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List of command line options used in various Fast Fabric tools
--help			provide full help text, otherwise brief help of common options
-a 			show all hosts (opacheckload)
-a			clear all performance stats for all ports
-a 			ip address of node running FE
-a action		Action for specified chassis firmware upgrade (push, select, run)
-a 'sguid ..;dguid..'   query by a list of port guids
-b			Take a baseline without a health check
-b date_time	begin time for performance stats interval query
-b {b | b,c | ,c}   output a block of data with range of count
-c			clobber previous result files before run
-c			copy files before run (opaverifyhosts)
-c			focus select value
-c crc			new CRC enabled (opaportconfig)
-c char			concatentation character
-c file			config file for error analysis or thresholds
-d 			display configuration checksum information (opafmconfigcheck)
-d			delta flag for port counters query (0 or 1)
-d dir			upload or download directory (or UPLOADS_DIR or DOWNLOADS_DIR)
				or analysis directory tree (FF_ANALYSIS_DIR)
-d detail		detail level for report
-d name			query by node name/description or vf name
-d delimiter		delimiter output between names and values
-e			evaluate health only, default is compare/check mode
-e			output mtu & rate as eunm values (opagenvf)
-e flag			32 bit selection flag for clearing port counters
-e element		name of XML element to extract, name of header XML element to end
-e date_time	end time for performance stats interval query
-f 			delta flag for portCounters query (0 or 1)
-f value		focus select value for getting focus ports
-f hostfile		hosts to act on (or HOSTS_FILE)
-g 			group name for groupInfo query
-g			display in line by line format (default is summary) (opainfo)
-g guid			query by port guid
-g element		name of XML element to generate
-h 			host name of node running FE
-h element		name of XML element in which to enclose generated XML elements
-h hosts		hosts to act on (or HOSTS)
-h hfi			HFI to use
-i ipoib_suffix		suffix to convert ethernet to IPoIB
-i seconds		Obtain performance stats over interval seconds
-i vfindex		query a specific vfindex
-i level		output indent level (0-15)
-j time			begin time in opa[pa|fe]query pa queries
-k			kill any previous jobs (opaverifyhosts)
-k			in XML tags with newlines, keep newlines as is
-k pkey			query a specific pkey
-l 			list files but dont create archive (oparchive)
-l			add comments with line numbers after each XML end tag
-l lid			query a specific lid
-m 			access fabric information directly from SMA
-m netmask		netmask for configuring IPoIB
-m marker		marker for end of cmd output in opacmdall
-m gid			query by multicast gid
-m port			port in destination device to query
-n numprocs		number of processes per node for cabletests, number of hosts
   			       for opacheckload
-n guid			query by node guid
-n image_number		64 bit image number
-n mask			port mask in hex (ports 31-0)
-o output_file		write data to output file
-o directory		output directory
-p 			run command in parallel
-p port			port to use
-p ports		list of HFI ports to use (or PORTS)
-p guid			query by port guid
-q 			quiet mode
-q time     end time in opa[pa|fe]query pa queries
-r			size of window for focus ports list
-r			recursive download/upload of directories
-r 			reverse output (least busy hosts) (opachassisanalysis)
-r seconds		repeat to keep port down for seconds (opaportconfig)
-r release		release to load on servers
-s			save history of analysis failures
-s			get performance stats for all ports
-s			strict check mode (opafmconfigcheck)
-s			update/resolved switches switch names using topology xml
-s			specify a service level (default 0)
-s guid			query by system image guid
-s element		name of XML element to suppress extraction
-s file			secondary topology CSV input file
-s flag			32 bit select flag for clearing port counters
-s speed		new link speeds enabled (opaportconfig)
-t 			optimized recursive copy of directories using TAR
-t 			trim leading and trailing whitespace in XML tag contents
