Blob Blame History Raw
opatop is a command line tool which displays performance analysis
information about a fabric.  Performance analysis information is divided
into two areas - utilization and category statistics, which are main starting
points for analyzing fabric traffic.  Utilization can identify over-utilized
areas (bottle necks) and under-utilized areas (potentially misconfigured);
category statistics can identify problems in fabric hardware or configuration.

On the help screens you may use these commands:
  u: Up to previous screen (done help)
  S: Scroll forward (s) or backward (S) by 1 screen through help
  <sp>: Scroll forward 1 line (space key)
The top level (summary) screen of opatop shows basic fabric configuration
information as well as utilization and category statistics.  Fabric
configuration information includes numbers of links, switches, SMs, and
ports, as well as details about the master and secondary (if present) SMs.
Fabric utilization and category statistics are presented based on PM port
groups, which include the predefined PM groups: All (all ports in the fabric),
HFIs, and SWs.  These groups provide a natural subdivision of the ports in
a fabric for performance analysis.  The summary screen also will include any
sysadmin defined PmPortGroups.

The user may toggle between a PM group based summary display and a Virtual
Fabric (VF) based summary display.  The VF display will show all presently
enabled Virtual Fabrics.

After looking at the summary screen a user can decide which area of
performance (utilization or category statistics) and which group of ports
most warrants investigation, and can then "drill down" into that area.

If the message "Unexpected Clear" (or "Unexp Clear") is reported, this means
one or more devices have had their PMA counters unexpectedly cleared by
something other than the PM.  For Intel switches, make sure ismAutoClearConf
is disabled.  For HFIs make sure that other tools such as opareport or
OFED diagnostics are not being run in a manner which would directly clear
PMA counters.  The Image Info Screen will indicate how many such ports
were affected.

For each port group or VF, average, minimum and maximum MBps (megabytes
per second), and KPps (kilo-packets per second) are shown, as well
as a status indicator for each of six counter categories.
(Note: mega=1,000,000; kilo=1000)

Performance utilization for each port group are further divided into up to
three subgroups - Internal, Send and Receive - based on whether a port's
neighbor port is in its group.  If a port's neighbor port is in its group,
all performance utilization are contained in the Internal subgroup. If a port's
neighbor is not in its group, utilization for data leaving the port (group) are
contained in the Send subgroup and utilization for data entering the port are
contained in the Receive subgroup.

In the All group all ports are Internal since, by definition, the neighbor port
must be in the All group.  In the HFIs group all neighbor ports are outside the
group so utilization are contained in the Send and Receive subgroups.  In the
SWs group neighbor ports are either outside the group (HFI) or inside the
group (another switch) so utilization are contained in all three subgroups.

For VF summary display, all information is reported as Internal.

The six category statistics are: Integrity, Congestion, SMA Congestion,
Bubble, Security and Routing, and are based on mapping each port counter
into one of the six categories. Each category status indicator is shown at
one of five values/colors: minimum/green, Low/blue, Moderate/cyan,
Warning/yellow or OVER/red based on the category value as compared
to a threshold value.

opatop allows the user to access statistics from sequential PM sweeps
(the PM keeps a history of previous sweep images) and queries the PM at a
user-specified interval (10 seconds by default).

When opatop queries for statistics for the most recent PM sweep it is in
'Live' mode.  In Live mode data will change, at the opatop interval rate,
as opatop queries new PM sweeps.  At each screen (summary or detail) the data
being displayed is refreshed for the current PM sweep.

A PM sweep can be 'frozen'; the data in a frozen sweep will not change,
allowing the statistics to be examined in summary and detail screens.
Two user actions result in a sweep being frozen.  The first is when the user
'Bookmarks' a sweep.  A Bookmarked sweep will remain frozen until the user
explicitly 'Unbookmarks' it; one sweep at a time can be Bookmarked.
The second action is when the user moves (navigates) opatop's focus to another
sweep within the history of sweeps maintained by the PM.  For the duration
of opatop's focus on such a sweep it will remain frozen.  Navigation can occur
from Live mode or when displaying a Bookmarked image; during navigation opatop
is in 'Historic' mode.  Navigation can be performed backward or forward,
moving 1 or 5 sweeps at a time.

opatop is designed to fit within an 80x24 terminal screen.  It is recommended
to use a fixed width font, such as Courier.  While STL supports up to 63
character names for many things (PM port groups, Virtual Fabrics, node
descriptions, etc), in order to fit on the screen opatop may truncate these
and show only the beginning characters.  When opatop truncates a name, it will
show a * as the last character.  For example, MyStoragePmPortGroup will be
truncated to MyStorageP* when displayed in the Port group summary screen.

The first display line of opatop shows the image interval, if available, the
timestamp for the image being displayed, and the type of image (Live, Hist,
Bkmk). The image interval is the time over which this image data is relevant.
For in memory images this value is equal to the PM Sweep Interval.  For
images stored on disk (Short Term History), the interval is equal to the sum
of all the intervals for each image compounded into the composite (disk)
image.  The interval can change when transitioning between images stored in
memory and images stored on disk.  If a Live image is not being displayed,
the current time ('Now:') is also shown.  The last display line of opatop is
a prompt showing available input commands.  The left section of commands are
available in every screen and perform the same action.  The right section are
screen-specific. Commands are case insensitive except as noted by '*'; the
ENTER key must be pressed after a command.  Note that a help command '?' is
available at every screen and provides information about the screen contents
and input commands.

The following input commands are available in every screen:
  Q: Quit program
  u*: Up to previous screen 
  L: Select Live image
  R: Navigate reverse 1 (r*) or 5 (R*) sweeps
  F: Navigate forward 1 (f*) or 5 (F*) sweeps
  t*: Navigate to a provided time
  b*: Select (previously) Bookmarked image
  B*: Bookmark currently selected image
  U*: Unbookmark Bookmarked image
  ?: Help

The summary screen accepts the following input commands:  

  S: Scroll forward (s*) or backward (S*) through list
  P: PM Configuration screen
  I: Image Info screen
  0-n: Select item from list
  V: Change between Virtual Fabrics and Port Group based views.