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# BEGIN_ICS_COPYRIGHT8 ****************************************
# Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
#       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
#       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#     * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
#       may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
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# END_ICS_COPYRIGHT8   ****************************************


# This is an expect (tcl) library of procedures to aid opa stack testing

package require tdom

# Name        : createTextElement
# Input       : document tagName tagValue
# Return      . Text node
# Description : Creates a text node in the form <tagName>text</tagName>
proc createTextElement { doc tagName text } {

    set textNode [ $doc createTextNode $text ]
    set elem [ $doc createElement $tagName ]
    $elem appendChild $textNode

    return $elem

# Name        : createAttributesElement
# Input       : document tagName attributeName1 attributeValue1 ...
# Return      . Element with attributes
# Description : Creates an element with attributes, i.e. <Tag attr1='val1' attr2='val2'>
# Note        : If number of values doesn't match the number of tags an error tag will be
#               set in the resulting XML.
proc createAttributesElement { doc tagName args } {

    set elem [ $doc createElement $tagName ]
    set argsCounter 0

    foreach arg $args {
	incr argsCounter
	if { [ expr $argsCounter % 2 ] != 0 } {
	    set attrName $arg
	} else {	    
	    $elem setAttribute $attrName $arg

    if { [ expr $argsCounter % 2 ] != 0 } {
	set elem [ createTextElement $doc ERROR "Incorrect number of attributes: $args" ]

    return $elem

# Name        : open_xml_doc
# Input       : xml file
# Return      . DOM tree.
# Description : Load a well-formed xml file into memory.

proc open_xml_doc { xmldoc }  {

	if { ! [ file exists $xmldoc ] } {
		return -code error "ERROR : $xmldoc does not exist in the current location."

	set doc [dom parse [tDOM::xmlReadFile $xmldoc] ]
	set root [$doc documentElement]

	return $root

# Name        : run_opareport
# Input       : host, output_type = { brnodes, vfinfo }
# Return      . results from the opareport command as a DOM tree.
# Description : runs opareport and stores results in result.

proc run_opareport { host arguments } {

    set xmldoc [ run_cmd "exec ssh root@$host opareport $arguments -x" ]
    set doc [dom parse $xmldoc]
    set result [$doc documentElement]

    return $result

# Name        : run_opasmaquery
# Input       : host, lid, output_type = { slsc, scvlt }
# Return      . results from the opasmaquery command for a given HFI.
# Description : runs opasmaquery and stores results in result.

proc run_opasmaquery { host arguments } {
    set result [ run_cmd "exec ssh root@$host opasmaquery $arguments" ]
    return $result

# Name        : run_opasaquery
# Input       : output_type = { pkey }
# Return      . results from the opasmaquery command for a given HFI.
# Description : runs opasmaquery and stores results in result.

proc run_opasaquery { host arguments } {

    set result [ run_cmd "exec ssh root@$host opasaquery $arguments" ]
    return $result

# Name        : run_opasaquery
# Input       : output_type = { pkey }
# Return      . results from the opasmaquery command for a given HFI.
# Description : runs opasmaquery and stores results in result.

proc run_opapaquery { host arguments } {

    set result [ run_cmd "exec ssh root@$host opapaquery $arguments 2> /dev/null" ]
    return $result

# Name        : ibaSAQuerySwitchltvToXml
# Input       : txt generated from opasmaquery -o switchltv
# Return      . DOM object.
# Description : Produce a DOM object (xml) from a formatted text.

proc ibaSAQuerySwitchltvToXml { switchltv_content } {

    set lines [ split $switchltv_content "\n"]

    set doc [ dom createDocument SwitchLTV ]
    $doc encoding {iso8859-1}    
    set root [$doc documentElement]
    set doOnce 0
    foreach line $lines {
	# Look for LID 
	set rc [ regexp {(LID) +([0-9]+)} $line matched text lid ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    if { $doOnce == 0 } {
		set lidNode [ $doc createElement LID ]
		$lidNode setAttribute id $lid
		$root appendChild $lidNode
		set portsNode [ $doc createElement Ports ]
		$root appendChild $portsNode
		set doOnce 1
	# Look for port
	set rc [ regexp {(Port) +([0-9]+)} $line matched text port ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    set portNode [ $doc createElement Port ]
	    $portNode setAttribute id $port
	    $portsNode appendChild $portNode
	    set virtualLanesNode [ $doc createElement VirtualLanes ]
	# Look for VL and LTV
	set rc [ regexp -nocase {(VL) +([0-9]+) +-> +(0x[0-9a-f]+) +(VL) +([0-9]+) +-> +(0x[0-9a-f]+) +(VL) +([0-9]+) +-> +(0x[0-9a-f]+) +(VL) +([0-9]+) +-> +(0x[0-9a-f]+)} $line matched text vl1 ltv1 matched vl2 ltv2 matched vl3 ltv3 matched vl4 ltv4 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    # Four VLs per line, do this 4 times
	    set vlNode [ $doc createElement VL ]
	    $vlNode setAttribute id $vl1 ltv $ltv1
	    $virtualLanesNode appendChild $vlNode
	    set vlNode [ $doc createElement VL ]
	    $vlNode setAttribute id $vl2 ltv $ltv2
	    $virtualLanesNode appendChild $vlNode
	    set vlNode [ $doc createElement VL ]
	    $vlNode setAttribute id $vl3 ltv $ltv3
	    $virtualLanesNode appendChild $vlNode
	    set vlNode [ $doc createElement VL ]
	    $vlNode setAttribute id $vl4 ltv $ltv4
	    $virtualLanesNode appendChild $vlNode
	    if { $vl4 == 31 } {
		$portNode appendChild $virtualLanesNode
    #puts "[$root asXML]"   

    return $root

# Name        : ibaSAQuerySwitchltvToXml
# Input       : txt generated from opasmaquery -o switchltv
# Return      . DOM object.
# Description : Produce a DOM object (xml) from a formatted text.

