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/* BEGIN_ICS_COPYRIGHT7 ****************************************

Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Intel Corporation

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
      without specific prior written permission.


** END_ICS_COPYRIGHT7   ****************************************/

/* [ICS VERSION STRING: unknown] */

#ifndef _PM_TOPOLOGY_H
#define _PM_TOPOLOGY_H

#include "sm_l.h"
#include "pm_l.h"
#include <iba/ibt.h>
#include <iba/ipublic.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <iba/ib_mad.h>
#include <iba/stl_pm.h>
#include <iba/stl_pa_priv.h>
#include <iba/public/ispinlock.h>	// for ATOMIC_UINT
#include <iba/public/iquickmap.h>	// for cl_qmap_t
#include <limits.h>
#include "cs_context.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "iba/public/ipackon.h"

		// used to mark unused entries in history and freezeFrame
		// also used in LastSweepIndex to indicate no sweeps done yet
#define PM_IMAGE_INDEX_INVALID 0xffffffff

// Used By Get/Clear Vf PortCounters to Access VL 15 Counters
#define PA_ALL_GROUP_NAME "All"

// special ImageId of 0 is used to access live data
// -1 is used to request Images by time
// other non-zero values are of the format below
// This is an opaque format, the only user known ImageIds are 0 to access
// live data and -1 (0xffffffffffffffff) for images by time
#define IMAGEID_LIVE_DATA			 0	// 64 bit ImageId to access live data
#define IMAGEID_ABSOLUTE_TIME		-1	// 64 bit ImageID to request image by time

// values for ImageId.s.type field, used to determine which table to look in, or
// to determine if an image came from disk.
#define IMAGEID_TYPE_ANY			0	// Matches any image ID type
#define IMAGEID_TYPE_FREEZE_FRAME	1	// client requested Freeze Frame
#define IMAGEID_TYPE_HISTORY		2	// last sweep and recent history
#define IMAGEID_TYPE_HISTORY_DISK	3	// Recent history *disk only*

#define IMAGEID_MAX_INSTANCE_ID		256	// 8 bit field

typedef union {
	uint64_t	AsReg64;
	struct {
		// this is opaque so bitt order doesn't matter, but we use IB_BITFIELD
		// so its more readable when displayed as a uint64 in debug logging
			type:2,		// type of image
			clientId:6,	// bit number of client within Freeze Ref Count
			sweepNum:32,	// NumSweeps to provide uniqueness
			instanceId:8,	// instanceId ot provide uniqueness between PM instances
			index:16		// look aside index
	} s;
} ImageId_t;

// TBD - if we malloc Pm_t.Groups[], maybe number of groups could be dynamic
#define PM_MAX_GROUPS 10	// max user configured groups
#define PM_MAX_GROUPS_PER_PORT 4	// we keep this small to bound compute needs
			// 4 groups plus the All group gives max of 5 groups per port
			// IntLinkFlags must be at least this many bits, presently 8 bits
			// and portImage->numGroups must be able to hold this value

// how much beyond maxLid to allocate to allow for growth without realloc
#define PM_LID_MAP_SPARE	512
// how much below maxLid to trigger free
// TBD - pre-size based on subnet size?  Or perhaps have above be a function
// of subnet size?

#ifdef __VXWORKS__
/* Use 1000 to match HSM's define for MAX_VABRICS which is a redefinition
 * of MAX_ENABLED_VFABRICS. MAX_ENABLED_VFABRICS is defined in fm_xml.h.
#else /* __VXWORKS__ */
#endif /* __VXWORKS__ */

extern uint32_t g_pmDebugPerf;

// This is a consolidation of the counters of interest from PortStatus
// We use the same datatypes for each counter (hence same range) as in PMA
typedef struct PmCompositePortCounters_s {
	uint8	PortNumber;
	uint8	Reserved[3];
	uint32	VLSelectMask;
	uint64	PortXmitData;
	uint64	PortRcvData;
	uint64	PortXmitPkts;
	uint64	PortRcvPkts;
	uint64	PortMulticastXmitPkts;
	uint64	PortMulticastRcvPkts;
	uint64	PortXmitWait;
	uint64	SwPortCongestion;
	uint64	PortRcvFECN;
	uint64	PortRcvBECN;
	uint64	PortXmitTimeCong;
	uint64	PortXmitWastedBW;
	uint64	PortXmitWaitData;
	uint64	PortRcvBubble;
	uint64	PortMarkFECN;
	uint64	PortRcvConstraintErrors;
	uint64	PortRcvSwitchRelayErrors;
	uint64	PortXmitDiscards;
	uint64	PortXmitConstraintErrors;
	uint64	PortRcvRemotePhysicalErrors;
	uint64	LocalLinkIntegrityErrors;
	uint64	PortRcvErrors;
	uint64	ExcessiveBufferOverruns;
	uint64	FMConfigErrors;
	uint32	LinkErrorRecovery;
	uint32	LinkDowned;
	uint8	UncorrectableErrors;
	union {
		uint8 AsReg8;
		struct {
#if CPU_BE
			uint8 NumLanesDown:4;
			uint8 Reserved:1;
			uint8 LinkQualityIndicator:3;
			uint8 LinkQualityIndicator:3;
			uint8 Reserved:1;
			uint8 NumLanesDown:4;
#endif	// CPU_BE
		} s;
	} lq;

	uint8	Reserved2[30];

} PmCompositePortCounters_t;

typedef struct _vls_pctrs PmCompositeVLCounters_t;

typedef struct PmCompositeVfvlmap_s {
	uint32	vlmask;
	uint32  VF; //index into vf array
} PmCompositeVfvlmap_t;

typedef struct _port_error_info PmCompositeErrorInfo_t;

#define UPDATE_MAX(max, cnt) do { if (cnt > max) max = cnt; } while (0)
#define UPDATE_MIN(min, cnt) do { if (cnt < min) min = cnt; } while (0)

// for tracking Bandwidth utilization, we use MB/s in uint32 containers
// for reference the maximum theoretical MB/s is as follows:
// where MB = 1024*1024 Bytes
// Max MBps 1x SDR=238
// Max MBps 4x SDR=953
// Max MBps 4x DDR=1907
// Max MBps 4x QDR=3814
// Max MBps 8x QDR=7629
// Max MBps 8x EDR=15258
// Max MBps 8x HDR=30516
// Max MBps 12x HDR=45768

// for tracking packet rate, we use Kilo packet/s units in uint32 containers
// where KP = 1024 packets
// Max KPps 1x SDR=8704
// Max KPps 4x SDR=34852
// Max KPps 4x DDR=69741
// Max KPps 4x QDR=139483
// Max KPps 8x QDR=279003
// Max KPps 8x EDR=558006
// Max KPps 8x HDR=1116013
// Max KPps 12x HDR=1673801

// number of errors of each "error class" per interval (NOT per second).
// tracked per "half link".  Problem is associated with direction
// having problem, we associate count with "destination" port although
// both sides can be partial causes.
// counters are same size as PMA(PortCounters) since beyond that
// PMA will peg counter for given analysis interval
typedef struct ErrorSummary_s {
	uint32 Integrity;
	uint32 Congestion;
	uint32 SmaCongestion;
	uint32 Bubble;
	uint32 Security;
	uint32 Routing;

	uint16 UtilizationPct10;        	/* in units of 10% */
	uint16 DiscardsPct10;           	/* in units of 10% */
	uint32 Reserved;
} PACK_SUFFIX ErrorSummary_t;

// weight to use for each Integrity counter in weighted sum
typedef struct IntegrityWeights_s {
	uint8 LocalLinkIntegrityErrors;
	uint8 PortRcvErrors;
	uint8 ExcessiveBufferOverruns;
	uint8 LinkErrorRecovery;
	uint8 LinkDowned;
	uint8 UncorrectableErrors;
	uint8 FMConfigErrors;
	uint8 LinkQualityIndicator;
	uint8 LinkWidthDowngrade;
} IntegrityWeights_t;

// weight to use for each Congestion counter in weighted sum
typedef struct CongestionWeights_s {
	uint8 PortXmitWait;
	uint8 SwPortCongestion;
	uint8 PortRcvFECN;
	uint8 PortRcvBECN;
	uint8 PortXmitTimeCong;
	uint8 PortMarkFECN;
} CongestionWeights_t;

// this type counts number of ports in given "% bucket" of util/errors
// for a 20K node fabric with 4 FBB tiers, we can have 60K links with 120K ports
// hence we need a uint32
typedef uint32 pm_bucket_t;

