Blob Blame History Raw
#use "";;

let () = test "BasicNativeTree"
  ~description:"Output tree for native compilation"
  ~tree:[T.f ""]
  ~targets:("dummy.native",[]) ();;

let () = test "BasicByteTree"
  ~description:"Output tree for byte compilation"
  ~tree:[T.f ""]
  ~targets:("dummy.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "SeveralTargets"
  ~description:"Several targets"
  ~tree:[T.f ""]
  ~matching:[_build (M.lf ["dummy.byte"; "dummy.native"])]
  ~targets:("dummy.byte",["dummy.native"]) ();;

let alt_build_dir = "BuIlD2";;

let () = test "BuildDir"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `build_dir alt_build_dir]
  ~description:"Different build directory"
  ~tree:[T.f ""]
  ~matching:[M.d alt_build_dir (M.lf ["dummy.byte"])]
  ~targets:("dummy.byte",[]) ();;

let tag_pat_msgs =
  ["*:a", "File \"_tags\", line 1, characters 0-2:\n\
           Lexing error: Invalid globbing pattern \"*\".";

   "\n<*{>:a", "File \"_tags\", line 2, characters 0-5:\n\
                Lexing error: Invalid globbing pattern \"<*{>\".";

   "<*>: ~@a,# ~a", "File \"_tags\", line 1, characters 10-11:\n\
                     Lexing error: Only ',' separated tags are allowed."];;

List.iteri (fun i (content,failing_msg) ->
  let () = test (Printf.sprintf "TagsErrorMessage_%d" (i+1))
    ~description:"Confirm relevance of an error message due to erronous _tags"
    ~tree:[T.f "_tags" ~content; T.f ""]
    ~targets:("dummy.native",[]) ()
  in ()) tag_pat_msgs;;

let () = test "Itarget"
  ~description:".itarget building with dependencies between the modules (PR#5686)"
  ~tree:[T.f "foo.itarget" ~content:"a.cma\nb.byte\n"; T.f ""; T.f "" ~content:"open A\n"]
  ~matching:[M.f "a.cma"; M.f "b.byte"]
  ~targets:("foo.otarget",[]) ();;

let () = test "PackAcross"
  ~description:"Pack using a module from the other tree (PR#4592)"
  ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let _ = Pack.Packed.g ()\n";
         T.f "Pack.mlpack" ~content:"pack/Packed";
         T.f "_tags" ~content:"<lib>: include\n<pack/*.cmx>: for-pack(Pack)\n";
         T.d "lib" [T.f "" ~content:"let f()=()";
                    T.f "Lib.mli" ~content:"val f : unit -> unit"];
         T.d "pack" [T.f "" ~content:"let g() = Lib.f ()"]]
  ~matching:[M.f "main.byte"; M.f "main.native"]
  ~targets:("main.byte", ["main.native"])

let () = test "PackAcross2"
  ~description:"Pack using a module from the other tree (PR#4592)"
  ~tree:[T.f "a2.mli" ~content:"val f : unit -> unit";
         T.f "" ~content:"let f _ = ()";
         T.f "" ~content:"module A = A2";
         T.f "" ~content:"let g = Lib.A.f";
         T.f "sup.mlpack" ~content:"B";
         T.f "" ~content:"Sup.B.g"]
  ~matching:[M.f "prog.byte"]
  ~targets:("prog.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "PackAcross3"
  ~description:"Pack using a module from the other tree (PR#4592)"
  ~tree:[T.d "foo" [ T.f "" ~content:"let baz = Quux.xyzzy"];
         T.f "foo.mlpack" ~content:"foo/Bar";
         T.f "" ~content:"prerr_endline Foo.Bar.baz";
         T.f "";
         T.f "" ~content:"let xyzzy = \"xyzzy\"";
         T.f "quux.mli" ~content:"val xyzzy : string"]
  ~matching:[M.f "main.byte"]
  ~targets:("main.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "NativeMliCmi"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `ocamlc "toto" (*using ocamlc would fail*);
  ~description:"check that ocamlopt is used for .mli->.cmi \
                when tag 'native' is set (part of PR#4613)"
  ~tree:[T.f "foo.mli" ~content:"val bar : int"]
  ~matching:[_build [M.f "foo.cmi"]]
  ~targets:("foo.cmi",[]) ();;

