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/* [ICS VERSION STRING: unknown] */

// functions to perform routing analysis using LFT tables in FabricData

#include <opamgt_sa_priv.h>

#include "topology.h"
#include "topology_internal.h"

// For each device along the path, entry and exit port of device is provided
// For the FI at the start of the route, only an exit port is provided
// For the FI at the end of the route, only a entry port is provided
// For switches along the route, both entry and exit ports are provided
// When a switch Port 0 is the start of the route, it will be the entry port
//    along with the physical exit port
// When a switch Port 0 is the end of the route, it will be the exit port
//    along with the physical entry port
// The above approach parallels how TraceRoute records are reported by the
// SM, so if desired a callback could build a SM TraceRoute style response
// for use in other routines.
//typedef FSTATUS (RouteCallback_t)(PortData *entryPortp, PortData *exitPortp, void *context);

// lookup dlid in routing table of switch and return portp to exit switch
static PortData *LookupRoute(NodeData *nodep, STL_LID dlid, PortData* inportp, int vl, int sc, int rc)
	uint8 portNum = 0xff;
	PortData *portp;

	DEBUG_ASSERT(nodep->switchp);	//caller checks
	if (!dlid)
		return NULL;

	if (nodep->pSwitchInfo->SwitchInfoData.RoutingMode.Enabled == STL_ROUTE_LINEAR) {

		if (dlid >= nodep->switchp->LinearFDBSize)
			return NULL;

		portNum = STL_LFT_PORT_BLOCK(nodep->switchp->LinearFDB, dlid);

	if (portNum == 0xff)
		return NULL;	// invalid table entry, no route

	portp = FindNodePort(nodep, portNum);
	// Analysis is focused on datapath routes.  While VL15 can route through an
	// Init port, that analysis is atypical.  Prior to FF_DOWNPORTINFO
	// we would tend not to have ports Down or Init in our DB so
	// search above would fail.
	if (! portp || ! IsPortInitialized(portp->PortInfo.PortStates)
		|| (portNum != 0 && ! portp->neighbor))
		return NULL;	// Non viable route
	return portp;

// Walk route from portp to dlid.
// returns status of callback (if not FSUCCESS)
// FUNAVAILABLE - no routing tables in FabricData given
// FNOT_FOUND - unable to find starting port
// FNOT_DONE - unable to trace route, dlid is a dead end
FSTATUS WalkRoutePort(FabricData_t *fabricp, PortData *portp, STL_LID dlid, uint8 SL, uint8 rc,
			  		RouteCallback_t *callback, void *context)
	PortData *portp2;	// next port in route
	FSTATUS status;
	PortData *hops[64];
	uint8 numhops = 0;
	uint8 sc = 0, vl = 0;
	if (portp->pQOS) {
		sc = portp->pQOS->SL2SCMap->SLSCMap[SL].SC;
		if (sc == 15) {
			return FNOT_DONE;	// invalid SC
		vl = portp->pQOS->SC2VLMaps[Enum_SCVLt].SCVLMap[sc].VL;
		if (vl == 15) {
			return FNOT_DONE;

	if (portp->nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType != STL_NODE_SW) {
		// first device in route
		status = (*callback)(NULL, portp, vl, context);
		if (status != FSUCCESS)
			return status;
		portp = portp->neighbor;	// entry port to next device

	// 1st loop we can start at port 0 of a switch.  If we arrive at port 0
	// of a switch any other loop, it must be our destination.
	while (portp->nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW
				&& (numhops == 0 || portp->PortNum != 0)) {
		SwitchData *switchp;
		uint8 i;

		if (numhops >= 64)
			return FNOT_DONE;	// too long a path
		for (i=0; i< numhops; i++) {
			if (hops[i] == portp)
				return FNOT_DONE;	// looping path
		hops[numhops++] = portp;

		// portp is entry port to a switch
		switchp = portp->nodep->switchp;
		if (!switchp || (!switchp->LinearFDB &&
			(portp->nodep->pSwitchInfo->SwitchInfoData.RoutingMode.Enabled == STL_ROUTE_NOP ||
			 portp->nodep->pSwitchInfo->SwitchInfoData.RoutingMode.Enabled == STL_ROUTE_LINEAR)))
			// TBD - way to check this before start
			return FUNAVAILABLE;	// no routing tables in snapshot

		portp2 = LookupRoute(portp->nodep, dlid, portp, vl, sc, rc);
		if (! portp2)
			return FNOT_DONE;	// no route from slid to dlid

		if (portp->pQOS && portp->PortNum != 0 && portp2->PortNum != 0) {
			STL_SCSCMAP *pSCSC = QOSDataLookupSCSCMap(portp, portp2->PortNum, 0);
			if (pSCSC) {
				uint8 newsc = pSCSC->SCSCMap[sc].SC;
				if (newsc == 15) {
					return FNOT_DONE; // invalid SC
				vl = portp->pQOS->SC2VLMaps[Enum_SCVLt].SCVLMap[newsc].VL;
				if (vl == 15) {
					return FNOT_DONE; // invalid VL
				sc = newsc;

		// hop through a switch
		status = (*callback)(portp, portp2, vl, context);
		if (status != FSUCCESS)
			return status;

		// find next device
		if (portp2->nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW
			&& portp2->PortNum == 0)
			portp = portp2;
			portp = portp2->neighbor;	// entry port to next device

	// at destination of dlid: FI or Port 0 of SW
	if (dlid < portp->PortInfo.LID
		|| dlid > (portp->PortInfo.LID
				 | ((1<<portp->PortInfo.s1.LMC)-1)) )
		return FNOT_DONE;	// arrived at wrong destination

	if (portp->nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType != STL_NODE_SW) {
		// last device in route
		status = (*callback)(portp, NULL, vl, context);
		if (status != FSUCCESS)
			return status;
	return FSUCCESS;

// walk route from slid to dlid
FSTATUS WalkRoute(FabricData_t *fabricp, STL_LID slid, STL_LID dlid,
			  		RouteCallback_t *callback, void *context)
	PortData *portp;

	portp = FindLid(fabricp, slid);
	if (! portp)
		return FNOT_FOUND;

	return WalkRoutePort(fabricp, portp, dlid, 0, 0, callback, context);

struct GenTraceRouteContext_s {
	uint32 NumTraceRecords;
	STL_TRACE_RECORD *pTraceRecords;

static FSTATUS GenTraceRouteCallback(PortData *entryPortp, PortData *exitPortp, uint8 vl, void *context)
	struct GenTraceRouteContext_s *TraceContext = (struct GenTraceRouteContext_s *)context;
	NodeData *nodep;

	ASSERT(entryPortp || exitPortp);
	ASSERT(! (entryPortp && exitPortp) ||entryPortp->nodep == exitPortp->nodep);

	// add 1 more trace record
	p = TraceContext->pTraceRecords;
	TraceContext->pTraceRecords = (STL_TRACE_RECORD*)MemoryAllocate2AndClear(sizeof(STL_TRACE_RECORD)*TraceContext->NumTraceRecords,  IBA_MEM_FLAG_PREMPTABLE, MYTAG);
	if (! TraceContext->pTraceRecords) {
		if (p)

	if (p) {
		MemoryCopy(TraceContext->pTraceRecords, p, sizeof(STL_TRACE_RECORD)*(TraceContext->NumTraceRecords-1));
	p = &TraceContext->pTraceRecords[TraceContext->NumTraceRecords-1];

	nodep = (entryPortp?entryPortp->nodep:exitPortp->nodep);

	p->IDGeneration = 0xff;	// should be same for all records in a route
	p->NodeType = nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType;
	p->NodeID = nodep->NodeInfo.NodeGUID;
	p->ChassisID = nodep->NodeInfo.SystemImageGUID;
	if(p->NodeType == STL_NODE_SW) {
		p->EntryPort = entryPortp?entryPortp->PortNum : 0;
		p->ExitPort = exitPortp?exitPortp->PortNum : 0;
		p->EntryPortID = 0;

	} else {

		//entry and exit port should be 0 if not a switch
		p->EntryPort = 0;
		p->ExitPort = 0;
		p->EntryPortID = entryPortp? entryPortp->PortGUID : 0;
		if(p->EntryPortID == 0) p->EntryPortID = exitPortp? exitPortp->PortGUID : 0;

	//Exit port ID should be 0 if not a router
	p->ExitPortID = 0;

	return FSUCCESS;

