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/* BEGIN_ICS_COPYRIGHT2 ****************************************

Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Intel Corporation

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modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
      without specific prior written permission.


** END_ICS_COPYRIGHT2   ****************************************/

/* [ICS VERSION STRING: unknown] */

//									     //
// FILE NAME								     //
//    sm_l.h								     //
//									     //
// DESCRIPTION								     //
//    This file contains the localized SM definitions.  These definitions    //
//    do NOT appear in the IBTA specs.  They are implementation dependent.   //
//									     //
// DATA STRUCTURES							     //
//    None								     //
//									     //
// FUNCTIONS								     //
//    None								     //
//									     //
// DEPENDENCIES								     //
//    ib_mad.h								     //
//    ib_status.h							     //
//    ib_const.h							     //
//									     //
//									     //

#ifndef	_SM_L_H_
#define	_SM_L_H_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "ib_types.h"
#include "ispinlock.h"
#include "ib_mad.h"
#include "ib_status.h"
#include "ib_sm.h"
#include "ib_sa.h"
#include "cs_context.h"
#include "mai_g.h"
#include "cs_g.h"
#include "cs_log.h"
#include "cs_bitset.h"
#include "mai_g.h"
#include "sm_maihandle.h"
#include "ifs_g.h"

#include "ilist.h"
#include "iquickmap.h"
#include <iba/stl_sm_priv.h>
#include <iba/stl_helper.h>

#ifdef __VXWORKS__
#include "regexp.h"
#include "regex.h"

#include <fm_xml.h>
#include "topology.h"

#include "sm_parallelsweep.h"

#define	SM_PKEYS    64

#ifdef __VXWORKS__
#define	SM_NODE_NUM 		500
#define	SM_NODE_NUM 		5000


// Support for STL MTU enum, which allows for 8k and 10k
//   In the SM MC Spanning tree, a tree is maintained for each MTU
//     and the original code uses the MTU enum as an index. 
//   This concept works, except that when iterating through loops, the 
//     unused values must be skipped. 
//   NOTE: This function will return values greater than the max mtu
//     to allow for..loop termination.
static __inline__ int getNextMTU(int mtu) {
    if (mtu == IB_MTU_4096) {
        return (STL_MTU_8192);
    } else {
        return (mtu+1);

//   NOTE: This function will return values less  than the lowest mtu
//     to allow for..loop termination.
static __inline__ int getPrevMTU(int mtu) {
    if (mtu == STL_MTU_8192) {
        return (IB_MTU_4096);
    } else {
        return (mtu-1);

static __inline__ uint32_t getCongTableSize(uint8_t numBlocks) {

static __inline__ uint32_t getCongrefTableSize(uint8_t numBlocks) {

#define DEFAULT_DEVGROUP_ID 0xffff
#define DEFAULT_PKEY		0x7fff
#define INVALID_PKEY		0
#define FULL_MEMBER			0x8000
#define ALL_GUIDS			0xffffffffffffffff
#define NULL_SERVICE_MASK	0xffffffffffffffff
#define UNDEFINED_PKEY		0xffffffff
#define PKEY_TYPE_FULL		1

#define TITAN_SYSTEM_IMAGE_BASIC      0x00066A00E0000000ll
#define QLOGIC_SYSTEM_IMAGE_BASIC     0x00066A0000000000ll

// These pools are referenced by the macros below
extern Pool_t sm_pool;

 * Revert to using pure DR after SmaEnableLRDR_MAX_RETRIES-1 attempts.
#define SmaEnableLRDR_FALLBACK_OPTION		2	
#define	SmaEnableLRDR_MAX_RETRIES			3	//total retries while using LR-DR SMPs approach

extern Sema_t topo_terminated_sema;
extern int activateInProgress;
extern int isSweeping;
extern int forceRebalanceNextSweep;
extern int topology_changed;  /* indicates a change in the topology during discovery */
extern int topology_changed_count;  /* how many times has topology changed */
extern int topology_switch_port_changes;  /* indicates there are switches with switch port change flag set */
extern int topology_cost_path_changes;
extern int routing_recalculated; /* indicates all routing tables have been recalculated this sweep */
extern uint32_t topology_port_bounce_log_num; /* Number of times a log message has been generated about a port bounce this sweep*/
extern bitset_t old_switchesInUse;
extern bitset_t new_switchesInUse;
extern bitset_t new_endnodesInUse;
extern SMXmlConfig_t sm_config;

extern FabricData_t preDefTopology;

//********** SM topology asynchronous send receive context **********
extern  generic_cntxt_t     sm_async_send_rcv_cntxt;
//**********  SM topology asynchronous send receive response queue **********
extern  cs_Queue_ptr sm_async_rcv_resp_queue;

//Link policy violation types used in portData->linkPolicyViolation

//	Internal data structures for simplicity.


//  Loop test path structure
typedef struct _LoopPath {
    STL_LID     lid;        // lid assigned to the path
    uint16_t    startNodeno;// node number of start/end of loop in topology
    // path from SM node to loop node and loop from node back to itself
    uint16_t    nodeIdx[64];// index of node (node number) in topology
    uint8_t     path[64];   // port through node
    struct _LoopPath *next; // pointer to next loop path
} LoopPath_t;

#define PORT_GUIDINFO_DEFAULT_RECORDS       1       // Maximum records is normally 8
#define IB_VLARB_COUNT						5

//inLoopCount is 8 bits hence max value is 255
//Increment such that, overflow doesn't result in the value becoming 0 as
//zero value of inLoopCount would be considered as the port not being in any loop
#define INC_IN_LOOP_COUNT(P)	(P = (P == 255) ? 1 : (P+1))

// maximum times do immediate resweep after an individual port fails to move
// to the proper state after requesting it to move to Armed or Active.
// Once this count is exceeded, the fabric will not be reswept until the next
// normally scheduled fabric sweep or fabric port change.

typedef struct {
	uint8 refcount;
	uint8 buffer[128];
} CableInfo_t;

typedef struct {
	int numPortRanges;
} PortRangeInfo_t;

typedef struct {
} VlarbTableData;

typedef struct _PortDataVLArb {
	uint32				vlarbMatrix[STL_MAX_VLS];
	union {
		VlarbTableData	vlarb;
	} u;
} PortDataVLArb;

typedef struct _PortDataSCSCMapPortMask {
} PortDataSCSCMapPortMask;

// Persistent Topology API

typedef enum {
} PopoQuarantineType_t;

typedef enum {
	POPO_LONGTERM_PERSISTENT_TIMEOUT = 2, //Not Implemented. Future Work
} PopoLongTermQuarantineReason_t;

typedef struct {
	PopoLongTermQuarantineReason_t reason;
	uint64_t monitoredTime;	//timestamp port was placed in monitor state
	uint64_t quarantinedTime;//Timestamp port was placed in quarantine state
	void *data; //Data specific to quarantine reason about state over sliding window
} PopoPortLongTermData_t;

typedef struct {
	struct _PopoNode * ponodep;
	uint8_t portNum;
	STL_PORT_STATES portStates;
	struct {
		PopoQuarantineType_t type;
		boolean monitored;
		PopoPortLongTermData_t longTermData; //Tracks data for monitored/long term quarantined ports 
		LIST_ITEM quarantineEntry; //Entry for either shorterm or longterm quarantine list. Cannot be in both.
		LIST_ITEM monitorEntry;    //Entry for monitored list.
	} quarantine;
	struct {
		uint8_t	reregisterPending:1;	// True if we need to send a PortInfo with ClientReregister
	} registration;
	struct {
		uint8_t updateLog:1;
	} ldr;
} PopoPort_t;

typedef struct _PopoNode {
	cl_map_item_t nodesEntry;
	struct {
		uint32_t pass;
		uint8_t nodeType;
		uint8_t numPorts;
		uint64_t guid;
	} info;
	struct {
		uint32_t nrSweepNum; //Sweep number of last failure
		uint16_t nrCount; // Number of sweeps a Node Fails a get
		uint64_t nrTime;  // Timestamp of first failure to respond
	} nonresp;
	struct {
		uint8_t errorCount;
	} quarantine;
	PopoPort_t ports[0];
} PopoNode_t;

typedef struct {
	Lock_t lock;
	cl_qmap_t nodes;
	struct {
		// the cumulative time spent in timeouts during this sweep
		ATOMIC_UINT cumulativeTimeout;
		// indicates a trap is pending; tracks whether a trap was received
		// at any point in a series of failed sweeps, and indicates that a
		// resweep should be scheduled
		boolean trapPending;
	} errors;
	struct {
		QUICK_LIST monitored; //Ports that are being considered for inclusion in longTerm quarantine. 
		QUICK_LIST shortTerm; //Ports that will be quarantined only until the next successful SM sweep
		QUICK_LIST longTerm;  //Ports that will be quarantined for multiple sweeps until underlying condition resolves
	} quarantine;
	struct {
		uint64_t sweepStart; // Sweep start (in seconds) used by LinkdownReason Log
	} ldr;
} Popo_t;

typedef struct {
	uint32 refCount;
} HfiCongestionControlTableRefCount_t;

//	Per Port structure.
typedef	struct _PortData {
	uint64_t	guid;		// port GUID
	uint64_t	gidPrefix;	// Gid Prefix
	uint8_t		gid[16];	// Gid (network byte order)
	uint32_t	capmask;	// capability mask
	uint16_t	capmask3;	// capability mask3
// lid, lmc and vl could be much smaller fields, lid=16bits, lmc=3, vls=3 bits
	STL_LID		lid;		// base lid
	uint8_t		lmc;		// LMC for this port
	uint8_t		vl0;		// VLs supported
	uint8_t		vl1;		// VLs actual
	uint8_t		mtuSupported:4;		// MTUs supported
    uint8_t		maxVlMtu:4;   // Largest mtu of VLs/VFs on this port.
    uint8_t     rate;       // static rate of link (speed*width)
	uint16_t	portSpeed;	// calculated portSpeed used in cost (stored due to high usage)
	uint8_t		guidCap;	// # of GUIDs
	uint8_t		numFailedActivate;	// how many times has sm_activate_port
   							// failed to activate this port
	uint32_t	flags;		// local flags
	STL_LID  	pLid;		// Persistent lid
	STL_PKEY_ELEMENT pPKey[SM_PKEYS];// Persistent PKeys
	bitset_t	pkey_idxs;	// Persistent number of PKeys
	uint64_t	trapWindowStartTime;//timestamp of last trap within the thresholdWindow
	uint32_t	trapWindowCount;/* trap counter maintained during the thresholdWindow for
								   disabling runaway ports */
	uint64_t	lastTrapTime; //time stamp of last trap 
	uint8_t		suppressTrapLog; // if set to 1, trap info of this port will not be logged
	uint8_t		logSuppressedTrapCount; // count of traps while logging is suppressed
	uint8_t		logTrapSummaryThreshold;/*threshold of traps when summary of traps
										 should be logged even if logging is suppressed*/
	uint8_t		mcDeleteCount;
	uint64_t	mcDeleteStartTime;
	STL_PORT_INFO	portInfo;	// PortInfo (for SA)

	PortDataVLArb	curArb;		// Current values on SMA
	PortDataVLArb	*newArb;	// Not yet set on SMA

	STL_SLSCMAP slscMap;		// SL2SC mapping table
	STL_SCSLMAP scslMap;		// SC2SL mapping table
	STL_SCVLMAP scvltMap;
	STL_SCVLMAP scvlntMap;
	STL_SCVLMAP scvlrMap;
	QUICK_LIST  scscMapList[2];	// 0 is regular, 1 is Ext

	HfiCongestionControlTableRefCount_t *congConRefCount; // HFI Port or EH SWP 0 only.

	bitset_t	vfMember;
	bitset_t	qosMember;
	bitset_t	dgMember;		// Bitset indicating the index values of all device groups.
	bitset_t	fullPKeyMember;
	STL_LID		lidsRouted; 	// Number of lids routed through this port
	STL_LID		baseLidsRouted; // Number of base lids routed through this port

	/* Flags*/
	uint8_t		qosHfiFilter:1;
	uint8_t		isIsl:1;		// Switch port is linked to another switch
	uint8_t		uplink:1;		// Uplink port in fat tree
	uint8_t		downlink:1;		// Downlink port in fat tree
	uint8_t		delayedPkeyWrite:1; // True if Pkeys need to be wrote after topo release

	uint8_t		inLoopCount;	//number of times this port has been included in a loop as part of loop test

	/// Shared cable information; use sm_CableInfo_*() functions to create and manage
	CableInfo_t * cableInfo;

	uint8_t neighborQuarantined;
	uint8_t linkPolicyViolation:2;  //port outside speed/width policy. 
									//bit[0]: link below max supported
									//bit[1]: port below minimum allowed

	cl_map_obj_t	mapObj;		// quickmap item to sort on GUIDs

	struct _Node *nodePtr; 	// Ptr to the node record this port belongs.
	//void       *pmData;		// Pointer to Pm per port Data

		Whether stored values are up-to date with values on SMA.
		Not the same as whether values on SMA match the expected or correct values.
	struct {
		uint8_t slsc:1;
		uint8_t scsl:1;
		uint8_t scvlt:1;
		uint8_t scvlnt:1;
		uint8_t scvlr:1;
		uint8_t scsc:1;
		uint8_t vlarbLow:1;
		uint8_t vlarbHigh:1;
		uint8_t vlarbPre:1;
		uint8_t vlarbMatrix:1;
		uint8_t pkeys:1;
		uint8_t bfrctrl:1;
	} current;

	struct {
		uint8_t init:1;
		uint8_t slsc:1;
		uint8_t scsl:1;
		uint8_t portInfo:1;
	} dirty;

	struct {
		STL_SLSCMAP * slsc;
		STL_SCSLMAP * scsl;
	} changes;

	void		*routingData; 	// Private data used by topology algorithm.
	uint16_t	routingCost;	// Used for enhanced hypercube
	int32_t		initWireDepth;		// Initial wire depth to use for buffer calculations.
} PortData_t;

// This structure is retained for all switch ports and has summary information
typedef	struct _Port {
	uint8_t		index;		// my port number
	uint8_t		state;		// portState (IB_PORT_DOWN ... IB_PORT_ACTIVE)
	uint32_t	nodeno;		// node index of other end
	uint32_t	portno;		// port index of other end
	uint8_t		path[64];	// path to get to this port
	PopoPort_t	*poportp;	// pointer to persistent port structure
    PortData_t	*portData;  // Pointer to additional port related fields. 
							// may be NULL when dynamic port alloc enabled
							// TBD - is dynamic port alloc needed?  Should it
							// be removed and this changed to a structure
							// instead of a pointer?
} Port_t;

//	Per Node structure.

static __inline__ STL_LID STL_GET_UNICAST_LID_MAX(void) {
	return (sm_config.max_supported_lid);
#ifdef __VXWORKS__
#define MAX_MCAST_MGIDS  1000
#define MAX_MCAST_MGIDS  20000
typedef	struct _Node {
	uint32_t	index;		// index in linked list
	uint32_t	oldIndex;	// index in linked list in old topology
    uint16_t    swIdx;      // switch index in switch list
	uint32_t	flags;		// FabricExec flags
	STL_NODE_INFO	nodeInfo;	// NodeInfo (for SA)
	STL_NODE_DESCRIPTION	nodeDesc;	// NodeInfo (for SA)
	STL_SWITCH_INFO	switchInfo;	// SwitchInfo (for SA)	// TBD make a pointer and only allocate for switches
	STL_PORT_STATE_INFO *portStateInfo;
	STL_CONGESTION_INFO congestionInfo;
	uint8_t		path[64];	// directed path to this node
	PORT		*lft;

	STL_PORTMASK **mft;		// 2D array of port masks for MFT.
	STL_PORTMASK *pgt;		// 1D array of port masks for Port Group Table. 
	uint8_t		pgtLen;		// Current length of PGT. 
	PORT		*pgft;		///< Port Group Forwarding Table
	uint32_t 	pgftSize; 	///< amount of memory allocated for pgft; should track actual memory allocation, not highest entry in use
	Port_t		*port;		// ports on this node
	bitset_t	activePorts;
	bitset_t	initPorts;

	bitset_t	vfMember;
	bitset_t	fullPKeyMember;
	bitset_t	dgMembership;
	uint8_t     asyncReqsSupported; // number of async requests node can handle
	uint8_t     asyncReqsOutstanding; // number of async requests on the wire
	uint8_t		portsInInit; 
	uint8_t		activeVLs; 
	uint8_t		arbCap;			// capability of switch internal
	uint8_t		vlCap; 			// capability of switch internal
	uint8_t		numISLs; 
	uint8_t		tier; 			// tier switch resides on in fat tree
	uint16_t	tierIndex;		// switch index within it's tier
	uint8_t		uplinkTrunkCnt; // number of uplink ports in trunk group
	STL_LID		numLidsRouted;	// used to build balanced LFTs.
	STL_LID		numBaseLidsRouted;	// used to build balanced LFTs when LMC enabled.
	char*		nodeDescString;	// Only used when nodeDesc is 64 chars (not null terminated).
	cl_map_obj_t	mapObj;		// Quickmap item to sort on guids
	cl_map_obj_t	nodeIdMapObj;	// Quickmap item to sort on guids
	cl_map_obj_t	mapQuarantinedObj;		// Quickmap item to sort on guids
	cl_map_obj_t	switchLidMapObj;	// Quickmap item to sort switch lids
	PopoNode_t	*ponodep;		// pointer to persistent node structure
	void		*routingData;	// Routing specific data.