let () = test "NoIncludeNoHygiene1"
  ~description:"check that hygiene checks are only done in traversed directories\
  ~tree:[T.d "must_ignore" [ T.f "dirty.mli" ~content:"val bug : int"];
         T.f "" ~content:"print_endline \"Hello, World!\"";
         T.f "_tags" ~content:"<must_ignore>: -traverse"]
  ~pre_cmd:"ocamlc -c must_ignore/dirty.mli"
            (* will make hygiene fail if must_ignore/ is checked *)
  ~targets:("hello.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "NoIncludeNoHygiene2"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `build_dir "must_ignore"]
  ~description:"check that hygiene checks are not done on the -build-dir \
  ~tree:[T.d "must_ignore" [ T.f "dirty.mli" ~content:"val bug : int"];
         T.f "" ~content:"print_endline \"Hello, World!\"";
         T.f "_tags" ~content:""]
  ~pre_cmd:"ocamlc -c must_ignore/dirty.mli"
            (* will make hygiene fail if must_ignore/ is checked *)
  ~targets:("hello.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "NoIncludeNoHygiene3"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `X "must_ignore"]
  ~description:"check that hygiene checks are not done on excluded dirs (PR#4502)"
  ~tree:[T.d "must_ignore" [ T.f "dirty.mli" ~content:"val bug : int"];
         T.f "" ~content:"print_endline \"Hello, World!\"";
         T.f "_tags" ~content:""]
  ~pre_cmd:"ocamlc -c must_ignore/dirty.mli"
            (* will make hygiene fail if must_ignore/ is checked *)
  ~targets:("hello.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "OutputObj"
  ~description:"output_obj targets for native and bytecode (PR #6049)"
  ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"print_endline \"Hello, World!\""]
  ~targets:("hello.byte.o",["hello.byte.c";"hello.native.o"]) ();;

let () = test "OutputShared"
  ~description:"output_shared targets for native and bytecode (PR #6733)"
  ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"print_endline \"Hello, World!\"";
         T.f "_tags" ~content:"<*.so>: runtime_variant(_pic)"]
  ~targets:("",[""]) ();;

let () = test "CmxsStubLink"
  ~description:".cmxs link rules pass correct -I flags"
  ~tree:[T.d "src" [
           T.f "foo_stubs.c" ~content:"";
           T.f "libfoo_stubs.clib" ~content:"foo_stubs.o";
           T.f "" ~content:"";
         T.f "_tags" ~content:"
<src/foo.{cma,cmxa}> : record_foo_stubs
<src/foo.cmxs> : link_foo_stubs";
         T.f "" ~content:"
open Ocamlbuild_plugin
let () =
  dispatch begin function
  | After_rules ->
      dep [\"record_foo_stubs\"] [\"src/libfoo_stubs.a\"];
        [\"link\"; \"ocaml\"; \"link_foo_stubs\"] (P \"src/libfoo_stubs.a\");
      flag [\"library\"; \"ocaml\";           \"record_foo_stubs\"]
        (S ([A \"-cclib\"; A \"-lfoo_stubs\"]));
  | _ -> ()
  ~targets:("src/foo.cmxs",[]) ();;