// caller must free *ppTraceRecords
FSTATUS GenTraceRoutePort(FabricData_t *fabricp, PortData *portp, STL_LID dlid, uint8 rc,
	   			STL_TRACE_RECORD **ppTraceRecords, uint32 *pNumTraceRecords)
	struct GenTraceRouteContext_s context = { 0, NULL};
	FSTATUS status;

	status = WalkRoutePort(fabricp, portp, dlid, 0, rc, GenTraceRouteCallback, &context);

	if (status != FSUCCESS) {
		if (context.pTraceRecords)
		*ppTraceRecords = NULL;
		*pNumTraceRecords = 0;
		return status;

	*ppTraceRecords = context.pTraceRecords;
	*pNumTraceRecords = context.NumTraceRecords;
	return FSUCCESS;

// caller must free *ppTraceRecords
FSTATUS GenTraceRoute(FabricData_t *fabricp, STL_LID slid, STL_LID dlid, uint8 rc,
	   			STL_TRACE_RECORD **ppTraceRecords, uint32 *pNumTraceRecords)
	PortData *portp;

	portp = FindLid(fabricp, slid);
	if (! portp) {
		*ppTraceRecords = NULL;
		*pNumTraceRecords = 0;
		return FNOT_FOUND;

	return GenTraceRoutePort(fabricp, portp, dlid, rc, ppTraceRecords, pNumTraceRecords);

// caller must free *ppTraceRecords
FSTATUS GenTraceRoutePath(FabricData_t *fabricp, IB_PATH_RECORD *pathp, uint8 rc,
	   			STL_TRACE_RECORD **ppTraceRecords, uint32 *pNumTraceRecords)
	return GenTraceRoute(fabricp, pathp->SLID, pathp->DLID, rc,
				   			ppTraceRecords, pNumTraceRecords);

static FSTATUS GenPath(PortData *portp1, PortData *portp2,
			   	STL_LID slid, STL_LID dlid,
			   	IB_PATH_RECORD **ppPathRecords, uint32 *pNumPathRecords)

	ASSERT(portp1 && portp2);

	// add 1 more path record
	p = *ppPathRecords;
	*ppPathRecords = (IB_PATH_RECORD*)MemoryAllocate2AndClear(sizeof(IB_PATH_RECORD)* *pNumPathRecords,  IBA_MEM_FLAG_PREMPTABLE, MYTAG);
	if (! *ppPathRecords) {
		if (p)

	if (p) {
		MemoryCopy(*ppPathRecords, p, sizeof(IB_PATH_RECORD)*(*pNumPathRecords-1));
	p = &(*ppPathRecords)[*pNumPathRecords-1];

	p->SGID.Type.Global.SubnetPrefix = portp1->PortInfo.SubnetPrefix;
	p->SGID.Type.Global.InterfaceID = portp1->PortGUID;
	p->DGID.Type.Global.SubnetPrefix = portp2->PortInfo.SubnetPrefix;
	p->DGID.Type.Global.InterfaceID = portp2->PortGUID;
	p->SLID = slid;
	p->DLID = dlid;
	p->Reversible = 1;
	p->u1.s.RawTraffic = 0;
	p->u1.s.FlowLabel = 0;
	p->u1.s.HopLimit = 0;
	p->TClass = 0;
	p->P_Key = 0;	// invalid value to show we don't know
	p->PktLifeTime = 0;	// invalid value to show we don't know
	p->u2.s.SL = 0;	// best guess, could be wrong for Torus
	p->Mtu = 0;	// invalid value to show we don't know
	p->Rate = 0;	// invalid value to show we don't know
	p->Preference = 0;
	// other fields zeroed above when allocate w/clear
	return FSUCCESS;

// Generate possible Path records from portp1 to portp2
// We don't know SM config, so we just guess and generate paths of the form
// 0-0, 1-1, ....
// This corresponds to the PathSelection=Minimal FM config option
// when LMC doesn't match we start back at base lid for other port
// These may not be accurate for Torus, however the dlid is all that really
// matters for route analysis, so this should be fine
FSTATUS GenPaths(FabricData_t *fabricp, PortData *portp1, PortData *portp2,
		IB_PATH_RECORD **ppPathRecords, uint32 *pNumPathRecords)
	STL_LID slid_base, slid_mask, slid_offset, dlid_base, dlid_mask, dlid_offset;
	FSTATUS status;

	*ppPathRecords = NULL;
	*pNumPathRecords = 0;

	slid_base = portp1->PortInfo.LID;
	slid_mask = (1<<portp1->PortInfo.s1.LMC)-1;

	dlid_base = portp2->PortInfo.LID;
	dlid_mask = (1<<portp2->PortInfo.s1.LMC)-1;

	if (! slid_base || ! dlid_base)
		return FSUCCESS;	// no path, probably a non port 0 on a switch

	for (slid_offset=0, dlid_offset=0;
			slid_offset <= slid_mask && dlid_offset <= dlid_mask;
	   		slid_offset++, dlid_offset++) {
		status = GenPath(portp1, portp2,
			   	slid_base | (slid_offset & slid_mask),
			   	dlid_base | (dlid_offset & dlid_mask),
			   	ppPathRecords, pNumPathRecords);
		if (status != FSUCCESS) {
			if (*ppPathRecords)
			*ppPathRecords = NULL;
			*pNumPathRecords = 0;
			return status;
	return FSUCCESS;

// clear holding areas for analysis data
void ClearAnalysisData(FabricData_t *fabricp)
	cl_map_item_t *n;
	cl_map_item_t *p;

	for (n=cl_qmap_head(&fabricp->AllNodes); n != cl_qmap_end(&fabricp->AllNodes); n = cl_qmap_next(n)) {
		NodeData *nodep = PARENT_STRUCT(n, NodeData, AllNodesEntry);
		nodep->analysis = 0;
		for (p=cl_qmap_head(&nodep->Ports); p != cl_qmap_end(&nodep->Ports); p = cl_qmap_next(p)) {
			PortData *portp = PARENT_STRUCT(p, PortData, NodePortsEntry);
			MemoryClear(&portp->analysisData, sizeof(portp->analysisData));

// for Fat Tree analysis
void DetermineSwitchTiers(FabricData_t *fabricp)
	cl_map_item_t *p;
	boolean found;
	unsigned tier;

	// switches connected to FIs are tier 1
	for (n=QListHead(&fabricp->AllFIs); n != NULL; n = QListNext(&fabricp->AllFIs, n)) {
		NodeData *nodep = (NodeData *)QListObj(n);
		for (p=cl_qmap_head(&nodep->Ports); p != cl_qmap_end(&nodep->Ports); p = cl_qmap_next(p)) {
			PortData *portp = PARENT_STRUCT(p, PortData, NodePortsEntry);
			if (portp->neighbor && portp->neighbor->nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW)
				portp->neighbor->nodep->analysis = 1;

	// switches connected to tier1 switches are tier 2, etc
	do {
		found = FALSE;
		for (n=QListHead(&fabricp->AllSWs); n != NULL; n = QListNext(&fabricp->AllSWs, n)) {
			NodeData *nodep = (NodeData *)QListObj(n);
			if (nodep->analysis != tier-1)
			for (p=cl_qmap_head(&nodep->Ports); p != cl_qmap_end(&nodep->Ports); p = cl_qmap_next(p)) {
				PortData *portp = PARENT_STRUCT(p, PortData, NodePortsEntry);
				if (portp->neighbor
						&& portp->nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW
					   	&& ! portp->neighbor->nodep->analysis) {
					portp->neighbor->nodep->analysis = tier;
					found = TRUE;
	} while (found);

// tabulate a device along a route in a fat tree
// called for each device in each route
// context != NULL  => non-base LID path
static FSTATUS TabulateRouteCallbackFatTree(PortData *entryPortp, PortData *exitPortp, uint8 vl, void *context)
	if (exitPortp) {
		if (exitPortp->neighbor && exitPortp->nodep->analysis < exitPortp->neighbor->nodep->analysis) {
			if (! context)
		} else {
			// for now == tier or no neighbor unexpected, but treat as downlink
			if (! context)
	return FSUCCESS;

// tabulate a device along a route
// called for each device in each route
// context != NULL  => non-base LID path
static FSTATUS TabulateRouteCallback(PortData *entryPortp, PortData *exitPortp, uint8 vl, void *context)
	if (entryPortp) {
		// increment a counter in entryPortp, maybe context indicates which
		if (! context)
	if (exitPortp) {
		// increment a counter in exitPortp, maybe context indicates which
		if (! context)
	return FSUCCESS;

// tabulate all the ports along the route from slid to dlid
FSTATUS TabulateRoute(FabricData_t *fabricp, STL_LID slid, STL_LID dlid,
						boolean fatTree)
	return WalkRoute(fabricp, slid, dlid,