	/* There exist a case where these are both used (Enhanced SWP0 switch). We'll just
	 store both */

	struct		_Node *next;		// linked list pointer (for_all_nodes())
	struct		_Node *prev;		// linked list pointer (for_all_nodes())
	struct		_Node *type_next;	// linked list pointer (NodeType based)
	struct		_Node *type_prev;	// linked list pointer (NodeType based)
    struct      _Node *sw_next;		// linked list pointer (tier based)
    struct      _Node *sw_prev;		// linked list pointer (tier based)
    struct      _Node *old;			// Pointer to a copy of this node in an older topology. MAY BE NULL.

	/* Flags*/
	uint8_t		initDone:1; 		//temporary flag during sweep that indicates if the switch is initialized
	uint8_t		noLRDRSupport:1;	//indicates that the switch is not handling LR DR packets correctly*/
	uint8_t		hasSendOnlyMember:1; //switch has a multicast sendonly member attached */ 
	uint8_t		mftChange:1;  		// indicates if mft of switch has to be completely reprogrammed
	uint8_t		mftPortMaskChange:1;// indicates if mft entries of switch have changed since last sweep
	uint8_t		arChange:1;			// indicates adaptive routing tables of switch need to be programmed, leave pause if set
	uint8_t		arSupport:1;		// indicates switch supports adaptive routing
	uint8_t		congConfigDone:1;	// indicates if this node's congestion control configuration is done.
	uint8_t		oldExists:1;  		// this node is also in the old topology
	uint8_t		uniformVL:1;  
	uint8_t		deltasRequired:1;	// indicates a node was added to the switch
	uint8_t		vlArb:1;  
	uint8_t		internalLinks:1;  
	uint8_t		externalLinks:1;  
	uint8_t		edgeSwitch:1;  		// switch has HFIs attached
	uint8_t		skipBalance:1;  
	uint8_t		routingRecalculated:1; // routing has been recalculated during this sweep
	uint8_t		nodeDescChgTrap:1;  
	uint8_t		mcSpanningChkDone:1; //indicates switch has been checked as part of spanning tree construction
	//uint8_t		pmFlags;		// PM flag - TBD how many bits needed
	uint8_t		slscChange:1;		//indicates if sl2sc of the node needs to be programmed
	uint8_t		aggregateEnable:1;
} Node_t;

typedef struct _QuarantinedNode {
    Node_t * authenticNode;
    Port_t * authenticNodePort; 
    Node_t * quarantinedNode; 
	uint32 quarantineReasons;
	struct _QuarantinedNode *next; // linked list pointer
	struct _QuarantinedNode *prev; // linked list pointer
} QuarantinedNode_t;

typedef struct _SwitchList 
	Node_t				*switchp;
	struct _SwitchList	*next;
	uint8_t				parent_portno;	//port number of parent switch through which switchp was added to the list
} SwitchList_t;

 * The set of quickmaps and ordered device groups associated with a topology 
 * structure.
 * NOTA BENE: The deviceGroup[] array has one more member than the 
 * deviceGroupName[] or deviceGroupIndex[] arrays. This is to allow all
 * un-weighted LIDs to be routed correctly.
typedef struct	_DGTopology {
	uint8_t			dgCount;
	uint8_t			allGroup;
	uint16_t		deviceGroupIndex[MAX_DGROUTING_ORDER];
	cl_qmap_t		deviceGroup[MAX_DGROUTING_ORDER+1];
} DGTopology;

typedef struct {
	uint8_t * path;
	STL_LID slid;
	STL_LID dlid;
} SmpAddr_t;

// uint8_t *, STL_LID, STL_LID

// uint8_t *
// uint8_t *, STL_LID, STL_LID

// SmpAddr_t *, uint8_t *
	do { \
		(ADDR)->path = (PATH); \
	} while(0)
// SmpAddr_t *, uint8_t *, STL_LID, STL_LID
	do { \
		(ADDR)->path = (PATH); \
		(ADDR)->slid = (SLID); \
		(ADDR)->dlid = (DLID); \
	} while(0)
// SmpAddr_t *, STL_LID, STL_LID
	do { \
		(ADDR)->path = NULL; \
		(ADDR)->slid = (SLID); \
		(ADDR)->dlid = (DLID); \
	} while(0)

// SmpAddr_t *
	((ADDR)->path && (ADDR)->slid != STL_LID_PERMISSIVE && (ADDR)->dlid != STL_LID_PERMISSIVE)

// Path Matrix Port Masks

	Path matrix portmask array length in units of 64 bits.
	Separate from STL_MAX_PORTMASK to limit the size of path matrix.
#define SM_PATH_MAX_PORTMASK ((MAX_STL_PORTS + 63) / 64)

	Fixed-size portmask used by the path matrix.

	Local path helpers interpret ports as 1-255 and 0 as not found,
	unlike stl_helper which encodes 0-254 (with 255 as not found).
	This allows 64 port switches to be encoded in a single uint64.
typedef struct _SmPathPortmask {
	uint64_t masks[SM_PATH_MAX_PORTMASK];
} SmPathPortmask_t;

#define SM_PATH_PORTMASK_EMPTY ((SmPathPortmask_t){{0}})

static __inline__ void sm_path_portmask_set(SmPathPortmask_t * ports, int port) {
	assert(0 < port && port <= MAX_STL_PORTS);
	ports->masks[(port - 1) / 64] |= (uint64_t)1 << ((port - 1) % 64);

static __inline__ void sm_path_portmask_clear(SmPathPortmask_t * ports, int port) {
	assert(0 < port && port <= MAX_STL_PORTS);
	ports->masks[(port - 1) / 64] &= ~((uint64_t)1 << ((port - 1) % 64));

static __inline__ void sm_path_portmask_merge(SmPathPortmask_t * dst, SmPathPortmask_t * src) {
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < SM_PATH_MAX_PORTMASK; ++i)
		dst->masks[i] |= src->masks[i];

static __inline__ int sm_path_portmask_pop_first(SmPathPortmask_t * ports) {
	int i, base, bit;
	for (i = base = 0; i < SM_PATH_MAX_PORTMASK; ++i, base += 64) {
		bit = __builtin_ffsll(ports->masks[i]);
		if (bit) {
			ports->masks[i] ^= (uint64_t)1 << (bit - 1);
			return base + bit;
	return 0;

	The array offset to the i-th block of destination switches.
#define SM_PATH_OFFSET(I, NumSwitches) ((I) * (NumSwitches))

	The span of switches and ports for the i-th source switch in bytes.
#define SM_PATH_SWITCH_SPAN(NumSwitches) ((NumSwitches) * sizeof(SmPathPortmask_t))

	The size of the path matrix in bytes.
#define SM_PATH_SIZE(NumSwitches) ((NumSwitches) * SM_PATH_SWITCH_SPAN(NumSwitches))

// Routing structures

#define SM_DOR_MAX_WARN_THRESHOLD 255	/*size of warning counter in sm_dor.c is 1 byte*/

struct _Topology;
struct _VlVfMap;
struct _VlQosMap;
struct _VlBwMap;
struct Qos;
struct _RoutingModule;
struct SwitchportToNextGuid;

typedef struct _RoutingFuncs {
	Status_t (*pre_process_discovery)(struct _Topology *, void **);
	Status_t (*discover_node)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, void *);
	Status_t (*discover_node_port)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, struct _Port *, void *);
	Status_t (*post_process_discovery)(struct _Topology *, Status_t, void  *);

	/* These functions allow topology-specific code to examine the new 
 	 * topology and the old topology and determine if the SM needs to update
 	 * the routing tables of the switches. Implementations should set the
 	 * rebalance flag to non-zero if updates are needed, but should not
 	 * modify it if no update is needed.
	Status_t (*post_process_routing)(struct _Topology *, struct _Topology *, int * rebalance);
	Status_t (*post_process_routing_copy)(struct _Topology *, struct _Topology *, int * rebalance);

	// Allows for topology specific intialization and calculation of the cost matrix used
	// to calculate routes.
	Status_t (*allocate_cost_matrix)(struct _Topology *);
	Status_t (*initialize_cost_matrix)(struct _Topology *);
	Status_t (*calculate_cost_matrix)(struct _Topology *, int switches, unsigned short * cost, SmPathPortmask_t *);

	int (*routing_mode) (void);

	boolean (*extended_scsc_in_use) (void);

		Indicates DR routing initialization is required instead of LRDR.
	boolean (*requires_dr) (struct _Topology *, Node_t *);

		Copy xFT from src to dest where src is assumed to be a predecessor of dest.

		See @fn sm_routing_func_copy_routing_lfts() for a typical implementation.

		@return VSTATUS_OK if no problems occurred, non-OK otherwise.
	Status_t (*copy_routing)(struct _Topology * src, struct _Topology * dest);

		Perform routing algorithm/topology-specific xFT (LFT, MFT, PGT, PGFT) initialization for switches.  Implementation should do initialization necessary for SM to send LID-routed to any switch.

		See @fn topology_setup_switches_LR_DR()

		@param routing_needed [in,out] As input, true indicates xFT initialization is needed to all nodes, false only to new nodes.
		@param rebalance [out] Implementation should set this to '1' (really non-zero) if 

		@return VSTATUS_OK on success, non-OK to indicate a fatal error.
	Status_t (*init_switch_routing)(struct _Topology * topop, int * routing_needed, int * rebalance);
	Status_t (*setup_switches_lrdr)(struct _Topology *, int, int);

	// Optionally override this function to change the order in which routing tables are built.
	// Leave null to accept the default function.
	Status_t (*calculate_routes)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *);

		@param switchp the destination switch
		@param nodep the source node or switch
		@param orig_port the port from which LFT and PGT/PGFTs are built.
	Status_t (*setup_xft)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, struct _Node *, struct _Port *, uint8_t *);
	int (*select_ports)(struct _Topology *, Node_t *, int, struct SwitchportToNextGuid *, boolean);

		Compute the portgroup assignments on @c srcSw for all equally-best paths from @c srcSw to
		@c dstSw and the end nodes attached to @c dstSw.

		Implementations may accept only switch pairs or (switch, node) pairs, although obviously
		node pairs don't make particular sense.  Implementation should set @c switchp->arChange to 1
		if either the PGT or PGFT were changed in the process.

		Optional for a topology module; NULL indiciates not implemented.

		@param [optional, out] portnos 
		@return VSTATUS_OK on success, something else if srcSw and dstSw aren't switches or if other bad stuff happens.
	Status_t (*setup_pgs)(struct _Topology *topop, struct _Node * srcSw, struct _Node * dstSw);

	int (*get_port_group)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, struct _Node *, uint8_t *);
	Status_t (*select_slsc_map)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, struct _Port *, struct _Port *, STL_SLSCMAP *);
	Status_t (*select_scsl_map)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, struct _Port *, struct _Port *, STL_SCSLMAP *);
	Status_t (*select_scsc_map)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, int, int *, STL_SCSC_MULTISET** scscmap);
	Status_t (*select_scvl_map)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, struct _Port *, struct _Port *, STL_SCVLMAP *);
	Status_t (*select_vlvf_map)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, struct _Port *, struct _VlVfMap *);
	Status_t (*select_vlqos_map)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, struct _Port *, struct _VlQosMap *);
	Status_t (*select_vlbw_map)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, struct _Port *, struct _VlBwMap *);
	Status_t (*select_scvlr_map)(struct _Topology *, uint8_t, STL_SCVLMAP *);

	Status_t (*fill_stl_vlarb_table)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, struct _Port *, struct _PortDataVLArb * arb);
	Status_t (*select_path_lids)(struct _Topology *, struct _Port *, STL_LID, struct _Port *, STL_LID, STL_LID[], uint8_t *, STL_LID[], uint8_t *);
	Status_t (*process_swIdx_change) (struct _Topology *, int old_idx, int new_idx, int last_idx);

 		Used to determine if fabric change requires fabric routing reprogramming.
	int (*check_switch_path_change) (struct _Topology *, struct _Topology *, struct _Node *);

		Predicate function to determine if any routing recalculation is required.

		Implementation should return zero if no recalculation is required, non-zero otherwise.
	boolean (*needs_routing_recalc)(struct _Topology * topop, Node_t * nodep);

	boolean (*can_send_partial_routes)(void);

 		Used by sm_routing_func_select_ports to determine spine first routing
	boolean (*do_spine_check)(struct _Topology *topop, Node_t *switchp);

		Differ by write of LFT
	Status_t (*write_minimal_routes)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, SmpAddr_t *);
	Status_t (*write_full_routes_LR)(struct _Topology *, struct _SwitchList *, int);
	Status_t (*route_old_switch)(struct _Topology *, struct _Topology *, struct _Node *);

		Override the building of the multicast spanning trees.
	void (*build_spanning_trees)(void);

 		Used to determine if local switch change requires routing change.
	boolean (*handle_fabric_change)(struct _Topology *, struct _Node *, struct _Node *);

		QOS functions

		Implementation should assign/adjust bandwidth on virtual fabrics objects in
		@c VirtualFabrics->v_fabric_all. Unassigned bandwidth indicated by
		@c VF_t.percent_bandwidth == UNDEFINED_XML8.
	Status_t (*update_bw)(struct _RoutingModule *rm, VirtualFabrics_t *VirtualFabrics);

		Compute global SLSC mppings. Only applicable to implementations
		that use a single SLSC map for all SLSC-eligible ports.
	Status_t (*assign_scs_to_sls)(struct _RoutingModule *rm, VirtualFabrics_t *VirtualFabrics);

		Assign SLs to VF_t objects in @c VirtualFabrics.
	Status_t (*assign_sls)(struct _RoutingModule *rm, VirtualFabrics_t *VirtualFabrics);

		Does this routing algorithm require multicast isolation
	boolean (*mcast_isolation_required)(void);

		Minimum number of vls supported by routing algorithm
		Note: 1 vl is always supported, even though min_vls may return more than 1
	int (*min_vls)(void);

		Maximum number of vls supported by routing algorithm
	int (*max_vls)(void);

		Number of routing SCs required by SL. mc_sl should be true if SL is for
		multicast, false otherwise.
	int (*num_routing_scs)(int sl, boolean mc_sl);

		Delete any routing data associated with a node in the topology.
	void (*delete_node)(struct _Node *);

		Number of VLs that can be shared between the same SL type of different
		QoS groups.
	int (*oversubscribe_factor)(int sl, boolean mc_sl);

		Multiple routing SCs are used, but okay to overlay mcast with ucast.
	boolean (*overlay_mcast)(void);

		Process XML config to see that it is valid.
	Status_t (*process_xml_config)(void);

} RoutingFuncs_t;

typedef struct _RoutingModule {
	const char * name;

	RoutingFuncs_t funcs;

	// Private data used by topology algorithm.
	void	*data;

		Initialize new instance @c dest to be a copy of @c src.  Implementation is responsible for all fields in @c dest.  If no implementation is provided, caller should do a memcpy(dest, src, size).

		Caller should not expect implementation to handle @c dest with non-NULL pointer members (@c dest has already been initialized).