// number of ports in this bucket for each class of errors
// error class association to PMA Counters is same as in ErrorSummary_t
// determination of % (to select bucket) is based on configured threshold
typedef struct ErrorBucket_s {
	pm_bucket_t Integrity;
	pm_bucket_t Congestion;
	pm_bucket_t SmaCongestion;
	pm_bucket_t Bubble;
	pm_bucket_t Security;
	pm_bucket_t Routing;
} PACK_SUFFIX ErrorBucket_t;

// summary of utilization statistics for a group of ports
typedef struct PmUtilStats_s {
	// internal intermediate data
	// TBD - might be useful to report for Ext of groups like SWs and HFIs
	uint64 TotMBps;	// Total of MBps of all selected ports, used to compute Avg
	uint64 TotKPps;	// Total of KPps of all selected ports, used to compute Avg

	// bandwidth
	uint32 AvgMBps;	// average MB per second of all selected ports
	uint32 MinMBps;	// minimum MB per second of all selected ports
	uint32 MaxMBps;	// maximum MB per second of all selected ports

	// Counter below counts number of ports within given % of BW utilization
	pm_bucket_t BwPorts[STL_PM_UTIL_BUCKETS];

	// packets/sec tracking
	uint32 AvgKPps;	// average kilo packets/sec of all selected ports
	uint32 MinKPps;	// minimum kilo packets/sec of all selected ports
	uint32 MaxKPps;	// maximum kilo packets/sec of all selected ports

	uint16 pmaNoRespPorts;  // Number of ports with failures but were still able
							// to be included in Group/Vf Stats
	uint16 topoIncompPorts; // Number of ports with failures that were not able
							// to be included in Group/Vf Stats
	// buckets for packets/sec % don't make much sense since theroretical
	// limit is a function of packet size, hence confusing to report

	uint32 reserved;

} PACK_SUFFIX PmUtilStats_t;

// summary of error statistics for a group of ports
typedef struct PmErrStats_s {
	// For between-group stats, we take Max of us and our neighbor
	// In context of Errors, Avg and Min is of limited value, hopefully
	// very few ports have errors so Avg would be low and Min would be 0
	// hence we only track Max
	ErrorSummary_t Max;	// maximum of each count for all selected ports

	// Number of "half-links"/ports exceeding threshold
	// for between-group buckets, we count one using the worst port in link
	// for in-group we count one for each port in group
	// buckets are based on % of configured threshold,
	// last bucket is for >=100% of threshold
	ErrorBucket_t Ports[STL_PM_CATEGORY_BUCKETS];// in group
} PACK_SUFFIX PmErrStats_t;

struct PmPort_s;
struct PmImage_s;
typedef boolean (*PmComparePortFunc_t)(struct PmImage_s *pmimagep, struct PmPort_s *pmportp, char *groupName);

// a group is a set of ports.  A given link can be:
// 	in-group - both ports are within the same group
// 	between-group - one port is in and one port is outside
// 		in which case we talk about Send/Recv direction relative to group
// This allows customers to monitor traffic across selected links (such as
// to/from storage) by putting only 1 port of link in a given group
// For error statistics, root cause is less obvious, so when going between-group
// we consider an error on either side of the link as an error associated with
// the External Errors
// Should be able to fit in a single MAD all the Internal Stats
// 		(Ports, Util, Errors) 168 bytes
// On external stats
// 		(Ports, SendUtil, RecvUtil, Errors) 232 bytes
typedef struct PmGroup_s {
	// configuration  - unchanging, no lock needed
	char Name[STL_PM_GROUPNAMELEN];	// \0 terminated
	uint32_t pg_index; // index into PmImage_t.Groups[]

	// function to decide if new ports in topology should be added to group
	PmComparePortFunc_t ComparePortFunc;

	// dg_index from pm_config
	uint16 dg_index[STL_PM_MAX_DG_PER_PMPG]; // (-1)0xFFFF = not used
} PmGroup_t;

typedef struct PmGroupImage_s {
	uint32	NumIntPorts;	// # of ports in group for links in-group
	uint32	NumExtPorts;	// # of ports in group for links between-group

	// statistics
	PmUtilStats_t IntUtil;	// when both ports in group
	PmUtilStats_t SendUtil;	// send from group to outside
	PmUtilStats_t RecvUtil;	// recv by group from outside

// TBD better wording, don't want customer to confuse Internal to a group
// with Internal to a chassis
	// for Internal (in-group) we count one each port (both are in group)
	// for External (between-group), we count worst of our port and its neighbor
	PmErrStats_t IntErr;// in group
	PmErrStats_t ExtErr;// between groups
	uint8	MinIntRate;
	uint8	MaxIntRate;
	uint8	MinExtRate;
	uint8	MaxExtRate;
	uint32	padding;	// for alignment
} PmGroupImage_t;

typedef struct PmVF_s {
	char Name[MAX_VFABRIC_NAME]; // \0 terminated
	uint8 isActive;
} PmVF_t;

typedef	struct PmVFImage_s {
	uint32	NumPorts;		// # of ports in VF

	// statistics
	PmUtilStats_t IntUtil;	// all stats for VF are internal

	PmErrStats_t IntErr;// in VF

	uint8	MinIntRate;
	uint8	MaxIntRate;
} PmVFImage_t;

// for FI, one instance per Active Port
// for Switch, one instance per Switch
// This is not persee a node, but really a lid'ed port
typedef struct PmNode_s {
	ATOMIC_UINT		refCount;
	cl_map_item_t	AllNodesEntry;	// engine use only, key is portGuid

	// these fields do not change and are tracked once for the Node
	Guid_t			NodeGUID;
	Guid_t			SystemImageGUID;
// TBD - track system image guid?
	STL_NODE_DESCRIPTION		nodeDesc;	// we keep latest name, rarely changes
	uint32			changed_count;	// topology_changed_count when last saw node
	uint32			deviceRevision;	// NodeInfo.Device Revision
	union {
		struct PmPort_s **swPorts;	// for switches only
								// sized by numPorts
								// some may be NULL
		struct PmPort_s *caPortp;	// for FI and RTR
								// exactly 1 port per FI tracked per PmNode_t
								// one PmNode_t per active FI port
	} up;

	uint8			nodeType;	// for switches only
	uint8			numPorts;
	// keep latest flags here, they rarely change
	union {
		uint16		AsReg16;
		struct {
			uint16	PmaAvoid:1; 			// node does not have a working PMA or
											//  PM sweeping has been disabled for this Node
			uint16	PmaGotClassPortInfo:1;	// has Pma capabilities been init'ed

			uint16	Reserved:14;			// 14 spare bits

		} s;
	} u;

	// Path Information to talk to Node's PMA
	// we keep latest information here, only used when doing current sweep
	STL_LID			dlid;		// for PMA Redirect
	uint16			pkey;		// for PMA Redirect
	uint32			qpn:24;		// for PMA Redirect
	uint32			sl:4;		// set when update_path
	uint32			qkey;		// for PMA Redirect

	// per Image data protected by Pm.Image[].imageLock
	// must be last in structure so can dynamically size total images in future
	struct PmNodeImage_s {
		// can change per sweep, so track per sweep and can be Freeze Framed
		STL_LID		lid;		// for switch, its lid of port 0
	} Image[1];	// sized when allocate PmNode_t
} PmNode_t;

typedef	struct PmNodeImage_s PmNodeImage_t;

// queryStatus for Port
#define PM_QUERY_STATUS_OK			0x0	// query success (or not yet attempted)
#define PM_QUERY_STATUS_SKIP		0x1	// port skipped, no PMA or filtered
#define PM_QUERY_STATUS_FAIL_QUERY	0x2	// failed to get port counters,
										// path, or classportinfo
#define PM_QUERY_STATUS_FAIL_CLEAR	0x3	// query ok, but failed clear

typedef struct _vfmap {
	uint32 vlmask;
} vfmap_t;

typedef union {
	uint32 AsReg32;
	struct { IB_BITFIELD8(uint32,
		UtilBucket:4,	// MBps utilization bucket: 0 - PM_UTIL_BUCKETS-1
						// Error Buckets (0-PM_ERR_BUCKETS-1)

		IntegrityBucket:3, 		// Integrity
		CongestionBucket:3,		// Congestion
		SmaCongestionBucket:3,	// SMA Congestion
		BubbleBucket:3,			// Bubble
		SecurityBucket:3,		// Security
		RoutingBucket:3,		// Routing
	} s;
} BucketMask_t;