// tabulate all routes from portp1 to portp2
FSTATUS TabulateRoutes(FabricData_t *fabricp, PortData *portp1,
			   			PortData *portp2, uint32 *totalPaths, 
						uint32 *badPaths, boolean fatTree)
	int  offset;
	int  count = (1<<portp1->PortInfo.s1.LMC);
	FSTATUS status;

	*totalPaths = 0;
	*badPaths = 0;

	// IB is destination routed, so just need starting port, no need to
	// iterate on all SLIDs for that port
	status = WalkRoutePort(fabricp, portp1,
				   portp2->PortInfo.LID, 0, 0,
				   NULL);	// Base LID
	if (status == FUNAVAILABLE)
		return status;
	if (status == FNOT_DONE)

	for (offset = 1; offset < count; offset++) {
		status = WalkRoutePort(fabricp, portp1,
				   portp2->PortInfo.LID|offset, 0, 0,
				   (void*)1);	// LMC LID
		if (status == FUNAVAILABLE)
			return status;
		if (status == FNOT_DONE)
	return FSUCCESS;

// tabulate all the routes between FIs
FSTATUS TabulateCARoutes(FabricData_t *fabricp, Point *focus, uint32 *totalPaths,
							uint32 *badPaths, boolean fatTree)
	cl_map_item_t *p1, *p2;
	LIST_ITEM *n1, *n2;
	FSTATUS status;
	uint32 pathCount, badPathCount;
	int noOfLeftNodes, noOfRightNodes;

	*totalPaths = 0;
	*badPaths = 0;


	if (fatTree)

	/* If there is FI in the node pair list only tabulate routes for the specified pairs*/
	if(PointHaveFI(focus) && PointTypeIsNodePairList(focus)){

		DLIST *pList1 = &focus->u.nodePairList.nodePairList1;
		DLIST *pList2 = &focus->u.nodePairList.nodePairList2;

		noOfLeftNodes = ListCount(pList1);
		noOfRightNodes = ListCount(pList2);

		if (noOfLeftNodes != noOfRightNodes) {
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: Pairs are not complete \n", g_Top_cmdname);

		for (i = ListHead(pList1), j = ListHead(pList2); (i != NULL && j != NULL);
				i = ListNext(pList1, i), j = ListNext(pList2, j) ) {
			NodeData *nodepFromList1 = (NodeData*)ListObj(i);
			NodeData *nodepFromList2 = (NodeData*)ListObj(j);

			//skip switches
			if ((nodepFromList1->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW) || (nodepFromList2->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW))

			for (p1=cl_qmap_head(&nodepFromList1->Ports); p1 != cl_qmap_end(&nodepFromList1->Ports); p1 = cl_qmap_next(p1)) {
				PortData *portp1 = PARENT_STRUCT(p1, PortData, NodePortsEntry);

				for (p2=cl_qmap_head(&nodepFromList2->Ports); p2 != cl_qmap_end(&nodepFromList2->Ports); p2 = cl_qmap_next(p2)) {
					PortData *portp2 = PARENT_STRUCT(p2, PortData, NodePortsEntry);

					// skip loopback paths
					if (portp1 == portp2) continue;
					status = TabulateRoutes(fabricp, portp1, portp2, &pathCount, &badPathCount, fatTree);
					if (status == FUNAVAILABLE)
						return status;
					*totalPaths += pathCount;
					*badPaths += badPathCount;
	/* If there is FI in the list, make N x N pairs and  tabulate routes for the formed pairs*/
	}else if(PointHaveFI(focus)){
		FIPortIterator a, b;
		PortData *portp1, *portp2;
		//point type which haveFI and only matches 1 node is invalid and should return error
		if((POINT_TYPE_PORT == focus->Type) || (POINT_TYPE_NODE == focus->Type) ||
#if !defined(VXWORKS) || defined(BUILD_DMC)
			(POINT_TYPE_IOC == focus->Type) ||
			((POINT_TYPE_IOC_LIST == focus->Type) && (1 == ListCount(&focus->u.iocList)))||
			((POINT_TYPE_PORT_LIST == focus->Type) && (1 == ListCount(&focus->u.portList)))||
			((POINT_TYPE_NODE_LIST == focus->Type) && (1 == ListCount(&focus->u.nodeList)))||
			((POINT_TYPE_SYSTEM == focus->Type) && (1 == cl_qmap_count(&focus->u.systemp->Nodes)))){
			return status;
		for(portp1 = FIPortIteratorHead(&a, focus); portp1 != NULL; portp1 = FIPortIteratorNext(&a) ) {
			for(portp2 = FIPortIteratorHead(&b, focus); portp2 != NULL; portp2 = FIPortIteratorNext(&b) ) {
				// skip loopback paths
				if (portp1 == portp2)
				status = TabulateRoutes(fabricp, portp1, portp2, &pathCount, &badPathCount, fatTree);
				if (status == FUNAVAILABLE)
					return status;
				*totalPaths += pathCount;
				*badPaths += badPathCount;
	} else {
		// TBD - because IB is DLID routed, can save effort by getting routes from
		// 1 FI per switch to all other FIs (or all FIs on other switches) and
		// then multiply the result for that FI by the number of FIs on that switch
		// In a pure fattree such an approach would reduce N*N to (N/18)*(N/18)
		// so it would have a 18*18 reduction in effort, provided the cost of
		// finding FIs is not to high, maybe we can loop here based on all switches?
		for (n1=QListHead(&fabricp->AllFIs); n1 != NULL; n1 = QListNext(&fabricp->AllFIs, n1)) {
			NodeData *nodep1 = (NodeData *)QListObj(n1);
			for (p1=cl_qmap_head(&nodep1->Ports); p1 != cl_qmap_end(&nodep1->Ports); p1 = cl_qmap_next(p1)) {
				PortData *portp1 = PARENT_STRUCT(p1, PortData, NodePortsEntry);

				for (n2=QListHead(&fabricp->AllFIs); n2 != NULL; n2 = QListNext(&fabricp->AllFIs, n2)) {
					NodeData *nodep2 = (NodeData *)QListObj(n2);

					// enable this if we want to skip node to self paths
					//if (nodep1 == nodep2) continue;

					for (p2=cl_qmap_head(&nodep2->Ports); p2 != cl_qmap_end(&nodep2->Ports); p2 = cl_qmap_next(p2)) {
						PortData *portp2 = PARENT_STRUCT(p2, PortData, NodePortsEntry);
						// skip loopback paths
						if (portp1 == portp2) continue;
							status = TabulateRoutes(fabricp, portp1, portp2, &pathCount, &badPathCount, fatTree);
						if (status == FUNAVAILABLE)
							return status;
						*totalPaths += pathCount;
						*badPaths += badPathCount;
	return FSUCCESS;

typedef struct ReportContext_s {
	PortData *portp1;
	PortData *portp2;
	STL_LID dlid;
	boolean isBaseLid;
	PortData *reportPort;
	ReportCallback_t callback;
	void *context;
} ReportContext_t;

// report a device along a route in a fat tree
// called for each device in each route
static FSTATUS ReportRouteCallbackFatTree(PortData *entryPortp, PortData *exitPortp, uint8 vl, void *context)
	ReportContext_t *ReportContext = (ReportContext_t*)context;

	if (exitPortp == ReportContext->reportPort) {
		if (exitPortp->neighbor && exitPortp->nodep->analysis < exitPortp->neighbor->nodep->analysis) {
			(*ReportContext->callback)(ReportContext->portp1, ReportContext->portp2, ReportContext->dlid, ReportContext->isBaseLid, TRUE, ReportContext->context);
		} else {
			// for now == tier or no neighbor unexpected, but treat as downlink
			(*ReportContext->callback)(ReportContext->portp1, ReportContext->portp2, ReportContext->dlid, ReportContext->isBaseLid, FALSE, ReportContext->context);
	return FSUCCESS;

// report a device along a route
// called for each device in each route
static FSTATUS ReportRouteCallback(PortData *entryPortp, PortData *exitPortp, uint8 vl, void *context)
	ReportContext_t *ReportContext = (ReportContext_t*)context;
	if (entryPortp == ReportContext->reportPort) {
		(*ReportContext->callback)(ReportContext->portp1, ReportContext->portp2, ReportContext->dlid, ReportContext->isBaseLid, TRUE, ReportContext->context);
	if (exitPortp == ReportContext->reportPort) {
		(*ReportContext->callback)(ReportContext->portp1, ReportContext->portp2, ReportContext->dlid, ReportContext->isBaseLid, FALSE, ReportContext->context);
	return FSUCCESS;