		Typically only called at the start of a new sweep when there is a need to copy data gathered in the prior sweep to the current sweep.

		@return VSTATUS_Ok on success or non-OK to indicate failure.
	Status_t (*copy)(struct _RoutingModule * dest, const struct _RoutingModule * src);

		Called when module is released , usually at end of sweep (see @fn topology_release_saved_topology() and @fn topology_clearNew()) or when a  module is unloaded.
		Note that release() can be called without unload() being called.

		Implementation is responsible for lifetime of fields of @c rm but not lifetime of @c rm itself.

		See also @fn RoutingFuncs_t::destroy().  release() will be called after destroy().

		@return VSTATUS_OK on success or non-OK if an unrecoverable runtime error occurs.
	Status_t (*release)(struct _RoutingModule * rm);

} RoutingModule_t;

	Function type for initializing RoutingModule_t instance.  Instance is already allocated, factory function should initialize the instance fields and do any allocation for the fields.

	@return VSTATUS_OK on success, non-OK on failure.
typedef Status_t (*routing_mod_factory)(RoutingModule_t * module);

Status_t sm_routing_addModuleFac(const char * name, routing_mod_factory fac);

	Allocate and initialize module instance using factory function associated with @c name.

	@param module [out] Location to store pointer to newly-allocated module.
Status_t sm_routing_makeModule(const char * name, RoutingModule_t ** module);

	Allocate and initialize routing module instance as copy of @srcMod.
	Does copy of @c srcMod using @c srcMod->copy if @c srcMod->copy is non-NULL.
	Does memcpy(*newMod, srcMod) otherwise.

	@param newMod [out] Location to store pointer to newly-allocated module.
Status_t sm_routing_makeCopy(RoutingModule_t **newMod, RoutingModule_t *srcMod);
	Free routing module memory. Prefer this to direct vs_pool_free() since internal memory management details may change.

	@param module [out] If @c *module is freed, @c *module will be set to NULL.

	@return VSTATUS_ILLPARM if either @c module or @c *module is NULL.  VSTATUS_OK otherwise.
Status_t sm_routing_freeModule(RoutingModule_t ** module);

typedef struct _PreDefTopoLogCounts {
	uint32_t 	totalLogCount;
	uint32_t 	nodeDescWarn;
	uint32_t 	nodeDescQuarantined;
	uint32_t 	nodeGuidWarn;
	uint32_t 	nodeGuidQuarantined;
	uint32_t 	portGuidWarn;
	uint32_t 	portGuidQuarantined;
	uint32_t 	undefinedLinkWarn;
	uint32_t 	undefinedLinkQuarantined;
} PreDefTopoLogCounts;

//	Per Topology structure.
typedef	struct _Topology {
	uint32_t	num_nodes;	// count of how many nodes have been found
	uint32_t	num_sws;	// count of how many switch chips have been found
	uint32_t	max_sws;	// size of the switch index space (including sparseness)
	uint32_t    num_ports;	// num of live ports in fabric (init state or better)
    uint32_t    num_endports; // num end ports (init state or better)
	uint32_t	num_quarantined_nodes;	// count of how many nodes have been found
	uint32_t	nodeno;		// node index of new node
	uint32_t	portno;		// port index of new node
	uint32_t	state;		// SM state
	STL_LID		maxLid;		// maximum Lid assigned

	uint16_t         *cost; // array for path resolution (cost matrix)
	SmPathPortmask_t *path; // array for path resolution (next-hop matrix, each entry is a portmask of best next hops)

	Node_t		*node_head;	// linked list of nodes
	Node_t		*node_tail;	// ditto
	Node_t		*ca_head;	// linked list ofFI nodes
	Node_t		*ca_tail;	// ditto
	Node_t		*switch_head;	// linked list of SWITCH nodes
	Node_t		*switch_tail;	// ditto
	QuarantinedNode_t *quarantined_node_head;	// linked list of nodes that failed authentication
	QuarantinedNode_t *quarantined_node_tail;	// linked list of nodes that failed authentication
    Node_t      *tier_head[MAX_TIER]; // array of linked lists of switches indexed by tier
    Node_t      *tier_tail[MAX_TIER]; // ditto
	uint8_t		minTier; // minimum tier one or more switches are assigned to
	uint8_t		maxTier; // Maximum tier one or more switches are assigned to

	size_t		bytesCost;		// cost/path array length
	size_t		bytesPath;
	uint8_t		sm_path[72];	// DR path to SM (STANDBY mode only)
	uint32_t	sm_count;	// actCount of master SM (STANDBY mode only)
    uint64_t    sm_key;    // the smKey of the master SM (STANDBY mode only)
    uint16_t    numSm;      // number of SMs in fabric
    //uint16_t    numMasterSms; // number of master SMs in fabric
    //TopologySm_t smRecs[SM_MAX_SUPPORTED]; // list of SMs in topology
	uint32_t    numRemovedPorts; // number of ports removed during discovery
    // loop test variables
	uint16_t	numLoopPaths; // number of loop paths in fabric
	LoopPath_t	*loopPaths; // loop paths in fabric
	Node_t		**nodeArray;	// Array of all nodes
	cl_qmap_t	*nodeMap;	// Sorted GUID tree of all nodes
	cl_qmap_t	*portMap;	// Sorted GUID tree of all ports
	cl_qmap_t	*nodeIdMap; // Sorted Node tree based on the locally assigned node id.
	cl_qmap_t	*quarantinedNodeMap;	// Sorted GUID tree of all nodes
	uint8_t		maxMcastMtu; // Maximum MTU supported by fabric for multicast traffic
	uint8_t		maxMcastRate; // Maximum rate supported by fabric for multicast traffic
	uint8_t		maxISLMtu;		// Maximum ISL MTU value seen in the fabric
	uint8_t		maxISLRate;		// Maximum ISL rate value seen in the fabric
	uint8_t		qosEnforced; // QoS is being enforced based on fabric parameters

	/// Allocated in sm_routing_makeModule(), freed in either topology_release_saved_topology() and/or topology_clearNew()
	RoutingModule_t * routingModule;

	uint64_t	sweepStartTime;
	uint64_t	lastNDTrapTime;

	bitset_t    deltaLidBlocks;
	// Was bitset_init(...&deltaLidBlocks) called?
	uint8_t     deltaLidBlocks_init;

	VirtualFabrics_t *vfs_ptr;

	// Per sweep pre-defined topology log counts
	PreDefTopoLogCounts preDefLogCounts;

	/// Store link down reasons for ports that disappeared;
	/// see LdrCacheEntry_t
	cl_qmap_t *ldrCache;

	/// Store switch lids for efficient cost queries
	cl_qmap_t	* switchLids;
#ifdef __VXWORKS__
	uint8_t		pad[8192];	// general scratch pad area for ESM
} Topology_t;

Status_t sm_lidmap_alloc(void);
void sm_lidmap_free(void);
Status_t sm_lidmap_reset(void);
Status_t sm_lidmap_update_missing(void);

struct MissingLidEntry;

typedef	struct {
	Guid_t		guid;		// guid for this index (ie, Lid)
	uint32_t	pass;		// last pass count I saw this Guid
	Node_t		*oldNodep;	// active pointer to node in old topology
	cl_map_obj_t	mapObj;	// for storing this item in the GuidToLidMap tree
	struct MissingLidEntry *missing;

     * the following fields are for topology thread use only 
     * They are transient and are valid only when SM is discovering
	Node_t		*newNodep;	// pointer to node in new topology
	Port_t      *newPortp;
} LidMap_t;

typedef struct MissingLidEntry {
	LidMap_t *lm;
	struct MissingLidEntry *prev;
	struct MissingLidEntry *next;
} MissingLidEntry_t;

//	Multicast structures.
typedef	struct _McMember {
	struct _McMember	*next;
	STL_LID			slid;
	uint8_t			proxy;
	uint8_t			state;
	uint64_t		nodeGuid;
	uint64_t		portGuid;
	uint32_t		index; /* Used by OOB mgmt interface to track record */
} McMember_t;

#define MCMEMBER_STATE_NON_MEMBER        0x02

typedef enum {
	McGroupBehaviorStrict = 0,
	McGroupBehaviorRelaxed = 1,
	McGroupBehaviorSpanningTree = 2,
} McGroupJoinBehavior;

typedef enum {
	McGroupUnrealizable = (1 << 0), // Signifies that the group has become unrealizable
} McGroupFlags;

typedef	struct _McGroup {
	struct _McGroup		*next;
	IB_GID			mGid;
	uint32_t		members_full;
	uint32_t		qKey;
	uint16_t		pKey;
	STL_LID			mLid;
	uint8_t			mtu;
	uint8_t			rate;
	uint8_t			life;
	uint8_t			sl;
	uint32_t		flowLabel;
	uint8_t			hopLimit;
	uint8_t			tClass;
	uint8_t			scope;
	McMember_t		*mcMembers;
	uint32_t		index_pool; /* Next index to use for new Mc Member records */
	bitset_t		vfMembers;
	bitset_t		new_vfMembers;
	McGroupFlags	flags;      // Flags associated with this group
} McGroup_t;

#if defined(__VXWORKS__)
#define SM_STACK_SIZE (29 * 1024)
#define SM_STACK_SIZE (256 * 1024)
//	Thread structure.
typedef struct {
	Thread_t		handle;
	Threadname_t	name;
	void			(*function)(uint32_t, uint8_t **);
	uint8_t			*id;
} SMThread_t;

#define	SM_THREAD_ASYNC			3
#define SM_THREAD_DBSYNC        4
#define SM_THREAD_TOP_RCV       5
#define SM_THREAD_PM            6
#define SM_THREAD_EM			7

#define SM_THREAD_FE            (SM_THREAD_EM + 1)

// Removed fabric entities

typedef enum {
} RemovedEntityReason_t;

typedef struct _RemovedPort {
	uint64_t              guid;
	uint32_t              index;
	RemovedEntityReason_t reason;
	struct _RemovedPort   *next;
} RemovedPort_t;

typedef struct {
	uint64_t              guid;
	cl_map_obj_t          mapObj;
	RemovedPort_t         *ports;
} RemovedNode_t;

typedef struct {
	cl_qmap_t nodeMap;
	Lock_t    lock;
	uint8_t   initialized;
} RemovedEntities_t;

// throttling MAD dispatcher

// actual timeout passed to vs_event_wait in the wait loop

// number of loops (roughly each of length EVENT_TIMEOUT) that can pass with
// the dispatcher state remaining unchanged before we give up and assume
// that the dispatcher has stalled (likely due to a leak in the async
// context code)
#define SM_DISPATCH_STALL_THRESHOLD 7 // (0 - 255)

typedef struct sm_dispatch_send_params {
	SmMaiHandle_t *fd;
	uint32_t method;
	uint32_t aid;
	uint32_t amod;
	uint8_t *path;
	STL_LID  slid;
	STL_LID  dlid;
	uint8_t  buffer[STL_MAD_PAYLOAD_SIZE];
	uint32_t bufferLength;
	uint64_t mkey;
	uint32_t reply;
	uint8_t  bversion;
	cntxt_callback_t callback;
	void *callbackContext;
} sm_dispatch_send_params_t;

typedef struct sm_dispatch_req {
	sm_dispatch_send_params_t sendParams;
	Node_t *nodep;
	uint64_t sendTime;
	uint32_t sweepPasscount;
	struct sm_dispatch *disp;
	struct sm_dispatch_req *next, *prev;
	LIST_ITEM item;
} sm_dispatch_req_t;

// we use sm_async_send_rcv_cntxt.lock to protect this structure
typedef struct sm_dispatch {
	int initialized;
	uint32_t reqsOutstanding;
	uint32_t reqsSupported;
	uint32_t sweepPasscount;
	Event_t evtEmpty;
	struct sm_dispatch_req *queueHead, *queueTail;
	QUICK_LIST queue;
} sm_dispatch_t;

// Adaptive Routing control settings
typedef struct {
	uint8_t enable;
	uint8_t debug;
	uint8_t lostRouteOnly;
	uint8_t algorithm;
	uint8_t	arFrequency;
	uint8_t threshold;
} SmAdaptiveRouting_t;

// Used for LMC port selection during routing

typedef struct SwitchportToNextGuid
	uint64_t guid;
	uint64_t sysGuid;
	uint16_t sortIndex;
	Port_t   *portp;
	Node_t	 *nextSwp;
} SwitchportToNextGuid_t;

// Use for slsc/vlarb setup
typedef struct _VlVfMap
    bitset_t       vf[STL_MAX_VLS];
} VlVfMap_t;

typedef struct _VlBwMap
	boolean       has_qos;
    uint8_t       qos[STL_MAX_VLS];
    uint8_t       bw[STL_MAX_VLS];
    uint8_t       highPriority[STL_MAX_VLS];
} VlBwMap_t;

// Use for vlarb/bw setup
typedef struct _VlarbList
	uint8_t				cap;		// Low BW cap
	uint8_t				mtu;		// MTU of this port 
    STL_VLARB_TABLE_ELEMENT vlarbLow[STL_MAX_LOW_CAP];  // vlarb bw table
	struct _VlarbList	*next;
} VlarbList_t;

typedef struct Qos
	uint8_t		numVLs;
	uint8_t		activeVLs;
	STL_SCVLMAP	scvl;  /* scvlr = scvl */
	bitset_t	highPriorityVLs;
	bitset_t	lowPriorityVLs;
	uint8_t		dimensions;		// used for dor only
	VlBwMap_t	vlBandwidth;
	uint8_t		weightMultiplier;	// used for STL1 vlarb
	VlVfMap_t	vlvf;
	VlarbList_t	*vlarbList;		// Used to cache common vlarb bw data
} Qos_t;

typedef enum {
} SweepReason_t;

extern SweepReason_t sm_resweep_reason;

static __inline__ void setResweepReason(SweepReason_t reason) {
	if (sm_resweep_reason == SM_SWEEP_REASON_UNDETERMINED)
		sm_resweep_reason = reason;

//    IEEE defined OUIs
#define	OUI_INTEL		0x00d0b7

#define	INCR_PORT_COUNT(TP,NP) {			\
    TP->num_ports++;                        \
	if (NP->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_CA) {           \
        TP->num_endports++;                 \
    }                                       \

#define	DECR_PORT_COUNT(TP,NP) {			\
    TP->num_ports--;                        \
	if (NP->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_CA) {           \
        TP->num_endports--;                 \
    }                                       \

//	Macros for path resolution.
/* using switches only in floyd algo, requiring index in switch list instead of node index */
#define	Index(X,Y)		((X) * sm_topop->max_sws + (Y))
#define	Cost_Infinity	(32767)  /* small enough to ensure that inf+inf does not overflow */
#define	Min(X,Y)		((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y))
#define	Max(X,Y)		((X) > (Y) ? (X) : (Y))

#define	PathToPort(NP,PP)	((NP)->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH ? 	\
				(NP)->path : (PP)->path)

//	Macros for SM filter creation.
#define	SM_Filter_Init(FILTERP) {						\
	Filter_Init(FILTERP, 0, 0);						\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_ADDRINFO;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_BASE;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_TYPE;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_DATA;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_DEV;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_PORT;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_QP;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_FMASK;					\
	(FILTERP)->type = MAI_TYPE_EXTERNAL;						\
	(FILTERP)->dev = sm_config.hca;						\
	(FILTERP)->port = (sm_config.port == 0) ? MAI_TYPE_ANY : sm_config.port;		\
	(FILTERP)->qp = 0;							\

//	Macros for Node enqueueing.
#define	Node_Enqueue(TOPOP,NODEP,HEAD,TAIL) {					\
	if (TOPOP->TAIL == NULL) {						\
		NODEP->next = NULL;						\
		NODEP->prev = NULL;						\
		TOPOP->HEAD = NODEP;						\
		TOPOP->TAIL = NODEP;						\
	} else {								\
		NODEP->next = NULL;						\
		NODEP->prev = TOPOP->TAIL;					\
		(TOPOP->TAIL)->next = NODEP;					\
		TOPOP->TAIL = NODEP;						\
	}									\

