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/* BEGIN_ICS_COPYRIGHT2 ****************************************

Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Intel Corporation

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
      this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
    * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
      without specific prior written permission.


** END_ICS_COPYRIGHT2   ****************************************/

/* [ICS VERSION STRING: unknown] */


#include <iba/ipublic.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
#define _GNU_SOURCE

#ifdef VXWORKS
#include <XmlParser/expat.h>
#include <expat.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define DEBUG_IXML_PARSER 0	/* set to 1 to enable DbgOuts in Xml Parser */

/* XML declarations common to parser and output */
struct IXmlOutputState;
struct IXmlParserState;
struct _IXML_FIELD;

typedef void (*IXML_FORMAT_FIELD_FUNC)(struct IXmlOutputState *state,
				const char *tag, void *data);
/* ATTR_FUNC should output a leading space before 1st attribute
 * if there are no attributes to output it can simply do nothing
typedef void (*IXML_FORMAT_ATTR_FUNC)(struct IXmlOutputState *state,
				void *data);
typedef void *(*IXML_START_TAG_FUNC)(struct IXmlParserState *state, 
				void *parent, const char **attr);
typedef void (*IXML_END_TAG_FUNC)(struct IXmlParserState *state, 
				const struct _IXML_FIELD *field,
				void *object, void *parent, XML_Char *content, unsigned len,
				boolean valid);

typedef struct _IXML_FIELD {
	const char *tag;		/* tag name in XML file or "*" */
	char format;			/* format for tag, see below for choices */
	int offset;				/* offset in C structure for tag's value */
	int size;				/* size of field in C structure */
	IXML_FORMAT_FIELD_FUNC format_func;	/* custom function to format output */
	struct _IXML_FIELD *subfields;	/* fields within a container tag */
	IXML_START_TAG_FUNC start_func;	/* function when input <tag> */
	IXML_END_TAG_FUNC end_func;	/* function when input </tag> */

// helper macro, given a structure datatype and a member in structure
// this provides initializers for IXML_FIELD offset and size
#define IXML_FIELD_INFO(TYPE, MEMBER) offset:offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER), size:sizeof(((TYPE*)0)->MEMBER)
// similar helper for 'p' formats, here the size can be specified as upper bound
// for the string.  Use IB_INT32_MAX if there is no practical limit
#define IXML_P_FIELD_INFO(TYPE, MEMBER, SIZE) offset:offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER), size:SIZE