proc ibaPAQueryVFConfigToXml { output } {

    set lines [ split $output "\n"]

    set doc [ dom createDocument VFConfig ]
    $doc encoding {iso8859-1}
    set root [$doc documentElement]
    foreach line $lines {
	# Look for VF Name      
	set rc [ regexp -nocase {(VF name:) +([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)} $line matched text name ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    set node [ $doc createElement VFname ]
	    $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode $name ]
	    $root appendChild $node
	# Look for VF SID
	set rc [ regexp -nocase {(VF SID:) +(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)} $line matched text sid ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    set node [ $doc createElement VFsid ]
	    $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode $sid ]
	    $root appendChild $node

	# Look for number of ports
	set rc [ regexp -nocase {(Number ports:) +([0-9]+)} $line matched text numports ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    set node [ $doc createElement NumberOfPorts ]
	    $node appendChild [$doc createTextNode $numports ]
	    $root appendChild $node
	# Look for ports
	set rc [ regexp -nocase {([0-9]+):LID:(0x[0-9A-F]+) +Port:([0-9]+) +GUID:(0x[0-9A-F]+) +NodeDesc: +(.+)} $line matched num lid port guid nodeDesc ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    # Create Ports element only once
	    if { $num == 1 } {
		set portsNode [ $doc createElement Ports ]
	    set node [ $doc createElement Port ]
	    $node setAttribute id $num LID $lid PortNum $port GUID $guid NodeDesc $nodeDesc
	    $portsNode appendChild $node
	    set numPorts [ $root selectNodes /VFConfig/NumberOfPorts/text() ]
	    set numPorts [ $numPorts nodeValue ]
	    # At the last port, attach it to the root
	    if { $numPorts == $num } {
		$root appendChild $portsNode
	# Look for Image Number
	set rc [ regexp {(Image Number:) +(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+) +Offset: +([0-9]+)} $line matched text imageNum offset ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    set node [ $doc createElement ImageNumber ]
	    $node setAttribute id $imageNum Offset $offset
	    $root appendChild $node

    #    puts "[$root asXML]"   

    return $root

# Name        : ibaSAQueryPkeyToXml
# Input       : txt file generated from opasmaquery -o pkey
# Return      . DOM object.
# Description : Produce a DOM object (xml) from a formatted txt file.

proc ibaSAQueryPkeyToXml { pkey_content } {

	set delimeter "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
	set output [ regsub -all "$delimeter" "$pkey_content" "|" ]
	set lids [ split $output "|"]

	# determine lid ids.

	set lidIdList {}
	set portIdList {}
	array set lidToPortMap {}
	set lididcount 0

	set lididlist {}
	set portidlist {}
	set pkeylist {}
	set result "<lids>"

	# break down scraped output.
	foreach lid $lids {
		set lidid [string trim [ getCmdOutputParameter $lid "LID:" "PortNum:" "true" ] ]
		set portid [string trim [ getCmdOutputParameter $lid "PortNum:" "BlockNum:" "true" ] ]
		set ports0to7 [string trim [ getCmdOutputParameter $lid "0-   7:" "\n" "false" ] ]
		set ports8to15 [string trim [ getCmdOutputParameter $lid "8-  15:" "\n" "false" ] ]
		set ports16to23 [string trim [ getCmdOutputParameter $lid "16-  23:" "\n" "false" ] ]
		set ports24to31 [string trim [ getCmdOutputParameter $lid "24-  31:" "\n" "false" ] ]
		set pkey [ concat $ports0to7 $ports8to15 $ports16to23 $ports24to31]

		lappend lididlist $lidid
		lappend portidlist $portid
		lappend pkeylist $pkey
	#create unique lid list
	set lididlistunique [ lsort -unique $lididlist ]

	#iterate through lists
	foreach innerlid $lididlistunique {

		set result "$result<lid id='$innerlid'>"

		foreach innerinnerlid $lididlist innerport $portidlist innerpkey $pkeylist {

			if {$innerinnerlid == $innerlid} {
				set result "$result<port id='$innerport'>"
				set count 0
				foreach pk $innerpkey  {
					set result "$result<pkey id='$count' value='$pk'/>"
					set count [expr $count + 1]
				#close port tag
				set result "$result</port>"
		# set currLid $innerlid
		set result "$result</lid>"


	set result "$result</lids>"

	# build DOM tree.
	set XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>$result"
	set doc [dom parse $XML]
	set root [$doc documentElement]

	return $root

# Name        : getCmdOutputParameter
# Input       : paramlabel,nextparamlabel, trim { false/true }, content
# Return      . param
# Description : Given a paramlabel and the subsequent label, parse and return the param.

proc getCmdOutputParameter { content paramlabel nextparamlabel trim } {

	set param [ regsub -all "^.*$paramlabel" "$content" "" ]
	set param [ regsub -all "$nextparamlabel.*" "$param" "" ]

	if { $trim == "true"} {     
	        set param [ regsub -all "\n|^\s+|\;|,|^:| " "$param" "" ]
		return $param
	} elseif { $trim == "false"} {
		return $param
	} else {
		return -code error "getCmdOutputParameter :: Invalid trim option."


