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.TH opasaquery 1 "Intel Corporation" "Copyright(C) 2015\-2019" "IFSFFCLIRG (Man Page)"


Performs various queries of the subnet manager/subnet agent and provides detailed fabric information.
opareport and opareports from the Intel(R) Omni-Path Fabric Suite can provide a more powerful tool. In some cases, opasaquery is preferred, especially when dealing with virtual fabrics, service records, and multicast.
By default, opasaquery uses the first active port on the local system. However, if the node is connected to more than one fabric (for example, a subnet), the Intel(R) Omni-Path Host Fabric Interface (HFI) and port may be specified to select the fabric whose SA is to be queried.
.SH Syntax
opasaquery [-v [-v] [-v]] [-I] [-h  \fIhfi\fR|-b  \fIaddr\fR] [-p  \fIport\fR] [--timeout]
[-x  \fIgid\fR] [-E]
[-T  \fIssl\(ulparams\fR] [-o  \fItype\fR] [-l  \fIlid\fR] [-t  \fItype\fR] [-s  \fIguid\fR]
[-n  \fIguid\fR]
[-g  \fIguid\fR] [-k  \fIpkey\fR] [-i  \fIvfIndex\fR] [-S  \fIserviceId\fR] [-L  \fIsl\fR]
[-u  \fIgid\fR]
[-m  \fIgid\fR] [-d  \fInodeDescription\fR]  [-D  \fIdg\(ulname\fR]  [-P \[aq]\fIguid guid\fR\[aq]]
[-G \[aq]\fIgid gid\fR\[aq]]
[-H  \fImask\fR]
.SH Options

.TP 10

Produces full help text.

.TP 10

Returns verbose output. A second invocation activates openib debugging, a third invocation activates libibumad debugging.

.TP 10

Issues query in legacy InfiniBand* format.

.TP 10
-h/--hfi \fIhfi\fR

Specifies the HFI, numbered 1..n. Using 0 specifies that the -p \fIport\fR port is a system-wide port number. Default is 0.

.TP 10
-b/--oob \fIaddress\fR

Specifies Out-of-Band address of node running the FE. Can be either hostname, IPv4, or IPv6 address. Default is "".

.TP 10
-p/--port \fIport\fR

Specifies the port.

.IP \(bu
In-band: numbered 1..n. Using 0 specifies first active port. Default is 0.
.IP \(bu
Out-of-band: Port FE is listening on. Default is 3245.


.TP 10

Specifies the timeout (wait time for response) in ms. Default is 1000 ms.

.TP 10
-x/--source-gid \fIsrc\(ulgid\fR

Specifies the source GID of the local GID (This is required for most Path and Trace Record Queries when Out-of-Band.)

.TP 10

Specifies the ESM FE.

.TP 10
-T/--ssl-params \fIfile\fR

Specifies the SSL/TLS parameters XML file. Default is /etc/opa/opamgt\(ultls.xml.

.TP 10
-o \fItype\fR

Output type for query. Default is node. See
\fIOutput Types\fR
for details.

.TP 10
-l/--lid \fIlid\fR

Query a specific LID.

.TP 10
-t/--type \fInode\(ultype\fR

Queries by node type. See
\fINode Types\fR
for details.

.TP 10
-s/--sysguid \fIsystem\(ulimage\(ulguid\fR

Queries by system image GUID.

.TP 10
-n/--nodeguid \fInode\(ulguid\fR

Queries by node GUID.

.TP 10
-g/--portguid \fIport\(ulguid\fR

Queries by port GUID.

.TP 10
-k/--pkey \fIpkey\fR

Queries a specific PKey.

.TP 10
-i/--vfindex \fIvfIndex\fR

Queries a specific vfindex.

.TP 10
-S/--serviceId \fIserviceId\fR

Queries a specific service ID.

.TP 10
-L/--SL \fISL\fR

Queries by service level.

.TP 10
-u/--portgid \fIport\(ulgid\fR

Queries by port GID. See
for details.

.TP 10
-m/--mcgid \fImulticast\(ulgid\fR

Queries by multicast GID. See
for details.

.TP 10
-d/--desc \fInode\(uldescription\fR

Queries by node name/description.

.TP 10
-D/--dgname \fIdg\(ulname\fR

Queries by device group name/description

.TP 10
-P/--guidpair \fIguid guid\fR

Queries by a pair of port GUIDs.

.TP 10
-G/--gidpair \fIgid gid\fR

Queries by a pair of GIDs. See
for details.

.SH -h and -p options permit a variety of selections:

.TP 10
-h 0

First active port in system (Default).

.TP 10
-h 0 -p 0

First active port in system.

.TP 10
-h \fIx\fR

First active port on HFI \fIx\fR.

.TP 10
-h \fIx\fR \fI\fR-p 0

First active port on HFI \fIx\fR.

.TP 10
-h 0 -p \fIy\fR

Port \fIy\fR within system (no matter which ports are active).

.TP 10
-h \fIx\fR \fI\fR-p \fIy\fR

HFI \fIx\fR, port \fIy\fR.

.SH Node Types

.TP 10

Fabric Interface

.TP 10



Specifies a 64-bit subnet and 64-bit interface ID in the form:

In the following example, the GID corresponds to a PortGID. In this case, the interface ID coincides with the lower 64-bits of the GUID of the card. The interface ID will be different if the GID is a MGID (that is, multicast GID). See opafm.xml for MGID examples.




.SH Output Types

Default is node.
.TP 10

Specifies the classportinfo of the SA.

.TP 10

Lists the system image GUIDs.

.TP 10

Lists the node GUIDs.

.TP 10

Lists the port GUIDs.

