%(* *)
%(* MLTk, Tcl/Tk interface of OCaml *)
%(* *)
%(* Francois Rouaix, Francois Pessaux, Jun Furuse and Pierre Weis *)
%(* projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
%(* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *)
%(* *)
%(* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
%(* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *)
%(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *)
%(* General Public License, with the special exception on linking *)
%(* described in file LICENSE found in the OCaml source tree. *)
%(* *)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Standard Tk8.0.3 Widgets and functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
type Widget external
% cget will probably never be implemented with verifications
function (string) cgets [widget; "cget"; string]
% another version with some hack is
type options_constrs external
function (string) cget [widget; "cget"; options_constrs]
% constructors of type options_constrs are of the form C<c>
% where <c> is an option constructor (e.g. CBackground)
%%%%% Some types for standard options of widgets
type Anchor {
NW ["nw"] N ["n"] NE ["ne"]
W ["w"] Center ["center"] E ["e"]
SW ["sw"] S ["s"] SE ["se"]
type Bitmap external % builtin_GetBitmap.ml
type Cursor external % builtin_GetCursor.ml
type Color external % builtin_GetCursor.ml
##ifdef CAMLTK
type ImageBitmap {
BitmapImage [string]
type ImagePhoto {
PhotoImage [string]
variant type ImageBitmap {
Bitmap [string]
variant type ImagePhoto {
Photo [string]
variant type Image {
Bitmap [string]
Photo [string]
type Justification {
Justify_Left ["left"]
Justify_Center ["center"]
Justify_Right ["right"]
type Orientation {
Vertical ["vertical"]
Horizontal ["horizontal"]
type Relief {
Raised ["raised"]
Sunken ["sunken"]
Flat ["flat"]
Ridge ["ridge"]
Solid ["solid"]
Groove ["groove"]
type TextVariable external % textvariable.ml
type Units external % builtin_GetPixel.ml
%%%%% The standard options, as defined in man page options(n)
%%%%% The subtype is never used
subtype option(standard) {
ActiveBackground ["-activebackground"; Color]
ActiveBorderWidth ["-activeborderwidth"; Units/int]
ActiveForeground ["-activeforeground"; Color]
Anchor ["-anchor"; Anchor]
Background ["-background"; Color]
Bitmap ["-bitmap"; Bitmap]
BorderWidth ["-borderwidth"; Units/int]
Cursor ["-cursor"; Cursor]
DisabledForeground ["-disabledforeground"; Color]
ExportSelection ["-exportselection"; bool]
Font ["-font"; string]
Foreground ["-foreground"; Color]
% Geometry is not one of standard options...
Geometry ["-geometry"; string] % Too variable to encode
HighlightBackground ["-highlightbackground"; Color]
HighlightColor ["-highlightcolor"; Color]
HighlightThickness ["-highlightthickness"; Units/int]
##ifdef CAMLTK
% images are split, to do additionnal static typing
ImageBitmap (ImageBitmap) ["-image"; ImageBitmap]
ImagePhoto (ImagePhoto) ["-image"; ImagePhoto]
Image ["-image"; Image]
InsertBackground ["-insertbackground"; Color]
InsertBorderWidth ["-insertborderwidth"; Units/int]
InsertOffTime ["-insertofftime"; int] % Positive only
InsertOnTime ["-insertontime"; int] % Idem
InsertWidth ["-insertwidth"; Units/int]
Jump ["-jump"; bool]
Justify ["-justify"; Justification]
Orient ["-orient"; Orientation]
PadX ["-padx"; Units/int]
PadY ["-pady"; Units/int]
Relief ["-relief"; Relief]
RepeatDelay ["-repeatdelay"; int]
RepeatInterval ["-repeatinterval"; int]
SelectBackground ["-selectbackground"; Color]
SelectBorderWidth ["-selectborderwidth"; Units/int]
SelectForeground ["-selectforeground"; Color]
SetGrid ["-setgrid"; bool]
% incomplete description of TakeFocus
TakeFocus ["-takefocus"; bool]
Text ["-text"; string]
TextVariable ["-textvariable"; TextVariable]
TroughColor ["-troughcolor"; Color]
UnderlinedChar ["-underline"; int]
WrapLength ["-wraplength"; Units/int]
XScrollCommand ["-xscrollcommand"; function(first:float, last:float)]
YScrollCommand ["-yscrollcommand"; function(first:float, last:float)]
%%%% Some other common types
type Index external % builtin_index.ml
type sequence ScrollValue external % builtin_ScrollValue.ml
% type sequence ScrollValue {