let () = test "StrictSequenceFlag"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet]
  ~description:"strict_sequence tag"
  ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let () = 1; ()";
         T.f "_tags" ~content:"true: strict_sequence\n"]
  ~failing_msg:"File \"\", line 1, characters 9-10:
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type
         unit\nCommand exited with code 2."
  ~targets:("hello.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "StrictFormatsFlag"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet]
  ~description:"strict_format tag"
  ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let _ = Printf.printf \"%.10s\"";
         T.f "_tags" ~content:"true: strict_formats\n"]
  ~failing_msg:"File \"\", line 1, characters 22-29:
Error: invalid format \"%.10s\": at character number 0, \
`precision' is incompatible with 's' in sub-format \"%.10s\"
Command exited with code 2."
  ~targets:("hello.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "PrincipalFlag"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet]
  ~description:"-principal tag"
  ~tree:[T.f ""
            ~content:"type s={foo:int;bar:unit} type t={foo:int}
                      let f x = (;";
         T.f "_tags" ~content:"true: principal\n"]
  ~failing_msg:"File \"\", line 2, characters 42-45:
Warning 18: this type-based field disambiguation is not principal."
  ~targets:("hello.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "ModularPlugin1"
  ~description:"test a plugin with dependency on external libraries"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet; `plugin_tag "use_str"]
  ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
         T.f "" ~content:"ignore (Str.quote \"\");;"]
  ~matching:[M.f "main.byte"]
  ~targets:("main.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "ModularPlugin2"
  ~description:"check that parametrized tags defined by the plugin \
                do not warn at plugin-compilation time"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet]
  ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
         T.f "_tags" ~content:"<main.*>: toto(-g)";
         T.f ""
           ~content:"open Ocamlbuild_plugin;;
                     pflag [\"link\"] \"toto\" (fun arg -> A arg);;"]
  ~matching:[M.f "main.byte"]
  ~targets:("main.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "ModularPlugin3"
  ~description:"check that unknown parametrized tags encountered \
                during plugin compilation still warn"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet; `plugin_tag "toto(-g)"]
  ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
         T.f ""
           ~content:"open Ocamlbuild_plugin;;
                     pflag [\"link\"] \"toto\" (fun arg -> A arg);;"]
  ~failing_msg:"Warning: tag \"toto\" does not expect a parameter, \
                but is used with parameter \"-g\""
  ~matching:[M.f "main.byte"]
  ~targets:("main.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "PluginCompilation1"
  ~description:"check that the plugin is not compiled when -no-plugin is passed"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `no_plugin]
  ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
         T.f "" ~content:"prerr_endline \"foo\";;"]
  ~matching:[_build [M.Not (M.f "myocamlbuild")]]
  ~targets:("main.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "PluginCompilation2"
  ~description:"check that the plugin is compiled when -just-plugin is passed"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `just_plugin]
  ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
         T.f "" ~content:"print_endline \"foo\";;"]
  ~matching:[_build [M.f "myocamlbuild"]]
  ~targets:("", []) ();;

let () = test "PluginCompilation3"
  ~description:"check that the plugin is not executed \
                when -just-plugin is passed"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet; `just_plugin]
  ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
         T.f "" ~content:"print_endline \"foo\";;"]
  (* if the plugin were executed we'd get "foo" in failing_msg *)
  ~targets:("main.byte", []) ();;

let () = test "PluginTagsWarning"
  ~description:"check that a warning is raised if -plugin-tags \
                is used without a plugin file"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `plugin_tag "use_str"]
  ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:""]
  ~matching:[_build [M.f "main.cmo"]]
  ~failing_msg:"Warning: option -plugin-tag(s) has no effect \
                in absence of plugin file \"\""
  ~targets:("", []) ();;

let () = test "TagsInNonHygienic"
  ~description:"Regression test for PR#6482, where a _tags \
                in a non-traversed directory would cause \
                ocamlbuild to abort"
    T.f "" ~content:"";
    T.d "deps" [T.f "_tags" ~content:""];
    T.f "_tags" ~content:"<deps>: not_hygienic\n";
  ~matching:[M.f "main.byte"]
  ~targets:("main.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "TagsNewlines"
  ~description:"Regression test for PR#6087 about placement \
                of newline-escaping backslashes"
    T.f "" ~content:"";
    T.f "_tags" ~content:
"<foo>: debug,\\
<bar>: \\
debug, rectypes
: debug, rectypes
  ~matching:[M.f "main.byte"]
  ~targets:("main.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "OpenTag"
  ~description:"Test the parametrized tag for the new -open feature"
    T.f "" ~content:"let _ = map rev [ []; [3;2] ]";
    T.f "_tags" ~content: "<test.*>: open(List)";
  ~matching:[M.f "test.byte"]
  ~targets:("test.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "OpenDependencies"
  ~description:"Test dependency computation for the new -open feature (PR#6584)"
    T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
    T.f "" ~content:"print_int x; print_newline ()";
    T.f "_tags" ~content: "<b.*>: open(A)";
  ~matching:[M.f "b.byte"]
  ~targets:("b.byte",[]) ();;

let () = test "TargetsStartingWithUnderscore"
  ~description:"Build targets whose name starts with '_'"
  requested by Daniel Bünzli on the caml-list:
     Subject: [Caml-list] ocamlbuild, build a source that starts with _
     Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2016 14:35:06 +0100
  ~tree:[ T.f "_a.c" ~content:"" ]
  ~targets:("_a.o", []) ();;