-t portsfile		list of local hfi ports used (or PORTS_FILE)
-t type			query by node type
-t file			primary topology CSV input file
-u user			user code for host operation (default is root)
-u upload_file		destination filename to upload to (opaverifyhosts)
-u gid			query by port gid
-v			verbose mode
-v			show version
-v level		verbose level (0-8)
-v debugging mode	display debugging and status information (opafmconfigcheck)
-w			start window for focus ports
-w mask			32 bit virtual lane select mask
-w width		new link widths enabled (opaportconfig)
-x 			output in xml
-x			exclude libs, kernel, module samples (oparchive)
-x snapshot_suffix  	suffix for snapshot file created (opalinkanalysis)
-x gid			specify a source gid for query
-y time		image time in opa[pa|fe]query pa queries
-z			do not get port info first, clear port attributes (opaportconfig)

-A			skip "active" test (opafindgood)
-A			force clear of hw error counters (opacabletest)
-A			get PortInfo for down switch ports direct from SMA
-A 'sgid ...;dgid ...'  query by list of gids
-B 'sguid ...;dguid ...' query by list of port guids
-C			perform operation on chassis (default is hosts)
-C			clear error counters, clear performance counters
-D point		Destination for trace route
-D detail		detail level for opacapture
-E 			ESM FE
-E esmchassis		eSM chassis to act on (or ESM_CHASSIS)
-F chassisfile		chassis to act on (or CHASSIS_FILE)
-F focus		focus option for report
-G esmchassisfile	eSM chassis to act on (or ESM_CHASSIS_FILE)
-G 'gid gid'		query by a pair of gids
-H 			only include permanent hardware data
-H			do not output element name header record
-H chassis		chassis to act on (or CHASSIS)
-I 			issue query in legacy Inifiband format
-I install_opts		install options for server install
-I fm_bootstate		fmconfig and fmcontrol install options
-K			do not clean temporary files
-L 			limit operation to specified focus
-L opaswitches		node list file for inband operations on switches (or OPASWITCHES_FILE)
-L lid			set PortInfo.LID = lid (opaportconfig)
-L SL			query by service level
-L nodefile		File with switches in cluster (default /etc/opa/switches)
-M 			access performance stats directly from PMA
-M			inage offset (pa query)
-M host			Connected mgmt host from which queries can be initiated
-N 			omit node and IOC names
-N			port number for portCounters query
-N opaswitches		node list for inband operations on switches (or OPASWITCHES)
-N nodes		list of nodes to execute against
-O			image offset (groupInfo, groupConfig, portCounters)
-O			override, bypass version checks and force upgrade
-P 			skip ping of host
-P			output hostname/chassis name as line prefix for opacmdall
-P			include data persistent across reboots
-P 'guid guid'		query by a pair of port guids
-P port_number		port number for portCounters query
-P state		new port physical state (opaportconfig)
-P file			Read command parameters from command file (opaxml)
-P packages		packages to load for server or chassis upgrade
-R			configure remote hosts only (skips localhost in opasetupssh)
-R			skip "running/ssh" test
-R			do not attempt to get routes (opadisablehosts, opagenswitches)
-R path			filesystem path to search (oparchive)
-Q 			skip "quarantine" test (opafindgood)
-Q			do not include focus description in report
-S			securely prompt for chassis admin password
-S 			start of window for focus ports (should be 0)
-S point		source for trace route
-S serviceid		query a specific service id
-S state		new port state (opaportconfig)
-T product		IntelOPA product type to install
-T timelimit		timelimit for opacmdall operations and tools using opacmdall
-T file			name of topology file input/output file or SSL/TLS parameters XML file
-U			only perform connect (for opasetupssh)
-U			omit unexpected devices (opalinkanalysis)
-U			user controlled counters flag for portCounters query
-U upgrade_opts		upgrade options for server upgrade
-V			VF name for vfInfo query
-V			verbose output
-X file			input file to use

Output Type Descriptions used by Fast Fabric tools - note that individual tools
may not support all output types.