// report all routes from portp1 to portp2 that cross reportPort
FSTATUS ReportRoutes(FabricData_t *fabricp,
			   			PortData *portp1, PortData *portp2,
					   	PortData *reportPort, ReportCallback_t callback,
					   	void *context, boolean fatTree)
	int  offset;
	int  count = (1<<portp1->PortInfo.s1.LMC);
	FSTATUS status;
	ReportContext_t ReportContext;

	ReportContext.portp1 = portp1;
	ReportContext.portp2 = portp2;
	ReportContext.reportPort = reportPort;
	ReportContext.callback = callback;
	ReportContext.context = context;

	// IB is destination routed, so just need starting port, no need to
	// iterate on all SLIDs for that port
	ReportContext.dlid = portp2->PortInfo.LID;
	ReportContext.isBaseLid = TRUE;
	status = WalkRoutePort(fabricp, portp1,
				   portp2->PortInfo.LID, 0, 0,
				   &ReportContext);	// Base LID
	if (status == FUNAVAILABLE)
		return status;
	// TabulateRoutes reports bad paths and will have been used
	// prior to this, so no need to report FNOT_DONE routes

	for (offset = 1; offset < count; offset++) {
		ReportContext.dlid = portp2->PortInfo.LID|offset;
		ReportContext.isBaseLid = FALSE;
		status = WalkRoutePort(fabricp, portp1,
				   portp2->PortInfo.LID|offset, 0, 0,
				   &ReportContext);	// LMC LID
		if (status == FUNAVAILABLE)
			return status;
		// TabulateRoutes reports bad paths and will have been used
		// prior to this, so no need to report FNOT_DONE routes
	return FSUCCESS;

// report all the routes between FIs that cross reportPort,
// exclude loopback routes
FSTATUS ReportCARoutes(FabricData_t *fabricp,
			   				PortData *reportPort, ReportCallback_t callback,
							void *context, boolean fatTree)
	LIST_ITEM *n1, *n2;
	cl_map_item_t *p1, *p2;
	FSTATUS status;

	// TBD - because IB is DLID routed, can save effort by getting routes from
	// 1 FI per switch to all other FIs (or all FIs on other switches) and
	// then multiply the result for that FI by the number of FIs on that switch
	// In a pure fattree such an approach would reduce N*N to (N/18)*(N/18)
	// so it would have a 18*18 reduction in effort, provided the cost of
	// finding FIs is not to high, maybe we can loop here based on all switches?
	for (n1=QListHead(&fabricp->AllFIs); n1 != NULL; n1 = QListNext(&fabricp->AllFIs, n1)) {
		NodeData *nodep1 = (NodeData *)QListObj(n1);
		for (p1=cl_qmap_head(&nodep1->Ports); p1 != cl_qmap_end(&nodep1->Ports); p1 = cl_qmap_next(p1)) {
			PortData *portp1 = PARENT_STRUCT(p1, PortData, NodePortsEntry);

			for (n2=QListHead(&fabricp->AllFIs); n2 != NULL; n2 = QListNext(&fabricp->AllFIs, n2)) {
				NodeData *nodep2 = (NodeData *)QListObj(n2);

				// enable this if we want to skip node to self paths
				//if (nodep1 == nodep2) continue;

				for (p2=cl_qmap_head(&nodep2->Ports); p2 != cl_qmap_end(&nodep2->Ports); p2 = cl_qmap_next(p2)) {
					PortData *portp2 = PARENT_STRUCT(p2, PortData, NodePortsEntry);
					// skip loopback paths
					if (portp1 == portp2) continue;
					status = ReportRoutes(fabricp, portp1, portp2, reportPort, callback, context, fatTree);
					if (status == FUNAVAILABLE)
						return status;
					// TabulateRoutes reports bad paths and will have been used
					// prior to this, so no need to report FNOT_DONE routes
	return FSUCCESS;

// callback for all the ports along a route
static FSTATUS ValidateRouteCallback(PortData *entryPortp, PortData *exitPortp, uint8 vl, void *context)
	// nothing special to be done while walking routes
	return FSUCCESS;

typedef struct ValidateContext2_s {
	ValidateCallback2_t callback;
	void *context;
} ValidateContext2_t;

// callback for all the ports along an incomplete  route
static FSTATUS ValidateRouteCallback2(PortData *entryPortp, PortData *exitPortp, uint8 vl, void *context)
	ValidateContext2_t *ValidateContext2 = (ValidateContext2_t*)context;

	if (entryPortp)
		(*ValidateContext2->callback)(entryPortp, vl, ValidateContext2->context);

	if (exitPortp)
		(*ValidateContext2->callback)(exitPortp, vl, ValidateContext2->context);

	return FSUCCESS;

static FSTATUS getSLSCInfo(FabricData_t *fabricp, EUI64 portGuid, int quiet, uint32 *usedSLs, uint32 *usedSCs) {
	uint32 usedSCsSave = 0;

	for (i = QListHead(&fabricp->AllVFs); i; i = QListNext(&fabricp->AllVFs, i)) {
		STL_VFINFO_RECORD *vfr = &((VFData_t*)QListObj(i))->record;
		(*usedSLs) |= 1 << vfr->s1.slBase;
		if (vfr->slResponseSpecified)
			(*usedSLs) |= 1 << vfr->slResponse;

	if (!usedSCs) {
		return FSUCCESS;

	cl_map_item_t *n;
	for (n = cl_qmap_head(&fabricp->AllNodes); n != cl_qmap_end(&fabricp->AllNodes) && (*usedSCs) != 0xff7f; n = cl_qmap_next(n)) {
		NodeData *nodep = PARENT_STRUCT(n, NodeData, AllNodesEntry);
		cl_map_item_t *p;
		for (p = cl_qmap_head(&nodep->Ports); p != cl_qmap_end(&nodep->Ports); p = cl_qmap_next(p)) {
			PortData *portp = PARENT_STRUCT(p, PortData, NodePortsEntry);

			// for each host and switch port 0
			if (nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW && portp->PortNum != 0) {

			// for each SL
			int sl;
			for (sl = 0; sl < STL_MAX_SLS; sl++) {
				if (((*usedSLs) >> sl) & 1) {
					STL_SC sc = portp->pQOS->SL2SCMap->SLSCMap[sl];
					// if SL2SC is a valid SC
					if (sc.SC != 15) {
						// add SC to used SCs
						(*usedSCs) |= (1 << sc.SC);

	do {
		usedSCsSave = (*usedSCs);
		// for each switch in fabric
		LIST_ITEM *sw;
		for (sw = QListHead(&fabricp->AllSWs); sw != NULL; sw = QListNext(&fabricp->AllSWs, sw)) {
			NodeData *nodep = (NodeData *)QListObj(sw);
			cl_map_item_t *p;
			// for each ingress/egress port pair
			for (p = cl_qmap_head(&nodep->Ports); p != cl_qmap_end(&nodep->Ports); p = cl_qmap_next(p)) {
				PortData *portp = PARENT_STRUCT(p, PortData, NodePortsEntry);

				if (portp->PortNum == 0) {

				int e;
				for (e = 0; e < nodep->NodeInfo.NumPorts; e++) {
					uint8 sc;
					// for each used SC
					for (sc = 0; ((*usedSCs) >> sc); sc++) {
						if (((*usedSCs) >> sc) & 1) {
						// add SC2SC[ingress,egress,inputSC] to used SCs
							STL_SCSCMAP *pSCSC = QOSDataLookupSCSCMap(portp, e, 0);
							if (!pSCSC) continue;
							STL_SC newSC = pSCSC->SCSCMap[sc];
							if (newSC.SC != 15) {
								(*usedSCs) |= (1 << newSC.SC);
	} while ((*usedSCs) != usedSCsSave);

	return FSUCCESS;

// report all routes from portp1 to portp2
FSTATUS ValidateRoutes(FabricData_t *fabricp,
			   			PortData *portp1, PortData *portp2,
						uint32 *totalPaths, uint32 *badPaths,
						uint32 usedSLs, uint8 rc,
					   	ValidateCallback_t callback, void *context,
			   			ValidateCallback2_t callback2, void *context2)
	int  offset;
	int  count = (1<<portp2->PortInfo.s1.LMC);
	ValidateContext2_t ValidateContext2 ={callback:callback2, context:context2};

	*totalPaths = 0;
	*badPaths = 0;