#define	Node_Enqueue_Type(TOPOP,NODEP,HEAD,TAIL) {				\
	if (TOPOP->TAIL == NULL) {						\
		NODEP->type_next = NULL;					\
		NODEP->type_prev = NULL;					\
		TOPOP->HEAD = NODEP;						\
		TOPOP->TAIL = NODEP;						\
	} else {								\
		NODEP->type_next = NULL;					\
		NODEP->type_prev = TOPOP->TAIL;					\
		(TOPOP->TAIL)->type_next = NODEP;				\
		TOPOP->TAIL = NODEP;						\
	}									\

#define Node_Dequeue_Type(TOPOP,NODEP,HEAD,TAIL) { \
	if (NODEP->type_prev) \
		NODEP->type_prev->type_next = NODEP->type_next; \
	if (NODEP->type_next) \
		NODEP->type_next->type_prev = NODEP->type_prev; \
	if (TOPOP->HEAD == NODEP) \
		TOPOP->HEAD = NODEP->type_next; \
	if (TOPOP->TAIL == NODEP) \
		TOPOP->TAIL = NODEP->type_prev; \
	NODEP->type_next = NODEP->type_prev = NULL; \

//	Macros for allocating Nodes and Ports.
#define sm_dynamic_port_alloc() \


static __inline__ int bitsForInteger(int x) {
	int i=0;

	while (x > 0) {
		x /= 2;
	return i;

//      Topology traversal macros.
#define for_all_nodes(TP,NP)							\
	for (NP = (TP)->node_head; NP != NULL; NP = NP->next)

#define for_all_ca_nodes(TP,NP)							\
	for (NP = (TP)->ca_head; NP != NULL; NP = NP->type_next)

#define for_all_tier_switches(TP,NP, tier)                           \
    for (NP = (TP)->tier_head[tier]; NP != NULL; NP = NP->sw_next)

#define for_all_switch_nodes(TP,NP)						\
	for (NP = (TP)->switch_head; NP != NULL; NP = NP->type_next)

#define for_switch_list_switches(HD, NP)					\
	for (NP = (HD); NP != NULL; NP = NP->next)

#define for_all_quarantined_nodes(TP,NP)					\
	for (NP = (TP)->quarantined_node_head; NP != NULL; NP = NP->next)

#define for_each_list_item(LIST, ITEM) \
	for (ITEM = QListHead(LIST); ITEM != NULL; ITEM = QListNext(LIST, ITEM))

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
static __inline__ int sm_valid_port(const Port_t * portp) {
    return ((portp != NULL) && (portp->portData != NULL));

static __inline__ int sm_valid_port_mgmt_allowed_pkey(Port_t * portp) {
	if (portp->portData->pPKey[STL_DEFAULT_FM_PKEY_IDX].AsReg16 == STL_DEFAULT_FM_PKEY ||
		return 1;
		return 0;

static inline
const char * sm_fwd_table_type_str(Topology_t *topop)
	return "LFT";

#ifndef __VXWORKS__
static inline Port_t * sm_get_port(const Node_t *nodep, uint32_t portIndex) {
    if (portIndex <= nodep->nodeInfo.NumPorts) {
        return &nodep->port[portIndex];
    return NULL;
Port_t *    sm_get_port(const Node_t *nodep, uint32_t portIndex);

static __inline__ int Is_Switch_Queued(Topology_t *tp, Node_t *nodep) {
	int	t;	
	if (nodep->sw_prev) return 1;
	for (t=0; t<MAX_TIER;t++) {	
		if (tp->tier_head[t] == nodep) return 1;
	return 0;

static __inline__ STL_LID sm_port_top_lid(Port_t * portp) {
	return ((!portp) ? 0 : portp->portData->lid + (1 << portp->portData->lmc) - 1);

static __inline__ boolean is_cc_supported_by_enhanceport0(Node_t *nodep) {
	if (nodep->switchInfo.u2.s.EnhancedPort0 && (nodep->congestionInfo.ControlTableCap != 0)) {
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

#define	PORT_A0(NP)								\
	((NP->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH) ? 0 : 1)

#define	PORT_A1(NP)								\

#define for_all_ports(NP,PP)							\
	if((PP = sm_get_port(NP,PORT_A0(NP))) == NULL) {}			\
		else for (;PP <= sm_get_port(NP,PORT_A1(NP)); PP++)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// useful when sm_find_node_and_port_lid has returned a matching port (MPP)
// and want to walk all matching ports in given device. For a HFI this walks
// just the matched port (since other ports will have different LIDs) and for
// a switch it matches all ports (since only port 0 had a LID)
#define	PORT_A0_MATCHED(NP, MPP)								\
	((NP->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH) ? 0 : MPP->index)

#define	PORT_A1_MATCHED(NP, MPP)								\
	((NP->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH) ? NP->nodeInfo.NumPorts : MPP->index)

#define for_all_matched_ports(NP,PP,MPP)							\
	if((PP = sm_get_port(NP,PORT_A0_MATCHED(NP, MPP))) == NULL) {}				\
		else for (;PP <= sm_get_port(NP,PORT_A1_MATCHED(NP, MPP)); PP++)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

#define	PORT_E0(NP)								\
	((NP->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH) ? 0 : 1)

#define	PORT_E1(NP)								\
	((NP->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH) ? 0 : NP->nodeInfo.NumPorts)

#define for_all_end_ports(NP,PP)						\
	if((PP = sm_get_port(NP,PORT_E0(NP))) == NULL) {}			\
		else for (;PP <= sm_get_port(NP,PORT_E1(NP)); PP++)

#define for_all_end_ports2Nodes(NP1, PP1, NP2, PP2)		\
	if ((PP1 = sm_get_port(NP1,PORT_E0(NP1))) == NULL || (PP2 = sm_get_port(NP2,PORT_E0(NP2))) == NULL) {}\
		else for (;PP1 <= sm_get_port(NP1,PORT_E1(NP1)); PP1++, PP2++)
static __inline__ Port_t * sm_get_node_end_port(Node_t *nodep) {
	Port_t *portp = NULL;
	for_all_end_ports(nodep, portp) {
			return portp;
	return NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

#define	PORT_P0(NP)								\
	((NP->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH) ? 1 : 1)

#define	PORT_P1(NP)								\

#define for_all_physical_ports(NP,PP)						\
	if((PP = sm_get_port(NP,PORT_P0(NP))) == NULL) {}			\
		else for (;PP <= sm_get_port(NP,PORT_P1(NP)); PP++)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

#define	PORT_S0(NP)								\
	((NP->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH) ? 0 : 1)

#define	PORT_S1(NP)								\
	((NP->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH) ? 0 : NP->nodeInfo.NumPorts)

#define for_all_sma_ports(NP,PP)						\
	if((PP = sm_get_port(NP,PORT_S0(NP))) == NULL) {}			\
		else for (;PP <= sm_get_port(NP,PORT_S1(NP)); PP++)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

#define for_all_port_lids(PP,X)							\
	for ((X) = (PP)->portData->lid; (X) < (int)((PP)->portData->lid + (1 << (PP)->portData->lmc)); (X)++)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

//	Macros for allocating Multicast Groups and Members
#define	McGroup_Enqueue(GROUPP) {						\
	if (sm_McGroups == NULL) {						\
		GROUPP->next = NULL;						\
		sm_McGroups = GROUPP;						\
	} else {								\
		GROUPP->next = sm_McGroups;					\
		sm_McGroups = GROUPP;						\
	}									\

#define	McGroup_Dequeue(GROUPP) {						\
	McGroup_t		*localGroup;					\
	if (sm_McGroups == GROUPP) {						\
		sm_McGroups = (GROUPP)->next;					\
	} else {								\
		for_all_multicast_groups(localGroup) {				\
			if (localGroup->next == GROUPP) {			\
				localGroup->next = (GROUPP)->next;		\
				break;						\
			}							\
		}								\
	}									\

#define	McGroup_Create(GROUPP) {						\
	size_t		local_size;						\
	Status_t	local_status;						\
	local_size = sizeof(McGroup_t) + 16;					\
	local_status = vs_pool_alloc(&sm_pool, local_size, (void *)&GROUPP);	\
	if (local_status != VSTATUS_OK) {					\
		IB_FATAL_ERROR_NODUMP("can't allocate space");				\
	}									\
	memset((void *)GROUPP, 0, local_size);					\
	if (!bitset_init(&sm_pool, &GROUPP->vfMembers, MAX_VFABRICS)) { \
		IB_FATAL_ERROR_NODUMP("McGroup_Create: can't allocate space");				\
	}									\
	if (!bitset_init(&sm_pool, &GROUPP->new_vfMembers, MAX_VFABRICS)) { \
		IB_FATAL_ERROR_NODUMP("McGroup_Create: can't allocate space");				\
	}									\
	McGroup_Enqueue(GROUPP);						\
	++sm_numMcGroups; \

#define	McGroup_Delete(GROUPP) {		\
	Status_t	local_status;			\
	--sm_numMcGroups;					\
	sm_multicast_decommision_group(GROUPP); \
	McGroup_Dequeue(GROUPP);						\
	bitset_free(&GROUPP->vfMembers); \
	bitset_free(&GROUPP->new_vfMembers); \
	local_status = vs_pool_free(&sm_pool, (void *)GROUPP);			\
	if (local_status != VSTATUS_OK) {					\
		IB_FATAL_ERROR("can't free space");				\
	}									\

#define	McMember_Enqueue(GROUPP,MEMBERP) {					\
	if (GROUPP->mcMembers == NULL) {					\
		MEMBERP->next = NULL;						\
		GROUPP->mcMembers = MEMBERP;					\
	} else {								\
		MEMBERP->next = GROUPP->mcMembers;				\
		GROUPP->mcMembers = MEMBERP;					\
	}									\

#define	McMember_Dequeue(GROUPP,MEMBERP) {					\
	McMember_t		*localMember;					\
	if ((GROUPP)->mcMembers == MEMBERP) {					\
		(GROUPP)->mcMembers = (MEMBERP)->next;				\
	} else {								\
		for_all_multicast_members(GROUPP, localMember) {		\
			if (localMember->next == MEMBERP) {			\
				localMember->next = (MEMBERP)->next;		\
				break;						\
			}							\
		}								\
	}									\

#define	McMember_Create(GROUPP,MEMBERP) { 					\
	size_t		local_size;						\
	Status_t	local_status;						\
	local_size = sizeof(McMember_t) + 16;					\
	local_status = vs_pool_alloc(&sm_pool, local_size, (void *)&MEMBERP);	\
	if (local_status != VSTATUS_OK) {					\
		IB_FATAL_ERROR_NODUMP("can't allocate space");				\
	}									\
	memset((void *)MEMBERP, 0, local_size);					\
	MEMBERP->index = ++GROUPP->index_pool;				 \
	McMember_Enqueue(GROUPP, MEMBERP);					\

#define	McMember_Delete(GROUPP,MEMBERP) {					\
	Status_t	local_status;						\
	McMember_Dequeue(GROUPP, MEMBERP);					\
	local_status = vs_pool_free(&sm_pool, (void *)MEMBERP);			\
	if (local_status != VSTATUS_OK) {					\
		IB_FATAL_ERROR("can't free space");				\
	}									\

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

#define for_all_multicast_groups(GP)						\
	for (GP = sm_McGroups; GP != NULL; GP = GP->next)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

#define for_all_multicast_members(GP,MP)					\
	for (MP = GP->mcMembers; MP != NULL; MP = MP->next)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

//	Miscellaneous macros
#define	IsDirectConnected(SN,SP,DN,DP)						\
	((((SP)->nodeno == (DN)->index) && ((SP)->portno == (DP)->index)) &&		\
	(((DP)->nodeno == (SN)->index) && ((DP)->portno == (SP)->index)))
// Cost should be evenly divisable by (width * SpeedFactor)
#define   SpeedWidth_to_Cost(X)   ((X) ? 1200/(X) : 1200)

static __inline__ uint8_t sm_GetLsf(STL_PORT_INFO *portInfo) {
	switch (portInfo->LinkSpeed.Active) {
	case STL_LINK_SPEED_25G: return 25;
		return 25;

static __inline__ uint64_t sm_GetBandwidth(STL_PORT_INFO *portInfo) {
	uint64_t speed;

	switch (portInfo->LinkSpeed.Active) {
	case STL_LINK_SPEED_25G: speed = 25781250000LL; break;
		speed = 25781250000LL;

	// Calculate bytes/sec BW: speed * width * 64/66 (encoding overhead) * 1/8 (bits to bytes)
	return speed * StlLinkWidthToInt(portInfo->LinkWidth.Active)*4/33;;

static __inline__ uint16_t sm_GetSpeed(PortData_t *portData) {
	return (sm_GetLsf(&portData->portInfo) * StlLinkWidthToInt(portData->portInfo.LinkWidth.Active));

static __inline__ uint16_t sm_GetCost(PortData_t *portData) {
	return (SpeedWidth_to_Cost(sm_GetSpeed(portData)));

static __inline__ char* sm_nodeDescString(Node_t *nodep) {
	return ((nodep->nodeDescString) ? nodep->nodeDescString : (char *)nodep->nodeDesc.NodeString);

static __inline__ int sm_stl_port(Port_t *portp) { 
    return (portp->portData->portInfo.PortLinkMode.s.Active & STL_PORT_LINK_MODE_STL);

static __inline__ int sm_IsInterleaveEnabled(STL_PORT_INFO *portInfo) {
	return(portInfo->PortMode.s.IsVLMarkerEnabled ||

static __inline__ int sm_IsVLrSupported(const Node_t *nodep, const Port_t *portp) {

	if (nodep->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH) {
		Port_t * port0 = sm_get_port(nodep, 0);
		if (sm_valid_port(port0) && port0->state > IB_PORT_DOWN &&
			return 1;

	} else if (portp->portData->portInfo.CapabilityMask3.s.IsVLrSupported)
		return 1;

	return 0;

static __inline__ int sm_stl_appliance(uint64 nodeGuid) { 
    int i, appliance = 0; 

    if (sm_config.appliances.enable && nodeGuid) {
        for (i = 0; i < MAX_SM_APPLIANCES; i++) {
            if (sm_config.appliances.guids[i] == nodeGuid)
                appliance = 1;

    return appliance;

static __inline__ int sm_is_scae_allowed(Node_t * nodep) {
	return sm_config.switchCascadeActivateEnable == SCAE_ALL
		|| (sm_config.switchCascadeActivateEnable == SCAE_SW_ONLY && nodep->nodeInfo.NodeType == STL_NODE_SW);

static __inline__ boolean is_swport(Port_t *portp) {
	return portp->portData->nodePtr->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH;

static __inline__ boolean is_hfiport(Port_t *portp) {
	return portp->portData->nodePtr->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_CA;

static __inline__ boolean is_swport0(Port_t *portp) {
	return (portp->portData->nodePtr->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH && portp->index == 0);

static __inline__ boolean is_extswport(Port_t *portp) {
	return (portp->portData->nodePtr->nodeInfo.NodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH && portp->index > 0);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

//	Externs
extern SMXmlConfig_t		sm_config;
extern PMXmlConfig_t		pm_config;
extern FEXmlConfig_t		fe_config;

extern SMDPLXmlConfig_t 	sm_dpl_config;
extern SMMcastConfig_t 		sm_mc_config;
extern SmMcastMlidShare_t 	sm_mls_config;
extern SMMcastDefGrpCfg_t	sm_mdg_config;

extern 	uint32_t 	sm_needed_vls;
extern 	uint32_t 	sm_def_mc_group;
extern  uint8_t		sm_env[32];
extern	STL_LID 	sm_lid;
extern	STL_LID 	sm_lmc_0_freeLid_hint;
extern	STL_LID 	sm_lmc_e0_freeLid_hint;
extern	STL_LID 	sm_lmc_freeLid_hint;
extern	uint32_t	sm_state;
extern  uint32_t	sm_prevState;
extern  int			sm_saw_another_sm;
extern  int			sm_hfi_direct_connect;
extern  uint8_t     sm_mkey_protect_level;
extern  uint16_t    sm_mkey_lease_period;
extern	uint64_t	sm_masterCheckInterval;
extern  uint32_t    sm_masterCheckMaxFail;
extern	uint32_t	sm_mcDosThreshold;
extern	uint32_t	sm_mcDosAction;
extern	uint64_t	sm_mcDosInterval;
extern	uint64_t	sm_portguid;
extern	STL_SM_INFO	sm_smInfo;
extern	uint32_t	sm_masterStartTime;
extern	uint8_t		sm_description[65];
extern	LidMap_t	* lidmap;
extern	cl_qmap_t	* sm_GuidToLidMap;

extern	uint32_t	topology_passcount;

extern 	boolean		vf_config_changed;
extern 	boolean		reconfig_in_progress;
extern	Lock_t		old_topology_lock;	// a RW Thread Lock
extern	Lock_t		new_topology_lock;	// a Thread Lock

extern	Lock_t		handover_sent_lock;
extern	uint32_t	handover_sent;
extern	uint32_t	triggered_handover;