// This tracks Switch, FI and router ports
typedef struct PmPort_s {
	// these fields do not change and are tracked once for the Port
	Guid_t			guid;           // can be 0 for switch portNum != 0
	PmNode_t		*pmnodep;
	uint32			capmask;        // keep latest, rarely changes

	uint8			portNum;
	// keep latest status here, they rarely change
	union {
		uint8	AsReg8;
		struct { IB_BITFIELD2(uint8,
			PmaAvoid:1,				// PM should not sweep PMA on this Port
		} s;
	} u;

	// lid/portnum of neighbor is temp data only used while doing sweep
	STL_LID 		neighbor_lid;
	PORT 			neighbor_portNum;	// only valid if neighbor_lid != 0

	bitset_t dgMember; // Copy of DeviceGroup Memebership from SM

	// count warnings
	uint32 groupWarnings;

	// protected by Pm_t.totalsLock
	PmCompositePortCounters_t StlPortCountersTotal; // running total
	PmCompositeVLCounters_t StlVLPortCountersTotal[MAX_PM_VLS];
	// somehow configure this based on pm_config.process_vl_counters

	// per Image data protected by Pm.Image[].imageLock
	// must be last in structure so can dynamically size total images in future
	struct PmPortImage_s {
		union {
			uint32	AsReg32;
			struct { IB_BITFIELD12(uint32,
				active:1, 			// is port IB_PORT_ACTIVE (SW port 0 fixed up)
				mtu:4,				// enum IB_MTU - due to actual range, 3 bits
				txActiveWidth:4,	// LinkWidthDowngrade.txActive
				rxActiveWidth:4,	// LinkWidthDowngrade.rxActive
				activeSpeed:3,		// LinkSeed.Active
				Initialized:1,		// has group membership been initialized
				queryStatus:2,		// PMA query or clear result
				UnexpectedClear:1,	// PMA Counters unexpectedly cleared
				gotDataCntrs:1,		// Were Data Counters updated
				gotErrorCntrs:1,	// Were Error Counters updated
				gotErrorInfo:1,		// Was Error Info captured
			} s;
		} u;
		struct PmPort_s	*neighbor;		// Pointer to Neighbor Port

		PmGroup_t 	*Groups[PM_MAX_GROUPS_PER_PORT];	// PortGroups (In additon to All) this port is a member of.
		uint8		numGroups;							// Number of PortGroups
		uint8		InternalBitMask;					// If Port is Internal to PortGroup Bit Mask (this and neighbor in group)

		uint32 		numVFs;                             // Number of VFs
		vfmap_t 	vfvlmap[MAX_VFABRICS];				// VFs this port is a member of.

		uint32_t 	vlSelectMask;                       // Aggreate of Active VLs used by VFs (also VL 15)
		CounterSelectMask_t 		clearSelectMask;	// Counter Mask of Counters Cleared after the above data was recorded

		// Raw PortCounters
		PmCompositePortCounters_t	StlPortCounters;					// Port Level Counters
		PmCompositeVLCounters_t		StlVLPortCounters[MAX_PM_VLS];		// VL Level Counters
		// Delta PortCounters
		PmCompositePortCounters_t	DeltaStlPortCounters;				// Port Level Counters
		PmCompositeVLCounters_t		DeltaStlVLPortCounters[MAX_PM_VLS];	// VL Level Counters

		PmCompositeErrorInfo_t      ErrorInfo;

	} Image[1]; // sized when allocate PmPort_t
} PmPort_t;

#define PM_PORT_ERROR_SUMMARY(portImage, lli, ler) \
	((portImage)->StlPortCounters.PortRcvConstraintErrors + \
	(portImage)->StlPortCounters.PortRcvSwitchRelayErrors + \
	(portImage)->StlPortCounters.PortRcvSwitchRelayErrors + \
	(portImage)->StlPortCounters.PortXmitDiscards         + \
	(portImage)->StlPortCounters.PortXmitConstraintErrors + \
	(portImage)->StlPortCounters.PortRcvRemotePhysicalErrors + \
	((portImage)->StlPortCounters.LocalLinkIntegrityErrors >> (lli?(lli + RES_ADDER_LLI):0)) + \
	(portImage)->StlPortCounters.PortRcvErrors            + \
	(portImage)->StlPortCounters.ExcessiveBufferOverruns  + \
	(portImage)->StlPortCounters.FMConfigErrors           + \
	((portImage)->StlPortCounters.LinkErrorRecovery >> (ler?(ler + RES_ADDER_LER):0)) + \
	(portImage)->StlPortCounters.LinkDowned               + \

typedef	struct PmPortImage_s PmPortImage_t;

// FI port or 1st Port of switch
#define pm_node_lided_port(pmnodep) \
		((pmnodep->nodeType == STL_NODE_SW) \

// Image States
#define PM_IMAGE_INVALID 	0	// uninitialized
#define PM_IMAGE_VALID		1	// valid, available for PA queries
#define PM_IMAGE_INPROGRESS	2	// in process of being swept

// The dispatcher allows the PM to issue multiple requests in parallel
// A DispatcherNode is retained for each Node being queried in parallel
// 	(up to MaxParallelNodes)
// Within each DispatcherNode a list of DispatcherPorts is retained for each
// Port in the node being queries in parallel (up to PmaBatchSize)
typedef enum {
	PM_DISP_PORT_GET_PORTSTATUS			= 1,	// Get(PortStatus) outstanding
	PM_DISP_PORT_GET_PORTCOUNTERS		= 2,	// Get(PortCounters) outstanding
	PM_DISP_PORT_DONE					= 3,	// all processing done for this port
} PmDispPortState_t;

struct PmDispatcherNode_s;

// Return Values for MergePortIntoPacket()
#define PM_DISP_SW_MERGE_DONE       0
#define PM_DISP_SW_MERGE_ERROR      1

typedef struct PmDispatcherPort_s {
	PmPort_t *pmportp;
    struct PmDispatcherSwitchPort_s *dispNodeSwPort;
	struct PmDispatcherNode_s *dispnode;	// setup once at boot
	PmPortImage_t *pPortImage;
	PmPortImage_t *pPortImagePrev;
} PmDispatcherPort_t;

typedef struct PmDispatcherPacket_s {
	uint64                      PortSelectMask[4];  // Ports in Packet
	uint32                      VLSelectMask;
	uint8                       numPorts;
	uint8                       numVLs;
	struct PmDispatcherNode_s  *dispnode;	        // setup once at boot
	PmDispatcherPort_t         *DispPorts;
} PmDispatcherPacket_t;

typedef enum {
	PM_DISP_NODE_CLASS_INFO			= 1,	// Get(ClassPortInfo) outstanding
											// Ports[0] has request
	PM_DISP_NODE_GET_DATACOUNTERS	= 2,	// Getting Data Counters for Ports[]
	PM_DISP_NODE_GET_ERRORCOUNTERS	= 3,	// Getting Error Counters for Ports[]
	PM_DISP_NODE_CLR_PORT_STATUS	= 4,	// Clearing Counters for Ports[]
	PM_DISP_NODE_GET_ERRORINFO		= 5,	// Getting ErrorInfo for Ports[]
	PM_DISP_NODE_CLR_ERRORINFO		= 6,	// Clearing ErrorInfo for Ports[]
	PM_DISP_NODE_DONE				= 7,	// all processing done for this node
} PmDispNodeState_t;

struct Pm_s;

typedef struct PmDispatcherSwitchPort_s {
	uint8	portNum;
	union {
		uint8	AsReg8;
		struct {
				uint8	IsDispatched:1;		// Port has been dispatched
				uint8	DoNotMerge:1;		// Query failed, retry with out mergeing to isolate port
				uint8	NeedsClear:1;		// Replaces 256-bit mask in Node Struct.
				uint8	NeedsError:1;
				uint8	Skip:1;				// Any other reason we should skip this packet.
				uint8	NeedsErrorInfo:1;
				uint8	NeedsClearErrorInfo:1;
				uint8	Reserved:1;
		} s;
	} flags;
	uint8	NumVLs;							// Number of active VLs in the Mask

	uint32	VLSelectMask;					// VLSelect Mask associated with port.
} PmDispatcherSwitchPort_t;