	// IB is destination routed, so just need starting port, no need to
	// iterate on all SLIDs for that port
	// loop over the used SLs
	uint8 sl;
	for (sl = 0; sl < STL_MAX_SLS; sl++) {
 		if ((usedSLs == 0 && sl == 0) || (usedSLs >> sl) & 1) {
			status = WalkRoutePort(fabricp, portp1,
				portp2->PortInfo.LID, sl, rc,
				ValidateRouteCallback, NULL);	// Base LID
		} else {
		if (status == FUNAVAILABLE) {
			return status;
		if (status != FSUCCESS) {
			(*callback)(portp1, portp2, portp2->PortInfo.LID,
					   	TRUE, sl, context);
			if (callback2) {
				// re-walk route and output details of each hop
				(void)WalkRoutePort(fabricp, portp1,
							portp2->PortInfo.LID, 0, rc,
							ValidateRouteCallback2, &ValidateContext2);
				(*callback2)(NULL, 0, context2);	// close out path

		for (offset = 1; offset < count; offset++) {
			status = WalkRoutePort(fabricp, portp1,
				   portp2->PortInfo.LID|offset, sl, rc,
				   ValidateRouteCallback, NULL);	// LMC LID
			if (status == FUNAVAILABLE)
				return status;
			if (status != FSUCCESS) {
				(*callback)(portp1, portp2, portp2->PortInfo.LID|offset,
					   	FALSE, sl, context);
				if (callback2) {
					// re-walk route and output details of each hop
					(void)WalkRoutePort(fabricp, portp1,
							portp2->PortInfo.LID, 0, rc,
							ValidateRouteCallback2, &ValidateContext2);
					(*callback2)(NULL, 0, context2); 	// close out path
		if (usedSLs == 0) break;
	return FSUCCESS;

// validate all the routes between all LIDs, exclude loopback routes
FSTATUS ValidateAllRoutes(FabricData_t *fabricp, EUI64 portGuid, uint8 rc,
			   				uint32 *totalPaths, uint32 *badPaths,
			   				ValidateCallback_t callback, void *context,
			   				ValidateCallback2_t callback2, void *context2,
							uint8 useSCSC)
	cl_map_item_t *n1, *n2;
	cl_map_item_t *p1, *p2;
	FSTATUS status;
	uint32 pathCount, badPathCount;
	uint32 usedSLs = 0;

	*totalPaths = 0;
	*badPaths = 0;

	if (useSCSC) {
		// get the SL information, SCs not needed
		if ((status = getSLSCInfo(fabricp, portGuid, 1, &usedSLs, NULL)) != FSUCCESS) {
			return status;

	for (n1=cl_qmap_head(&fabricp->AllNodes); n1 != cl_qmap_end(&fabricp->AllNodes); n1 = cl_qmap_next(n1)) {
		NodeData *nodep1 = PARENT_STRUCT(n1, NodeData, AllNodesEntry);
		for (p1=cl_qmap_head(&nodep1->Ports); p1 != cl_qmap_end(&nodep1->Ports); p1 = cl_qmap_next(p1)) {
			PortData *portp1 = PARENT_STRUCT(p1, PortData, NodePortsEntry);
			if (nodep1->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW && portp1->PortNum != 0) {
				// only port 0 of a switch has a LID

			for (n2=cl_qmap_head(&fabricp->AllNodes); n2 != cl_qmap_end(&fabricp->AllNodes); n2 = cl_qmap_next(n2)) {
				NodeData *nodep2 = PARENT_STRUCT(n2, NodeData, AllNodesEntry);

				// enable this if we want to skip node to self paths
				//if (nodep1 == nodep2) continue;

				for (p2=cl_qmap_head(&nodep2->Ports); p2 != cl_qmap_end(&nodep2->Ports); p2 = cl_qmap_next(p2)) {
					PortData *portp2 = PARENT_STRUCT(p2, PortData, NodePortsEntry);
					if (nodep2->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW && portp2->PortNum != 0) {
						// only port 0 of a switch has a LID
					// skip loopback paths
					if (portp1 == portp2) continue;
					status = ValidateRoutes(fabricp, portp1, portp2, &pathCount, &badPathCount, usedSLs, rc, callback, context, callback2, context2);
					if (status == FUNAVAILABLE)
						return status;
					(*totalPaths) += pathCount;
					(*badPaths) += badPathCount;
	return FSUCCESS;

// multicast routes functions                       //

static STL_PORTMASK *LookupMFT(PortData *portp, STL_LID mlid, uint8 pos)
	uint32 entry;
	uint32 MCFDBSize;

	DEBUG_ASSERT(portp->nodep->switchp && portp->nodep->switchp->MulticastFDB[0]);	//caller checks

	// Get index independent of mlid format (16-bit or 32-bit)
	entry = GetMulticastOffset((uint32)mlid);
	MCFDBSize = portp->nodep->switchp->MulticastFDBSize & MULTICAST_LID_OFFSET_MASK;
	if (entry >=MCFDBSize)
		return NULL;

		return NULL;

	PortMask= GetMulticastFDBEntry(portp->nodep, entry, pos);

	return PortMask;

// copying the route with problems to main list for later display.
static FSTATUS CopyAndInsertMcLoopInc(FabricData_t *fabricp, MCROUTESTATUS MCRouteStatus, McLoopInc *pMcLoopInc)

	McLoopInc *pMcLoopIncR = (McLoopInc*)MemoryAllocate2AndClear(sizeof(McLoopInc), IBA_MEM_FLAG_PREMPTABLE, MYTAG);
	if (! pMcLoopIncR) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory to init a list of MC loop and incomplete routes\n");
	//copying contents of pMcLoopInc to the new record.
	pMcLoopIncR->status = MCRouteStatus;
	pMcLoopIncR->mlid = pMcLoopInc->mlid;

	if (!QListInit(&pMcLoopIncR->AllMcNodeLoopIncR)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize List of nodes with not found MC routes\n");
		//deallocate mem

	// copying list of nodes
	for (p = QListHead(&pMcLoopInc->AllMcNodeLoopIncR); p!= NULL; p = QListNext( &pMcLoopInc->AllMcNodeLoopIncR,p) ){
		// retrieve current node
		McNodeLoopInc *pmcnode = (McNodeLoopInc *) QListObj(p);
		// create new node
		McNodeLoopInc *pMcNodeLoopIncR = (McNodeLoopInc*)MemoryAllocate2AndClear(sizeof(McNodeLoopInc), IBA_MEM_FLAG_PREMPTABLE, MYTAG);
		if (! pMcNodeLoopIncR) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory to init a list of MC loop and incomplete routes\n");
		// copy node to node
		pMcNodeLoopIncR->pPort = pmcnode->pPort;
		pMcNodeLoopIncR->entryPort = pmcnode->entryPort;
		pMcNodeLoopIncR->exitPort = pmcnode->exitPort;
		//insert new node
		QListSetObj(&pMcNodeLoopIncR->McNodeEntry, pMcNodeLoopIncR);
		QListInsertTail(&pMcLoopIncR->AllMcNodeLoopIncR , &pMcNodeLoopIncR->McNodeEntry);
	} // end for

	//When all nodes were copied add route item to the main list
	QListSetObj(&pMcLoopIncR->LoopIncEntry, pMcLoopIncR);
	QListInsertTail(&fabricp->AllMcLoopIncRoutes[MCRouteStatus].AllMcRouteStatus, &pMcLoopIncR->LoopIncEntry);

	return FSUCCESS;

static FSTATUS IsMemberMcGroup(McGroupData *mcgroupp, PortData *portp)

	for (p=QListHead(&mcgroupp->AllMcGroupMembers); p!= NULL; p = QListNext(&mcgroupp->AllMcGroupMembers,p)) {
		McMemberData *mcmp = (McMemberData *)QListObj(p);
		if (mcmp->MemberInfo.RID.PortGID.AsReg64s.L == portp->nodep->NodeInfo.NodeGUID) {
			/*if (!mcmp->MemberInfo.JoinFullMember)
				return FNOT_FOUND;
			else */return FSUCCESS;
	return FNOT_FOUND;

// Walk MC route from portp for mlid group.
// returns status of MC route (if not FSUCCESS)
// FUNAVAILABLE - no routing tables in FabricData given
// FNOT_FOUND - unable to find starting port
// FNOT_DONE - unable to trace route, mlid is a dead end
// FDUPLICATE - loop detected in mc routes

FSTATUS WalkMCRoute(FabricData_t *fabricp, McGroupData *mcgroupp, PortData *portp, int hop,
	uint8 EntryPort, McLoopInc *pMcLoopInc, uint32 *pathCount)
	PortData *portp2, *portn;	// next port in route
	uint64 Port_res;
	SwitchData *switchp;
	MCROUTESTATUS mcroutestat;
	McNodeLoopInc McNodeLoopIncR, *pMcNodeLoopIncR;

	pMcNodeLoopIncR = &McNodeLoopIncR;

	pMcNodeLoopIncR->pPort = portp;
	pMcNodeLoopIncR->entryPort = EntryPort;
	pMcNodeLoopIncR->exitPort = 0;