# Name        : ibaSAQueryVfInfoToXml
# Input       : txt file generated from opasmaquery -o vfinfo
# Return      . DOM object.
# Description : Produce a DOM object (xml) from a formatted txt file.

proc ibaSAQueryVfInfoToXml { vfinfo_content } {

	# build DOM tree.
	set XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?><vfabrics></vfabrics>"
	set doc [dom parse $XML]
	set root [$doc documentElement]

	set delimeter "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
	set output [ regsub -all "$delimeter" "$vfinfo_content" "|" ]
	set vfabrics [ split $output "|"]

	foreach vfabric $vfabrics {

		#determine vfabricids
		set vfabricindex [ regsub -all "Name.*" "$vfabric" "" ]
		set vfabricindex [ regsub -all "^.*:" "$vfabricindex" "" ]
		set vfabricindex [ regsub -all " " "$vfabricindex" "" ]

		#determine Name
		set vfabricName [ getCmdOutputParameter $vfabric "Name:" "ServiceId:" "true"]
		set result "<vfabric name='$vfabricName' index='$vfabricindex'>"

		#for each vfabric, collect the child elements.
		foreach innervfabric $vfabrics {

			#determine vfabricids
			set innervfabricindex [ regsub -all "Name.*" "$innervfabric" "" ]
			set innervfabricindex [ regsub -all "^.*:" "$innervfabricindex" "" ]
			set innervfabricindex [ regsub -all " " "$innervfabricindex" "" ]

			if {$vfabricindex == $innervfabricindex} {

				#determine SerivceId
				set vfabricServiceId [ getCmdOutputParameter $innervfabric "ServiceId:" "MGID:" "true" ]

				# determine MGID
				set vfabricmgid [ getCmdOutputParameter $innervfabric "MGID:" "PKey:"  "true" ]

				# determine PKey
				set vfabricpkey [ getCmdOutputParameter $innervfabric "PKey:" "SL:" "true" ]

				# determine SL
				set vfabricsl [ getCmdOutputParameter $innervfabric "SL:" "Select:" "true" ]

				# determine Select
				set vfabricsselect [ getCmdOutputParameter $innervfabric "Select:" "PktLifeTimeMult:"  "true" ]

				# determine MaxMtu
				set vfabricsmaxmtu [ getCmdOutputParameter $innervfabric "MaxMtu:" "MaxRate:"  "true" ]

				# determine MaxRate
				set vfabricsmaxrate [ getCmdOutputParameter $innervfabric "MaxRate:" "Options:"  "true" ]

				# determine options
				set vfabricsoptions [ getCmdOutputParameter $innervfabric "Options:" "QOS:"  "true" ]

				# determine QOS
				set vfabricsqos [ getCmdOutputParameter $innervfabric "QOS:" "\n"  "true" ]

				# build xml.
				set result "$result<serviceid>$vfabricServiceId</serviceid>"
				set result "$result<mgid>$vfabricmgid</mgid>"
				set result "$result<pkey>$vfabricpkey</pkey>"
				set result "$result<sl>$vfabricsl</sl>"
				set result "$result<select>$vfabricsselect</select>"
				set result "$result<maxmtu>$vfabricsmaxmtu</maxmtu>"
				set result "$result<maxrate>$vfabricsmaxrate</maxrate>"
				set result "$result<options>$vfabricsoptions</options>"
				set result "$result<qos>$vfabricsqos</qos>"


		set result "$result</vfabric>"

		$root appendXML $result


	return $root


# Name        : ibaSAQueryNodeToXml
# Input       : txt generated from opasmaquery -o node
# Return      . DOM object.
# Description : Produce a DOM object (xml) from a formatted txt file.

proc ibaSAQueryNodeToXml { lid_content } {

	# build DOM tree.
	set XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?><lids></lids>"
	set doc [dom parse $XML]
	set root [$doc documentElement]

	set delimeter "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
	set output [ regsub -all "$delimeter" "$lid_content" "|" ]
	set lids [ split $output "|"]

	foreach lid $lids {

		#determine lid
		set lidId [ getCmdOutputParameter $lid "LID:" "Type:" "true" ]

		#determine Type
		set lidType [ getCmdOutputParameter $lid "Type:" "Name:"  "true" ]

		#determine Name
		set lidName [ getCmdOutputParameter $lid "Name:" "\n"  "true" ]

		# determine Lid:

		set result "<lid id='$lidId' type='$lidType' name='$lidName'>"

		#for each vfabric, collect the child elements.
		foreach innerlid $lids {

			#determine lid
			set innerlidId [ getCmdOutputParameter $innerlid "LID:" "Type:"  "true" ]

			if {$lidId == $innerlidId} {

				#determine Ports
				set lidPort [ getCmdOutputParameter $innerlid "Ports:" "PortNum:"  "true" ]

				# determine PortNum
				set lidPortNum [ getCmdOutputParameter $innerlid "PortNum:" "PartitionCap:"  "true" ]

				# determine PartitionCap
				set lidPartitionCap [ getCmdOutputParameter $innerlid "PartitionCap:" "\n"  "true" ]

				# determine NodeGuid
				set lidNodeGuid [ getCmdOutputParameter $innerlid "NodeGuid:" "PortGuid:"  "true" ]

				# determine PortGuid
				set lidPortGuid [ getCmdOutputParameter $innerlid "PortGuid:" "\n"  "true" ]

				# determine BaseVersion
				set lidBaseVersion [ getCmdOutputParameter $innerlid "BaseVersion:" "SmaVersion"  "true" ]

				# determine SmaVersion
				set lidSmaVersion [ getCmdOutputParameter $innerlid "SmaVersion:" "VendorID:"  "true" ]

				# determine VendorID
				set lidVendorID [ getCmdOutputParameter $innerlid "VendorID:" "DeviceId:"  "true" ]

				# determine Revision
				set lidRevision [ getCmdOutputParameter $innerlid "Revision:" "\n"  "true" ]

				# build xml.
				set result "$result<port>$lidPort</port>"
				set result "$result<portnum>$lidPortNum</portnum>"
				set result "$result<partitioncap>$lidPartitionCap</partitioncap>"
				set result "$result<nodeguid>$lidNodeGuid</nodeguid>"
				set result "$result<portguid>$lidPortGuid</portguid>"
				set result "$result<baseversion>$lidBaseVersion</baseversion>"
				set result "$result<smaversion>$lidSmaVersion</smaversion>"
				set result "$result<vendorid>$lidVendorID</vendorid>"
				set result "$result<revision>$lidRevision</revision>"


		set result "$result</lid>"