typedef struct PmDispatcherNode_s {
	struct {
		PmNode_t *pmnodep;
		PmDispNodeState_t state;
		union {
			uint8	AsReg8;
			struct {
				uint8	failed:1;
				uint8	redirected:1;	// got PMA redirect response
				uint8	needError:1;	// Summary NeedsError from PmDispatcherSwitchPort_t
				uint8	needClearSome:1;
				uint8	canClearAll:1;
				uint8	needErrorInfo:1;	// Summary NeedsError from PmDispatcherSwitchPort_t
				uint8	needClearErrorInfo:1;	// Summary NeedsError from PmDispatcherSwitchPort_t
				// 1 spare bits
			} s;
		} u;
		uint32	clearCounterSelect;	                // assumed to be same for all ports
        uint8	numOutstandingPackets;	            // num packets in Dispatcher.Nodes[].Packets
		uint8	numPorts;							// pmnodep structs sometimes wrong; NOW HFI=1 (always) and SW=pmnodep->numPorts+1 to include port 0
        struct  PmDispatcherSwitchPort_s *nextPort; // next port to be dispatched within activePorts
        PmDispatcherSwitchPort_t *activePorts;      // Array of Structures to keep track usefull information relating to a port
	} info;
	struct Pm_s *pm;	                // setup once at boot
	PmDispatcherPacket_t *DispPackets;	// allocated array of PmaBatchSize
} PmDispatcherNode_t;

typedef struct PmImage_s {
	// These fields are protected by Pm.stateLock
	uint8		state;		// Image State
	uint8		nextClientId;// next clientId for FreezeFrame of this image
	uint32		sweepNum;	// NumSweeps when we did this sweep
	uint32 		historyIndex;// history index corresponding to this image
	uint64		ffRefCount;	// 1 bit per FF clientId, indicates image in
							// use by FreezeFrame with given ClientId
							// when 0, no FreezeFrames reference this Image
	time_t		lastUsed;	// timestamp of last reference, used to age FF

	Lock_t		imageLock;	// Lock image data (except state and imageId).
							// also protects Port.Image, Node.Image
							// and Group.Image for given imageIndex

	// for rapid lookup, we index by LID.  < 48K LIDs, so mem size tolerable
	// We dynamic allocate and size based on old_topology.maxLid
	// allocates PM_LID_MAP_SPARE extra when grows and only releases when
	// more than PM_LIB_MAP_FREE_THRESHOLD decrease in maxLid, hence
	// avoiding resizing for minor fabric changes.
// TBD - SM LidMap could similarly use an array for rapid lookup
// and keep lidmap, maxlid, size per sweep
	PmNode_t	**LidMap;
	STL_LID	lidMapSize;	// number of entries allocated in LidMap
	STL_LID	maxLid;

	time_t		sweepStart;	// when started sweep, seconds since 1970
	uint32		sweepDuration;	// in usec
	uint32      imageInterval; // in sec

	// counts of devices found during this sweep
	uint16		HFIPorts;		// count of active HFI ports
// TFI not included in Gen1
//	uint16		TFIPorts;		// count of active TFI ports
	uint16		SwitchNodes;	// count of Switch Nodes
	uint32		SwitchPorts;	// count of Switch Ports (includes Port 0)
	uint32		NumLinks;		// count of links (includes internal)
	uint32		NumSMs;			// count of SMs (including us)
	struct PmSmInfo {
		STL_LID	smLid;			// implies port, 0 if empty record
		uint8	priority:4;		// present priority
		uint8	state:4;		// present state
	} SMs[2];					// track just master and 1st secondary
	// summary of errors during of sweep
								// Nodes = Switch Node or a FI Port
	uint32		NoRespNodes;	// failed to get path or access PMA >=1 port
	uint32		NoRespPorts;	// failed to get path or access PMA
	uint32		SkippedNodes;	// Skipped all ports on Node
	uint32		SkippedPorts;	// No PMA or filtered
	uint32		UnexpectedClearPorts;	// Ports which whose counters decreased
	uint32		DowngradedPorts; // Ports whose Link Width has been downgraded
	uint32		ErrorInfoPorts;

	// User Configured Groups + HFIs and SWs (All is implied)
	uint32 NumGroups;
	PmGroup_t Groups[PM_MAX_GROUPS];

	uint32 NumVFs;
	uint32 NumVFsActive;
} PmImage_t;

// --------------- Short-Term PA History --------------------
//TBD: OPA_VERSION_MAJOR should be moved to a more generic location
// Old version currently supported by PA

#define PM_HISTORY_FILENAME_LEN 136		// max length of full filepath
										// MUST BE MULTIPLE OF 8

#define PM_HISTORY_STHFILE_LEN 15 // the exact length of the filename, not full path

typedef struct PmCompositePort_s {
	uint64	guid;
	union {
		uint32	AsReg32;
		struct { IB_BITFIELD11(uint32,
			active:1, 			// is port IB_PORT_ACTIVE (SW port 0 fixed up)
			mtu:4,				// enum IB_MTU - due to actual range, 3 bits
			txActiveWidth:4,	// LinkWidthDowngrade.txActive
			rxActiveWidth:4,	// LinkWidthDowngrade.rxActive
			activeSpeed:3,		// LinkSeed.Active
			Initialized:1,		// has group membership been initialized
			queryStatus:2,		// PMA query or clear result
			UnexpectedClear:1,	// PMA Counters unexpectedly cleared
			gotDataCntrs:1,		// Were Data Counters updated
			gotErrorCntrs:1,	// Were Error Counters updated
		} s;
	} u;
	STL_LID neighborLid;

	PORT	portNum;
	PORT	neighborPort;
	uint8   InternalBitMask;
	uint8	numGroups;
	uint8	groups[PM_MAX_GROUPS_PER_PORT];

	uint32 numVFs;
	uint32 vlSelectMask;

	CounterSelectMask_t clearSelectMask;
	uint32 reserved99;

	PmCompositeVfvlmap_t compVfVlmap[MAX_PM_COMP_VFABRICS];

	PmCompositePortCounters_t	stlPortCounters;
	PmCompositeVLCounters_t	stlVLPortCounters[MAX_PM_VLS];
	PmCompositePortCounters_t	DeltaStlPortCounters;
	PmCompositeVLCounters_t	DeltaStlVLPortCounters[MAX_PM_VLS];
} PACK_SUFFIX PmCompositePort_t;

typedef struct PmCompositeNode_s {
	uint64				NodeGUID;
	uint64				SystemImageGUID;
	STL_LID 			lid;
	uint8				nodeType;
	uint8				numPorts;

	uint8				Reserved;

	uint8				reserved;
	PmCompositePort_t	**ports;
} PACK_SUFFIX PmCompositeNode_t;

typedef struct PmCompositeVF_s {
	char  name[MAX_VFABRIC_NAME];
	uint8 isActive;
	uint8 reserved[7];
} PACK_SUFFIX PmCompositeVF_t;

typedef struct PmCompositeGroups_s {
} PACK_SUFFIX PmCompositeGroup_t;

typedef struct PmHistoryHeaderCommon_s {
	uint32	historyVersion;			// Must remain fixed for all versions
	uint32	imageTime;
	char 	filename[PM_HISTORY_FILENAME_LEN];
	uint64	timestamp;
	uint8	isCompressed;
	uint8	reserved2;
	uint16	imagesPerComposite;
	uint32	imageSweepInterval;
} PACK_SUFFIX PmHistoryHeaderCommon_t;

typedef struct PmFileHeader_s {
	PmHistoryHeaderCommon_t common;
	uint64	flatSize;
	uint8	numDivisions;
	uint8	reserved[7];
	uint64	divisionSizes[PM_MAX_COMPRESSION_DIVISIONS];
} PACK_SUFFIX PmFileHeader_t;

typedef struct PmCompositeSmInfo_s {
	STL_LID	smLid;			// implies port, 0 if empty record
#if CPU_BE
	uint8		priority:4;		// present priority
	uint8		state:4;		// present state
	uint8		state:4;
	uint8		priority:4;
	uint8		reserved[3];
} PACK_SUFFIX PmCompositeSmInfo_t;

typedef struct PmCompositeImage_s {
	PmFileHeader_t	header;
	uint64	sweepStart;
	uint32	sweepDuration;
	uint8	reserved[2];
	uint16	HFIPorts;
	uint16	switchNodes;
	uint16	reserved2;
	uint32	switchPorts;
	uint32	numLinks;
	uint32 	numSMs;
	uint32	noRespNodes;
	uint32	noRespPorts;
	uint32	skippedNodes;
	uint32	skippedPorts;
	uint32	unexpectedClearPorts;
	uint32  downgradedPorts;
	uint32	numGroups;
	uint32	numVFs;
	uint32	numVFsActive;
	STL_LID	maxLid;
	uint32	numPorts;
	uint32  reserved3;
	PmCompositeGroup_t  groups[PM_MAX_GROUPS];
	PmCompositeVF_t     VFs[MAX_PM_COMP_VFABRICS];
	PmCompositeNode_t   **nodes;
} PACK_SUFFIX PmCompositeImage_t;