#ifdef __LINUX__
extern Lock_t linux_shutdown_lock; // a RW Thread Lock

extern	Topology_t	old_topology;
extern	Topology_t	sm_newTopology;
extern  Topology_t  *sm_topop;

extern  boolean     sweepsPaused;

extern  sm_dispatch_t sm_asyncDispatch;

extern int topology_main_exit;

extern  uint32_t    sm_log_level;
extern 	uint32_t	sm_log_level_override;
extern  uint32_t	sm_log_masks[VIEO_LAST_MOD_ID+1];
extern  int			sm_log_to_console;
extern  char		sm_config_filename[256];

extern	Sema_t		topology_sema;
extern	Sema_t		topology_rcv_sema;
extern	uint64_t	topology_sema_setTime;
extern	uint64_t	topology_sema_runTime;
extern	uint64_t	topology_wakeup_time;
extern uint32_t     sm_debug;
extern  uint32_t    smDebugPerf;  // control SM/SA performance messages; default off in ESM
extern  uint32_t    smFabricDiscoveryNeeded;  // smFabricDiscoveryNeeded is shared between threads to synchronize sweeps
extern  uint64_t    lastTimeDiscoveryRequested;  // lastTimeDiscoveryRequested is shared between threads to synchronize sweeps
extern  uint32_t    smDebugDynamicAlloc; // control SM/SA memory allocation messages; default off in ESM
extern  uint32_t    sm_trapThreshold; // threshold of traps/min for port auto-disable
extern  uint32_t	sm_trapThreshold_minCount; //minimum number of traps to validate sm_trapThreshold
extern  uint64_t    sm_trapThresholdWindow; // time window for observing traps in milliseconds
extern	STL_LID 	sm_mcast_mlid_table_cap;

extern	uint16_t    sm_masterSmSl;
extern  bitset_t	sm_linkSLsInuse;
extern	int			sm_QosConfigChange;

extern SmAdaptiveRouting_t sm_adaptiveRouting;

extern uint32_t	sm_useIdealMcSpanningTreeRoot;
extern uint32_t	sm_mcSpanningTreeRoot_useLeastWorstCaseCost;
extern uint32_t	sm_mcSpanningTreeRoot_useLeastTotalCost;
extern uint32_t	sm_mcRootCostDeltaThreshold;
/************ Multicast Globals *********************************/
extern uint32_t sm_numMcGroups;
extern ATOMIC_UINT sm_McGroups_Need_Prog;
extern	McGroup_t	*sm_McGroups;
extern  Lock_t      sm_McGroups_lock;

extern uint64_t sm_mcSpanningTreeRootGuid;
extern Lock_t sm_mcSpanningTreeRootGuidLock;
/************ DOR Globals ***************************************/
extern Lock_t sm_datelineSwitchGUIDLock;
extern uint64_t sm_datelineSwitchGUID;

/************ dynamic update of switch config parms *************/
extern uint8_t sa_dynamicPlt[];

/************ loop test externs from sm_userexits ***************/
extern STL_LID  loopPathLidStart;
extern STL_LID  loopPathLidEnd;
extern int esmLoopTestOn;
extern int esmLoopTestAllowAdaptiveRouting;
extern int esmLoopTestFast;
extern int esmLoopTestNumPkts;
extern int esmLoopTestPathLen;
extern uint32_t esmLoopTestTotalPktsInjected;
extern int esmLoopTestInjectNode;
extern uint8_t	esmLoopTestInjectEachSweep;
extern uint8_t	esmLoopTestForceInject;
extern int    	esmLoopTestMinISLRedundancy;

extern Popo_t sm_popo;

//	Miscellaneous stuff.
//#define	MAD_RETRIES		4     // moved to "ib/include/ib_const.h"

static __inline__ void block_sm_exit(void) {
	#ifdef __LINUX__

static __inline__ void unblock_sm_exit(void) {
	#ifdef __LINUX__

//	Convenience macros for Get(*) and Set(*)
Status_t	SM_Get_NodeDesc(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_NODE_DESCRIPTION *);
Status_t	SM_Get_NodeInfo(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_NODE_INFO *);
Status_t	SM_Get_PortInfo(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_PORT_INFO *);
Status_t	SM_Set_PortInfo(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_PORT_INFO *, uint64_t, uint32_t *);
Status_t	SM_Set_PortInfo_Dispatch(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_PORT_INFO *pip, uint64_t mkey, Node_t *nodep, sm_dispatch_t *disp, cntxt_callback_t callback, void *cb_data);
Status_t	SM_Get_PortStateInfo(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_PORT_STATE_INFO *);
Status_t	SM_Get_PortStateInfo_Dispatch(SmMaiHandle_t *fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, Node_t *nodep, sm_dispatch_t *disp, cntxt_callback_t callback, void *cb_data);
Status_t 	SM_Set_PortStateInfo(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_PORT_STATE_INFO *, uint64_t);
Status_t	SM_Get_SwitchInfo(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SWITCH_INFO *);
Status_t	SM_Set_SwitchInfo(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SWITCH_INFO *, uint64_t);
Status_t	SM_Get_SMInfo(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SM_INFO *);
Status_t	SM_Set_SMInfo(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SM_INFO *, uint64_t);
Status_t	SM_Get_VLArbitration(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_VLARB_TABLE *);
Status_t	SM_Set_VLArbitration(SmMaiHandle_t *fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *, STL_VLARB_TABLE *vlp, size_t vlpSize, uint64_t mkey);

Status_t	SM_Get_SLSCMap(SmMaiHandle_t *fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SLSCMAP *slscp);
Status_t	SM_Set_SLSCMap(SmMaiHandle_t *fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SLSCMAP *slscp, uint64_t mkey);
Status_t	SM_Get_SCSLMap(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SCSLMAP *);
Status_t	SM_Set_SCSLMap(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SCSLMAP *, uint64_t);
Status_t	SM_Get_SCVLtMap(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SCVLMAP *);
Status_t	SM_Set_SCVLtMap(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SCVLMAP *, uint64_t);
Status_t	SM_Get_SCVLntMap(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SCVLMAP *);
Status_t	SM_Set_SCVLntMap(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SCVLMAP *, uint64_t);
Status_t	SM_Get_SCVLrMap(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SCVLMAP *);
Status_t	SM_Set_SCVLrMap(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SCVLMAP *, uint64_t);
Status_t	SM_Set_SCSC(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SCSCMAP *, uint64_t);
Status_t	SM_Set_SCSCMultiSet(SmMaiHandle_t *fd, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_SCSC_MULTISET *, uint64_t);
Status_t	SM_Set_LFT(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_LINEAR_FORWARDING_TABLE *, uint64_t);
Status_t	SM_Set_LFT_Dispatch(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_LINEAR_FORWARDING_TABLE *, uint16_t, uint64_t, Node_t *, sm_dispatch_t *);

Status_t	SM_Set_MFT_Dispatch(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, STL_MULTICAST_FORWARDING_TABLE *, uint64_t, Node_t *, sm_dispatch_t *);
Status_t	SM_Get_PKeyTable(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_PARTITION_TABLE *pkp);
Status_t	SM_Set_PKeyTable(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_PARTITION_TABLE *pkp, uint64_t);
Status_t	SM_Set_PKeyTable_Dispatch(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_PARTITION_TABLE *pkp, uint64_t mkey, Node_t *nodep, sm_dispatch_t *disp, cntxt_callback_t callback, void *cb_data);
Status_t	SM_Get_PortGroup(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_PORT_GROUP_TABLE *pgp, uint8_t blocks);
Status_t	SM_Set_PortGroup(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_PORT_GROUP_TABLE *pgp, uint8_t blocks, uint64_t mkey);
Status_t	SM_Get_PortGroupFwdTable(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_PORT_GROUP_FORWARDING_TABLE *pp, uint8_t blocks);
Status_t	SM_Set_PortGroupFwdTable(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_PORT_GROUP_FORWARDING_TABLE *pp, uint8_t blocks, uint64_t mkey);
Status_t	SM_Get_BufferControlTable(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_BUFFER_CONTROL_TABLE pbct[]);
Status_t	SM_Set_BufferControlTable(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_BUFFER_CONTROL_TABLE pbct[], uint64_t mkey, uint32_t* madStatus);
Status_t	SM_Get_CongestionInfo(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_CONGESTION_INFO * congestionInfo);
Status_t	SM_Get_HfiCongestionSetting(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_HFI_CONGESTION_SETTING *hfics);
Status_t	SM_Set_HfiCongestionSetting(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_HFI_CONGESTION_SETTING *hfics, uint64_t mkey);
Status_t	SM_Get_HfiCongestionControl(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_HFI_CONGESTION_CONTROL_TABLE *hficct);
Status_t	SM_Set_HfiCongestionControl(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint16 CCTI_Limit, const uint8_t numBlocks, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_HFI_CONGESTION_CONTROL_TABLE_BLOCK *hficct, uint64_t mkey);
Status_t	SM_Get_SwitchCongestionSetting(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_SWITCH_CONGESTION_SETTING *swcs);
Status_t	SM_Set_SwitchCongestionSetting(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_SWITCH_CONGESTION_SETTING *swcs, uint64_t mkey);
Status_t	SM_Get_SwitchPortCongestionSetting(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_SWITCH_PORT_CONGESTION_SETTING *swpcs);
Status_t	SM_Get_LedInfo(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_LED_INFO *li);
Status_t	SM_Set_LedInfo(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_LED_INFO *li, uint64_t mkey);

 	Do an SMA Get(CableInfo) on the specified endpoint.

	Operates in 64-byte half-pages even though CableInfo is stored in 128-byte pages.

 	@param startSeg the starting 64-byte segment
	@param segCount the number of 64-byte segments to request
 	@param [out] ci points to start of output.  Must have enough space for all request segments.
	@param [out] madStatus The MAD status of the Get(CableInfo); set to 0 at start
Status_t SM_Get_CableInfo(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint8_t portIdx, uint8_t startSeg, uint8_t segCount, SmpAddr_t *addr, STL_CABLE_INFO * ci, uint32_t * madStatus);

	Perform Get(Aggregate) with the requests in [start, end).  See @c SM_Aggregate_impl() for more details.
SM_Get_Aggregate_LR(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, STL_AGGREGATE * start, STL_AGGREGATE * end,
	size_t lastSegReqLen, STL_LID srcLid, STL_LID destLid, STL_AGGREGATE ** lastSeg,
	uint32_t * madStatus);

  Perform Set(Aggregate) with the requests in [start, end).  See @c SM_Aggregate_impl() for more details.
SM_Set_Aggregate_LR(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, STL_AGGREGATE * start, STL_AGGREGATE * end,
	STL_LID srcLid, STL_LID destLid, uint64_t mkey, STL_AGGREGATE ** lastSeg, uint32_t * madStatus);

	Perform DR Get(Aggregate) with the requests in [start, end).  See @c SM_Aggregate_impl() for more details.
SM_Get_Aggregate_DR(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, STL_AGGREGATE * start, STL_AGGREGATE * end,
	size_t lastSegReqLen, uint8_t *path, STL_AGGREGATE ** lastSeg, uint32_t * madStatus);

//	Multicast data structures.
typedef	struct _McNode {
	int32_t		index;		// node index
	int32_t		nodeno;		// closest node in the tree
	int32_t		portno;		// port on closest node
	int32_t		height;		// distance from the root
	struct _McNode *parent; // parent in spanning tree
	STL_LID		mft_mlid_init;
} McNode_t;

typedef	struct _McSpanningTree {
	int32_t		num_nodes;
	McNode_t	*nodes;
	STL_LID		first_mlid;
	uint32_t    reserved;   // Padding to make the size a multiple of 8 bytes
} McSpanningTree_t;

typedef struct McSpaningTrees {
	McSpanningTree_t	*spanningTree;
	uint8_t				copy;	// Is this a shallow copy of another tree?
} McSpanningTrees_t;

//	Externs.
extern	SMThread_t	* sm_threads;

extern	SmMaiHandle_t	*fd_sa;
extern	SmMaiHandle_t	*fd_sa_writer;
extern	SmMaiHandle_t	*fd_multi;
extern	SmMaiHandle_t	*fd_async;
extern	SmMaiHandle_t	*fd_async_request;
extern	SmMaiHandle_t	*fd_saTrap;
extern	SmMaiHandle_t	*fd_policy;
extern	SmMaiHandle_t	*fd_topology;
extern	SmMaiHandle_t	*fd_loopTest;
extern	SmMaiHandle_t	*fd_atopology;
extern	SmMaiHandle_t	*fd_flapping_port;

extern	int ib_mad_dump_flag;	// JSY - debug only

extern McSpanningTree_t **uniqueSpanningTrees;
extern int	uniqueSpanningTreeCount;

extern Node_t *sm_mcSpanningTreeRootSwitch;
extern uint64_t sm_mcSpanningTreeRootGuid;

extern Status_t sm_update_mc_groups(VirtualFabrics_t *newVF, VirtualFabrics_t *oldVF);

//	Prototypes.
const char *sm_getStateText (uint32_t state);
Status_t	sa_Get_PKeys(STL_LID, uint16_t *, uint32_t *);
Status_t	sa_Compare_PKeys(STL_PKEY_ELEMENT *, STL_PKEY_ELEMENT *);
Status_t	sa_Compare_Node_PKeys(Node_t *, Node_t *);
Status_t    sa_Compare_Port_PKeys(Port_t *port1, Port_t *port2);

uint8_t		linkWidthToRate(PortData_t *portData);

Status_t	sm_mkey_check(Mai_t *,  uint64_t *);
Status_t	sm_dump_mai(const char *, Mai_t *);
Status_t	sm_transition(uint32_t);

Status_t	sm_error(Status_t);
Status_t	sm_start_thread(SMThread_t *);

Status_t	mai_reply(IBhandle_t, Mai_t *);
Status_t	mai_stl_reply(IBhandle_t, Mai_t *, uint32_t);
// sm_topology.c prototypes

extern void sm_request_resweep(int, int, SweepReason_t);
extern void sm_trigger_sweep(SweepReason_t);
extern void sm_discovery_needed(const char*, STL_LID);

// sm_async.c prototypes
void		async_init(void);
void		async_main(uint32_t, uint8_t **);
int 		sm_send_xml_file(uint8_t);

// sm_fsm prototypes
extern	Status_t state_event_mad(Mai_t *);
extern	Status_t state_event_timeout(void);

// sm_qos
void	sm_setup_SC2VL(VirtualFabrics_t *);

Status_t sm_select_vlvf_map(Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *, VlVfMap_t *);
Status_t sm_select_vlbw_map(Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *, VlBwMap_t *);
Status_t sm_fill_stl_vlarb_table(Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *, struct _PortDataVLArb *);
Status_t sm_select_slsc_map(Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *, Port_t *, STL_SLSCMAP *);
Status_t sm_select_scsl_map(Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *, Port_t *, STL_SCSLMAP *);
Status_t sm_select_scvlr_map(Topology_t *, uint8_t, STL_SCVLMAP *);
Status_t sm_select_scvl_map(Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *, Port_t *, STL_SCVLMAP *);
void sm_destroy_qos(void);

// sm_topology_rcv.c prototypes
void		topology_rcv(uint32_t, uint8_t **);

//	sm_utility.c prototypes.