		$root appendXML $result


	return $root


# Name        : ibaSAQueryLinkToXml
# Input       : txt generated from opasmaquery -o link
# Return      . DOM object.
# Description : Produce a DOM object (xml) from a formatted txt file.

proc ibaSAQueryLinkToXml { link_content } {
	# build DOM tree.
	set XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?><links></links>"
	set doc [dom parse $XML]
	set root [$doc documentElement]

	set delimeter "\n"
	set output [ regsub -all "$delimeter" "$link_content" "|" ]
	set links [ split $output "|"]
	foreach link $links {

		set srcLid [ getCmdOutputParameter $link "LID:" " -" "true" ]
		set dstLid [ getCmdOutputParameter $link "$srcLid ->" "Port:"  "true" ]
		set srcPort [ getCmdOutputParameter $link "Port:" " ->"  "true" ]
		set dstPort [ getCmdOutputParameter $link "$srcPort ->" "\n"  "true" ]

		#dumpvar $dstLid 0 false

		set result "<link srcLid='$srcLid' srcPort='$srcPort' dstLid='$dstLid' dstPort='$dstPort'/>"

		$root appendXML $result


	return $root

# Name        : ibaSAQuerySwinfoToXml
# Input       : txt generated from opasaquery -o swinfo
# Return      . DOM object.
# Description : Produce a DOM object (xml) from a formatted txt file.

proc ibaSAQuerySwinfoToXml { swinfo_content } {

        # build DOM tree.
        set XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?><Swinfo></Swinfo>"
        set doc [dom parse $XML]
        set root [$doc documentElement]

        set delimeter "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
        set output [ regsub -all "$delimeter" "$swinfo_content" "|" ]
        set swinfo [ split $output "|"]

        foreach sw $swinfo {

                # Determine Switch LID
                set lid [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "LID:" "\n" "true"]

                # Determing LinearFDBCap
                set linearfdbcap [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "LinearFDBCap:" "LinearFDBTop:" "true"]
                # Determing LinearFDBTop
                set linearfdbtop [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "LinearFDBTop:" "MCFDBCap:" "true"]
                # Determing MCFDBCap
                set mcfdbcap [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "MCFDBCap:" "MCFDBTop:" "true"]
                # Determing MCFDBTop
                set mcfdbtop [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "MCFDBTop:" "\n" "true"]
                # Determing Capability
                set capability [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "Capability:" ": " "true"]
                # Determing PartEnfCap
                set partenfcap [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "PartEnfCap:" "PortStateChange:" "true"]
                # Determing PortStateChange
                set portstatechange [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "PortStateChange:" "SwitchLifeTime:" "true"]
                # Determing SwitchLifeTime
                set switchlifetime [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "SwitchLifeTime:" "\n" "true"]
                # Determing PortGroupCap
                set portgroupcap [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "PortGroupCap:" "PortGroupTop:" "true"]
                # Determing PortGroupTop
                set portgrouptop [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "PortGroupTop:" "\n" "true"]
                # Determing IPAddrIPV6
                set ipaddripv6 [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "IPAddrIPV6:" "\n" "true"]
                # Determing IPAddrIPV4
                set ipaddripv4 [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "IPAddrIPV4:" "\n" "true"]
                # Determing Supported RoutingMode
                set routingmode_supported [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "RoutingMode.Supported:" "RoutingMode.Enabled:" "true"]
                # Determing RoutingMode Enable
                set routingmode_enabled [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "RoutingMode.Enabled:" "\n" "true"]
                # Determing AdaptiveRouting Enable
                set adaptiverouting_enabled [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "AdaptiveRouting: Enable:" "Pause:" "true"]
                # Determing AR Pause
                set adaptiverouting_pause [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "Pause:" "Algorithm:" "true"]
                # Determing AR Algorithm 
                set adaptiverouting_algorithm [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "Algorithm:" "Frequency:" "true"]
                # Determing AR Frequency
                set adaptiverouting_frequency [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "Frequency:" "LostRoutesOnly:" "true"]
                # Determing AR LostRoutesOnly
                set adaptiverouting_lostroutesonly [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "LostRoutesOnly:" "\n" "true"]
                # Determing CapabilityMask
                set capabilitymask_addrrangeconfig [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "CapabilityMask: IsAddrRangeConfigSupported:" "IsAdaptiveRoutingSupported:" "true"]
                # Determing AR Support
                set capabilitymask_adaptiverouting [ getCmdOutputParameter $swinfo "IsAdaptiveRoutingSupported:" "\n" "true"]

