthosts has no hosts other than hostname

	foreach host $desthosts {
		if { ! [ same_host $hostname $host ] } {
			return 1
	return 0

proc get_local_stack_type { {checkrun "y"}} {
## get_local_stack_type
## --------------------
## get IB stack type on this host
## Arguments:
##	checkrun - if y, the running stack is checked first, otherwise
##		just installed stack is checked.  Note that during reinstall
##		an old stack could be left running until the next reboot
##		default is y.  Beware, due to newer distros including openib, if it
##		appears both are installed and 'n' is used, this reports IBACCESS.
##		It is safest to invoke this with 'y'.
	global spawn_id expect_out spawn_out timeout
	global env
	global log_disable
	global expecting

	# disable detailed logging to stdout
	log_user 0
	set log_disable 1

	set hostname [ host_basename [exec hostname | cut -f1 -d.]]
	set target_stack [target_get_stack_type "$checkrun" "$hostname"]
	return "$target_stack"

proc add_module_parameter { module_name module_parameter value {conffile ""} } {
## add_module_parameter
## --------------------
## edit modules.conf to add the specified parameter
## Arguments:
##  module_name - (i.e ics_sdp)
##  module_parameter - parameter (i.e. NoTcpFilter)
##  value - literal value
##  conffile - existing file within /etc/modprobe.d on RHEL6 and newer distros
	# determine correct file name
	if { ! [string equal "$conffile" "" ] && [ catch { unix_cmd 60 0 "[ -e /etc/modprobe.d/$conffile ]" } res ] == 0 } {
		set mconf "/etc/modprobe.d/$conffile"
	} else {
		set mconf "/etc/modprobe.conf"
   	send_unix_cmd "cat > /tmp/add.txt <<!
/^#.*options $module_name/ \{
        s/#.*options $module_name/options $module_name $module_parameter=$value/;
/^options $module_name/s/ $module_parameter=\[^ \]//;s/options $module_name/options $module_name $module_parameter=$value/
	check_exit_status 60 0
	unix_cmd 60 0 "sed -f /tmp/add.txt $mconf > $mconf-new && mv -f $mconf-new $mconf && rm -f /tmp/add.txt"

proc remove_module_parameter { module_name module_parameter {conffile ""}} {
## remove_module_parameter
## --------------------
## edit modules.conf to remove the specified parameter
## Arguments:
##  module_name - (i.e ics_sdp)
##  module_parameter - parameter (i.e. NoTcpFilter)
##  parameter - literal value
##  conffile - existing file within /etc/modprobe.d on RHEL6 and newer distros
	# determine correct file name
	if { ! [string equal "$conffile" "" ] && [ catch { unix_cmd 60 0 "[ -e /etc/modprobe.d/$conffile ]" } res ] == 0 } {
		set mconf "/etc/modprobe.d/$conffile"
	} elseif { [ catch { unix_cmd 60 0 {[ -e /etc/modprobe.conf ]} } res ] == 0 } {
		set mconf "/etc/modprobe.conf"
	} else {
		# parameter is not in a place we added it, do nothing
   	send_unix_cmd "cat > /tmp/remove.txt <<!
/^options $module_name/s/ $module_parameter=\[^ \]//;s/^options $module_name$/# options $module_name/
	check_exit_status 60 0
	unix_cmd 60 0 "sed -f /tmp/remove.txt $mconf > $mconf-new && mv -f $mconf-new $mconf && rm -f /tmp/add.txt"

proc scp_local_file { file_name host {directory "."} } {
## scp_local_file
## -------------------
## scp a file from local_sh to remote host/directory
## Arguments:
##  file_name - local file name to scp to remote host
##  host - remote host to scp file to
##  optional: directory - the remote directory to scp to (should end in '/.')
    global spawn_id

    set save_spawn_id $spawn_id
    send_unix_cmd "scp $file_name root@$host:$directory"
#    catch {expect_list 10 {"password:"} {"command not found"}  out}
#    send_unix_cmd "thepassword"
    expect_unix_prompt 20
    set spawn_id $save_spawn_id