(* *)
(* OCaml LablTk library *)
(* *)
(* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *)
(* General Public License, with the special exception on linking *)
(* described in file ../../../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
open StdLabels
module Unix = UnixLabels
open Tk
let fatal_error text =
let top = openTk ~clas:"OCamlBrowser" () in
let mw = Message.create top ~text ~padx:20 ~pady:10
~width:400 ~justify:`Left ~aspect:400 ~anchor:`W
and b = Button.create top ~text:"OK" ~command:(fun () -> destroy top) in
pack [mw] ~side:`Top ~fill:`Both;
pack [b] ~side:`Bottom;
mainLoop ();
exit 0
let rec get_incr key = function
[] -> raise Not_found
| (k, c, d) :: rem ->
if k = key then
match c with Arg.Set _ | Arg.Clear _ | Arg.Unit _ -> false | _ -> true
else get_incr key rem
let check ~spec argv =
let i = ref 1 in
while !i < Array.length argv do
let a = get_incr argv.(!i) spec in
incr i; if a then incr i
with Not_found ->
i := Array.length argv + 1
!i = Array.length argv
open Printf
let print_version () =
printf "The OCaml browser, version %s\n" Sys.ocaml_version;
exit 0;
let print_version_num () =
printf "%s\n" Sys.ocaml_version;
exit 0;
let usage ~spec errmsg =
let b = Buffer.create 1024 in
bprintf b "%s\n" errmsg;
List.iter (function (key, _, doc) -> bprintf b " %s %s\n" key doc) spec;
Buffer.contents b
let _ =
let is_win32 = Sys.os_type = "Win32" in
if is_win32 then
Format.pp_set_formatter_output_functions Format.err_formatter
(fun _ _ _ -> ()) (fun _ -> ());
let path = ref [] in
let st = ref true in
let spec =
[ "-I", Arg.String (fun s -> path := s :: !path),
"<dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories";
"-labels", Arg.Clear Clflags.classic, " <obsolete>";
"-nolabels", Arg.Set Clflags.classic,
" Ignore non-optional labels in types";
"-oldui", Arg.Clear st, " Revert back to old UI";
"-pp", Arg.String (fun s -> Clflags.preprocessor := Some s),
"<command> Pipe sources through preprocessor <command>";
"-rectypes", Arg.Set Clflags.recursive_types,
" Allow arbitrary recursive types";
"-safe-string", Arg.Clear Clflags.unsafe_string,
" Make strings immutable";
"-short-paths", Arg.Clear Clflags.real_paths, " Shorten paths in types";
"-version", Arg.Unit print_version,
" Print version and exit";
"-vnum", Arg.Unit print_version_num, " Print version number and exit";
"-w", Arg.String (fun s -> Shell.warnings := s),
"<flags> Enable or disable warnings according to <flags>"; ]
and errmsg = "Command line: ocamlbrowser <options>" in
if not (check ~spec Sys.argv) then fatal_error (usage ~spec errmsg);
Arg.parse spec
(fun name -> raise(Arg.Bad("don't know what to do with " ^ name)))
Config.load_path :=
Sys.getcwd ()
:: List.rev_map ~f:(Misc.expand_directory Config.standard_library) !path
@ [Config.standard_library];
Warnings.parse_options false !Shell.warnings;
Unix.putenv "TERM" "noterminal";
try Searchid.start_env := Compmisc.initial_env ()
with _ ->
(Printf.sprintf "%s\nPlease check that %s %s\nCurrent value is `%s'"
"Couldn't initialize environment."
(if is_win32 then "%OCAMLLIB%" else "$OCAMLLIB")
"points to the OCaml library."
Searchpos.view_defined_ref := (fun s ~env -> Viewer.view_defined s ~env);
Searchpos.editor_ref := Editor.f;
let top = openTk ~clas:"OCamlBrowser" () in
Jg_config.init ();
(* bind top ~events:[`Destroy] ~action:(fun _ -> exit 0); *)
at_exit Shell.kill_all;
if !st then Viewer.st_viewer ~on:top ()
else Viewer.f ~on:top ();
while true do
if is_win32 then mainLoop ()
else Printexc.print mainLoop ()
with Protocol.TkError _ ->
if not is_win32 then flush stderr