                # Build XML
                set result "<Switch LID='$lid'>"

                set result "$result<LinearFDBCap>$linearfdbcap</LinearFDBCap>"
                set result "$result<LinearFDBTop>$linearfdbtop</LinearFDBTop>"
                set result "$result<MCFDBCap>$mcfdbcap</MCFDBCap>"
                set result "$result<MCFDBTop>$mcfdbtop</MCFDBTop>"
                set result "$result<Capability>$capability</Capability>"
                set result "$result<PartEnfCap>$partenfcap</PartEnfCap>"
                set result "$result<PortStateChange>$portstatechange</PortStateChange>"
                set result "$result<SwitchLifeTime>$switchlifetime</SwitchLifeTime>"
                set result "$result<PortGroupCap>$portgroupcap</PortGroupCap>"
                set result "$result<PortGroupTop>$portgrouptop</PortGroupTop>"
                set result "$result<IPAddrIPV6>$ipaddripv6</IPAddrIPV6>"
                set result "$result<IPAddrIPV4>$ipaddripv4</IPAddrIPV4>"

                set result "$result<RoutingMode>"
                set result "$result<Supported>$routingmode_supported</Supported>"
                set result "$result<Enabled>$routingmode_enabled</Enabled>"
                set result "$result</RoutingMode>"

                set result "$result<AdaptiveRouting>"
                set result "$result<Enable>$adaptiverouting_enabled</Enable>"
                set result "$result<Pause>$adaptiverouting_pause</Pause>"
                set result "$result<Algorithm>$adaptiverouting_algorithm</Algorithm>"
                set result "$result<Frequency>$adaptiverouting_frequency</Frequency>"
                set result "$result<LostRoutesOnly>$adaptiverouting_lostroutesonly</LostRoutesOnly>"
                set result "$result</AdaptiveRouting>"

                set result "$result<CapabilityMask>"
                set result "$result<IsAddrRangeConfigSupported>$capabilitymask_addrrangeconfig</IsAddrRangeConfigSupported>"
                set result "$result<IsAdaptiveRoutingSupported>$capabilitymask_adaptiverouting</IsAdaptiveRoutingSupported>"
                set result "$result</CapabilityMask>"

                set result "$result</Switch>"

                $root appendXML $result

        #puts "[$root asXML]"
        return $root


# Name        : ibaSAQueryPathRecordToXml
# Input       : txt generated from opasaquery -o portinfo
# Return      . DOM object.
# Description : Produce a DOM object (xml) from a formatted txt file.

proc ibaSAQueryPathRecordToXml { path_content } {

    # build DOM tree.
    set XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?><PathRecord></PathRecord>"
    set doc [dom parse $XML]
    set root [$doc documentElement]

    set delimeter "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
    set output [ regsub -all "$delimeter" "$path_content" "|" ]
    set pathrecord [ split $output "|"]
    set numPaths 0

    foreach path $pathrecord {
        incr numPaths

        #determine source to destination pair
        set slid [ getCmdOutputParameter $path "SLID:" "DLID:" "true"]
        set dlid [ getCmdOutputParameter $path "DLID:" "Reversible:" "true"]
        set pkey [ getCmdOutputParameter $path "PKey:" "\n" "true"]
        set result "<Path SLID='$slid' DLID='$dlid' PKey='$pkey'>"

        # Determine SGID
        set sgid [ getCmdOutputParameter $path "SGID:" "\n" "true"]

        # Determine DGID
        set dgid [ getCmdOutputParameter $path "DGID:" "\n" "true"]

        # Determine Reversible ("Y" or "N")
        set reversible [ getCmdOutputParameter $path "Reversible:" "PKey" "true"]

        # Determine SL
        set sl [ getCmdOutputParameter $path "SL:" "Mtu:" "true"]

        # Determine Mtu
        set mtu [ getCmdOutputParameter $path "Mtu:" "Rate:" "true"]

        # Determine Rate
        set rate [ getCmdOutputParameter $path "Rate:" "PktLifeTime:" "true"]

        # Determine PktLifeTime
        set pktlifetime [ getCmdOutputParameter $path "PktLifeTime" "Pref:" "true"]

        # Determine Pref
        set pref [ getCmdOutputParameter $path "Pref:" "\n" "true"]

        # build xml.
        set result "$result<SGID>$sgid</SGID>"
        set result "$result<DGID>$dgid</DGID>"
        set result "$result<Reversible>$reversible</Reversible>"
        set result "$result<PKey>$pkey</PKey>"
        set result "$result<SL>$sl</SL>"
        set result "$result<Mtu>$mtu</Mtu>"
        set result "$result<Rate>$rate</Rate>"
        set result "$result<PktLifeTime>$pktlifetime</PktLifeTime>"
        set result "$result<Pref>$pref</Pref>"

        set result "$result</Path>"

        $root appendXML $result


    $root appendXML "<NumPaths>$numPaths</NumPaths>"

    return $root

# Name        : ibaSAQueryPortInfoToXml
# Input       : txt generated from opasaquery -o portinfo
# Return      . DOM object.
# Description : Produce a DOM object (xml) from a formatted txt file.

proc ibaSAQueryPortInfoToXml { port_content } {
    set lines [ split $port_content "\n"]
    set doc [ dom createDocument PortInfo ]
    $doc encoding {iso8859-1}
    set root [$doc documentElement]
    set generateNewPort 1
    set portNum_dec {}

    foreach line $lines {
	# Skip empty lines
	set rc [ regexp {^$} $line matched ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	if { $generateNewPort == 1 } {
	    set portNode [ $doc createElement Port ]
	    $root appendChild $portNode
	    set generateNewPort 0
	set rc [ regexp {PortLID: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +PortNum: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +\((\s*[0-9]+\s*)\)} $line matched plid portNum portNum_dec]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc PortLID $plid ]
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc PortNum $portNum_dec ]

	set rc [ regexp {^Subnet: +([0-9a-fA-F]+$)} $line matched subnet ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc Subnet $subnet ]

	set rc [ regexp {LocalPort: +([0-9]+) +PortState: +(.+)} $line matched locPort portState ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc LocalPort $locPort   ]
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc PortState $portState ]