#define INDEX_NOT_IN_USE 0xffffffff
typedef struct PmHistoryRecord_s {
	PmHistoryHeaderCommon_t header;
	uint32	index;
	struct _imageEntry {
		cl_map_item_t	historyImageEntry;	// key is image ID
		uint32 inx;
	cl_map_item_t imageTimeEntry;
} PmHistoryRecord_t;

typedef struct _imageEntry PmHistoryImageEntry_t;

typedef struct PmShortTermHistory_s {
	PmCompositeImage_t	*currentComposite;
	uint8 compositeWritten;
	uint32	currentRecordIndex;
	uint64	totalDiskUsage;
	cl_qmap_t	historyImages;	// map of all short term history Records, keyed by image IDs
	cl_qmap_t   imageTimes;       // map of all short term history images, keyed by start time
	uint32	totalHistoryRecords;
	uint8	currentInstanceId;
	struct _cached_images {
		PmCompositeImage_t **cachedComposite;   // Array of allocated Frozen STH CompImages
		time_t *lastUsed;                       // Array of last time used for the same index image
		PmHistoryRecord_t **records;            // Array to indicate what record is frozen in above arrays
	} CachedImages;
	struct _loaded_image {
		PmImage_t *img;
		PmHistoryRecord_t *record;  // pointer to record of the loaded image
		time_t lastUsed; // time of last access.
	} LoadedImage;
	char	**invalidFiles; // keeps track of history filenames with a version mismatch
	uint32	oldestInvalid; // index of the oldest invalid file
	PmHistoryRecord_t	**historyRecords;
} PmShortTermHistory_t;

// ----------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct PmDispPerfMap_s {
	uint16 phase_aid;
	uint8  phase_node_type;
	uint8  phase_method;
	size_t phase_offset;
} PmDispPerfMap_t;

typedef struct PmDispatcherPerfPhase_s {
	uint64_t phase_start;
	uint64_t phase_end;
	uint64_t min_roundtrip_time;
	uint64_t max_roundtrip_time;
	uint64_t sum_roundtrip_time;
	uint64_t phase_count;
} PmDispatcherPerfPhase_t;
typedef struct PmDispatcherPerf_s {
	uint64_t callback_calc_time;
	PmDispatcherPerfPhase_t hfi_get_cpi;
	PmDispatcherPerfPhase_t sw_get_cpi;
	PmDispatcherPerfPhase_t hfi_get_cntrs;
	PmDispatcherPerfPhase_t sw_get_data_cntrs;
	PmDispatcherPerfPhase_t sw_get_error_cntrs;
	PmDispatcherPerfPhase_t hfi_clr_cntrs;
	PmDispatcherPerfPhase_t sw_clr_cntrs;
	PmDispatcherPerfPhase_t hfi_get_error_info;
	PmDispatcherPerfPhase_t sw_get_error_info;
	PmDispatcherPerfPhase_t hfi_set_error_info;
	PmDispatcherPerfPhase_t sw_set_error_info;
} PmDispatcherPerf_t;

// high level PM configuration and statistics
typedef struct Pm_s {
	ATOMIC_UINT		refCount;	// used to avoid race between engine shutdown
								// and PA client.  Counts number of PA client
								// queries in progress.
	Lock_t			stateLock;	// a RWTHREAD_LOCK.
							// Protects: LastSweepIndex, NumSweeps,
							//      lastHistoryIndex, history[], freezeFrames[]
							// and the following Image[] fields:
							//      state, nextClientId, sweepNum, ffRefCount,
							//      lastUsed, historyIndex
	uint32 LastSweepIndex;	// last completed sweep, see PM_SWEEP_INDEX_INVALID
	uint32 lastHistoryIndex;// history index corresponding to lastSweepIndex
	uint32 NumSweeps;	// total sweeps completed, only written by engine thread

	Lock_t			totalsLock;	// a RWTHREAD_LOCK.
							// Protects: PmPort_t.PortCountersTotal

	// these are look aside buffers to translate from a ImageId to an ImageIndex
	uint32 *history;			// exclusively for HISTORY
	uint32 *freezeFrames;		// exclusively for FREEZE_FRAME

	// configuration settings
	uint32 pmFlags;     // configured (see stl_pa_types.h pmFlags for a list)
	uint16 interval;    // Sweep Interval (in seconds)
	ErrorSummary_t Thresholds;             // Category Threshold Values
	IntegrityWeights_t integrityWeights;   // Weight applied to Counters before calculating Category
	CongestionWeights_t congestionWeights; // Weight applied to Counters before calculating Category
	CounterSelectMask_t clearCounterSelect;     // List of counters to check against ClearThreshold
	PmCompositePortCounters_t ClearThresholds;  // MAX_VALUE * (ErrorClear/8)
	uint16 ErrorClear;                          // Number of 8ths before we clear a counter
	// Copy from pm_config
	uint32 NumGroups; // User Configured Groups + HFIs and SWs (All is implied)
	PmGroup_t Groups[PM_MAX_GROUPS];

	// keep these as scratch area for use by current sweep, not kept per image
	// private to engine thread, not protected by lock
	STL_LID 	pm_slid;	// SLID for packets we send
	uint32		changed_count;	// last pass synchronized topology with SM
	uint32 		SweepIndex;	// sweep in progress, no lock needed
	cl_qmap_t	AllNodes;	// all PmNode_t keyed by portGuid, engine use only

	// these are private to engine, used to hold sizes for various structures
	// to account for the current pm_total_images value being used
	uint32		PmPortSize;	// PmPort_t size
	uint32		PmNodeSize;	// PmNode_t size

	struct PmDispatcher_s {
		generic_cntxt_t cntx;
		PmDispatcherPerf_t perf_stats;
		Event_t sweepDone;
		uint8	postedEvent;			// have we posted the sweepDone event
		STL_LID	nextLid;
		uint16	numOutstandingNodes;	// num nodes in Dispatcher.Nodes
		PmDispatcherNode_t *DispNodes;	// allocated array of PmMaxParallelNodes
	} Dispatcher;

	PmShortTermHistory_t ShortTermHistory;

	// must be last in structure so can dynamically size total images in future
	PmImage_t *Image;
} Pm_t;

typedef struct PmVFFocusPortComputeData_s {
	uint32 imageInterval;
	int vfIdx;
	CongestionWeights_t congestionWeights;
} PmVFFocusPortComputeData_t;

static __inline
BSWAP_PM_COMPOSITE_VFVLMAP(PmCompositeVfvlmap_t *Dest, uint32 numVFs)
#if CPU_LE
	uint32 i;

	for (i = 0; i < numVFs; i++) {
		Dest[i].vlmask = ntoh32(Dest[i].vlmask);

static __inline
#if CPU_LE
	Dest->VLSelectMask = ntoh32(Dest->VLSelectMask);
	Dest->PortXmitData = ntoh64(Dest->PortXmitData);
	Dest->PortRcvData = ntoh64(Dest->PortRcvData);
	Dest->PortXmitPkts = ntoh64(Dest->PortXmitPkts);
	Dest->PortRcvPkts = ntoh64(Dest->PortRcvPkts);
	Dest->PortMulticastXmitPkts = ntoh64(Dest->PortMulticastXmitPkts);
	Dest->PortMulticastRcvPkts = ntoh64(Dest->PortMulticastRcvPkts);
	Dest->SwPortCongestion = ntoh64(Dest->SwPortCongestion);
	Dest->SwPortCongestion = ntoh64(Dest->SwPortCongestion);
	Dest->PortRcvFECN = ntoh64(Dest->PortRcvFECN);
	Dest->PortRcvBECN = ntoh64(Dest->PortRcvBECN);
	Dest->PortXmitTimeCong = ntoh64(Dest->PortXmitTimeCong);
	Dest->PortXmitWastedBW = ntoh64(Dest->PortXmitWastedBW);
	Dest->PortXmitWaitData = ntoh64(Dest->PortXmitWaitData);
	Dest->PortRcvBubble = ntoh64(Dest->PortRcvBubble);
	Dest->PortMarkFECN = ntoh64(Dest->PortMarkFECN);
	Dest->PortRcvConstraintErrors = ntoh64(Dest->PortRcvConstraintErrors);
	Dest->PortRcvSwitchRelayErrors = ntoh64(Dest->PortRcvSwitchRelayErrors);
	Dest->PortXmitDiscards = ntoh64(Dest->PortXmitDiscards);
	Dest->PortXmitConstraintErrors = ntoh64(Dest->PortXmitConstraintErrors);
	Dest->PortRcvRemotePhysicalErrors = ntoh64(Dest->PortRcvRemotePhysicalErrors);
	Dest->LocalLinkIntegrityErrors = ntoh64(Dest->LocalLinkIntegrityErrors);
	Dest->PortRcvErrors = ntoh64(Dest->PortRcvErrors);
	Dest->ExcessiveBufferOverruns = ntoh64(Dest->ExcessiveBufferOverruns);
	Dest->FMConfigErrors = ntoh64(Dest->FMConfigErrors);
	Dest->LinkErrorRecovery = ntoh32(Dest->LinkErrorRecovery);
	Dest->LinkDowned = ntoh32(Dest->LinkDowned);