	QListSetObj(&pMcNodeLoopIncR->McNodeEntry, pMcNodeLoopIncR);
	QListInsertTail(&pMcLoopInc->AllMcNodeLoopIncR , &pMcNodeLoopIncR->McNodeEntry);

	if ((hop) >= 64) {
		// add list to NOT_DONE
		status = CopyAndInsertMcLoopInc(fabricp, mcroutestat, pMcLoopInc);
		if (status== FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n");
			return FERROR;
		return FNOT_DONE; // too long a path
// if port is FI them check membership, if OK then reach end-of-route
// if port is SW; Port0 then check membership, if OK then reach end-of-route
	if (( (hop > 1) && (portp->nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW)
		&& (EntryPort == 0) && portp->nodep->pSwitchInfo->SwitchInfoData.u2.s.EnhancedPort0) // this is a enhanced Port0;
		|| (portp->nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_FI)) { // these are end-nodes
		status = IsMemberMcGroup(mcgroupp, portp);
		if (status != FSUCCESS) {
			status = CopyAndInsertMcLoopInc(fabricp, mcroutestat, pMcLoopInc);
			if (status == FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n");
				return FERROR;
			return FUNAVAILABLE; // not a member
		else {
		return FSUCCESS;
	if ((EntryPort == 0) && (hop > 1)){ // Port 0 cannot be switch external port
		status = CopyAndInsertMcLoopInc(fabricp,mcroutestat, pMcLoopInc);
		if (status== FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n");
			return FERROR;
		return FNOT_DONE;
// if we are here, port can be a switch
 	switchp = portp->nodep->switchp;

// 	//test if there is a switch
	if (!switchp) {
 		status = CopyAndInsertMcLoopInc(fabricp,mcroutestat, pMcLoopInc);
 		if (status== FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n");
 			return FERROR;
		return FNOT_DONE;

//test if there is a routing table
	if (!switchp->MulticastFDB) {
		status = CopyAndInsertMcLoopInc(fabricp,mcroutestat, pMcLoopInc);
		if (status== FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n");
			return FERROR;

// check if the size of the table is enough
// check if MulticastFDBTop <= MulticastFDBCap
 	uint32 MCTableSize;
// lower 14 bits of top
	MCTableSize = portp->nodep->pSwitchInfo->SwitchInfoData.MulticastFDBTop & MULTICAST_LID_OFFSET_MASK;
	if (MCTableSize > portp->nodep->pSwitchInfo->SwitchInfoData.MulticastFDBCap){
 		status = CopyAndInsertMcLoopInc(fabricp,mcroutestat, pMcLoopInc);
 		if (status== FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n");
 			return FERROR;

// get index to retrieve routing ports for MC from the MC table
	int ix_lid = GetMulticastOffset((uint32)pMcLoopInc->mlid);
	//verify that index lies within the table size
 	if ( ix_lid > MCTableSize) {
 		status = CopyAndInsertMcLoopInc(fabricp,mcroutestat, pMcLoopInc);
 		if (status== FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n");
 			return FERROR;

	// is this my first visit here?
	if (!portp->nodep->switchp->HasBeenVisited)
		portp->nodep->switchp->HasBeenVisited = 1;
	else {   //if not... there is a loop.
		status = CopyAndInsertMcLoopInc(fabricp,mcroutestat, pMcLoopInc);
		if (status== FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n");
			return FERROR;
		return FDUPLICATE;

	// getting information of number of ports for the current switch to run the loop only for those values
	// limiting max. num of ports to 256
	uint8 swmaxnumport = portp->nodep->NodeInfo.NumPorts;
	if (swmaxnumport > STL_MAX_PORTS) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot handle more than %d different ports\n", STL_MAX_PORTS);
		return FERROR;

	uint8 pos=0;
	int ix_port;
	for (ix_port=0; ix_port <= swmaxnumport; ix_port ++) {
		if (EntryPort != ix_port) {
			//select correct mask to test given 256 max ports
			pos = ix_port / STL_PORT_MASK_WIDTH;
			pp = LookupMFT(portp, (uint32)pMcLoopInc->mlid, pos);
			if (pp==NULL) {
				status = CopyAndInsertMcLoopInc(fabricp,mcroutestat, pMcLoopInc);
				if (status== FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) {
					fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n");
					return FERROR;
				return FUNAVAILABLE;
			Port_res = ((uint64_t)1<< (ix_port % STL_PORT_MASK_WIDTH)) & *pp;/// this must be compatible with 4 columns of 64 bits each
			if (Port_res != 0) { //matching port
				pMcNodeLoopIncR->exitPort = ix_port; // save exit port
				if (ix_port == 0) {
					status = WalkMCRoute( fabricp, mcgroupp, portp, (hop+1), 0, pMcLoopInc, pathCount);
					if (status == FERROR)
						return FERROR;
				else {
					portp2 = FindNodePort(portp->nodep, ix_port);
					if (! portp2 || ! IsPortInitialized(portp2->PortInfo.PortStates)
						|| (!portp2->neighbor)) {
						status = CopyAndInsertMcLoopInc(fabricp,mcroutestat, pMcLoopInc);
						if (status== FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) {
							fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n");
							return FERROR;
						status = FNOT_DONE;
					} // Non viable route
					else {
						portn = portp2->neighbor; // mist be the entry port of the next switch
						status = WalkMCRoute( fabricp, mcgroupp, portn, (hop+1), portn->PortNum, pMcLoopInc, pathCount);
						if (status == FERROR)
						// just return all the way
							return FERROR;
					} //end else
				} //end else
			} // end of there is a match
		}// end of entry port != exit port
	} // end for looking for next port

	return status;

// report all MC routes
FSTATUS ValidateMCRoutes(FabricData_t *fabricp, McGroupData *mcgroupp,
			McEdgeSwitchData *swp, uint32 *pathCount)
	FSTATUS status;

	SwitchData *switchp;
	PortData *portp1;
	portp1 = swp->pPort;

	switchp = portp1->nodep->switchp;
	if (!switchp) {
		printf("No switch connected to HFI \n");
		return FNOT_DONE;

	McLoopInc mcLoop;
	if (!QListInit(&mcLoop.AllMcNodeLoopIncR)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize List of nodes for loops and incomplete MC routes\n");
		return FERROR;

	mcLoop.mlid = mcgroupp->MLID; // identifies the route to analyze

	/* clear visited flag set in previous call to WalkMCRoute for every node */
	for (n1 = QListHead(&fabricp->AllSWs ); n1 != NULL; n1= QListNext(&fabricp->AllSWs, n1)) {
		NodeData * node = (NodeData*)QListObj(n1);
	status = WalkMCRoute( fabricp, mcgroupp, portp1, 1, swp->EntryPort, &mcLoop, pathCount);

	return status;

FSTATUS InitListofLoopAndIncMCRoutes(FabricData_t *fabricp)

{	int i;

	// init list of loops and incomplete MC routes


	for (i=0; i<MAXMCROUTESTATUS; i++) {
		if (!QListInit(&fabricp->AllMcLoopIncRoutes[i].AllMcRouteStatus)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize List of MC loops and incomplete routes\n");
			return FERROR;
	return FSUCCESS;

FSTATUS ValidateAllMCRoutes(FabricData_t *fabricp, uint32 *totalPaths )

{	LIST_ITEM *n1, *p1, *q1;
	FSTATUS status;
	McMemberData *pMCM1;
	uint32 pathCount;

	*totalPaths = 0;

	status = InitListofLoopAndIncMCRoutes(fabricp);
	if (status!=FSUCCESS)
		return FERROR;