	set rc [ regexp {PhysicalState: +(.+)} $line matched physState ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc PhysicalState $physState   ]

	set rc [ regexp {IsSMConfigurationStarted: +(.+[^ ]) +NeighborNormal: +(.+)} $line matched smStarted neighbor ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc IsSMConfigurationStarted $smStarted ]
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc NeighborNormal $neighbor  ]

	set rc [ regexp {BaseLID: +([0-9a-zA-Z]+) +SMLID: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)} $line matched baseLid smLid ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc BaseLID $baseLid ]
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc SMLID   $smLid   ]

	set rc [ regexp {LMC: +([0-9]+) +SMSL: +([0-9]+)} $line matched lmc smsl ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc LMC  $lmc  ]
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc SMSL $smsl ]

	set rc [ regexp {PortType: +(.+)[^ ] +LimtRsp/Subnet: +([0-9]+) +([a-zA-Z]+), +([0-9]+) +([a-zA-Z]+)} $line matched portType lmtRsp lmtRspUom subnet subnetUom ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc PortType $portType ]
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc LimtRsp_Subnet "$lmtRsp$lmtRspUom,$subnet$subnetUom" ]

	set rc [ regexp {M_KEY: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +Lease: +([0-9]+) +([a-zA-Z]+) +Protect: +(.+)} $line matched mkey lease leaseUOM protect ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc M_KEY $mkey  ]
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc Lease $lease$leaseUOM ]
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc Protect $protect ]

	set rc [ regexp {LinkWidth +Act: +([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+) +Sup: +(.+) +En: (.+)} $line matched act sup en ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc LinkWidth Act $act Sup [ string trim $sup ] En $en ]

	set rc [ regexp {LinkWidthDnGrd +Act: +([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+) +Sup: +(.+) +En: (.+)} $line matched act sup en ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc LinkWidthDnGrd Act $act Sup [ string trim $sup ] En $en ]

	set rc [ regexp {LinkSpeed +Act: +([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+) +Sup: +(.+) +En: (.+)} $line matched act sup en ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc LinkSpeed Act $act Sup [ string trim $sup ] En $en ]
	set rc [ regexp {PortLinkMode +Act: +([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+) +Sup: +(.+) +En: (.+)} $line matched act sup en ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc PortLinkMode Act $act Sup [ string trim $sup ] En $en ]
	set rc [ regexp {PortLTPCRCMode +Act: +([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+) +Sup: +(.+) +En: (.+)} $line matched act sup en ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc PortLTPCRCMode Act $act Sup [ string trim $sup ] En $en ]
	set rc [ regexp {NeighborMode +MgmtAllowed: +([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+) +FWAuthBypass: +([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+) +NeighborNodeType: +([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)} $line matched mgmtAllowd authBypass neighborType ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc NeighborMode MgmtAllowed $mgmtAllowd FWAuthBypass $authBypass NeighborNodeType $neighborType ]

	set rc [ regexp {NeighborNodeGuid: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)} $line matched guid ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc NeighborNodeGuid $guid  ]

	set rc [ regexp {Capability: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+): *(.*)} $line matched number tag ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc Capability $number:$tag  ]

	set rc [ regexp {Capability3: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+): *(.*)} $line matched number tag ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc Capability3 $number:$tag  ]

	set rc [ regexp {VLs Active: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)} $line matched number ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc VLs_Active $number  ]

	set rc [ regexp {VL: +Cap +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +HighLimit +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +PreemptLimit +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)} $line matched cap highLimit preemptLimit ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc VL Cap $cap HighLimit $highLimit PreemptLimit $preemptLimit ]

	set rc [ regexp {VLs Active: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)} $line matched number ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc VLs_Active $number  ]

	set rc [ regexp {MulticastMask: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +CollectiveMask: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)} $line matched mmask cmask ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc MulticastMask  $mmask ]
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc CollectiveMask $cmask ]

	set rc [ regexp {P_Key Enforcement +In: +([a-zA-Z]+) +Out: +([a-zA-Z]+)} $line matched inVal outVal ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc P_Key_Enforcement In $inVal Out $outVal ]

	set rc [ regexp {MulticastPKeyTrapSuppressionEnabled: +([0-9]+) +ClientReregister +([0-9]+)} $line matched val1 val2 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc MulticastPKeyTrapSuppressionEnabled  $val1 ]
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc ClientReregister $val2 ]

	set rc [ regexp {PortMode +ActiveOptimize: +([a-zA-Z]+) +PassThru: +([a-zA-Z]+) +VLMarker: +([a-zA-Z]+)\s*} $line matched val1 val2 val3 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc PortMode ActiveOptimize $val1 PassThru $val2 VLMarker $val3 ]

	# This belongs to the previous element
	set rc [ regexp {\s+16BTrapQuery:\s+([a-zA-Z]+)\s*} $line matched val1 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    set portModeNode [ $doc selectNodes {//PortInfo/Port[PortNum=$portNum_dec and PortLID=$plid]/PortMode }]
	    $portModeNode setAttribute TrapQuery16BT $val1

	set rc [ regexp {FlitCtrlInterleave +Distance Max: +([0-9]+) +Enabled: +([0-9]+)} $line matched val1 val2 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc FlitCtrlInterleave Distance_Max $val1 Enabled $val2 ]

	# This belongs to the previous element
	set rc [ regexp {MaxNestLevelTxEnabled: +([0-9]+) +MaxNestLevelRxSupported: +([0-9]+)} $line matched val1 val2 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    set portModeNode [ $doc selectNodes {//PortInfo/Port[PortNum=$portNum_dec and PortLID=$plid]/FlitCtrlInterleave } ]
	    $portModeNode setAttribute MaxNestLevelTxEnabled $val1 MaxNestLevelRxSupported $val2