static __inline
BSWAP_PM_COMPOSITE_VL_COUNTERS(PmCompositeVLCounters_t *Dest, uint32 numVLs)
#if CPU_LE
	uint32 i;

	for (i = 0; i < numVLs; i++) {
		Dest[i].PortVLXmitData = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLXmitData);
		Dest[i].PortVLRcvData = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLRcvData);
		Dest[i].PortVLXmitPkts = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLXmitPkts);
		Dest[i].PortVLRcvPkts = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLRcvPkts);
		Dest[i].PortVLXmitWait = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLXmitWait);
		Dest[i].SwPortVLCongestion = ntoh64(Dest[i].SwPortVLCongestion);
		Dest[i].PortVLRcvFECN = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLRcvFECN);
		Dest[i].PortVLRcvBECN = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLRcvBECN);
		Dest[i].PortVLXmitTimeCong = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLXmitTimeCong);
		Dest[i].PortVLXmitWastedBW = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLXmitWastedBW);
		Dest[i].PortVLXmitWaitData = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLXmitWaitData);
		Dest[i].PortVLRcvBubble = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLRcvBubble);
		Dest[i].PortVLMarkFECN = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLMarkFECN);
		Dest[i].PortVLXmitDiscards = ntoh64(Dest[i].PortVLXmitDiscards);

// Composite Ports are flattened (not array of pointers)
static __inline
BSWAP_PM_COMPOSITE_PORT(PmCompositePort_t *Dest, uint32 numPorts)
#if CPU_LE
	uint32 i;

	for (i = 0; i < numPorts; i++) {
		Dest[i].guid = ntoh64(Dest[i].guid);

		Dest[i].u.AsReg32 = ntoh32(Dest[i].u.AsReg32);
		Dest[i].neighborLid = ntoh32(Dest[i].neighborLid);

		Dest[i].vlSelectMask = ntoh32(Dest[i].vlSelectMask);
		Dest[i].clearSelectMask.AsReg32 = ntoh32(Dest[i].clearSelectMask.AsReg32);




// Composite Nodes are flattened (not array of pointers)
static __inline
BSWAP_PM_COMPOSITE_NODE(PmCompositeNode_t *Dest, uint32 numNodes)
#if CPU_LE
	PmCompositeNode_t *cnode = Dest;
	uint32 i, numPorts;

	for (i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
		numPorts = (cnode->nodeType == STL_NODE_SW ? cnode->numPorts+1 : cnode->numPorts);
		cnode->NodeGUID = ntoh64(cnode->NodeGUID);
		cnode->SystemImageGUID = ntoh64(cnode->SystemImageGUID);
		cnode->lid = ntoh32(cnode->lid);
		BSWAP_PM_COMPOSITE_PORT((PmCompositePort_t *)&cnode->ports, numPorts);
		// Calc address of next (flattened) composite node
		cnode = (PmCompositeNode_t *)((size_t)cnode
				+ (sizeof(PmCompositeNode_t) - sizeof(PmCompositePort_t **))
				+ (sizeof(PmCompositePort_t) * numPorts));

static __inline
BSWAP_PM_COMPOSITE_SM_INFO(PmCompositeSmInfo_t *Dest, uint32 numSMs)
#if CPU_LE
	uint32 i;
	for (i = 0; i < numSMs; i++)
		Dest[i].smLid = ntoh32(Dest[i].smLid);

static __inline
#if CPU_LE
	*Dest = ntoh32(*Dest);

static __inline
#if CPU_LE
	uint32 i;

	Dest->imageTime = ntoh32(Dest->imageTime);
	Dest->timestamp = ntoh64(Dest->timestamp);
	Dest->imagesPerComposite = ntoh16(Dest->imagesPerComposite);
	Dest->imageSweepInterval = ntoh32(Dest->imageSweepInterval);
		Dest->imageIDs[i] = ntoh64(Dest->imageIDs[i]);


static __inline
BSWAP_PM_FILE_HEADER(PmFileHeader_t *Dest)
#if CPU_LE
	uint32 i;

	Dest->flatSize = ntoh64(Dest->flatSize);
	for (i = 0; i < PM_MAX_COMPRESSION_DIVISIONS; i++)
		Dest->divisionSizes[i] = ntoh64(Dest->divisionSizes[i]);

// Byte-swap flattened Composite Image
static __inline
BSWAP_PM_COMPOSITE_IMAGE_FLAT(PmCompositeImage_t *Dest, boolean hton /*, uint32 historyVersion*/)
#if CPU_LE
	uint32 numNodes;
	PmCompositeNode_t *cnodes = (PmCompositeNode_t *)&Dest->nodes;

	// Note that header is swapped independently
	if (hton) {
		numNodes = Dest->maxLid + 1;
		Dest->maxLid = ntoh32(Dest->maxLid);
	} else {
		Dest->maxLid = ntoh32(Dest->maxLid);
		numNodes = Dest->maxLid + 1;
	Dest->sweepStart = ntoh64(Dest->sweepStart);
	Dest->sweepDuration = ntoh32(Dest->sweepDuration);
	Dest->HFIPorts = ntoh16(Dest->HFIPorts);
	Dest->switchNodes = ntoh16(Dest->switchNodes);
	Dest->switchPorts = ntoh32(Dest->switchPorts);
	Dest->numLinks = ntoh32(Dest->numLinks);
	Dest->numSMs = ntoh32(Dest->numSMs);
	Dest->noRespNodes = ntoh32(Dest->noRespNodes);
	Dest->noRespPorts = ntoh32(Dest->noRespPorts);
	Dest->skippedNodes = ntoh32(Dest->skippedNodes);
	Dest->skippedPorts = ntoh32(Dest->skippedPorts);
	Dest->unexpectedClearPorts = ntoh32(Dest->unexpectedClearPorts);
	Dest->downgradedPorts = ntoh32(Dest->downgradedPorts);
	Dest->numGroups = ntoh32(Dest->numGroups);
	Dest->numVFs = ntoh32(Dest->numVFs);
	Dest->numVFsActive = ntoh32(Dest->numVFsActive);
	Dest->numPorts = ntoh32(Dest->numPorts);

	BSWAP_PM_COMPOSITE_NODE(cnodes, numNodes);

void clearLoadedImage(PmShortTermHistory_t *sth);
size_t computeCompositeSize(void);
FSTATUS decompressAndReassemble(unsigned char *input_data, size_t input_size, uint8 divs, size_t *input_sizes, unsigned char *output_data, size_t output_size);
FSTATUS rebuildComposite(PmCompositeImage_t *cimg, unsigned char *data, uint32 history_version);
void writeImageToBuffer(Pm_t *pm, uint32 histindex, uint8_t isCompressed, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *bIndex);
void PmFreeComposite(PmCompositeImage_t *cimg);
FSTATUS PmLoadComposite(Pm_t *pm, PmHistoryRecord_t *record, PmCompositeImage_t **cimg);
FSTATUS PmFreezeComposite(Pm_t *pm, PmHistoryRecord_t *record, int *idx);
FSTATUS PmFreezeCurrent(Pm_t *pm, int *idx);
void PmReconstituteVFImage(PmCompositeVF_t *cVF, PmVF_t *pmVFP);
void PmReconstituteGroupImage(PmCompositeGroup_t *cgroup, PmGroup_t *pmGroupP);
PmPort_t *PmReconstitutePortImage(PmImage_t *img, PmCompositePort_t *cport);
PmNode_t *PmReconstituteNodeImage(PmImage_t *img, PmCompositeNode_t *cnode);
PmImage_t *PmReconstituteImage(PmCompositeImage_t *cimg);
FSTATUS PmReconstitute(PmShortTermHistory_t *sth, PmCompositeImage_t *cimg);