	// init all switches as never been visited
	for (n1 = QListHead(&fabricp->AllSWs ); n1 != NULL; n1= QListNext(&fabricp->AllSWs, n1)) {
		NodeData * node = (NodeData*)QListObj(n1);

	for (n1 = QListHead(&fabricp->AllMcGroups); n1 != NULL; n1= QListNext(&fabricp->AllMcGroups, n1)) {
		McGroupData *pmcgmember = (McGroupData *)QListObj(n1);
		//for this group get all member information
			p1 = QListHead(&pmcgmember->AllMcGroupMembers);
			pMCM1 = (McMemberData *)QListObj(p1);
			// do not validate routes empty groups or groups with 1 member
			if ((pMCM1->MemberInfo.RID.PortGID.AsReg64s.H != 0) || (pMCM1->MemberInfo.RID.PortGID.AsReg64s.L!=0)) {
				if (pmcgmember->NumOfMembers > 1) {
					for (q1 = QListHead(&pmcgmember->EdgeSwitchesInGroup); q1 != NULL; q1= QListNext(&pmcgmember->EdgeSwitchesInGroup, q1)) {
						McEdgeSwitchData *swp = (McEdgeSwitchData *)QListObj(q1);
						status = ValidateMCRoutes(fabricp, pmcgmember, swp, &pathCount);
						if (status ==FERROR) {
							fprintf(stderr, "Unable to validate MC routes\n");
							return FERROR;
						(*totalPaths) += pathCount;
				} // end if num members >1
//			}// end evaluating groups with non-zero members*/
		} // end evaluating one MC group
	} // end for all MC groups

	return FSUCCESS;
} // End of ValidateAllMCRoutes

void FreeValidateMCRoutes(FabricData_t *fabricp)
{ int i;
  LIST_ITEM *p, *q;

	for (i=0;i<MAXMCROUTESTATUS;i++){
		//if the list is empty there is nothing to release
		while (!QListIsEmpty(&fabricp->AllMcLoopIncRoutes[i].AllMcRouteStatus) ){
			p = QListTail(&fabricp->AllMcLoopIncRoutes[i].AllMcRouteStatus);
			McLoopInc *pmcloop = (McLoopInc *) QListObj(p);
				//remove members in each mc route
			while (!QListIsEmpty(&pmcloop->AllMcNodeLoopIncR)) {
				q = QListTail(&pmcloop->AllMcNodeLoopIncR);
				McNodeLoopInc *pmcnodeloop = (McNodeLoopInc *) QListObj(q);
				MemoryDeallocate (pmcnodeloop);
			} // end while q
			MemoryDeallocate (pmcloop);
		}// end  while p
	}// end for 0..4


////////// /////////// end of MC-related functions

#ifndef __VXWORKS__

static FSTATUS CLGetRoute(FabricData_t *fabricp, EUI64 portGuid, uint8 rc,
                          PortData *portp1, PortData *portp2, 
                          IB_PATH_RECORD *pathp, uint32 *totalPaths, uint32 *totalBadPaths, 
                          ValidateCLRouteCallback_t callback, void *context, uint8 snapshotInFile,
                          uint32 usedSCs)
   FSTATUS status; 
   STL_TRACE_RECORD	*pTraceRecords = NULL; 
   uint32 NumTraceRecords = 0; 
   int i = -1, detail = 0, quiet = 0; 
   uint32 links = 0; 
   PortData *p = portp1,*fromPortp = portp1; 
   int p_shown = 0; 
   clConnPathData_t pathInfo;
   ValidateCreditLoopRoutesContext_t *cp = (ValidateCreditLoopRoutesContext_t *)context; 
   if (cp) detail = cp->detail; 
   if (cp) quiet = (cp->quiet == 1) ? 1 : 0;
   // add source and destination HFIs endnodes to device list 
   if (portp1->nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType != STL_NODE_FI || portp2->nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType != STL_NODE_FI) {
      status = FINVALID_PARAMETER; 
      goto done; 
   } else if (!CLDataAddDevice(fabricp, portp1->nodep, pathp->SLID, detail, quiet) || 
              !CLDataAddDevice(fabricp, portp2->nodep, pathp->DLID, detail, quiet)) {
      goto done; 
   if (portp1 == portp2) {
      /* special case, internal loopback */
      status = FSUCCESS; 
      goto done;
   if (portp1->neighbor == portp2) {
      /* special case, single link traversed */
      // Since portp1 has a neighbor, neither port is SW Port 0
      status = FSUCCESS; 
      goto done;

   // get trace route for path
   status = GenTraceRoutePath(fabricp, pathp, rc, &pTraceRecords, &NumTraceRecords);
   if (NumTraceRecords <= 0)
      goto badroute;
   //ASSERT(NumTraceRecords > 0); 
   /* the first Trace record should be the exit from portp1, however
    * not all versions of the SM report this record
   if (pTraceRecords[0].NodeType != portp1->nodep->NodeInfo.NodeType) {
      /* workaround SM bug, did not report initial exit port */
      // assume portp1 is not a Switch Port 0
      p = portp1->neighbor; 
      if (!p) {
         goto badroute;

   // replicate path record for later use
   MemoryCopy(&pathInfo.path, pathp, sizeof(IB_PATH_RECORD));

   for (i = 0; i < NumTraceRecords; i++) {
      // add switches to device list 
      if (!CLDataAddDevice(fabricp, p->nodep, 0, detail, quiet)) {
         status = FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; 
         goto done; 
      if (p != portp1) {
         // add up-link and down-link connections to connection list

         if (usedSCs && fromPortp->pQOS) {
            uint8 sc;
            for (sc = 0; (usedSCs >> sc); sc++) {
               if ((usedSCs >> sc) & 1) {
                  if ((status = CLDataAddConnection(fabricp, fromPortp, p, &pathInfo, sc, detail, quiet)) ||
                      (status = CLDataAddConnection(fabricp, p, fromPortp, &pathInfo, sc, detail, quiet))) {
                     if (status == FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) goto done;
                     goto badroute;
                  p_shown = 1;
            if ((status = CLDataAddRoute(fabricp, pathp->SLID, pathp->DLID, fromPortp, detail, quiet))) {
               if (status == FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) goto done;
               goto badroute;
         } else {
            if ((status = CLDataAddConnection(fabricp, fromPortp, p, &pathInfo, 0, detail, quiet)) ||
                (status = CLDataAddConnection(fabricp, p, fromPortp, &pathInfo, 0, detail, quiet)) ||
                (status = CLDataAddRoute(fabricp, pathp->SLID, pathp->DLID, fromPortp, detail, quiet))) {
               if (status == FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) goto done;
               goto badroute;
            p_shown = 1;
      if (pTraceRecords[i].NodeType != STL_NODE_FI) {
         p = FindNodePort(p->nodep, pTraceRecords[i].ExitPort); 
         if (!p) {
            goto badroute;
         if (0 == p->PortNum) {
            /* Switch Port 0 thus must be final port */
            if (i + 1 != NumTraceRecords) {
               goto badroute;
         fromPortp = p; 
         if (p == portp2) {
            // this should not happen.  If we reach portp2 as the exit
            // port of a switch, that implies portp2 must be port 0 of
            // the switch which the test above should have caught
            // but it doesn't hurt to have this redundant test here to be
            // safe.
            /* final port must be Switch Port 0 */
            if (i + 1 != NumTraceRecords) {
               goto badroute;
         } else {
            p = p->neighbor; 
            if (!p) {
               goto badroute;
            p_shown = 0;
      } else if (i == 0) {
         /* since we caught FI to FI case above, SM must have given us
          * initial Node in path
         /* unfortunately spec says Exit and Entry Port are 0 for CA, so
          * can't verify consistency with portp1
         p = portp1->neighbor; 
         if (!p) {
            goto badroute;
         p_shown = 0;
      } else if (i + 1 != NumTraceRecords) {
         goto badroute;
   if (!p_shown) {
      /* workaround SM bug, did not report final hop in route */
      // add up-link and down-link connections to connection list 
      if ((status = CLDataAddConnection(fabricp, fromPortp, portp2, &pathInfo, 0, detail, quiet)) ||
          (status = CLDataAddConnection(fabricp, portp2, fromPortp, &pathInfo, 0, detail, quiet)) ||
          (status = CLDataAddRoute(fabricp, pathp->SLID, pathp->DLID, fromPortp, detail, quiet))) {
         if (status == FINSUFFICIENT_MEMORY) goto done;
         goto badroute;
	 *totalPaths += 1;
   if (p != portp2) {
      goto badroute;

   *totalPaths += 1;

   if (pQueryResults)
   if (pTraceRecords)
   return status; 
   *totalBadPaths += 1; 
   status = FSUCCESS;  // might as well process what we can
   (void)callback(portp1, portp2, context);

   goto done;

static FSTATUS CLGetRoutes(FabricData_t *fabricp, EUI64 portGuid, uint8 rc,  
                           PortData *portp1, PortData *portp2, 
                           uint32 *totalPaths, uint32 *totalBadPaths, 
                           ValidateCLRouteCallback_t callback, void *context,
                           uint8 snapshotInFile, uint32 usedSCs)
   FSTATUS status; 
   int i; 
   uint32 NumPathRecords; 
   IB_PATH_RECORD *pPathRecords = NULL; 

   status = GenPaths(fabricp, portp1, portp2, &pPathRecords, &NumPathRecords);

   for (i = 0; i < NumPathRecords; i++) {
      CLGetRoute(fabricp, portGuid, rc, portp1, portp2, &pPathRecords[i], 
                 totalPaths, totalBadPaths, callback, context, snapshotInFile,
   if (pPathRecords)
   return status;