	# PR144729 Change MinInitial and Mintail output format from 0x00 to 0, otherwise can't set variable FlitCtrlPreemption properly.
	set rc [ regexp {FlitCtrlPreemption +MinInitial: +([0-9]+) +MinTail: +([0-9]+) +LargePktLim: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)} $line matched val1 val2 val3 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc FlitCtrlPreemption MinInitial $val1 MinTail $val2 LargePktLim $val3 ]

	# This belongs to the previous element
	set rc [ regexp {SmallPktLimit: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +MaxSmallPktLimit +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +PreemptionLimit: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)} $line matched val1 val2 val3 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    set portModeNode [ $doc selectNodes {//PortInfo/Port[PortNum=$portNum_dec and PortLID=$plid]/FlitCtrlPreemption } ]

	    $portModeNode setAttribute SmallPktLimit $val1 MaxSmallPktLimit $val2 PreemptionLimit $val3

	set rc [ regexp {PortErrorActions: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+): +(.+)} $line matched val1 val2 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc PortErrorActions Value $val1 Fields $val2 ]

	set rc [ regexp {BufferUnits:VL15Init +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +VL15CreditRate +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +CreditAck +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +BufferAlloc +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)} $line matched val1 val2 val3 val4 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc BufferUnits VL15Init $val1 VL15CreditRate $val2 CreditAck $val3 BufferAlloc $val4 ]

	set rc [ regexp {MTU +Supported: +(.+)} $line matched val1 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc MTU Cap $val1 ]

	set rc [ regexp {MTU +Active By VL:} $line matched ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    set mtuNode [ $doc createElement NeighborMTUByVL ]
	    $portNode appendChild $mtuNode

	# Build VLtoMTU Map
	set rc [ regexp {^00:|^08:|^16:|^24:} $line matched ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    #the regex ": +" eliminates the error for MTU values that are less than 4 characters
	    #sample line 00>8192 01>4096 02>8192 03>8192 04>256 05>512 06>1024 07>2048
	    set VLMTUPair_line [regsub -all ": *" $line >]
	    foreach vlMTUPair [split $VLMTUPair_line " "] {
    	        set vlValue [lindex [split $vlMTUPair ">"] 0]
    	        set value [lindex [split $vlMTUPair ">"] 1]

		set mtuNode [ $doc selectNodes {//PortInfo/Port[PortNum=$portNum_dec and PortLID=$plid]/NeighborMTUByVL } ]
		$mtuNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc VL id $vlValue MTU  $value ]    

	set rc [ regexp {StallCnt/VL: } $line matched ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    set values [ split $line ]
	    set values [ lreplace $values 0 0 ]
	    set valueCounter 0
	    set stallCountsNode [ $doc createElement StallCounts ]

	    foreach value $values {
		set value [ string trim $value ]
		# Skip empty fields
		if { [ string length $value ] != 0 } {
		    $stallCountsNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc VL id $valueCounter Count $value ]
		    incr valueCounter

	    $portNode appendChild $stallCountsNode
	set rc [ regexp {^HOQLife VL\[([0-9]+),([0-9])+\]: } $line matched startVL endVL ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    set values [ split $line " "]

	    # Getting rid of the first two fields, so two identical calls
	    set values [ lreplace $values 0 0 ]
	    set values [ lreplace $values 0 0 ]

	    set vlValue [ string trim $startVL "0" ]
	    if { $vlValue == "" } {
		set vlValue 0

	    if { $startVL == 0 } {
		# Create HOQLife to VL element
		set hoqNode [ $doc createElement HOQ ]
		$portNode appendChild $hoqNode

	    foreach value $values {
		set Node [ $doc selectNodes {//PortInfo/Port[PortNum=$portNum_dec and PortLID=$plid]/HOQ } ]

		$Node appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc VL id $vlValue Life  $value ]
		incr vlValue

	set rc [ regexp {ReplayDepth Buffer +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+). +Wire +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)} $line matched val1 val2 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc ReplayDepth Buffer $val1 Wire $val2 ]

	set rc [ regexp {DiagCode: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+) +LinkDownReason: +(.+)} $line matched val1 val2 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc DiagCode $val1 ]
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc LinkDownReason $val2 ]

	set rc [ regexp {OverallBufferSpace: +(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)} $line matched val1 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc OverallBufferSpace $val1 ]

	set rc [ regexp {Violations +M_Key: +([0-9]+) +P_Key: +([0-9]+) +Q_Key: +([0-9]+)} $line matched val1 val2 val3 ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {	
	    $portNode appendChild [ createAttributesElement $doc Violations M_Key $val1 P_Key $val2 Q_Key $val3 ]

	# Last element of a port
	set rc [ regexp {LinkDownErrorLog: +(.+$)} $line matched linkDown ]
	if { $rc == 1 } {
	    $portNode appendChild [ createTextElement $doc LinkDownErrorLog $linkDown ]

	    # Generate new port tag
	    set generateNewPort 1

    #puts [$root asXML]
    return $root

# Name        : smaquerytoxml
# Input       : txt file generated from opasmaquery,top row label, bottom row label
# Return      . DOM tree.
# Description : Produce a DOM object (xml) from a formatted txt file.

proc smaquerytoxml { content toplabel bottomlabel } {

	# determine parsing method based on content size.
	# There are 206 characters in a single port output.

	#dumpvar $content 0 false
	set singlePortCommandSize 206

	if { [ string length $content ] < $singlePortCommandSize  } {
		# Single Port Ouput.