.TP 10

Lists the LIDs.

.TP 10

Lists the node descriptions/names.

.TP 10

Lists the path records.

.TP 10

Lists the node records.

.TP 10

Lists the port info records.

.TP 10

Lists the SM info records.

.TP 10

Lists the switch info records.

.TP 10

Lists the link records.

.TP 10

Lists the SC to SC mapping table records.

.TP 10

Lists the SL to SC mapping table records.

.TP 10

Lists the SC to SL mapping table records.

.TP 10

Lists the SC to VLt table records.

.TP 10

Lists the SC to VLr table records.

.TP 10

Lists the SC to VLnt table records.

.TP 10

Lists the VL arbitration table records.

.TP 10

Lists the PKey table records.

.TP 10

Lists the service records.

.TP 10

Lists the multicast member records.

.TP 10

Lists the inform info records.

.TP 10

Lists the switch linear forwarding database (FDB) records.

.TP 10

Lists the switch multicast FDB records.

.TP 10

Lists the trace records.

.TP 10

Lists the vFabrics.

.TP 10

Lists the vFabrics in CSV format.

.TP 10

Lists the vFabrics in CSV format with enums.

.TP 10

Specifies the summary of fabric devices.

.TP 10

Lists the quarantined nodes.

.TP 10

Lists the Congestion Info Records.

.TP 10

Lists the Switch Congestion Settings.

.TP 10

Lists the Switch Port Congestion Settings.

.TP 10

Lists the HFI Congestion Settings.

.TP 10

Lists the HFI Congestion Control Settings.

.TP 10

Lists the buffer control tables.

.TP 10

Lists the Cable Info records.

.TP 10

Lists the AR Port Group records.

.TP 10

Lists the AR Port Group FWD records.

.TP 10

Lists the Device Group Names.

.TP 10

Lists the Device Group records.

.TP 10

Lists the Device Tree records.

.TP 10

Lists the switch cost records.

The vfinfocsv and vfinfocsv2 output formats are designed to make it easier to script vfinfo queries. One line is output per vFabric of the form:




The only difference between these two formats is how the MTU and rate are output. vfinfocsv outputs MTU and rate in human/text readable format. vfinfocsv2 outputs MTU and rate as enumerations defined for the SMA protocol. The opagetvf command is based on this capability of opasaquery. For more information, see
.SH Example
opasaquery -o desc -t fi

.SH Input Options vs. Output Permitted

The following list shows the input (assorted query by options) and outputs (-o) that are permitted.
.TP 10

.TP 10

-o output permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, path, node, portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, service, mcmember, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, vfinfo, vfinfocsv, vfinfocsv2, scsc, slsc, scvlt, scnlmt, linfdb, classportinfo, fabricinfo, quarantine, conginfo, swcongset, swportcong, hficongset, hficongcon, bfrctl, cableinfo, portgroup, portgroupfdb, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10

-o output not permitted


.TP 10
-t \fInode\(ultype\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, vlarb, pkey, service, mcmember, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, trace, vfinfo, vfinfocsv, vfinfocsv2


.TP 10
-l \fIlid\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, path, node, portinfo, swinfo, slvl, vlarb, pkey, mcmember, linfdb, mcfdb, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
sminfo, link, inform, service, trace, vfinfo, vfinfocsv, vfinfocsv2, dglist


.TP 10
-k \fIpkey\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
mcmember, path, vfinfo, vfinfocsv, vfinfocsv2


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
systemimageguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node, portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, service, mcmember, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10

.TP 10

-o output permitted
vfinfo, vfinfocsv, vfinfocsv2


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
systemimageguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node, portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, service, mcmember, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10
-s \fIsystem\(ulimage\(ulguid\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, service, mcmember, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, trace, vfinfo, vfinfocsv, vfinfocsv2, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10
-n \fInode\(ulguid\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, service, mcmember, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, trace, vfinfo, vfinfocsv, vfinfocsv2, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10
-g \fIport\(ulguid\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, path, node, trace, dgmember


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, linfdb, mcfdb, vfinfo, vfinfocsv, vfinfocsv2, dglist, dtree, service, mcmember, inform


.TP 10
-u \fIport\(ulgid\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
path, service, mcmember, inform, trace


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node, portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, linfdb, mcfdb, vfinfo, vfinfocsv, vfinfocsv2, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10
-m \fImulticast\(ulgid\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
mcmember, vfinfo, vfinfocsv, vfinfocsv2


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, path, node, portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, service, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, trace, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10
-d \fInode\(uldescription\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node, dgmember


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
trace, dglist, dtree


.TP 10
-D \fIdg\(ulname\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, path, node, portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, service, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, trace, dglist, dtree


.TP 10
-P \fIport\(ulguid\(ulpair\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
path, trace


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node, portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, service, mcmember, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10
-S \fIserviceId\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
path, vfinfo, vfinfocsv, vfinfocsv2, service


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
systemimageguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node, portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, mcmember, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10
-L \fISL\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
path, vfinfo, vfinfocsv, vfinfocsv2


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
systemimageguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node, portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, service, mcmember, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10
-G \fIgid\(ulpair\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted
path, trace


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node, portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, service, mcmember, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10
-a \fIport\(ulguid\(ullist\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node, portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, service, mcmember, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, trace, dglist, dgmember, dtree


.TP 10
-A \fIgid\(ullist\fR

.TP 10

-o output permitted


.TP 10

-o output not permitted
systemguid, nodeguid, portguid, lid, desc, node, portinfo, sminfo, swinfo, link, vlarb, pkey, service, mcmember, inform, linfdb, mcfdb, trace, dglist, dgmember, dtree