   all		      - comp, nodes, ious, links, extlinks, slowconnlinks, errors reports
   bfrctrl            - list of buffer control tables
   brcomps	      - Brief summary of all systems and SMs in fabric
   brnodes	      - brief summary of all nodes and SMs in fabric
   cableinfo          - list of Cable Info records
   classportinfo      - list of port info records
   clearerrorinfo     - clears the error info
   clearportstatus    - clears the port status
   clrAllPortCounters - clear all port counters in a fabric
   clrPortCounters    - clear port counters of a fabric port
   clrVfPortCounters  - clear VF port counters of a fabric port
   conginfo           - list of Congestion Info Records
   comps	      - Summary of all systems & SMs in fabric
   desc               - list of node descriptions/names
   errors	      - summary of links whose errors exceed counts in config file
   extislinks	      - summary of all inter-switch links external to system
   extlinks	      - summary of all links external to system
   fabricinfo	      - summary of fabric devices
   focusPorts	      - get sorted list of ports
   freezeImage	      - creates a freeze frame for image ID
   groupConfig	      - configuration of a PA group
   groupInfo	      - summary of statistics of a PA group
   groupList	      - List of PA groups
   getdatacounters    - list of data counters
   geterrorcounters   - list of error counters
   geterrorinfo       - list of error info
   getportstatus      - list of port status records
   hficongcon         - list of HFI Congesting Control Settings
   hficongset         - list of HFI Congestion Settings
   filinks	      		- summary of all FI links
   ibnodeinfo         - list of IB generic node data records (opasmaquery)
   imageInfo	      - get information about a PA image
   inform             - list of inform info records
   ious		      - summary of all IO units in fabric
   islinks	      		- summary of all inter-switch links
   lid                - list of lids
   lids		      - summary of all LIDs in fabric
   linear	      - summary of linear fowarding database (FDB) for each switch
   linfdb             - list of switch linear FDB records
   link               - list of link records
   links	      - summary of all links
   mcast	      - summary of multicast FDB for each switch
   mcfdb              - list of switch multicast FDB records
   mcmember           - list of multicast member records
   misconfiglinks     - summary of links configured to run slower than supported
   misoconnlinks      - summary of links connected with mismatched speed potential
   moveFreeze	      - move freeze frame from image ID to new image ID
   node               - list of node records
   nodes	      - summary of all nodes types and SMs in fabric
   nodeaggr           - aggregate query returning list of node info and description records
   nodedesc           - list of node description records
   nodeguid           - list of node guids
   nodeinfo           - list of node info records
   none		      - no report (useful if just want to clear stats)
   otherports	      - summary of ports not connected to this fabric
   paclassPortInfo    - class port info
   path               - list of path records
   pathusage	      - summary of number of FI to FI paths routed through each switch port
   pkey               - list of P-Key table records
   pmConfig	      - retrieve PM configuration information
   portCounters	      - port counters for a fabric port
   portgroup          - list of AR Port Group records
   portgroups	      - summary of adaptive routing port groups for each switch
   portgroupfdb       - list of AR Port Group FWD records
   portguid           - list of port guids
   portinfo           - list of port info records
   portusage	      - summary of ports referenced in linear FDB for each switch
   pstateinfo         - list of switch port state info records
   quarantine         - list of quarantined nodes
   quarantinednodes   - summary of quarantined nodes
   ranfdb             - list of switch random FDB records
   releaseImage	      - release freeze frame for image ID
   renewImage	      - renew lease for freeze frame for image ID
   route	      - trace route between -S and -D points
   saclassPortInfo    - class port info
   scsc		      - list of SC to SC mapping table records
   scsl               - list of SC to SL mapping table records
   scvlnt             - list of SC to VLnt table records
   scvlt              - list of SC to VLt table records
   service            - list of service records
   slsc               - list of SL to SC mapping table records
   slowconfiglinks    - summary of links configured to run slower than supported
   slowconnlinks      - summary of links connected with mismatched speed potential
   slowlinks	      - summary of links running slower than expected
   sminfo             - list of SM info records
   snapshot	      - output fabric state for later use as snapshot input
   swaggr             - aggregate query returning list of node info and switch info records
   swconglog          - list of switch congestion log records
   swcongset          - list of Switch Congestion Settings
   swinfo             - list of switch info records
   swportcong         - list of switch congestion settings
   systemguid         - list of system image guids
   topology	      - output topology of fabric for later use as topology input
   trace              - list of trace records
   treepathusage      - analysis of number of FI to FI paths routed through each switch port for fat tree
   validatecreditloops	- validate topology configuration of fabric to identify credit loops
   validatepgs	      - validate all port groups in fabric
   validateroute      - validate all routes in fabric
   validateroutes     - validate all routes in fabric
   verifyall	      - verifyfis, verifysws, verifysms, verifylinks reports
   verifyextislinks	  - compare fabric external inter-switch links to supplied topology
   verifyextlinks     - compare fabric links to supplied topology (external links only)
   verifyfis	      - compare fabric FIs to supplied topology
   verifyfilinks	      - compare fabric FI links to supplied topology
   verifyislinks	  - compare fabric inter-switch links to supplied topology
   verifylinks	      - compare fabric links to supplied topology
   verifynodes	      - verifyfis and verifysws reports
   verifysms	      - compare fabric SMs to supplied topology
   verifysws	      - compare fabric switches to supplied topology
   vfConfig	      - configuration for a virtual fabric
   vfFocusPorts	      - get sorted list of virtual fabric ports
   vfinfo             - summary of vFabric information
   vlList	      - list of virtual fabrics
   vfmember	      - summary of vFabric membership information
   vfPortCounters     - port counters for a fabric port
   vfinfocsv          - list of vFabrics in CSV format
   vfinfocsv2         - list of vFabrics in CSV format with enums
   vlarb              - list of VL arbitration table records