// Lock Heirachy (acquire in this order):
// 		SM topology locks
// 		Pm.stateLock
// 		Image.imageLock for freeze frames, (in index order, low to high)
// 		Image.imageLock for sweeps, (in index order, most recent to oldest)
// 		Pm.totalsLock
// Pm.stateLock is a rwlock, protects:
//     LastSweepIndex, NumSweeps, lastHistoryIndex, history[], freezeFrames[]
//     and the following Image[] fields:
//         state, nextClientId, sweepNum, ffRefCount, lastUsed, historyIndex
// Note that NumSweeps and LastSweepIndex are only changed by engine thread,
// hence engine thread can safely read it without a lock
// Pm.SweepIndex is for use by engine only, no lock needed
// Pm.Image[index].imageLock is a rwlock, protects:
// 	all data in image (including PmPort_t.Image[index], PmNode_t.Image[index]
// 		and Pmgroup_t.Image[index]
// 		except for fields protected by Pm.stateLock
// 	pa_access must have this lock and verify state == VALID
// 	Engine must get this lock in order to update topology or per image stats
// Pm.totalsLock is a rwlock, protects:
//     PmPort_t.PortCountersTotal
// INPROGRESS state helps avoid clients blocking for long duration once
// engine starts sweep.  It can also be used in ASSERTs as a secondary check
// to make sure clients are accessing valid data.
// Algorithm for stateLock allows client to check state before tring to
// get imageLock.
// pa_access query (for lastsweep, history or freeze frame query):
// 	rdlock Pm.stateLock
// 	index= convert image Id using Pm.LastSweepIndex	//copy to local while locked
//  if Pm.Image[index].state != VALID - error
//  		(client should not access a freeze area until gets response)
// 	rdlock Pm.Image[index].imageLock
// 	rwunlock Pm.stateLock
// 	if accessing PortCountersTotal, rdlock Pm.totalsLock (wrlock to clear Total)
// 	analyze data in Pm.Image[index]
// 	if accessed PortCountersTotal, rwunlock Pm.totalsLock
// 	rwunlock Pm.Image[index].imageLock
// Engine Sweep
// 	wrlock Pm.stateLock
//  index=Pm.SweepIndex	// engine can access SweepIndex anytime w/o a lock
//  Pm.Image[index].state = INPROGRESS
//  wrlock Pm.Image[index].imageLock	// make sure clients out
//  rwunlock Pm.stateLock - we have in progress flag set
// 	perform sweep - since it is the "active sweep" pa_access should not try to
// 		lock it while we sweep, INPROGRESS also protects it
// 		if alloc or resize lidmap, set to NULLs.
// 			As populate, inc ref count on node
// 		when done building lidmap, if have old lidmap to free, dec ref counts
// 			and free nodes now 0, then free lidmap
//  rwunlock Pm.Image[index].imageLock
// 	wrlock Pm.stateLock
// 	Pm.Image[index].state = VALID
// 	update Pm.lastSweepIndex
// 	rwunlock Pm.stateLock
// PA client Freeze Frame (very similar to engine sweeps):
// 	wrlock Pm.stateLock
// 	image = requested input image (must not be a freeze frame)
// 	if Pm.Image[image].state != VALID - error
// 	pick a Pm.freezeFrames[] to use (one with INVALID or already
// 			pointing to image)
// 			while searching, mark as invalid any freezeFrames which are stale
//	pick next unused clientId in Pm.Image, set Image[image].ffRefCount bit
//	Pm.freezeFrames[] = image
// 	rwunlock Pm.stateLock
// freeze Frame release:
//  index must specify a freeze frame type image
// 	wrlock Pm.stateLock
//	if Pm.Image[index].state == INVALID or INPROGRESS - error
// 	reset Pm.Image[index].ffRefCount bit for Freeze Frame Client Id
// 	rwunlock Pm.stateLock
// shutdown synchronization between PA and Engine
// Pm.refCount counts when PA is in PM, so don't free PM while client is
// still using.
// Engine shutdown:
// 		set not running
// 		wait for refCount to be 0
// 		PmDestroy
// 			if want to be paranoid, could wrlock each image before try to free
// 			that way can be really sure no one is inside the image
// PA client packet processing:
// 		increment Pm refCount
// 		check is running - dec refCount, fail query
// 		do normal processing algorithm:
// 			lock Pm.stateLock
// 			process state
// 			lock imageLock
// 			unlock Pm.stateLock
// 			process image
// 			send response packet
// 			unlock imageLock
// 		dec refCount

// PA protocol updates:
// - can specify freeze frame index
// - can specify history index 0 to N
// - bit to indicate if given index is history or freeze frame
// - in sweep summary query, have timestamps, maxLids, etc

extern int	g_pmEngineState;

extern boolean g_pmAsyncRcvThreadRunning;
extern Sema_t g_pmAsyncRcvSema;	// indicates AsyncRcvThread is ready
extern IBhandle_t hpma, pm_fd;

#define PM_ALLBITS_SET(select, mask) (((select) & (mask)) == (mask))

// Lookup a node in pmImage based on lid
// caller should have pmImage->imageLock held
PmNode_t *pm_find_node(PmImage_t *pmimagep, STL_LID lid);

// Lookup a port in pmImage based on lid and portNum
// does not have to be a "lid"'ed port
// caller should have pmImage->imageLock held
PmPort_t *pm_find_port(PmImage_t *pmImage, STL_LID lid, uint8 portNum);

// Lookup a node in Pm Topology based on nodeguid
PmNode_t *pm_find_nodeguid(Pm_t *pm, uint64 nodeGUID);

// Clear Running totals for a given Node.  This simulates a PMA clear so
// that tools like opareport can work against the Running totals until we
// have a history feature.
// caller must have totalsLock held for write
FSTATUS PmClearNodeRunningCounters(PmNode_t *pmnodep, CounterSelectMask_t select);
FSTATUS PmClearNodeRunningVFCounters(Pm_t *pm, PmNode_t *pmnodep, STLVlCounterSelectMask select,
	int vfIdx, boolean useHiddenVF);

// in mad_info.c
void PmUpdateNodePmaCapabilities(PmNode_t *pmnodep, Node_t *nodep, boolean ProcessHFICounters);
void PmUpdatePortPmaCapabilities(PmPort_t *pmportp, Port_t *portp);

// pm_mad.c
FSTATUS ProcessPmaClassPortInfo(PmNode_t* pmnodep, STL_CLASS_PORT_INFO *classp);

// pm_dispatch.c
Status_t PmDispatcherInit(Pm_t *pm);
void PmDispatcherDestroy(Pm_t *pm);
FSTATUS PmSweepAllPortCounters(Pm_t *pm);

static __inline boolean isErrorInfoNeeded(Pm_t *pm,
	PmCompositePortCounters_t *curr, PmCompositePortCounters_t *prev)
	if ((pm->pmFlags & STL_PM_PROCESS_ERRORINFO) == 0) return FALSE;
	if (!prev) return TRUE;

	// Some counters can be cleared on link bounce, so just check if they are
	// different instead of current greater than previous.
#define IS_DIFF_VAL(cntr) if (curr->cntr != prev->cntr) return TRUE
#undef IS_DIFF_VAL

	return FALSE;

static __inline boolean isErrorInfoStatusSet(PmCompositeErrorInfo_t *pErrorInfo)
	if (pErrorInfo->PortRcvErrorInfo.s.Status)            return TRUE;
	if (pErrorInfo->ExcessiveBufferOverrunInfo.s.Status)  return TRUE;
	if (pErrorInfo->PortXmitConstraintErrorInfo.s.Status) return TRUE;
	if (pErrorInfo->PortRcvConstraintErrorInfo.s.Status)  return TRUE;
	if (pErrorInfo->PortRcvSwitchRelayErrorInfo.s.Status) return TRUE;
	if (pErrorInfo->UncorrectableErrorInfo.s.Status)      return TRUE;
	if (pErrorInfo->FMConfigErrorInfo.s.Status)           return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

// pm_async_rcv.c
extern generic_cntxt_t     *pm_async_send_rcv_cntxt;
void pm_async_rcv(uint32_t argc, uint8_t ** argv);
void pm_async_rcv_kill(void);

#define	PM_Filter_Init(FILTERP) {						\
	Filter_Init(FILTERP, 0, 0);						\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_BASE;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_TYPE;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_DATA;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_DEV;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_PORT;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_QP;					\
	(FILTERP)->active |= MAI_ACT_FMASK;					\
	(FILTERP)->type = MAI_TYPE_EXTERNAL;						\
	(FILTERP)->dev = pm_config.hca;						\
	(FILTERP)->port = (pm_config.port == 0) ? MAI_TYPE_ANY : pm_config.port;		\
	(FILTERP)->qp = 1;							\

