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.TH opasmaquery 1 "Intel Corporation" "Copyright(C) 2015\-2019" "IFSFFCLIRG (Man Page)"


Performs Intel(R) Omni-Path Architecture-defined SMA queries and displays the resulting response. Each query is issued directly to the SMA and does not involve SM interaction.
.SH Syntax
opasmaquery [-v] [-d  \fIdetail\fR][-g] [-l  \fIlid\fR] [-h  \fIhfi\fR] [-p  \fIport\fR]
[-o  \fIotype\fR]
[-m  \fIport\fR| \fIport1,port2\fR] [-f  \fIflid\fR] [-b  \fIblock[,count]\fR] [hop hop ...]
.SH Options

.TP 10

Produces full help text.

.TP 10

Returns verbose output. Can be specified more than once for additional openib and libibumad debugging.

.TP 10
-d \fIdetail\fR

Specifies the output detail level for cableinfo only. Range is 0 - n. Default is 2. An upper limit for detail level is not enforced. After a maximum amount of output is reached, a larger detail value has no effect.

.TP 10

Displays line-by-line format. Default is summary format.

.TP 10
-l \fIlid\fR

Specifies the destination LID. Default is local port.

.TP 10
-h/--hfi \fIhfi\fR

Specifies the HFI, numbered 1..n. Using 0 specifies that the -p \fIport\fR port is a system-wide port number. Default is 0.

.TP 10
-p/--port \fIport\fR

Specifies the port, numbered 1..n. Using 0 specifies the first active port. Default is 0.

.TP 10
-o \fIotype\fR

Specifies the output type. Default is nodeinfo. Refer to
\fIotype Options Vary by Report\fR
for supported options.

Valid output types are:
.TP 10

Specifies buffer control tables.

[-m dest\(ulport] [-m port1,port2]

.TP 10

Specifies cable information.

[-d detail] [-m dest\(ulport] [-b block[,count]]

.TP 10

Specifies congestion information.


.TP 10

desc or nodedesc
Specifies node descriptions/names.


.TP 10

Specifies HFI congestion control settings.

[-b block[,count]] [-f flid]

.TP 10

Specifies HFI congestion logs.

[-b block[,count]]

.TP 10

Specifies HFI congestion settings.


.TP 10

Specifies switch linear forwarding database (FDB) tables.

[-b block[,count]] [-f flid]

.TP 10

Specifies switch multicast FDB tables.

[-m dest\(ulport] [-b block[,count]] [-f flid]

.TP 10

Specifies Adaptive Routing port groups.

[-b block[,count]]

.TP 10

Specifies Adaptive Routing port group FWD tables.

[-b block[,count]] [-f flid]

.TP 10

Specifies node information and node descriptions.


.TP 10

node or nodeinfo
Specifies node information.

[-m dest\(ulport]

.TP 10

Specifies port information.

[-m dest\(ulport]

.TP 10

Specifies switch port state information.

[-m dest\(ulport] [-m port1,port2]

.TP 10

Specifies P-Key tables.

[-m dest\(ulport] [-b block[,count]]

.TP 10

Specifies SL to SC mapping tables.


.TP 10

Specifies SC to SL mapping tables.


.TP 10

Specifies SC to SC mapping tables.

[-m dest\(ulport] [-m port1,port2]

.TP 10

Specifies SC to VLt tables.

[-m dest\(ulport] [-m port1,port2]

.TP 10

Specifies SC to VLnt tables.

[-m dest\(ulport] [-m port1,port2]

.TP 10

Specifies SC to VLr tables

[-m dest\(ulport] [-m port1,port2]

.TP 10

Specifies SM information.


.TP 10

Specifies node information and switch information.


.TP 10

Specifies switch congestion logs.

[-b block[,count]]

.TP 10

Specifies switch congestion settings.


.TP 10

Specifies switch information.


.TP 10

Specifies switch congestion settings.

[-b block[,count]]

.TP 10

Specifies VL arbitration tables.

[-m dest\(ulport]

.TP 10

Specifies IB node information.


.TP 10

Specifies LED information.

[-m dest\(ulport]

.SH -h and -p options permit a variety of selections:

.TP 10
-h 0

First active port in system (Default).

.TP 10
-h 0 -p 0

First active port in system.

.TP 10
-h \fIx\fR

First active port on HFI \fIx\fR.

.TP 10
-h \fIx\fR \fI\fR-p 0

First active port on HFI \fIx\fR.

.TP 10
-h 0 -p \fIy\fR

Port \fIy\fR within system (no matter which ports are active).

.TP 10
-h \fIx\fR \fI\fR-p \fIy\fR

HFI \fIx\fR, port \fIy\fR.

.SH otype Options Vary by Report
[-m port|port1,port2] [-f lid] [-b block[,count]]
.TP 10
-m \fIport\fR

Specifies the port in destination device to query.

.TP 10
-m \fIport1,port2\fR

For some reports, specifies a range of ports between \fIport1\fR and \fIport2\fR. For others, this describes an inport/outport pair.

.TP 10
-f \fIlid\fR

Specifies the LID to look up in forwarding table to select which LFT or MFT block to display. Default is to show entire table.

.TP 10
-b \fIblock[,count]\fR

Specifies the block number of either GUIDs or pkey, and the number of blocks to display. Default is to show entire table.

For example:

.TP 10

-b \fIblock\fR
Displays all of block \fIblock\fR of a larger table.


.TP 10

-b \fIblock,count\fR
Displays \fIcount\fR blocks of data starting with block \fIblock\fR.


.TP 10

-b, \fIcount\fR
Displays \fIcount\fR blocks of data starting with block 0.


.SH Examples

opasmaquery -o desc -l 6

# get nodedesc via lid routed


opasmaquery -o nodedesc 1 3

# get nodedesc via directed route (2 dr hops)


opasmaquery -o nodeinfo -l 2 3

# get nodeinfo via a combination of lid routed and
# directed route (1 dr hop)


opasmaquery -o portinfo

# get local port info


opasmaquery -o portinfo -l 6 -m 1

# get port info of port 1 of lid 6


opasmaquery -o pkey -l 2 3

# get pkey table entries starting (lid routed to lid 2,

# then 1 dr hop to port 3)


opasmaquery -o vlarb -l 6

# get vlarb table entries from lid 6


opasmaquery -o swinfo -l 2

# get switch info


opasmaquery -o sminfo -l 1

# get SM info


opasmaquery -o slsc -l 3

# get sl2sc table entries from lid 3


opasmaquery -o scsl -l 3

# get sc2sl table entries from lid 3