(* *)
(* OCaml LablTk library *)
(* *)
(* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *)
(* General Public License, with the special exception on linking *)
(* described in file ../../../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
open Widget
val top_widgets : any widget list ref
type module_widgets =
{ mw_frame: frame widget;
mw_title: label widget option;
mw_detach: button widget;
mw_edit: button widget;
mw_intf: button widget }
val add_shown_module : Path.t -> widgets:module_widgets -> unit
val find_shown_module : Path.t -> module_widgets
val is_shown_module : Path.t -> bool
val default_frame : module_widgets option ref
val set_path : (Path.t -> sign:Types.signature -> unit) ref
val view_defined_ref : (Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit) ref
val editor_ref :
(?file:string -> ?pos:int -> ?opendialog:bool -> unit -> unit) ref
val view_signature :
?title:string ->
?path:Path.t -> ?env:Env.t -> ?detach:bool -> Types.signature -> unit
val view_signature_item :
Types.signature -> path:Path.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
val view_module_id : Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
val view_type_id : Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
val view_class_id : Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
val view_cltype_id : Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
val view_modtype_id : Longident.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
val view_type_decl : Path.t -> env:Env.t -> unit
type skind = [`Type|`Class|`Module|`Modtype]
val search_pos_signature :
Parsetree.signature -> pos:int -> env:Env.t ->
((skind * Longident.t) * Env.t * Location.t) list
val view_decl : Longident.t -> kind:skind -> env:Env.t -> unit
val view_decl_menu :
Longident.t ->
kind:skind -> env:Env.t -> parent:text widget -> menu widget
type fkind = [
`Exp of
[`Expr|`Pat|`Const|`Val of Path.t|`Var of Path.t|`New of Path.t]
* Types.type_expr
| `Class of Path.t * Types.class_type
| `Module of Path.t * Types.module_type
val search_pos_structure :
pos:int -> Typedtree.structure_item list ->
(fkind * Env.t * Location.t) list
val search_pos_info :
pos:int -> Stypes.annotation list -> (fkind * Env.t * Location.t) list
val view_type : fkind -> env:Env.t -> unit
val view_type_menu : fkind -> env:Env.t -> parent:'a widget -> menu widget
val parent_path : Path.t -> Path.t option
val string_of_path : Path.t -> string
val string_of_longident : Longident.t -> string
val lines_to_chars : int -> text:string -> int