/* formats:
 * d - %d format for given field size (1, 2, 4, 8)
 * 		Leading and trailing whitespace ignored.
 * 		Undefined if also specify subfields
 * u - %u format for given field size (1, 2, 4, 8)
 * 		Leading and trailing whitespace ignored.
 * 		Undefined if also specify subfields
 * x - 0x%x format for given field size (1, 2, 4, 8) w/o 0 pad
 * 		Leading and trailing whitespace ignored.
 * 		Undefined if also specify subfields
 * h - 0x%x format for given field size (1, 2, 4, 8) with 0 pad
 * 		Leading and trailing whitespace ignored.
 * 		Undefined if also specify subfields
 * s - '\0' terminated array of chars, %s format, output until '\0' encountered
 * 		use this for arrays of characters directly in the parent structure
 * 		which are to be '\0' terminated.  size indicates size of array
 * 		including space for the '\0' terminator (eg. string is limited to
 * 		size-1 characters).
 * 		Leading and trailing whitespace not trimmed.
 * 		Undefined if also specify subfields
 * p - pointer to string, %s format, output until '\0' encountered
 * 		use this for pointers to strings in the parent structure.  On input
 * 		the pointer will be allocated.  Caller must use MemoryDeallocate
 * 		to free the string when done with it. size indicates upper bound for
 * 		string (not including '\0').  strings longer than this will be truncated
 * 		on input and output, but still '\0' terminated.  NULL pointers will
 * 		be skipped on output and not output the tag at all.  For optional input
 * 		fields when field is not found will default to value set in structure
 * 		StartTag function, typically NULL.
 * 		Leading and trailing whitespace not trimmed.
 * 		Undefined if also specify subfields
 * c - fixed length string input/output until size characters or '\0'
 * 		use this for arrays of characters directly in the parent structure
 * 		which need not be '\0' terminated (such as in IB SA Records).
 * 		size indicates size of array.  A '\0' terminator is added only if the
 * 		input string is less than size.
 * 		Leading and trailing whitespace not trimmed.
 * 		Undefined if also specify subfields
 * k - invoke 'kustom' format_func for output, can use subfields for input
 * 		Leading and trailing whitespace trimmed.
 * 		Enforces that if subfields are specified, no content is	allowed
 *		It is expected that fields without subfields will have explicit
 *		end_func to process them.
 * t - invoke 'kustom' format_func for output, can use subfields for input
 * 		Leading and trailing whitespace not trimmed.
 * 		Enforces that if subfields are specified, no content is	allowed
 *		It is expected that fields without subfields will have explicit
 *		end_func to process them.
 * w - wildcarded tag format.
 * 		Leading and trailing whitespace not trimmed.
 * 		Enforces that if subfields are encountered, no content is allowed
 * 		An end_func should be supplied to handle input, especially when
 * 		no subfields.
 *		Typically used in conjunction with tag name of '*' to permit IXml
 *		parser to implement a stack but manually do tag processing in Start
 *		and End functions.
 * y - trimmed wildcarded tag format.
 * 		Leading and trailing whitespace trimmed.
 * 		Enforces that if subfields are encountered, no content is allowed
 * 		An end_func should be supplied to handle input, especially when
 * 		no subfields.
 *		Typically used in conjunction with tag name of '*' to permit IXml
 *		parser to implement a stack but manually do tag processing in Start
 *		and End functions.
 * The IXmlParserState and IXmlOutputState structures should be treated
 * as opaque structures.  format_func, end_func and start_func should not
 * use fields in these structures.  The necessary information from the state
 * is supplied as explicit arguments.
 * Output:
 * each field is processed in order.
 * If format_func is specified it will be called (regardless of format)
 * with data pointer pointing to present object + offset.
 * If no format_func is specified, the offset and size will be used along
 * with the format to automatically fetch the field and generate output
 * 'k', 't', 'w' and 'y' formats must supply a format_func.
 * Input Parsing:
 * On input parsing, capital letters for format indicate manditory fields
 * Present implementation is limited to no more than 64 manditory fields
 * per object
 * On input parsing, if a start_func is supplied an end_func must also
 * be supplied.  If a end_func is supplied, format is not used to parse
 * data but affects whitespace and subfield processing.
 * An end_func should be supplied for 'k'/'t'/'w'/'y' formats, otherwise
 * the input field will be ignored (recommend use of IXmlParserEndNoop
 * rather than NULL for future compatibility).
 * On output processing, capital letters for format indicate manditory fields
 * which are always output regardless of value.  lower case leters for format
 * are optional fields which will only be output if non-zero/non-NULL.
 * For 'k', 't', 'w' and 'y' fields, its up to the supplied format_func to
 * decide.
 * There are "Optional" variations of most generic format functions which may
 * be used by format_func if desired.
 * For an output only field:
 * 	type/format_func define output
 * 	start_func=NULL, end_func=IXmlParserEndNoop
 * For an input only field:
 * 	type/start_func/end_func define input
 * 	format_func=IXmlOutputNoop
 * For an input/output field:
 * 	type/start_func/end_func define input
 * 	type/format_func define output
 * Error handling:
 * Failures in XML syntax or calls to IXmlParserPrintError will stop
 * the parser with an error.  For such parsing failures, the parser
 * will unwind and invoke the end_func's for all objects whose start_func
 * had been called.  Such calls will have valid=FALSE.  In this case
 * the end_func should undo any operations which the start_func did
 * (free object, remove object from lists in parent to which start func added it
 * etc).
 * If a start_func or end_func encounters a fatal error, it should call
 * IXmlParserPrintError with an appropriate message.  This will output
 * a message including input file line, present tag and the message
 * provided by the caller.  It will also start the parser error and unwind
 * sequence.
 * Once a parser error is detected, no further start_func's will be called.
 * Object handling:
 * The parser assists in tracking object heirachies and provides objects
 * to the start_func and end_func.  The start_func is expected to return an
 * object pointer.  This pointer is typically an object/structure allocated
 * by the start function to hold the subsequent tags.  The pointer returned by
 * the start_func will be provided to the end_func as the "object" argument.
 * Also if there are nested tags (eg. subfields), the object returned by
 * the start_func will also be provided to the nested tags' start_func and
 * end_func as the "parent".
 * Typical operation would be for the start_func to allocate and initialize
 * the empty object.  For simple structures which simply need to be
 * allocated and zeroed, the IXmlParserStartStruct function is provided.
 * Then the end_func would verify the consistency of the fields and link the
 * object into its parent (add to a list or pointer).  If the end_func discovers
 * an error it should call IXmlParserPrintError (or Warning if its non-fatal)
 * and free the object.
 * For simple fields (bitfields, needing special handling, etc).  The
 * start_func can be NULL and the end_func will be given the object and
 * parent applicable to the preceeding tag.
 * The code in ixml_ib.c is a good example of use of the parser.
 * xml_sample provides a simple example of a parser which uses the
 * wildcards to parse and dump any XML file given.
 * opaxmlindent expands on xml_sample by dumping the XML with nice indentation