FSTATUS ValidateAllCreditLoopRoutes(FabricData_t *fabricp, EUI64 portGuid, uint8 rc,  
                                    ValidateCLRouteCallback_t routeCallback, 
                                    ValidateCLFabricSummaryCallback_t fabricSummaryCallback, 
                                    ValidateCLDataSummaryCallback_t dataSummaryCallback, 
                                    ValidateCLRouteSummaryCallback_t routeSummaryCallback, 
                                    ValidateCLLinkSummaryCallback_t linkSummaryCallback, 
                                    ValidateCLLinkStepSummaryCallback_t linkStepSummaryCallback, 
                                    ValidateCLPathSummaryCallback_t pathSummaryCallback,
                                    ValidateCLTimeGetCallback_t timeGetCallback, 
                                    void *context, 
                                    uint8 snapshotInFile,
                                    uint8 useSCSC)
   FSTATUS status; 
   int detail = 0, xmlFmt; 
   uint32 nodeCount = 1, totalPaths = 0, totalBadPaths = 0; 
   LIST_ITEM * n1,*n2; 
   cl_map_item_t * p1,*p2; 
   uint64_t sTime = 0, eTime = 0; 
   uint64_t sTotalTime = 0, eTotalTime = 0; 
   ValidateCreditLoopRoutesContext_t *cp = (ValidateCreditLoopRoutesContext_t *)context; 
   uint32 usedSCs = 0, usedSLs = 0;
   if (!cp) 
      return FNOT_DONE; 
   detail = cp->detail; 
   xmlFmt = (cp->format == 1) ? 1 : 0; 
   if (!xmlFmt && cp->detail >= 3) {
      timeGetCallback(&sTotalTime, &g_cl_lock); 
      timeGetCallback(&sTime, &g_cl_lock); 
      printf("START build all the routes\n"); 
   // find the used SCs
   if (useSCSC) {
      if ((status = getSLSCInfo(fabricp, portGuid, cp->quiet, &usedSLs, &usedSCs)) != FSUCCESS) {
         return status;

   // collect routing information between all endnodes within the fabric 
   for (n1 = QListHead(&fabricp->AllFIs); n1 != NULL; n1 = QListNext(&fabricp->AllFIs, n1)) {
      NodeData *nodep1 = (NodeData *)QListObj(n1); 
      if (!xmlFmt && cp->detail >= 3) {
         printf("START build all routes from %s\n", nodep1->NodeDesc.NodeString);

      for (p1 = cl_qmap_head(&nodep1->Ports); p1 != cl_qmap_end(&nodep1->Ports); p1 = cl_qmap_next(p1), nodeCount++) {
         PortData *portp1 = PARENT_STRUCT(p1, PortData, NodePortsEntry); 

	 if (nodep1->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW && portp1->PortNum != 0) {
         for (n2 = QListHead(&fabricp->AllFIs); n2 != NULL; n2 = QListNext(&fabricp->AllFIs, n2)) {
            NodeData *nodep2 = (NodeData *)QListObj(n2); 
            // enable this if we want to skip node to self paths
            //if (nodep1 == nodep2) continue;
            for (p2 = cl_qmap_head(&nodep2->Ports); p2 != cl_qmap_end(&nodep2->Ports); p2 = cl_qmap_next(p2)) {
               PortData *portp2 = PARENT_STRUCT(p2, PortData, NodePortsEntry); 
               if (nodep2->NodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW && portp2->PortNum != 0) {
               // skip loopback paths
               if (portp1 == portp2) 
               if (FUNAVAILABLE == (status = CLGetRoutes(fabricp, portGuid, rc, portp1, portp2, 
                                                         &totalPaths, &totalBadPaths, 
                                                         routeCallback, context, snapshotInFile,
                  return status;
      if (!xmlFmt && cp->detail >= 3) {
         printf("END build all routes from %s\n", nodep1->NodeDesc.NodeString); 
         printf("%d of %d HFI nodes completed\n", ++nodeCount, QListCount(&fabricp->AllFIs));
      } else {
         if (nodeCount % PROGRESS_FREQ == 0 || nodeCount == 1) 
            if (!cp->quiet) 
               ProgressPrint(FALSE, "Processed %6d of %6d Nodes...", nodeCount, QListCount(&fabricp->AllFIs));
   if (!xmlFmt && cp->detail >= 3) {
      timeGetCallback(&eTime, &g_cl_lock); 
      printf("END build all the routes; elapsed time(usec)=%d, (sec)=%d\n", 
             (int)(eTime - sTime), ((int)(eTime - sTime)) / CL_TIME_DIVISOR); 
   // clear line used to display progress report
   if (!cp->quiet)
      ProgressPrint(TRUE, "Done Building All Routes");
   //PYTHON: fabric.summary('Fabric')
   (void)CLFabricSummary(fabricp, "Fabric", fabricSummaryCallback, totalPaths, totalBadPaths, cp); 
   if (!cl_qmap_count(&fabricp->map_guid_to_ib_device) || !fabricp->ConnectionCount || !fabricp->RouteCount) 
      return FNOT_DONE; 
   /* build graphical layout of all the routes */
   //PYTHON: full_graph = build_routing_graph(fabric)
   if (!CLFabricDataBuildRouteGraph(fabricp, routeSummaryCallback, timeGetCallback, cp, usedSLs)) {
      clGraphData_t *graphp; 
      if (detail >= 3) {
         //PYTHON: full_graph.summary('Full graph')
         (void)CLGraphDataSummary(&fabricp->Graph, (xmlFmt) ? "FullGraph" : "Full graph", dataSummaryCallback, cp); 
      /* prune the graph data */
      //PYTHON: pruned_graph.prune()
      (void)CLGraphDataPrune(&fabricp->Graph, timeGetCallback, detail, cp->quiet); 
      if (detail >= 3) {
         //PYTHON: pruned_graph.summary('Pruned graph')
         (void)CLGraphDataSummary(&fabricp->Graph, (xmlFmt) ? "PrunedGraph" : "Pruned graph", dataSummaryCallback, cp);
      /* split the graph data */
      //PYTHON: split_graph = pruned_graph.split()
      if (!(graphp = CLGraphDataSplit(&fabricp->Graph, detail))) {
         if (!xmlFmt) 
            printf("Routes are deadlock free (No credit loops detected)\n");
      } else {
         int count = 0; 
         char title[100]; 
         clDijkstraDistancesAndRoutes_t dijkstraInfo; 
         if (!xmlFmt) 
            printf("Deadlock detected in routes (Credit loops detected)\n"); 
         memset(&dijkstraInfo, 0, sizeof(dijkstraInfo)); 
         //PYTHON: while split_graph :
         while (graphp) {
            if (detail >= 3) {
               if (xmlFmt) 
                  sprintf(title, "SplitGraph%d", count); 
                  sprintf(title, "Split graph %d", count); 
               //PYTHON: split_graph.summary('Split graph %d' % count)
               (void)CLGraphDataSummary(graphp, title, dataSummaryCallback, cp); 
            /* find route distances via Dijkstra algorithm */
            //PYTHON: (distances, routes) = find_distances_and_routes_dijkstra(split_graph)
            if (CLDijkstraFindDistancesAndRoutes(graphp, &dijkstraInfo, detail)) 
            else {
               //PYTHON: find_cycles(split_graph, distances, routes, ib_connection_source_to_str)
               (void)CLDijkstraFindCycles(fabricp, graphp, &dijkstraInfo, 
                                          linkSummaryCallback, linkStepSummaryCallback, 
                                          pathSummaryCallback, cp); 
               /* free existing distances and routes relaed data */
               //PYTHON: split_graph = pruned_graph.split()
               CLGraphDataFree(graphp, cp);
               MemoryDeallocate(graphp); // graphp was allocated by CLGraphDataSplit
               graphp = CLGraphDataSplit(&fabricp->Graph, detail);
            count += 1;
         if (detail >= 3 && count > 1) 
            printf("Dependencies split into %d disconnected graphs\n", count);
      // free all credit loop related data
      if (graphp) MemoryDeallocate(graphp);
      if (CLFabricDataDestroy(fabricp, cp)) 
         fprintf(stderr, "Warning, failed to deallocate route credit loop data\n");
   if (!xmlFmt && cp->detail >= 3) {
      timeGetCallback(&eTotalTime, &g_cl_lock); 
      printf("END Credit loop validation; elapsed time(usec)=%12"PRIu64", (sec)=%12"PRIu64"\n", 
             (eTotalTime - sTotalTime), ((eTotalTime - sTotalTime)) / CL_TIME_DIVISOR); 
   return FSUCCESS;