#define WAIT_FOR_REPLY      0
#define RCV_REPLY_AYNC      1

void sm_portinfo_nop_init(STL_PORT_INFO *pi);

Status_t	sm_calculate_lft(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *switchp);
Status_t	sm_write_minimal_lft_blocks(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *switchp, SmpAddr_t * addr);
Status_t	sm_write_full_lfts_by_block_LR(Topology_t *topop, SwitchList_t *swlist, int rebalance);
/// Recomputes and sends LFTs, PGTs, and PGFTs
Status_t	sm_setup_lft(Topology_t *, Node_t *);
Status_t	sm_send_lft(Topology_t *, Node_t *);
Status_t	sm_setup_lft_deltas(Topology_t *, Topology_t *, Node_t *);
Status_t	sm_send_partial_lft(Topology_t *, Node_t *, bitset_t *);
Status_t	sm_calculate_all_lfts(Topology_t *);

Status_t	sm_select_path_lids(Topology_t *, Port_t *, STL_LID, Port_t *, STL_LID , STL_LID *, uint8_t *, STL_LID *, uint8_t *);

Status_t	sm_get_stl_attribute(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t aid, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t * addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *bufferLength);
Status_t	sm_set_stl_attribute(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, uint8_t *, uint32_t *, uint64_t);
Status_t 	sm_set_stl_attribute_mad_status(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, uint8_t *, uint32_t *, uint64_t, uint32_t*);

Status_t	sm_get_stl_attribute_async_dispatch(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, uint8_t *, uint32_t *, Node_t *, sm_dispatch_t *, cntxt_callback_t, void *);
Status_t	sm_set_stl_attribute_async_dispatch(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, uint8_t *, uint32_t *, uint64_t, Node_t *, sm_dispatch_t *, cntxt_callback_t, void *);
 * Simple generic response check function for the dispatcher callback function
 * to use.
 * @param cntxt   generic callback struct containg send context which contains
 *  			  request mad.
 * @param status  Context status returned
 * @param nodep   optional Pointer to node (for Node GUID and Description)
 * @param portp   optional Pointer to port (for port number)
 * @param mad     response mad
 * @return boolean TRUE if context status and MAD status OK otherwise FALSE
boolean sm_callback_check(cntxt_entry_t *cntxt, Status_t status, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *portp, Mai_t *mad);

Status_t	sm_send_stl_request(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, uint32_t method, uint32_t aid, uint32_t amod, SmpAddr_t * addr, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *bufferLength, uint64_t mkey, uint32_t *madStatus);
Status_t	sm_send_stl_request_impl(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, SmpAddr_t *, uint32_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t *, uint32_t, uint64_t, cntxt_callback_t, void *, uint32_t *);
int 		sm_find_cached_node_port(Node_t *cnp, Port_t *cpp, Node_t **nodep, Port_t **portp);
int 		sm_find_cached_neighbor(Node_t *cnp, Port_t *cpp, Node_t **nodep, Port_t **portp);
void		sm_get_nonresp_cache_node_port(Node_t *cnp, Port_t *cpp, Node_t **nodep, Port_t **portp);
Status_t	sm_check_Master(void);
Status_t	sm_initialize_port(ParallelSweepContext_t *psc, SmMaiHandle_t *, Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *, SmpAddr_t *);
Status_t	sm_initialize_port_LR_DR(ParallelSweepContext_t *psc, SmMaiHandle_t *fd, Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *portp);
Status_t	sm_initialize_switch_LR_DR(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, STL_LID parent_switch_lid, uint8_t parent_portno, int routing_needed);
Status_t	sm_prep_switch_layer_LR_DR(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, SwitchList_t *swlist_head, int rebalance);
Status_t	sm_setup_switches_lrdr_wave_discovery_order(Topology_t *topop, int rebalance, int routing_needed);

//Methods for dynamic reconfiguration
void        sm_config_apply(FMXmlCompositeConfig_t *xml_config);
void        pm_config_apply(FMXmlCompositeConfig_t *xml_config);
void        fe_config_apply(FMXmlCompositeConfig_t *xml_config);
boolean     sm_config_valid(FMXmlCompositeConfig_t *xml_config, VirtualFabrics_t* newVfPtr, VirtualFabrics_t* oldVfPtr);
boolean     pm_config_valid(FMXmlCompositeConfig_t *xml_config);
boolean     fe_config_valid(FMXmlCompositeConfig_t *xml_config);

	Update SLSC, SCSL, SCVLt/nt, and VLArb values on @c nodep with values from old topology and/or SMA at @c smaportp.

	For switches, get values for all ports via @c smaportp.  For HFIs, get values only for @c smaportp.

	@return VSTATUS_OK if all values were updated successfully, something else otherwise.
sm_node_updateFields(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, STL_LID slid, Node_t * nodep, Port_t * smaportp);

	Updates cableInfo stored in @c portp->portData->cableInfo using SMA Get(CableInfo).

	Allocates memory for @c portp->portData->cableInfo if not already allocated; otherwise uses existing memory.

	@return VSTATUS_OK on success, VSTATUS_NOSUPPORT if @c portp does not support Get(CableInfo), or VSTATUS_BAD on runtime error.
Status_t sm_update_cableinfo(ParallelSweepContext_t *, SmMaiHandle_t *, Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t * portp);

Status_t 	sm_get_node_port_states(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *, uint8_t *, STL_PORT_STATE_INFO **, ParallelSweepContext_t *psc);
Status_t 	sm_set_node_port_states(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *, uint8_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t, STL_PORT_STATE_INFO **);
Status_t	sm_disable_port(Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *);
Status_t	sm_bounce_port(Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *);
Status_t	sm_bounce_link(Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *);
Status_t    sm_bounce_all_switch_ports(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *portp, uint8_t *path, ParallelSweepContext_t *psc);
Status_t	sm_get_CapabilityMask(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint8_t, uint32_t *);
Status_t	sm_set_CapabilityMask(SmMaiHandle_t *, uint8_t, uint32_t);
Node_t		*sm_find_guid(Topology_t *, uint64_t);
Node_t 		*sm_find_node_by_name(Topology_t * topop, char *name);
Node_t      *sm_find_quarantined_guid(Topology_t *topop, uint64_t guid);
Node_t		*sm_find_next_guid(Topology_t *, uint64_t);
Node_t	 	*sm_find_node(Topology_t *, int32_t);
Node_t		*sm_find_node_by_path(Topology_t *, Node_t *, uint8_t *);
Port_t      *sm_find_node_port(Topology_t *, Node_t *, int32_t);
Node_t	 	*sm_find_switch(Topology_t *, uint16_t);
Node_t	 	*sm_find_port_node(Topology_t *, Port_t *);
Port_t	 	*sm_find_port(Topology_t *, int32_t, int32_t);
Port_t		*sm_find_port_guid(Topology_t *, uint64_t);
Port_t      *sm_find_port_peer(Topology_t *topop, uint64_t node_guid, int32_t port_no);
Port_t		*sm_find_active_port_guid(Topology_t *, uint64_t);
Port_t		*sm_find_port_lid(Topology_t *, STL_LID);
Port_t		*sm_find_active_port_lid(Topology_t *, STL_LID);
Port_t		*sm_find_node_and_port_lid(Topology_t *, STL_LID, Node_t **);
Port_t		*sm_find_neighbor_node_and_port(Topology_t *, Port_t *, Node_t **);
Status_t	sm_find_node_and_port_pair_lid(Topology_t *, STL_LID, uint32_t, Node_t **, Port_t **, Port_t **, Node_t **, Port_t **, Port_t **);
void  		sm_dump_node_map(Topology_t *topop);

 * lidmap functions
boolean		sm_get_expected_lid_lmc(const Port_t *pp, STL_LID *expLid, uint8_t *expLmc);

typedef enum {
	LIDCHECK_OUTOFRANGE = 1, // outside unicast range
	LIDCHECK_OFFLMC = 2, // LID is not % lid_offset (usually 1 << LMC)
	LIDCHECK_UNAVAIL = 3 // LID is assigned to another port
} LidCheck_t;
LidCheck_t	sm_check_lid(const Port_t *pp, STL_LID lid, uint8_t lmc);

 * @return number of LIDs newly-registered to @c portp
 * or -1 on error.
int			sm_set_lid(Port_t * portp, STL_LID lid, uint8_t lmc);

Status_t sm_update_or_assign_lid(Port_t *pp, boolean assignIfFail, int *newLidCount, Node_t *neighbor);

void		sm_setTrapThreshold(uint32_t, uint32_t);
void		sm_removedEntities_init(void);
void		sm_removedEntities_destroy(void);
Status_t	sm_removedEntities_reportPort(Node_t *, Port_t *, RemovedEntityReason_t);
Status_t	sm_removedEntities_clearNode(Node_t *);
Status_t	sm_removedEntities_clearPort(Node_t *, Port_t *);
void		sm_removedEntities_displayPorts(void);
void		sm_elevatePriority(void);
void		sm_restorePriority(void);
void		sm_restorePriorityOnly(void);
void		sm_compactSwitchSpace(Topology_t *, bitset_t *);
void		sm_clearSwitchPortChange(Topology_t *topop);
void		sm_log_topology(Topology_t *);
Status_t	sm_activate_switch(Topology_t *, Node_t *);
int			sm_select_port(Topology_t *, Node_t *, int, uint8_t *);
int			sm_select_ports(Topology_t *, Node_t *, int, SwitchportToNextGuid_t *);
void		sm_balance_ports(SwitchportToNextGuid_t *, int);
void		smLogHelper(uint32_t, const char *, char *, int, uint64_t, char *, uint32_t);
Status_t	sm_get_uninit_connected_switch_list(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, SwitchList_t **swlist_head);
void		sm_delete_switch_list(SwitchList_t *sw);
uint8_t		is_switch_on_list(SwitchList_t *swlist_head, Node_t *switchp);
Status_t    sm_set_linkinit_reason(Node_t *nodep, Port_t *portp, uint8_t initReason);
Status_t	sm_verifyPortSpeedAndWidth(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *portp);
Status_t    sm_enable_port_led(SmMaiHandle_t * fd, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *portp, boolean enabled);
void		sm_mark_link_down(Topology_t *topop, Port_t *portp);
void		sm_mark_switch_down(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *swnodep);
Status_t	sm_mark_new_endnode(Node_t * nodep);

// sm_routing.c prototypes

int      sm_get_route(Topology_t *, Node_t *, uint8_t, STL_LID, uint8_t*);
uint8_t  sm_get_slsc(Topology_t *, Port_t*, uint8_t);
Status_t sm_routing_copy_cost_matrix(Topology_t *src_topop, Topology_t *dst_topop);
Status_t sm_routing_prep_new_switch(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, SmpAddr_t *addr);
Status_t sm_routing_route_switch_LR(Topology_t *topop, SwitchList_t *swlist, int rebalance);
Status_t sm_routing_route_new_switch_LR(Topology_t *topop, SwitchList_t *swlist, int rebalance);
Status_t sm_routing_route_old_switch(Topology_t *src_topop, Topology_t *dst_topop, Node_t *nodep);
int      sm_balance_base_lids(SwitchportToNextGuid_t *ordered_ports, int olen);
Status_t sm_routing_init(void);

// sm_routing_funcs.c prototypes
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_pre_process_discovery_noop(Topology_t *topop, void **outContext);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_discover_node_noop(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, void *context);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_discover_node_port_noop(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *portp, void *context);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_post_process_discovery_noop(Topology_t *topop, Status_t discoveryStatus, void *context);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_post_process_routing_noop(Topology_t *topop, Topology_t *old_topop, int *rebalance);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_post_process_routing_copy_noop(Topology_t *src_topop, Topology_t *dst_topop, int *rebalance);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_alloc_cost_matrix_floyds(Topology_t *topop);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_init_cost_matrix_floyds(Topology_t *topop);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_calc_cost_matrix_floyds(Topology_t * topop, int switches, unsigned short * cost, SmPathPortmask_t * path);
extern int sm_routing_func_routing_mode_noop(void);
extern int sm_routing_func_routing_mode_linear(void);
extern boolean sm_routing_func_false(void);
extern boolean sm_routing_func_true(void);
extern boolean sm_routing_func_false(void);
extern boolean sm_routing_func_true(void);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_copy_routing_noop(Topology_t *src_topop, Topology_t *dst_topop);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_copy_routing_lfts(Topology_t *src_topop, Topology_t *dst_topop);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_init_switch_routing_lfts(Topology_t * topop, int * routing_needed, int * rebalance);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_calculate_lft(Topology_t * topop, Node_t * switchp);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_setup_xft(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *switchp, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *orig_portp, uint8_t *portnos);
extern int sm_routing_func_select_ports(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *switchp, int endIndex, SwitchportToNextGuid_t *ordered_ports, boolean selectBest);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_setup_pgs(struct _Topology *topop, struct _Node * srcSw, struct _Node * dstSw);
extern int sm_routing_func_get_port_group(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *switchp, Node_t *nodep, uint8_t *portnos);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_select_slsc_map(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *in_portp, Port_t *out_portp, STL_SLSCMAP *outSlscMap);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_select_scsl_map(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *in_portp, Port_t *out_portp, STL_SCSLMAP *outScslMap);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_select_scsc_map(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *switchp, int getSecondary, int *numBlocks, STL_SCSC_MULTISET** scscmap);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_select_scvl_map_fixedmap(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *in_portp, Port_t *out_portp, STL_SCVLMAP *outScvlMap);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_select_vlvf_map(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *portp, VlVfMap_t * vlvfmap);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_select_vlbw_map(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *portp, VlBwMap_t * vlvfmap);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_select_scvlr_map(Topology_t *topop, uint8_t vlCap, STL_SCVLMAP *outScvlMap);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_fill_stl_vlarb_table(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, Port_t *portp, PortDataVLArb* arbp);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_select_path_lids(Topology_t *topop, Port_t *srcPortp, STL_LID slid, Port_t *dstPortp, STL_LID dlid, STL_LID *outSrcLids, uint8_t *outSrcLen, STL_LID *outDstLids, uint8_t *outDstLen);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_select_updn_path_lids_noop(Topology_t *topop, Port_t *srcPortp, Port_t *dstPortp, STL_LID *outSrcLid, STL_LID *outDstLid);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_process_swIdx_change_noop(Topology_t * topop, int old_idx, int new_idx, int last_idx);
extern int sm_routing_func_check_switch_path_change(Topology_t * oldtp, Topology_t * newtp, Node_t *switchp);
extern boolean sm_routing_func_needs_routing_recalc_false(Topology_t * topop, Node_t * nodep);
extern boolean sm_routing_func_needs_routing_recalc_true(Topology_t * topop, Node_t * nodep);
extern boolean sm_routing_func_needs_lft_recalc(Topology_t * topop, Node_t * nodep);
extern boolean sm_routing_func_do_spine_check(Topology_t * topop, Node_t * switchp);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_write_minimal_lft_blocks(Topology_t * topop, Node_t * switchp, SmpAddr_t * addr);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_write_full_lfts_LR(Topology_t * topop, SwitchList_t * swlist, int rebalance);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_route_old_switch(Topology_t *src_topop, Topology_t *dst_topop, Node_t *nodep);
extern boolean sm_routing_func_handle_fabric_change(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *oldSwitchp, Node_t *switchp);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_update_bw(RoutingModule_t *rm, VirtualFabrics_t *VirtualFabrics);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_assign_scs_to_sls_fixedmap(RoutingModule_t *rm, VirtualFabrics_t *VirtualFabrics);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_assign_scs_to_sls_nonfixedmap(RoutingModule_t *rm, VirtualFabrics_t *VirtualFabrics);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_assign_sls(RoutingModule_t *rm, VirtualFabrics_t *VirtualFabrics);
extern int sm_routing_func_min_vls(void);
extern int sm_routing_func_max_vls(void);
extern int sm_routing_func_one_routing_scs(int sl, boolean mc_sl);
extern int sm_routing_func_no_oversubscribe(int sl, boolean mc_sl);
extern Status_t sm_routing_func_process_xml_config_noop(void);
// sm_shortestpath.c prototypes

Status_t sm_shortestpath_init(void);

// sm_fattree.c prototypes

Status_t sm_fattree_init(void);

// sm_dgmh.c prototypes

Status_t sm_dgmh_init(void);

// sm_hypercube.c prototypes

Status_t sm_hypercube_init(void);

// sm_dor.c prototypes
Status_t sm_dor_init(void);