% MoveTo ["moveto"; float]
% ScrollUnit ["scroll"; int; "unit"]
% ScrollPage ["scroll"; int; "page"]
% }
%%%%% bell(n)
module Bell {
##ifdef CAMLTK
function () ring ["bell"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]]
function () ring_displayof ["bell"; "-displayof" ; displayof: widget]
function () ring ["bell"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]]
%%%%% bind(n)
% builtin_bind.ml
%%%%% bindtags(n)
%type Bindings {
% TagBindings [string]
% WidgetBindings [widget]
% }
type Bindings external
function () bindtags ["bindtags"; widget; [bindings: Bindings list]]
function (Bindings list) bindtags_get ["bindtags"; widget]
%%%%% bitmap(n)
subtype option(bitmapimage) {
Data ["-data"; string]
File ["-file"; string]
Maskdata ["-maskdata"; string]
Maskfile ["-maskfile"; string]
module Imagebitmap {
function (ImageBitmap) create ["image"; "create"; "bitmap"; ?name:[ImageBitmap]; option(bitmapimage) list]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (ImageBitmap) create_named ["image"; "create"; "bitmap"; ImageBitmap; option(bitmapimage) list]
function () delete ["image"; "delete"; ImageBitmap]
function (int) height ["image"; "height"; ImageBitmap]
function (int) width ["image"; "width"; ImageBitmap]
function () configure [ImageBitmap; "configure"; option(bitmapimage) list]
function (string) configure_get [ImageBitmap; "configure"]
% Functions inherited from the "image" TK class
%%%%% button(n)
type State {
Normal ["normal"]
Active ["active"]
Disabled ["disabled"]
Hidden ["hidden"] % introduced in tk8.3, requested for Syndex
widget button {
% Standard options
option ActiveBackground
option ActiveForeground
option Anchor
option Background
option Bitmap
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option DisabledForeground
option Font
option Foreground
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
##ifdef CAMLTK
option ImageBitmap
option ImagePhoto
option Image
option Justify
option PadX
option PadY
option Relief
option TakeFocus
option Text
option TextVariable
option UnderlinedChar
option WrapLength
% Widget specific options
option Command ["-command"; function ()]
option Default ["-default"; State]
option Height ["-height"; Units/int]
option State ["-state"; State]
option Width ["-width"; Units/int]
function () configure [widget(button); "configure"; option(button) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(button); "configure"]
function () flash [widget(button); "flash"]
function () invoke [widget(button); "invoke"]
%%%%%% canvas(n)
% Item ids and tags
type TagOrId {
Tag [string]
Id [int]
% Indices: defined internally
% subtype Index(canvas) {
% Number End Insert SelFirst SelLast AtXY
% }
type SearchSpec {
Above ["above"; TagOrId]
All ["all"]
Below ["below"; TagOrId]
Closest ["closest"; Units/int; Units/int]
ClosestHalo (Closesthalo) ["closest"; Units/int; Units/int; Units/int]
ClosestHaloStart (Closesthalostart) ["closest"; Units/int; Units/int; Units/int; TagOrId]
Enclosed ["enclosed"; Units/int;Units/int;Units/int;Units/int]
Overlapping ["overlapping"; int;int;int;int]
Withtag ["withtag"; TagOrId]
type ColorMode {
Color ["color"]
Gray ["gray"]
Mono ["mono"]
subtype option(postscript) {
% Cannot support this without array variables
% Colormap ["-colormap"; TextVariable]
Colormode ["-colormode"; ColorMode]
File ["-file"; string]
% Fontmap ["-fontmap"; TextVariable]
PageAnchor ["-pageanchor"; Anchor]
PageHeight ["-pageheight"; Units/int]
PageWidth ["-pagewidth"; Units/int]
PageX ["-pagex"; Units/int]
PageY ["-pagey"; Units/int]
Rotate ["-rotate"; bool]
X ["-x"; Units/int]
Y ["-y"; Units/int]
% Arc item configuration
type ArcStyle {
Arc ["arc"]
Chord ["chord"]
PieSlice ["pieslice"]
subtype option(arc) {
Extent ["-extent"; float]
Dash ["-dash"; string]
% Fill is used by packer
FillColor ["-fill"; Color]
Outline ["-outline"; Color]
OutlineStipple ["-outlinestipple"; Bitmap]
Start ["-start"; float]
Stipple ["-stipple"; Bitmap]
ArcStyle ["-style"; ArcStyle]
Tags ["-tags"; [TagOrId/string list]]
% Bitmap item configuration
subtype option(bitmap) {
% Image item configuration
subtype option(image) {
##ifdef CAMLTK
% Line item configuration
type ArrowStyle {