// pm_sweep.c
void PmClearAllNodes(Pm_t *pm);
void PmSkipPort(Pm_t *pm, PmPort_t *pmportp);
void PmSkipNode(Pm_t *pm, PmNode_t *pmnodep);

void PmFailPort(Pm_t *pm, PmPort_t *pmportp, uint8 queryStatus, uint8 method, uint16 aid);
void PmFailPacket(Pm_t *pm, PmDispatcherPacket_t *disppacket, uint8 queryStatus, uint8 method, uint16 aid);
void PmFailNode(Pm_t *pm, PmNode_t *pmnodep, uint8 queryStatus, uint8 method, uint16 aid);

// pm_debug.c
void DisplayPm(Pm_t *pm);

uint32 computeSendMBps(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeSendKPkts(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeIntegrity(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeCongestion(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeSmaCongestion(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeBubble(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeSecurity(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeRouting(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeUtilizationPct10(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeDiscardsPct10(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeVFSendMBps(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeVFSendKPkts(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeVFCongestion(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeVFBubble(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);
uint32 computeVFUtilizationPct10(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, void *data);

// Given a MBps transfer rate and a theoretical maxMBps, compute the
//  utilization bucket number from 0 to PM_UTIL_BUCKETS-1
static __inline uint8 ComputeUtilBucket(uint32 SendMBps, uint32 maxMBps)
	if (maxMBps) {
		// directly compute bucket to reduce overflow chances
		uint8 utilBucket = (SendMBps * STL_PM_UTIL_BUCKETS) / maxMBps;
		if (utilBucket >= STL_PM_UTIL_BUCKETS)
			return STL_PM_UTIL_BUCKETS-1;
			return utilBucket;
	} else {
		return 0;

// Given a Counter Category Value and a threshold, compute the bucket number
//  from 0 to PM_ERR_BUCKETS-1
static __inline uint8 ComputeErrBucket(uint32 errCnt, uint32 errThreshold)
	uint8 errBucket;
	if (! errThreshold) return 0;

	errBucket = (errCnt * (STL_PM_CATEGORY_BUCKETS-1)) / errThreshold;
	if (errBucket >= STL_PM_CATEGORY_BUCKETS)
		 return errBucket;

void PmPrintExceededPort(char *buf, size_t bufSize, PmPort_t *pmportp, uint32 index, const char *statistic, uint32 threshold, uint32 value);
void PmPrintExceededPortDetailsIntegrity(char *exceededMessage, Pm_t *pm, PmPort_t *pmportp, PmPort_t *pmportneighborp, uint32 imageIndex);
void PmPrintExceededPortDetailsCongestion(char *exceededMessage, Pm_t *pm, PmPort_t *pmportp, PmPort_t *pmportneighborp, uint32 imageIndex);
void PmPrintExceededPortDetailsSmaCongestion(char *exceededMessage, Pm_t *pm, PmPort_t *pmportp, PmPort_t *pmportneighborp, uint32 imageIndex);
void PmPrintExceededPortDetailsBubble(char *exceededMessage, Pm_t *pm, PmPort_t *pmportp, PmPort_t *pmportneighborp, uint32 imageIndex);
void PmPrintExceededPortDetailsSecurity(char *exceededMessage, Pm_t *pm, PmPort_t *pmportp, PmPort_t *pmportneighborp, uint32 imageIndex);
void PmPrintExceededPortDetailsRouting(char *exceededMessage, Pm_t *pm, PmPort_t *pmportp, PmPort_t *pmportneighborp, uint32 imageIndex);
void PmFinalizePortStats(Pm_t *pm, PmPort_t *portp, uint32 index);
boolean PmTabulatePort(Pm_t *pm, PmPort_t *portp, uint32 index,
			   			uint32 *counterSelect);
void ClearGroupStats(PmGroupImage_t *groupImage);
void ClearVFStats(PmVFImage_t *vfImage);
void FinalizeGroupStats(PmGroupImage_t *groupImage);
void PmClearPortImage(PmPortImage_t *portImage);
void FinalizeVFStats(PmVFImage_t *vfImage);

uint32_t PmCalculateRate(uint32_t speed, uint32_t width);
void UpdateInGroupStats(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, PmGroupImage_t *groupImage, uint32 imageInterval);
void UpdateExtGroupStats(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, PmGroupImage_t *groupImage, uint32 imageInterval);
void UpdateVFStats(Pm_t *pm, uint32 imageIndex, PmPort_t *port, PmVFImage_t *vfImage, uint32 imageInterval);

// Clear Running totals for a given Port.  This simulates a PMA clear so
// that tools like opareport can work against the Running totals until we
// have a history feature.
// caller must have totalsLock held for write
extern FSTATUS PmClearPortRunningCounters(PmPort_t *pmportp, CounterSelectMask_t select);
extern FSTATUS PmClearPortRunningVFCounters(Pm_t *pm, PmPort_t *pmportp, STLVlCounterSelectMask select, int vfIdx, boolean useHiddenVF);

// ? PMA Counter control allows interval and auto restart of counters, can remove
// effect of PMA packet delays, etc.  Should we use it?  Does HW support it?

// compute theoretical limits for each rate
//extern void PM_InitLswfToMBps(void);
// ideally should be static, extern due to split of sweep.c and calc.c
uint32 s_StaticRateToMBps[IB_STATIC_RATE_MAX+1];

// This group of functions accept an index into the pmportp->Groups[]
// caller should search for appropriate entry in array to act on
// adds a port to a group. used by PmAddExtPort and PmAddIntPort
void PmAddPortToGroupIndex(PmPortImage_t* portImage, uint32 grpIndex, PmGroup_t *groupp, boolean internal);

boolean PmIsPortInGroup(PmImage_t *pmimagep, PmPortImage_t *portImage,
	int groupIndex, boolean isAllGroup, boolean *isInternal);
boolean PmIsPortInVF(PmImage_t *pmimagep, PmPortImage_t *portImage,
	int vfIndex);

// adds a port to a group where the neighbor of the port WILL NOT be in
// the given group
void PmAddExtPortToGroupIndex(PmPortImage_t* portImage, uint32 grpIndex, PmGroup_t *groupp, uint32 imageIndex);

// adds a port to a group where the neighbor of the port WILL be in
// the given group
// This DOES NOT add the neighbor.  Caller must do that separately.
void PmAddIntPortToGroupIndex(PmPortImage_t* portImage, uint32 grpIndex, PmGroup_t *groupp, uint32 imageIndex);

// compute reasonable clearThresholds based on given threshold and weights
// This can be used to initialize clearThreshold and then override just
// a few of the computed defaults in the even user wanted to control just a few
// and default the rest
void PmComputeClearThresholds(PmCompositePortCounters_t *clearThresholds,
							  CounterSelectMask_t *select, uint8 errorClear);

// build counter select to use when clearing counters
void PM_BuildClearCounterSelect(CounterSelectMask_t *select, boolean clearXfer, boolean clear64bit,
								 boolean clear32bit, boolean clear8bit);

//  insert a shortterm history file from the Master PM into the local history filelist
FSTATUS injectHistoryFile(Pm_t *pm, char *filename, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t filelen);

void PmDispatcherPerfInit(PmDispatcherPerf_t *perf);

#define for_some_pmnodes(PMIMAGE, PMNODE, LID, START, END) \
	if (PMNODE)

#define for_all_pmnodes(PMIMAGE, PMNODE, LID) \
	for_some_pmnodes(PMIMAGE, PMNODE, LID, 1, (PMIMAGE)->maxLid)

#define pm_get_port(PMNODE, PORTNUM) ((PMNODE)->nodeType == STL_NODE_SW ? (PMNODE)->up.swPorts[PORTNUM] : (PMNODE)->up.caPortp)
#define pm_get_port_idx(PMNODE) ((PMNODE)->nodeType == STL_NODE_SW ? 0 : 1)

#define for_some_pmports(PMNODE, PMPORT, PORTNUM, START, END) \
	for (PORTNUM = START, PMPORT = pm_get_port(PMNODE, PORTNUM); \

#define for_all_pmports(PMNODE, PMPORT, PORTNUM) \
	for_some_pmports(PMNODE, PMPORT, PORTNUM, pm_get_port_idx(PMNODE), (PMNODE)->numPorts)

#include "iba/public/ipackoff.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _PM_TOPOLOGY_H */