// sm_dispatch.c prototypes

void sm_dispatch_destroy(sm_dispatch_t *disp);
Status_t sm_dispatch_new_req(sm_dispatch_t *, sm_dispatch_send_params_t *, Node_t *, sm_dispatch_req_t **);
Status_t sm_dispatch_enqueue(sm_dispatch_req_t *req);
Status_t sm_dispatch_init(sm_dispatch_t *disp, uint32_t reqsSupported);
Status_t sm_dispatch_wait(sm_dispatch_t *disp);
void sm_dispatch_clear(sm_dispatch_t *disp);
Status_t sm_dispatch_update(sm_dispatch_t *disp);
void sm_dispatch_bump_passcount(sm_dispatch_t *disp);

// sm_partMgr.c prototypes

int 		checkPKey(uint16_t);
int			smCheckPortPKey(uint16_t, Port_t*);

uint16_t	smGetPortPkey(uint16_t, Port_t*);

Status_t	setPKey(uint32_t, uint16_t, int);
Status_t	sm_set_portPkey(ParallelSweepContext_t *psc, SmMaiHandle_t *, Topology_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *, Node_t *, Port_t *, SmpAddr_t *, uint8_t*, uint16_t*);
Status_t	sm_set_local_port_pkey(STL_NODE_INFO *nodeInfop);
Status_t	sm_set_delayed_pkeys(void);

uint16_t	getDefaultPKey(void);
uint16_t	getPKey(uint8_t);		 // getPKey is needed for esm (sm mib).

uint16_t	smGetRequestPkeyIndex(uint8_t,  STL_LID);
uint16_t	smGetCommonPKey(Port_t*,  Port_t*);
int 		smValidatePortPKey(uint16_t, Port_t*);
int			smValidatePortPKey2Way(uint16_t, Port_t*, Port_t*);

void		smGetVfMaxMtu(Port_t*, Port_t*, STL_MCMEMBER_RECORD*, uint8_t*, uint8_t*);

// validate serviceId for VF.  Also covers the unmatchedSid option
Status_t	smVFValidateVfServiceId(int vf, uint64_t serviceId);
Status_t	smVFValidateVfMGid(VirtualFabrics_t *VirtualFabrics, int vf, uint64_t mGid[2]);
Status_t	smGetValidatedVFs(Port_t*, Port_t*, uint16_t, uint8_t, uint8_t, uint64_t, uint8_t, bitset_t*);
Status_t	smVFValidateMcGrpCreateParams(Port_t * joiner, Port_t * requestor,
                                          STL_MCMEMBER_RECORD * mcMemberRec, bitset_t * vfMembers);
void		smVerifyMcastPkey(uint64_t*, uint16_t);
void		smSetupNodeVFs(Node_t *nodep);
void        smSetupNodeDGs(Node_t *nodep);
boolean     smEvaluateNodeDG(Node_t* nodep, int dgIdxToEvaluate, PortRangeInfo_t* portInfo);
boolean     smEvaluatePortDG(Node_t* nodep, Port_t* portp, int dgIdxToEvaluate, bitset_t* dgMemberForPort, bitset_t* dgsEvaluated);
void		smLogVFs(void);
char*		smGetVfName(uint16_t);

// sm_ar.c prototypes
//	 Send PGT and PGFT to node if necessary.
Status_t	sm_AdaptiveRoutingSwitchUpdate(ParallelSweepContext_t *, SmMaiHandle_t *, Topology_t*, Node_t*);
uint8_t		sm_VerifyAdaptiveRoutingConfig(Node_t *p);

// sm_multicast.c prototypes

extern IB_GID nullGid;

// mLid usage structure
typedef struct {
	cl_map_item_t PKeyItem;
	uint16_t PKey;
	uint16_t PKeyCount;
} PKeyUsage_t;

typedef struct {
	STL_LID lid;
	uint16_t usageCount;
} LidUsage_t;

typedef struct {
	cl_map_item_t mapItem; // Map item for group class usageMap
	uint32_t lidsUsed; // number of lids in the lid class
	uint16_t pKey; // pkey for this lid class
	uint16_t mtu; // mtu for this lid class
	uint16_t rate; // rate for this lid class
	// array of Lids & their usage counts in this lid class
	LidUsage_t * lids;
} LidClass_t;

typedef struct {
	// Maximum number of mLids that this group class
	// can use before the SM starts reusing mLids for
	// multiple MC groups. A value of zero effectively
	// disables mLid agragation.
	uint32_t maximumLids;

	// Number of mLids currently in use by the group class
	uint32_t currentLids;
	// Number of mlids that can be shared within the same PKey
	uint32_t maximumLidsperPkey;

	// Mask and value for MGid's belonging to this group class
	IB_GID mask;
	IB_GID value;

	// QMap of LidClass_t structure, indexed by {pkey, mtu, rate}
	cl_qmap_t usageMap;
	// QMap of PKeyUsage_t structure, indexed by {pkey}
	cl_qmap_t PKeyUsageMap;
} McGroupClass_t;

typedef struct {
	ParallelSweepContext_t *psc;
} SweepContext_t;

	Allocate a @c CableInfo_t on the heap and initialize the reference count to 1.
CableInfo_t * sm_CableInfo_init(void);

	@return A pointer to the same data as @c ci (may even be @c ci) or NULL if the data could not be copied (reference count exhausted).
CableInfo_t * sm_CableInfo_copy(CableInfo_t * ci);

	Decrement <tt>ci->refcount</tt> by one and free @c ci and its members
	if <tt>ci->refcount == 0</tt>.

	@param ci Created with @c sm_CableInfo_init()

	@return @c ci or NULL if @c ci was freed because reference count hit 0.
CableInfo_t *  sm_CableInfo_free(CableInfo_t * ci);

	Does @c port support Get(CableInfo)?

	@c port must not be port 0, be a QSFP connector, and @c port->portData must be allocated.

	Does not check whether port state is high enough for an SMA Get() to succeed.
boolean sm_Port_t_IsCableInfoSupported(Port_t * port);

  Mark @c port as supporting or not supporting Get(CableInfo).

	Implementation uses a special address that does not point to a valid CableInfo_t (or possibly valid memory).  Use @c sm_Port_t_IsCableInfoSupported() to check if the port may have valid cable data before assuming a non-NULL port->portData->cableInfo pointer means that the data is valid.
	Frees non-null CableInfo associated with @c port when going from supported -> !supported.
void sm_Port_t_SetCableInfoSupported(Port_t * port, boolean supported);

// If new_pg is not found in pgp, adds it to pgp, updates length, and set
// index to the index of the new port group and returns 1. 
// If it *is* already found in pgp, index points to the existing group and
// returns 0. If new_pg cannot be added (because length == cap), returns -1.
int sm_Push_Port_Group(STL_PORTMASK pgp[], STL_PORTMASK new_pg,
	uint8_t *index, uint8_t *length, uint8_t cap);

// Takes a set of ports and builds an STL Port Mask from them.
STL_PORTMASK sm_Build_Port_Group(SwitchportToNextGuid_t *ordered_ports, 
	int olen);

// Methods used for device group membership evaluation
int         smGetDgIdx(DGXmlConfig_t *dg_config, char* dgName);
boolean     isDgMember(int dgIdx, PortData_t* portDataPtr);
boolean     convertWildcardedString(char* inStr, char* outStr, RegexBracketParseInfo_t* regexInfo);
boolean     isCharValid(char inChar);
boolean     processBracketSyntax(char* inputStr, int inputLen, int* curIdxPtr, RegexBracketParseInfo_t* regexInfo, boolean isPortRange);
boolean     isNumberInRange(char* number, RegexBracketParseInfo_t* regexInfo, int bracketIdx);
void        initializeRegexStruct(RegExp_t* regExprPtr);
void        printRegexStruct(RegexBracketParseInfo_t* regexInfo);

Status_t	sm_ideal_spanning_tree(McSpanningTree_t *mcST, int filter_mtu_rate, int32_t mtu, int32_t rate, int num_nodes, int *complete);
Status_t	sm_spanning_tree(int32_t, int32_t, int *);
void		sm_build_spanning_trees(void);
void		sm_spanning_tree_resetGlobals(void);
Status_t	sm_multicast_add_group_class(IB_GID mask, IB_GID value, STL_LID maxLidsi, uint32_t maxLidsPkey);
Status_t	sm_multicast_set_default_group_class(STL_LID maxLids, uint32_t maxLidsPKey);
Status_t	sm_multicast_sync_lid(IB_GID mGid, PKey_t pKey, uint8_t mtu, uint8_t rate, STL_LID lid);
Status_t    sm_multicast_check_sync_consistancy(McGroupClass_t * groupClass, PKey_t pKey,
                                                uint8_t mtu, uint8_t rate, STL_LID lid);
STL_LID		sm_multicast_get_max_lid(void);
void		sm_multicast_mark_lid_in_use(STL_LID mlid);
Status_t	sm_multicast_gid_check(IB_GID);
Status_t	sm_multicast_gid_assign(uint32_t, IB_GID);
Status_t	sm_multicast_gid_valid(uint8_t, IB_GID);
Status_t	sm_calculate_mfts(void);
Status_t	sm_set_all_mft(int force, Topology_t *curr_tp, Topology_t *prev_tp);
Status_t	sm_multicast_switch_mft_copy(void);
McGroup_t	*sm_find_multicast_gid(IB_GID);
Status_t	sm_multicast_assign_lid(IB_GID mGid, PKey_t pKey, uint8_t mtu, uint8_t rate, STL_LID requestedLid, STL_LID * lid);
Status_t	sm_multicast_decommision_group(McGroup_t * group);
McGroup_t	*sm_find_next_multicast_gid(IB_GID);
McMember_t	*sm_find_multicast_member(McGroup_t *, IB_GID);
McMember_t	*sm_find_multicast_member_by_index(McGroup_t *mcGroup, uint32_t index);
McMember_t	*sm_find_next_multicast_member_by_index(McGroup_t *mcGroup, uint32_t index);
void		sm_multicast_init_mlid_list(void);
void		sm_multicast_destroy_mlid_list(void);

void		topology_main(uint32_t, uint8_t **);
Status_t	sweep_userexit(SweepContext_t *);
Status_t	forwarding_userexit(uint16_t *, int16_t *);
Status_t	authorization_userexit(void);
Status_t	license_userexit(void);
Status_t    loopTest_userexit_findPaths(Topology_t *);
void        loopTest_userexit_updateLft(Topology_t *, Node_t *);
void        printDgVfMemberships(void);

//      Startup and shutdown control values.
#define SM_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN             0x01
#define SM_CONTROL_STANDBY              0x02
#define SM_CONTROL_RESTART              0x03
#define SM_CONTROL_HEARTBEAT            0x04
#define SM_CONTROL_REGISTER             0x05
#define SM_CONTROL_RECONFIG             0x06

Status_t        sm_control(Mai_t *);
Status_t        sm_control_shutdown(Mai_t *);
Status_t        sm_control_standby(Mai_t *);
Status_t        sm_control_restart(Mai_t *);
Status_t        sm_control_heartbeat(Mai_t *);
Status_t        sm_control_register(Mai_t *);
Status_t        sm_control_reconfig(void);
Status_t        sm_control_init(void);
Status_t        sm_control_notify(void);

#ifdef __VXWORKS__
void		idbSetSmState(ulong_t newState);
uint32_t    idbGetSmSweepRate();
uint32_t	idbGetSmPriority();
uint32_t	idbSetSmPriority(uint32_t newPriority);
uint32_t	idbSetSmElevatedPriority(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmElevatedPriority();
uint64_t    idbGetSmKey();
uint32_t    idbSetSmKey(uint64_t newSmkey);
uint64_t    idbGetSmMKey();
uint32_t    idbSetSmMKey(uint64_t newSmkey);
uint8_t		idbGetSmSwitchLifetime();
uint32_t	idbSetSmSwitchLifetime(uint8_t newSwitchLifetime);
uint8_t		idbGetSmHoqLife();
uint32_t	idbSetSmHoqLife(uint8_t newHoqLife);
uint8_t		idbGetSmVLStall();
uint32_t	idbSetSmVLStall(uint8_t newVLStall);
uint32_t    idbGetSmSubnetSize();
uint32_t    idbSetSmSubnetSize(uint32_t newSubnetSize);
uint32_t    idbGetSmLMC();
uint32_t    idbSetSmLMC(uint32_t newLMC);
uint32_t	idbSetSmLidOffset(uint32_t offset);
uint32_t	idbGetSmLidOffset();
uint32_t	idbSetSmTopoErrorThreshold(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmTopoErrorThreshold();
uint32_t	idbSetSmTopoAbandonThreshold(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmTopoAbandonThreshold();
uint32_t	idbSetSmMaxRetries(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmMaxRetries();
uint32_t	idbSetSmRcvWaitTime(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmRcvWaitTime();
uint32_t	idbSetSmNonrespDropTime(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmNonrespDropTime();
uint32_t	idbSetSmNonrespDropSweeps(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmNonrespDropSweeps();
uint32_t	idbSetSmLogLevel(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmLogLevel();
uint32_t	idbSetSmLogFilter(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmLogFilter();
uint32_t	idbSetSmLogMask(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmLogMask();
uint32_t	idbSetSmMcLidTableCap(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmMcLidTableCap();
uint32_t	idbSetSmDefMcGrpPKey(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmDefMcGrpPKey();
uint32_t	idbSetSmDefMcGrpQKey(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmDefMcGrpQKey();
uint32_t	idbSetSmDefMcGrpMtu(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmDefMcGrpMtu();
uint32_t	idbSetSmDefMcGrpRate(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmDefMcGrpRate();
uint32_t	idbSetSmDefMcGrpSl(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmDefMcGrpSl();
uint32_t	idbSetSmDefMcGrpFlowLabel(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmDefMcGrpFlowLabel();
uint32_t	idbSetSmDefMcGrpTClass(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmDefMcGrpTClass();
uint32_t	idbSetSmLoopTestPackets(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmLoopTestPackets();
uint32_t	idbSetSmMasterPingInterval(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmMasterPingInterval();
uint32_t	idbSetSmMaxMasterPingFailures(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmMaxMasterPingFailures();
uint32_t	idbSetSmDbSyncInterval(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmDbSyncInterval();
uint32_t	idbSetSmStartAtBootSelector(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmStartAtBootSelector();
uint32_t	idbGetSmDbSyncInterval();
uint32_t	idbSetSmDbSyncInterval(uint32_t);
uint64_t	idbGetGidPrefix();
uint32_t	idbSetGidPrefix(uint64_t prefix);
uint32_t	idbGetRmppAlt();
uint32_t	idbGetLegacyHwSupport();
uint32_t	idbGetFullPkeySupport();
uint32_t	idbGetVlArbSupport();
uint32_t	idbGetEnhPortZeroSupport();
uint32_t	idbGetMcGrpCreate();
uint32_t	idbGetDynamicPltSupport();
uint32_t    idbGetSmPltValue(uint32_t index);
uint32_t	idbGetSmPerfDebug();
uint32_t	idbGetSaPerfDebug();
uint32_t	idbGetRmppDebug();
uint32_t	idbGetRmppChksumDebug();
uint32_t	idbGetTopologyDebug();
uint32_t	idbGetLooptest();
uint32_t	idbSetSmTrapThreshold(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmTrapThreshold();
uint32_t	idbSetSmAppearanceMsgThresh(uint32_t value);
uint32_t	idbGetSmAppearanceMsgThresh();
uint32_t	idbGetDisableCommonMcastMtuAndRate(void);
Status_t	sm_dump_state(const char * dumpDir);

	Common switch LFT allocation code; frees LFT if already allocated.
	Uses switchp->..LinearFDBTop for size.  Rounds up to the next MAX_LFT_ELEMENTS_BLOCK entries.  Sets all entries to 0xFF.

	@param outSize [optional, output only] Amount of memory that was allocated.
	@return VSTATUS_OK on successful allocation, or the status that vs_pool_alloc() returned on error.
Status_t sm_Node_init_lft(Node_t * switchp, size_t * outSize);

void sm_node_release_changes(Node_t * nodep);

Status_t sm_port_init_changes(Port_t * portp);
void sm_port_release_changes(Port_t * portp);

///@return number of remaining references to the PGFT
uint32 sm_Node_release_pgft(Node_t * node);

	Get the PGFT for @c node; should be preferred to direct access since it allows for deferred allocation meaning the memory isn't allocated until it's needed.