/* XML Output Declarations */
typedef enum {
	/* flags which can be passed to IXmlInit and IXmlOutputInit */
	IXML_OUTPUT_FLAG_SERIALIZE = 1,	/* compact serialized format */
	/* these flags are for internal use only */
	IXML_OUTPUT_FLAG_START_NEED_NL = 0x10000,	/* start tag output without newline */
	IXML_OUTPUT_FLAG_HAD_CONTENT = 0x20000,	/* tag had content output */
	IXML_OUTPUT_FLAG_IN_START_TAG = 0x40000, /* For printing multiple attrs */
} IXmlOutputFlags_t;

/* these structures should not be directly used by callers */
typedef struct IXmlOutputState {
// TBD - later support output to a memory buffer
	FILE *file;		/* output file */
	unsigned indent;	/* level of indent */
	unsigned cur_indent;	/* level of indent */
	int flags;
	void *context;	/* caller supplied context */
} IXmlOutputState_t;

/* for use in output calls so can early exit */
/* note that IXmlOutputStruct tests this, so in general it does not need to
 * be called in other functions
static _inline boolean IXmlOutputFailed(IXmlOutputState_t *state)
	return (ferror(state->file) != 0);

/* get access to caller supplied context for output */
static _inline void* IXmlOutputGetContext(IXmlOutputState_t *state)
	return state->context;

/* indent is additional indent per level */
extern void IXmlInit(IXmlOutputState_t *state, FILE *file,
				unsigned indent, IXmlOutputFlags_t flags, void *context);
extern FSTATUS IXmlOutputInit(IXmlOutputState_t *state, FILE *file,
				unsigned indent, IXmlOutputFlags_t flags, void *context);
extern void IXmlOutputDestroy(IXmlOutputState_t *state);
extern void IXmlOutputPrint(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *format, ...);
extern void IXmlOutputPrintIndent(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *format, ...);
extern void IXmlOutputNoop(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, void *data);
extern void IXmlOutputStartTag(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag);

 * Print start tag with single attribute and value. Use
 * IXmlOutputStartTag() and IXmlOutputAttr*() if you need to print
 * multiple attributes.
extern void IXmlOutputStartAttrTag(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, void *data, IXML_FORMAT_ATTR_FUNC attr_func);

 * Add @attr with @val to current element tag definition.
 * This doesn't do any sanitizing on @attr or @val so be careful
 * what you put in. Should be called after a call to IXmlOutputStartTag().
 * Any call (direct or indirect) to IXmlOutputPrint() or
 * IXmlOutputPrintIndent() closes the start tag.
 * @return FSUCCESS on success, FERROR if not in the start of a tag
extern FSTATUS IXmlOutputAttr(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *attr, const char *val);

 * Like IXmlOutputAttr() but takes a format string and variable args.
 * As with IXmlOutputAttr(), does not sanitize inputs.
 * @return FSUCCESS on success, FERROR if not in the start of a tag
extern FSTATUS IXmlOutputAttrFmt(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *attr, const char *format, ...);
extern void IXmlOutputEndTag(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag);
extern void IXmlOutputEndTagWithLineno(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, unsigned long lineno);
extern void IXmlOutputHexPad8(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, uint8 value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalHexPad8(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, uint8 value);
extern void IXmlOutputHexPad16(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, uint16 value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalHexPad16(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, uint16 value);
extern void IXmlOutputHexPad32(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, uint32 value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalHexPad32(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, uint32 value);
extern void IXmlOutputHexPad64(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, uint64 value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalHexPad64(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, uint64 value);
extern void IXmlOutputInt(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, int value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalInt(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, int value);
extern void IXmlOutputInt64(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, int64 value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalInt64(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, int64 value);
extern void IXmlOutputUint(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, unsigned value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalUint(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, unsigned value);
extern void IXmlOutputUint64(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, uint64 value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalUint64(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, uint64 value);
extern void IXmlOutputHex(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, unsigned value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalHex(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, unsigned value);
extern void IXmlOutputHex64(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, uint64 value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalHex64(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, uint64 value);
extern void IXmlOutputPrintStrLen(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char* value, int len);
extern void IXmlOutputPrintStr(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char* value);
extern void IXmlOutputStrLen(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, const char* value, int len);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalStrLen(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, const char* value, int len);
extern void IXmlOutputStr(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, const char* value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalStr(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, const char* value);
extern void IXmlOutputStrUint(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, const char* str, unsigned value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalStrUint(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, const char* str, unsigned value);
extern void IXmlOutputStrUint64(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, const char* str, uint64 value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalStrUint64(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, const char* str, uint64 value);
extern void IXmlOutputStrInt(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, const char* str, int value);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalStrInt(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, const char* str, int value);
extern void IXmlOutputStruct(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, void *data,
				IXML_FORMAT_ATTR_FUNC attr_func, const IXML_FIELD *fields);
extern void IXmlOutputOptionalStruct(IXmlOutputState_t *state, const char *tag, void *data, IXML_FORMAT_ATTR_FUNC attr_func, IXML_FIELD *fields);