let () = test "OpaqueEverything"
  ~description:"Check that tagging everything opaque does not break build"
  Since 4.03, ocamlc also handles the -opaque flag and it has
  an interesting semantics when compiling .cmi flags. This means that
  under 4.03 we must add the -opaque flags on .cmi targets, while
  this would break compilation under older version. Check that code
  previously written with "-tag opaque" does not break on older OCaml
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `tag "opaque"]
  ~tree:[ T.f "test.mli" ~content:"val x : int";
          T.f ""  ~content:"let x = 123"; ]
  ~targets:("test.byte", []) ();;

let () = test "ForPackEverything"
  ~description:"Check that tagging everything with -for-pack does not break build"
  OCaml's PR#5995 highlighted that also using -for-pack for bytecode
  compilation was benefitial in some situations (when using OCaml 4.03
  or higher), so we changed ocamlbuild to pass the -for-pack flag
  under both native and bytecode compilation, instead of just native.
  Check that this does not break bytecode compilation.
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `tag "for_pack(Foo)"]
  ~tree:[ T.f "test.mli" ~content:"val x : int";
          T.f ""  ~content:"let x = 123"; ]
  ~targets:("test.cmo", []) ();;

let () = test "CLibFromCObj"
  ~description:"Build a C library from a C object file"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `no_plugin]
    T.f "test.c" ~content:{|
#include <stdio.h>
#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
#include <caml/memory.h>
CAMLprim value hello_world(value unit)
  CAMLparam1 (unit);
  printf("Hello World!\n");
  CAMLreturn (Val_unit);
  ~targets:("libtest.a", []) ();;

let () = test "JustNoPlugin"
    ~description:"(ocamlbuild -just-plugin) should do nothing when no plugin is there"
    ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `just_plugin]
    ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:{|print_endline "Hellow World"|};]
    (* we check that the target is *not* built *)
    ~matching:[_build [M.Not (M.f "test.cmo")]]
    ~targets:("test.cmo", [])

let () = test "CmxsFromMllib1"
  ~description:"Check that a .cmxs file can be built from a .mllib file"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `no_plugin]
    T.f "" ~content:"let a = 1\n";
    T.f "" ~content:"let b = true\n";
    T.f "foo.mllib" ~content:"A\nB\n";
  ~targets:("foo.cmxs", []) ();;

let () = test "CmxsFromMllib2"
  ~description:"Check that a .cmxs file can be built from a .mllib file,
                even when one of the module has the same name as the library"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `no_plugin]
    T.f "" ~content:"let a = 1\n";
    T.f "" ~content:"let b = true\n";
    T.f "" ~content:"let foo = (A.a, B.b)\n";
    T.f "foo.mllib" ~content:"A\nB\nFoo\n";
  ~targets:("foo.cmxs", []) ();;

let () = test "MldylibOverridesMllib"
  ~description:"Check that the rule producing a cmxs from a .mllib only \
                triggers if there is no .mldylib"
   GPR #132 (requested by issue #131) adds a new rule which allows producing a
   .cmxs from a .mllib, where previously this was only possible by providing
   a separate .mldylib file. This test ensures that the added rule behaves
   conservatively, i.e. only triggers when no .mldylib file can be found.
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `no_plugin]
  ~matching:[_build [M.Not (M.f "bar.cmi")]]
    T.f "";
    T.f "";
    T.f "mylib.mllib" ~content:"Foo\nBar";
    T.f "mylib.mldylib" ~content:"Foo";
  ~targets:("mylib.cmxs", []) ();;

let () = test "MldylibOverridesCmx"
  ~description:"Check that the rule producing foo.cmxs from foo.mldylib \
                takes precedence over the one that uses foo.cmx"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `no_plugin]
  ~matching:[_build [M.f "bar.cmi"]]
    T.f "";
    T.f "";
    T.f "foo.mldylib" ~content:"Foo\nBar";
  ~targets:("foo.cmx", ["foo.cmxs"]) ();;

let () = test "MllibOverridesCmx"
  ~description:"Check that the rule producing foo.cmxs from foo.mllib \
                takes precedence over the one that uses foo.cmx"
  ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `no_plugin]
  ~matching:[_build [M.f "bar.cmi"]]
    T.f "";
    T.f "";
    T.f "foo.mllib" ~content:"Foo\nBar";
  ~targets:("foo.cmx", ["foo.cmxs"]) ();;

run ~root:"_test_internal";;