	Memsets memory to 0 first time it needs to be allocated.  Does not allocate memory if capability mask for @c node indicates adaptive routing is not supported on it.
const PORT * sm_Node_get_pgft(const Node_t * node);

	Get PGFT for writing, create if it does not exist already.
PORT * sm_Node_get_pgft_wr(Node_t * node);
	Copy PGFT from @c src to @c dest.  Allocate if @c src does not already have a PGFT, free existing memory otherwise.

	@return PGFT of @c dest
PORT * sm_Node_copy_pgft(Node_t * dest, const Node_t * src);

/// @return amount of memory allocated in bytes or 0 if not allocated
size_t sm_Node_get_pgft_size(const Node_t * node);

/// @return Amount of memory that should be allocated for PGFT on @c node
size_t sm_Node_compute_pgft_size(const Node_t * node);

	Invalidate (reset to PODs) the PGT and PGFT mappings on @c node.  Modifies the
	state of PGT and PGFT on @c node but does not generate or send the MADs necessary
	to change these on the SMA.
void sm_Node_invalidate_pgs(Node_t * node);

Status_t sm_Node_prune_portgroups(Node_t * newSw);

void sm_set_log_level(uint32_t log_level);
void sm_set_log_mode(uint32_t log_mode);
void sm_set_log_mask(const char* mod, uint32_t mask);
void sm_init_log_setting(void);

uint32_t    sm_getSweepRate(void);
void		sm_setSweepRate(uint32_t rate);
void 		sm_forceSweep(const char* reason);
uint32_t    sm_util_isTopologyValid(void);
uint32_t	sm_util_get_state(void);
uint32_t    sm_util_get_passcount(void);
uint32_t	sm_get_smPerfDebug(void);
uint32_t	sa_get_saPerfDebug(void);
void 		smPerfDebugToggle(void);
void 		saPerfDebugToggle(void);
void 		saRmppDebugToggle(void);
void		smForceRebalanceToggle(void);
void		sm_get_smAdaptiveRouting(fm_ar_config_t *);
void		smAdaptiveRoutingUpdate(uint32_t, fm_ar_config_t);
void        smPauseResumeSweeps(boolean);
void		smProcessReconfigureRequest(void);
PortData_t *sm_alloc_port(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep, uint32_t portIndex);
void        sm_free_port(Topology_t *topop, Port_t * portp);
void        sm_node_free_port(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep);
Status_t    sm_build_node_array(Topology_t *topop);
Status_t    sm_clearIsSM(void);
extern uint8_t sm_isActive(void);
extern uint8_t sm_isDeactivated(void);
extern uint8_t sm_isMaster(void);
#ifdef __LINUX__
extern void sm_wait_ready(uint32_t modid);
extern uint8_t sm_isValidCoreDumpConfigSettings(uint32_t modid, const char *limit, const char *dir);
extern uint8_t sm_isValidLogConfigSettings(uint32_t modid, uint32_t logLevel, uint32_t logMode, uint32_t log_masks[VIEO_LAST_MOD_ID+1], char *logFile, char *syslogFacility);
extern void sm_getLogConfigSettings(uint32_t *logLevel, uint32_t *logMode, uint32_t log_masks[VIEO_LAST_MOD_ID+1], char *logFile, char *syslogFacility);
extern uint8_t sm_isValidDeviceConfigSettings(uint32_t modid, uint32_t device, uint32_t port, uint64_t portGuid);
extern void sm_getDeviceConfigSettings(uint32_t *device, uint32_t *port, uint64_t *portGuid);
extern uint8_t sm_isValidMasterConfigSettings(uint32_t modid, int priority, int elevated_priority);
extern void sm_getMasterConfigSettings(uint32_t *priority, uint32_t *elevated_priority);
extern uint8_t sm_isValidSubnetSizeConfigSetting(uint32_t modid, uint32_t subnet_size);
extern void sm_getSubnetSizeConfigSetting(uint32_t *subnet_size);
extern int smValidateGsiMadPKey(Mai_t *maip, uint8_t mgmntAllowedRequired, uint8_t antiSpoof);

extern void sm_copyPortDataSCSCMap(Port_t *sportp, Port_t *dportp, int extended);
extern void sm_addPortDataSCSCMap(Port_t *portp, uint8_t outport, int extended, const STL_SCSCMAP *pSCSC);
extern STL_SCSCMAP * sm_lookupPortDataSCSCMap(Port_t *portp, uint8_t outport, int extended);

extern Status_t sm_get_buffer_control_tables(SmMaiHandle_t * fd_topology, Node_t *nodep, uint8_t start_port, uint8_t end_port);

extern void sm_set_force_attribute_rewrite(uint32_t force_attr_rewrite);
extern void sm_set_skip_attribute_write(uint32_t skip_attr_write);

	Compare XmitQ values for VLs [0, @c actVlCount) and VL15.
boolean sm_eq_XmitQ(const struct XmitQ_s * a, const struct XmitQ_s * b, uint8 actVlCount);

int sm_evalPreemptLargePkt(int cfgLarge, Node_t * nodep);
int sm_evalPreemptSmallPkt(int cfgSmall, Node_t * nodep);
int sm_evalPreemptLimit(int cfgLimit, Node_t * nodep);

	Alloc portp->portData->newArb on demand and return pointer or null if !sm_port_valid(portp)
struct _PortDataVLArb * sm_port_getNewArb(Port_t * portp);

	Release portp->portData->newArb if allocated.
void sm_port_releaseNewArb(Port_t * portp);

// persistent topology api

extern void sm_popo_init(Popo_t * popop);
extern void sm_popo_destroy(Popo_t * popop);
extern void sm_popo_report(Popo_t * popop);
extern PopoNode_t * sm_popo_get_node(Popo_t * popop, const STL_NODE_INFO * nodeInfo);
extern PopoPort_t * sm_popo_get_port(Popo_t * popop, PopoNode_t * ponodep, uint8_t port);

extern boolean sm_popo_is_port_quarantined(Popo_t * popop, Port_t * portp);
extern boolean sm_popo_is_port_monitored(Popo_t * popop, Port_t * portp);
extern boolean sm_popo_is_port_quarantined_unsafe(Popo_t * popop, Port_t * portp);
extern boolean sm_popo_is_port_monitored_unsafe(Popo_t * popop, Port_t * portp);
extern boolean sm_popo_is_node_quarantined(Popo_t * popop, uint64_t guid);
extern boolean sm_popo_clear_short_quarantine(Popo_t * popop);

extern PopoQuarantineType_t sm_popo_get_quarantine_type(Popo_t * popop, Port_t * portp);
extern PopoLongTermQuarantineReason_t sm_popo_get_quarantine_reason(Popo_t * popop, Port_t * portp);
extern PopoQuarantineType_t sm_popo_get_quarantine_type_unsafe(Popo_t * popop, Port_t * portp);
extern PopoLongTermQuarantineReason_t sm_popo_get_quarantine_reason_unsafe(Popo_t * popop, Port_t * portp);
extern void sm_popo_get_ldr_log(Popo_t * popop, Port_t * portp, STL_LINKDOWN_REASON *log);
extern uint64_t sm_popo_get_sweep_start(Popo_t * popop);

extern boolean sm_popo_find_lastest_ldr(Popo_t * popop, Port_t * portp, STL_LINKDOWN_REASON *ldr);

extern void sm_popo_clear_cache_nonresp(Popo_t *popop, Node_t *nodep);
extern boolean sm_popo_is_nonresp_this_sweep(Popo_t *popop, Node_t *nodep);
extern boolean sm_popo_use_cache_nonresp(Popo_t * popop, Node_t *nodep);
extern boolean sm_popo_inc_and_use_cache_nonresp(Popo_t * popop, Node_t *nodep, Status_t *retStatus);

extern uint64_t sm_popo_scale_timeout(Popo_t * popop, uint64_t timeout);
extern void sm_popo_report_timeout(Popo_t * popop, uint64_t timeout);
extern Status_t sm_popo_port_error(Popo_t * popop, Topology_t * topop, Port_t * portp, Status_t status);
extern void sm_popo_reset_errors(Popo_t * popop);
extern boolean sm_popo_should_abandon(Popo_t * popop);
extern void sm_popo_report_trap(Popo_t * popop);
extern void sm_popo_update_node(PopoNode_t * ponodep);
extern void sm_popo_end_sweep(Popo_t * popop);
extern void sm_popo_begin_sweep(Popo_t *popop, uint64_t start_sweep);

extern void sm_popo_monitor_port(Popo_t *popop, Port_t *portp, PopoLongTermQuarantineReason_t reason);
extern void sm_popo_update_node_port_states(Popo_t *popop, Node_t * nodep, STL_PORT_STATE_INFO *psi);
extern void sm_popo_update_port_state(Popo_t *popop, Port_t *portp, STL_PORT_STATES *pstatep);
extern void sm_popo_update_port_state_with_ldr(Popo_t *popop, Port_t *portp, STL_PORT_STATES *pstatep,
	uint8_t ldr, uint8_t nldr);
extern void sm_popo_clear_port_trappedDown(Popo_t * popop);

 * popo locks should not be taken for calling the above popo APIs unless
 * needLock is set to FALSE in API call. popo locks are publicly available 
 * for popo extensions that directly modify popo protected state 
extern void sm_popo_lock(Popo_t * popop);
extern void sm_popo_unlock(Popo_t * popop);

//port Flapping API
extern boolean sm_flap_report_port_change_trap(Popo_t *popop, Node_t *nodep);
extern void sm_flap_state_handler(Popo_t *popop, PopoPort_t *poportp);
extern void sm_flap_gc(PopoPort_t *poportp);

static inline
Node_t * Node_Create(Topology_t *topop, const STL_NODE_INFO *nodeInfo,
  uint8 nodeType, uint8 portCount, const STL_NODE_DESCRIPTION *nodeDesc, boolean authentic)
	int		local_i;
	size_t		local_size;
	Status_t	local_status;
	char		nodeDescStr[ND_LEN+1];
	Node_t *nodep = NULL;

	local_size = sizeof(Node_t) + (portCount * sizeof(Port_t)) + 16;
	local_status = vs_pool_alloc(&sm_pool, local_size, (void *)&nodep);
	if (local_status == VSTATUS_OK) {
		memset((void *)nodep, 0, local_size);
		nodep->nodeInfo = *nodeInfo;
		nodep->nodeDesc = *nodeDesc;
		memcpy(nodeDescStr, nodeDesc->NodeString, ND_LEN);
		if (strlen(nodeDescStr) == ND_LEN) {
			local_status = vs_pool_alloc(&sm_pool, ND_LEN+1, (void *)&nodep->nodeDescString);
			if (local_status != VSTATUS_OK) {
				IB_FATAL_ERROR_NODUMP("Can't allocate space for node's description");
			memcpy((void *)nodep->nodeDescString, nodeDescStr, ND_LEN+1);
		if (authentic) {
			if (nodeType == NI_TYPE_CA) {
				Node_Enqueue_Type(topop, nodep, ca_head, ca_tail);
			} else if (nodeType == NI_TYPE_SWITCH) {
			  if (sm_mcast_mlid_table_cap) {
				local_status = vs_pool_alloc(&sm_pool, sizeof(STL_PORTMASK*) * sm_mcast_mlid_table_cap, (void*)&nodep->mft);
				if (local_status == VSTATUS_OK) {
					local_status = vs_pool_alloc(&sm_pool, sizeof(STL_PORTMASK) * sm_mcast_mlid_table_cap * STL_MFTABLE_POSITION_COUNT, (void*)&nodep->mft[0]);
					if (local_status == VSTATUS_OK) {
						memset((void *)nodep->mft[0], 0, (sizeof(STL_PORTMASK) * sm_mcast_mlid_table_cap * STL_MFTABLE_POSITION_COUNT));
						for (local_i = 1; local_i < sm_mcast_mlid_table_cap; ++local_i) {
							nodep->mft[local_i] = nodep->mft[local_i - 1] + STL_MFTABLE_POSITION_COUNT;
						Node_Enqueue_Type(topop, nodep, switch_head, switch_tail);
					} else {
						IB_FATAL_ERROR_NODUMP("Can't allocate space for node's mft");
				} else {
					IB_FATAL_ERROR_NODUMP("Can't allocate space for node's mft pointers");
			  } else {
				Node_Enqueue_Type(topop, nodep, switch_head, switch_tail);
			if (!bitset_init(&sm_pool, &nodep->activePorts, portCount) ||
				!bitset_init(&sm_pool, &nodep->initPorts, portCount) ||

				!bitset_init(&sm_pool, &nodep->vfMember, MAX_VFABRICS) ||
				!bitset_init(&sm_pool, &nodep->fullPKeyMember, MAX_VFABRICS) ||
				!bitset_init(&sm_pool, &nodep->dgMembership, MAX_VFABRIC_GROUPS)) {
				IB_FATAL_ERROR_NODUMP("Can't allocate space for node's activePorts");
			if (local_status == VSTATUS_OK) {

				Node_Enqueue(topop, nodep, node_head, node_tail);

		if (local_status == VSTATUS_OK) {
			nodep->port = (Port_t *)(nodep+1);
			nodep->uniformVL = 1;
			nodep->ponodep = sm_popo_get_node(&sm_popo, nodeInfo);
			for (local_i = 0; local_i < (int)(portCount); local_i++) {
				(nodep->port)[local_i].state = IB_PORT_NOP;
				(nodep->port)[local_i].path[0] = 0xff;
				(nodep->port)[local_i].index = local_i;
				(nodep->port)[local_i].nodeno = -1;
				(nodep->port)[local_i].portno = -1;
				(nodep->port)[local_i].poportp = sm_popo_get_port(&sm_popo, nodep->ponodep, local_i);
				if (sm_dynamic_port_alloc() && !(topop->num_nodes == 0 && local_i == sm_config.port)) {
					(nodep->port)[local_i].portData = NULL;

				if (((nodep->port)[local_i].portData = sm_alloc_port(topop, nodep, local_i)) == NULL) {
					if (topop->num_nodes == 0 && local_i == sm_config.port) {
						IB_FATAL_ERROR_NODUMP("Can't allocate SM port for the node");
					} else {
						IB_FATAL_ERROR_NODUMP("Can't allocate port for the node");
			(nodep->port)[0].nodeno = topop->num_nodes;
			(nodep->port)[0].portno = 0;
	} else {
		IB_FATAL_ERROR_NODUMP("can't allocate space");

	return nodep;

static inline
void Node_Delete(Topology_t *topop, Node_t *nodep)
	// TODO should not FATAL_ERROR when freeing unless it's a truly
	// unrecoverable-from problem. Consider that passing a NULL pointer
	// into vs_pool_free() will return VSTATUS_ILLPARM
	Status_t	local_status;

	if (nodep->mft) {
		local_status = vs_pool_free(&sm_pool, nodep->mft[0]);
		if (local_status != VSTATUS_OK) {
			IB_FATAL_ERROR("Failed to free node's mft");
		local_status = vs_pool_free(&sm_pool, nodep->mft);
		if (local_status != VSTATUS_OK) {
			IB_FATAL_ERROR("Failed to free node's mft pointers");
    if (nodep->lft) {
        local_status = vs_pool_free(&sm_pool, nodep->lft);
        if (local_status != VSTATUS_OK) {
            IB_FATAL_ERROR("Failed to free node's lft");
	if (nodep->pgt)	{
		vs_pool_free(&sm_pool, nodep->pgt);
	if (nodep->pgft)	{
	if (nodep->routingData) {
	if (nodep->nodeDescString)	{
		vs_pool_free(&sm_pool, nodep->nodeDescString);
	if (nodep->portStateInfo) {
		vs_pool_free(&sm_pool, nodep->portStateInfo);

	sm_node_free_port(topop, nodep);
	local_status = vs_pool_free(&sm_pool, (void *)nodep);
	if (local_status != VSTATUS_OK) {
		IB_FATAL_ERROR("can't free space");

static inline
void Node_Quarantined_Delete(Topology_t *topop, QuarantinedNode_t *nodep)
	if (nodep->quarantinedNode)	{
		Node_Delete(topop, nodep->quarantinedNode);

	if (vs_pool_free(&sm_pool, nodep))
		IB_FATAL_ERROR("can't free space");

#endif	// _SM_L_H_