/* XML Parser declarations */
/* these structures should not be directly used by callers */
typedef struct IXmlParserStackEntry {
	char *tag;				// locally allocated copy
	const IXML_FIELD *field;
	const IXML_FIELD *subfields;
	void *object;
	unsigned tags_found;	// total subfield tags encountered including dups
	uint64 fields_found;	// bit mask of indexes into subfields
} IXmlParserStackEntry_t;

#define STACK_DEPTH 100

typedef struct IXmlParserStack {
	/* TOS is kept in state->current instead */
	unsigned sp;	/* if 0, stack is empty */
	IXmlParserStackEntry_t entries[STACK_DEPTH];	/* entry 0 is unused */
} IXmlParserStack_t;

/* callbacks by the parser to output errors and warnings */
typedef void (*IXmlParserPrintMessage)(const char *message);

typedef struct IXmlParserState {
// TBD - later support input from a memory buffer
	XML_Parser parser;
	int			flags;	/* parser option flags */
	unsigned	depth;	/* how many nested elements deep >= 1 */
	unsigned 	skip;	/* skip all elements until we return to this depth */
	IXmlParserStackEntry_t current; /* state of current element being parsed */
	XML_Char *content;	/* text contents of current element */
	unsigned len;		/* number of characters in content */
	IXmlParserStack_t stack;	/* stack of parent elements' states */
	unsigned error_cnt;
	unsigned warning_cnt;
	void *context;	/* caller supplied context */
	IXmlParserPrintMessage printError;
	IXmlParserPrintMessage printWarning;
} IXmlParserState_t;

/* get access to caller supplied context for input */
static _inline void* IXmlParserGetContext(IXmlParserState_t *state)
	return state->context;

typedef enum {
	/* flags which can be passed to IXmlInit and IXmlOutputInit */
	IXML_PARSER_FLAG_STRICT = 1,	/* provide warnings for unknown tags, etc */
} IXmlParserFlags_t;

/* get parser option flags */
extern int IXmlParserGetFlags(IXmlParserState_t *state);

/* get current tag name, returns NULL if no current tag */
extern const char* IXmlParserGetCurrentTag(IXmlParserState_t *state);

/* get parent tag name, returns NULL if no parent tag */
extern const char* IXmlParserGetParentTag(IXmlParserState_t *state);

/* get current Full dotted tag name, returns NULL if no current tag,
 * returns pointer to a static buffer which is invalid after next call
 * to this function
 * In the event of overflow, the string "overflow" is returned
extern const char* IXmlParserGetCurrentFullTag(IXmlParserState_t *state);

/* get count of child tags to current tag, typically called in ParserEnd */
extern unsigned  IXmlParserGetChildTagCount(IXmlParserState_t *state);

// set subfields for present tag, only valid to call within ParserStart
// callback.  This will override the subfields which were specified for
// the current IXML_FIELD structure
extern void IXmlParserSetSubfields(IXmlParserState_t *state, const IXML_FIELD *subfields);

// set field for present tag, only valid to call within ParserStart
// callback.  This will override the field which was specified for
// the matching IXML_FIELD structure
// Beware the ParserEndFunc in field will be called instead of the one in
// the original subfields list which matched this tag
// The current subfields are also set to field->subfields
extern void IXmlParserSetField(IXmlParserState_t *state, const IXML_FIELD *field);

// output an error message and increment error_cnt
extern void IXmlParserPrintError(IXmlParserState_t *state, const char *format, ...);