		# Parse
		set toprow [ regsub -all "$bottomlabel:.*" "$content" "" ]
		set bottomrow [ regsub -all ".+?(?=$bottomlabel)" "$content" "" ]
		set toprow_values [ regsub -all "$toplabel:" "$toprow" "" ]
		set bottomrow_values [ regsub -all "$bottomlabel:" "$bottomrow" "" ]

		set i 0
		set result "<ports>"
		set result "$result<port id='1'>"
		foreach sl_xml $toprow_values	{
			set sc_xml [ lindex $bottomrow_values $i]
			set result "$result<$toplabel id='$sl_xml'><$bottomlabel>$sc_xml</$bottomlabel></$toplabel>"
			set i [expr $i + 1]
		set result "$result</port>"
		set result "$result</ports>"

	} else {
		# Multi Port Ouput:
		# puts "this is the multiport ouput."

		# Parse
		set rowTop [ getCmdOutputParameter $content $toplabel "Port" "true" ]

		# define port array
		array set portArr {}

		# determine size of multiport output
		set portcount [ regexp -all {(Port)} $content ]

               # define spacing between Port and #                                                                                                                                                                                          
                set singlespace " "
                set doublespace "  "

                #Build port array.                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                for {set i 0} {$i < $portcount} {incr i} {

		    if {$i < 9 } {
			set portArr($i) [ getCmdOutputParameter $content "Port$doublespace$i" "Port$doublespace[expr $i + 1]" "true" ]
			set portArr($i) [ getCmdOutputParameter $portArr($i) "$bottomlabel:"  "\n" "true" ]
		    } elseif {$i == 9} {
			set portArr($i) [ getCmdOutputParameter $content "Port$doublespace$i" "Port$singlespace[expr $i + 1]" "true" ]
			set portArr($i) [ getCmdOutputParameter $portArr($i) "$bottomlabel:"  "\n" "true" ]
		    } else {
			set portArr($i) [ getCmdOutputParameter $content "Port$singlespace$i" "Port$singlespace[expr $i + 1]" "true" ]
			set portArr($i) [ getCmdOutputParameter $portArr($i) "$bottomlabel:"  "\n" "true" ]

		set result "<ports>"
		# for each port, determine the toplabel-bottom label mapping

		for {set j 0} {$j < $portcount} {incr j} {

			set result "$result<port id='$j'>"

			foreach row $portArr($j) column $rowTop  {
				set result "$result<$toplabel id='$column'><$bottomlabel>$row</$bottomlabel></$toplabel>"
			set result "$result</port>"
		set result "$result</ports>"


	# build DOM tree.
	set XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>$result"
	set doc [dom parse $XML]
	set root [$doc documentElement]
#	puts "[$root asXML]"
	return $root

# Name        : build_node_list
# Input       : DOM node list.
# Return      . TCL list of strings.
# Description : dereference xpath node values.

proc build_node_list { list } {

	set nodeList {}

	foreach node $list {
		set idx_val [ lindex [$node nodeValue] 0 ]
		lappend nodeList $idx_val

	return $nodeList

# Name        : node_lists_cmp_eq
# Input       : list1, list2, list1Desc, list2Desc
# Return      . None.
# Description : Checks if all values of list1 exist in list2.

proc node_lists_cmp_eq { list1 list2 list1Desc list2Desc} {

	foreach element $list1 {
		if {$element ni $list2} {
			return -code error "ERROR : $list1Desc $element does not exist in $list2Desc"

# Name        : node_lists_cmp_ne
# Input       : list1, list2, list1Desc, list2Desc, testState
# Return      . None.
# Description : Checks if all values of list1 do not exist in list2.

proc node_lists_cmp_ne { list1 list2 list1Desc list2Desc testState } {

	foreach element $list1 {
		if {$element in $list2} {
			return -code error "ERROR : $list1Desc $element exists in $list2Desc. \nTest Execution State : $testState"

# Name        : node_list_cmp_eq
# Input       : list1, list1Desc
# Return      . None.
# Description : Compare every element in the list with every other element in the list.

proc node_list_cmp_eq { list1 list1Desc} {

	foreach element1 $list1 {
		foreach element2 $list1 {
			if {$element1 ne $element2} {
				return -code error "ERROR : $element1 does not exist in $list1Desc."

# Name        : node_list_cmp_ne
# Input       : list1, list1Desc
# Return      . Return a failure if an element exists in a list more than once.
# Description : Compare every element in the list with every other element in the list.

proc node_list_cmp_ne { list1 list1Desc} {

	foreach element1 $list1 {
		set match 0
		foreach element2 $list1 {
			if {$element1 eq $element2} {
				set count [expr $match + 1]
				if {$match > 1} {
					return -code error "ERROR : $element1 exists in $list1Desc."

# Name        : arginfoToXml
# Input       : None
# Return      . outputXml, string containing xml elements and values
# Description : Converts input arguments of any calling proc to xml. Call arginfoToXml 
#		from a proc with input arguments that need to be converted to Xml

proc arginfoToXml {} {
	#get calling proc name
	set proc [lindex [info level -1] 0]   
	set proc_name [uplevel [list namespace which -command $proc]]
	set outputXml {}
	#Take each input argument argName and argValue of the calling function and convert
	#to a xml line in the form <argName>$argValue</argName>
	    foreach arg [info args $proc_name] {
	    set value [uplevel [list set $arg]]
	     if { [info default $proc_name $arg def] && [ string length  $value ] ==0 } { 
		 lappend outputXml "<$arg>$def</$arg>"
	     } elseif { [ string length  $value ] != 0 } { 
		 lappend outputXml "<$arg>$value</$arg>"
	return $outputXml