// output a warning message and increment warning_cnt
extern void IXmlParserPrintWarning(IXmlParserState_t *state, const char *format, ...);

/* helper functions to aid getting field pointer in end_func callbacks */
/* this is useful when implementing reusable end_func's which don't know exact
 * datatype of object
static _inline void* IXmlParserGetField(const IXML_FIELD* field, void *object)
	return (void*)((uintn)object + field->offset);

/* helper functions to aid parsing of unsigned hex or decimal fields */
/* return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
 * on failure IXmlParserPrintError called to describe error and move
 * parser to Failed state
extern boolean IXmlParseUint8(IXmlParserState_t *state,
							XML_Char *content, unsigned len, uint8 *value);
extern boolean IXmlParseUint16(IXmlParserState_t *state,
							XML_Char *content, unsigned len, uint16 *value);
extern boolean IXmlParseUint32(IXmlParserState_t *state,
							XML_Char *content, unsigned len, uint32 *value);
extern boolean IXmlParseUint64(IXmlParserState_t *state,
							XML_Char *content, unsigned len, uint64 *value);

/* helper functions to aid parsing of signed decimal fields */
extern boolean IXmlParseInt8(IXmlParserState_t *state,
							XML_Char *content, unsigned len, int8 *value);
extern boolean IXmlParseInt16(IXmlParserState_t *state,
							XML_Char *content, unsigned len, int16 *value);
extern boolean IXmlParseInt32(IXmlParserState_t *state,
							XML_Char *content, unsigned len, int32 *value);
extern boolean IXmlParseInt64(IXmlParserState_t *state,
							XML_Char *content, unsigned len, int64 *value);

/* start_func for a simple structure.  Allocates and zeros the structure using
 * size specified in XML_FIELD
extern void *IXmlParserStartStruct(IXmlParserState_t *state, void *parent, const char **attr);

/* end tag function which is a noop.  Use this with start_func=NULL
 * to define XML_FIELDs which are output only
extern void IXmlParserEndNoop(struct IXmlParserState *state, 
				const IXML_FIELD *field,
				void *object, void *parent, XML_Char *content, unsigned len,
				boolean valid);

/* return TRUE if current field's contents are empty or all whitespace */
boolean IXmlIsWhitespace(const XML_Char *str, boolean *hasNewline);

/* discard leading and trailing whitespace in str, return new length
 * str modified in place
unsigned IXmlTrimWhitespace(XML_Char *str, unsigned len);

extern FSTATUS IXmlParserInit(IXmlParserState_t *state, IXmlParserFlags_t flags,
				const IXML_FIELD *subfields, void *object, void *context,
				IXmlParserPrintMessage printError,
			   	IXmlParserPrintMessage printWarning,
				XML_Memory_Handling_Suite* memsuite);

extern FSTATUS IXmlParserReadFile(IXmlParserState_t *state, FILE *file);
extern void IXmlParserDestroy(IXmlParserState_t *state);

#ifndef VXWORKS
// parse supplied file.  filename is only used in error messages
extern FSTATUS IXmlParseFile(FILE *file, const char* filename,
			   	IXmlParserFlags_t flags,
				const IXML_FIELD *subfields, void *object, void *context,
				IXmlParserPrintMessage printError,
			   	IXmlParserPrintMessage printWarning,
				unsigned* tags_found, unsigned *fields_found);
// open and parse input_file
extern FSTATUS IXmlParseInputFile(const char *input_file,
			   	IXmlParserFlags_t flags,
				const IXML_FIELD *subfields, void *object, void *context,
				IXmlParserPrintMessage printError,
			   	IXmlParserPrintMessage printWarning,
				unsigned* tags_found, unsigned *fields_found);
// parse supplied file.  filename is only used in error messages
extern FSTATUS IXmlParseFile(FILE *file, const char* filename,
			   	IXmlParserFlags_t flags,
				const IXML_FIELD *subfields, void *object, void *context,
				IXmlParserPrintMessage printError,
			   	IXmlParserPrintMessage printWarning,
				unsigned* tags_found, unsigned *fields_found,
				XML_Memory_Handling_Suite* memsuite);
// open and parse input_file
extern FSTATUS IXmlParseInputFile(const char *input_file,
			   	IXmlParserFlags_t flags,
				const IXML_FIELD *subfields, void *object, void *context,
				IXmlParserPrintMessage printError,
			   	IXmlParserPrintMessage printWarning,
				unsigned* tags_found, unsigned *fields_found,
				XML_Memory_Handling_Suite* memsuite);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _IBA_PUBLIC_IXML_H_ */