Arrow_None ["none"]
Arrow_First ["first"]
Arrow_Last ["last"]
Arrow_Both ["both"]
type CapStyle {
Cap_Butt ["butt"]
Cap_Projecting ["projecting"]
Cap_Round ["round"]
type JoinStyle {
Join_Bevel ["bevel"]
Join_Miter ["miter"]
Join_Round ["round"]
subtype option(line) {
ArrowStyle ["-arrow"; ArrowStyle]
ArrowShape ["-arrowshape"; [Units/int; Units/int; Units/int]]
CapStyle ["-capstyle"; CapStyle]
JoinStyle ["-joinstyle"; JoinStyle]
Smooth ["-smooth"; bool]
SplineSteps ["-splinesteps"; int]
% Oval item configuration
subtype option(oval) {
Dash FillColor Outline Stipple Tags Width
% Polygon item configuration
subtype option(polygon) {
Dash FillColor Outline Smooth SplineSteps
Stipple Tags Width
% Rectangle item configuration
subtype option(rectangle) {
Dash FillColor Outline Stipple Tags Width
% Text item configuration
##ifndef CAMLTK
% Only for Labltk. CanvasTextState is unified as State in Camltk
type CanvasTextState {
Normal ["normal"]
Disabled ["disabled"]
Hidden ["hidden"]
subtype option(canvastext) {
Anchor FillColor Font Justify
Stipple Tags Text Width
##ifdef CAMLTK
State % introduced in tk8.3, requested for Syndex
CanvasTextState ["-state"; CanvasTextState] % introduced in tk8.3, requested for Syndex
% Window item configuration
subtype option(window) {
Anchor Height Tags Width
Window ["-window"; widget]
% Types of items
type CanvasItem {
Arc_item ["arc"]
Bitmap_item ["bitmap"]
Image_item ["image"]
Line_item ["line"]
Oval_item ["oval"]
Polygon_item ["polygon"]
Rectangle_item ["rectangle"]
Text_item ["text"]
Window_item ["window"]
User_item [string]
widget canvas {
% Standard options
option Background
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
option InsertBackground
option InsertBorderWidth
option InsertOffTime
option InsertOnTime
option InsertWidth
option Relief
option SelectBackground
option SelectBorderWidth
option SelectForeground
option TakeFocus
option XScrollCommand
option YScrollCommand
% Widget specific options
option CloseEnough ["-closeenough"; float]
option Confine ["-confine"; bool]
option Height ["-height"; Units/int]
option ScrollRegion ["-scrollregion"; [Units/int;Units/int;Units/int;Units/int]]
option Width ["-width"; Units/int]
option XScrollIncrement ["-xscrollincrement"; Units/int]
option YScrollIncrement ["-yscrollincrement"; Units/int]
function () addtag [widget(canvas); "addtag"; tag: TagOrId/string; specs: SearchSpec list] % Tag only
% bbox not fully supported. should be builtin because of ambiguous result
% will raise Protocol.TkError if no items match TagOrId
function (int,int,int,int) bbox [widget(canvas); "bbox"; TagOrId list]
external bind "builtin/canvas_bind"
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (float) canvasx [widget(canvas); "canvasx"; ?spacing:[Units]; Units]
function (float) canvasy [widget(canvas); "canvasy"; ?spacing:[Units]; Units]
function (float) canvasx_grid [widget(canvas); "canvasx"; Units; Units]
function (float) canvasy_grid [widget(canvas); "canvasy"; Units; Units]
function (float) canvasx [widget(canvas); "canvasx"; x:int; ?spacing:[int]]
function (float) canvasy [widget(canvas); "canvasy"; y:int; ?spacing:[int]]
function () configure [widget(canvas); "configure"; option(canvas) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(canvas); "configure"]
% TODO: check result
function (float list) coords_get [widget(canvas); "coords"; TagOrId]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function () coords_set [widget(canvas); "coords"; TagOrId; xys: Units list]
function () coords_set [widget(canvas); "coords"; TagOrId; xys: {int, int} list]
% create variations (see below)
function () dchars [widget(canvas); "dchars"; TagOrId; first: Index(canvas); last: Index(canvas)]
function () delete [widget(canvas); "delete"; TagOrId list]
function () dtag [widget(canvas); "dtag"; TagOrId; tag: TagOrId/string]
function (TagOrId list) find [widget(canvas); "find"; specs: SearchSpec list]
% focus variations
function () focus_reset [widget(canvas); "focus"; ""]
function (TagOrId) focus_get [widget(canvas); "focus"]
function () focus [widget(canvas); "focus"; TagOrId]
function (TagOrId/string list) gettags [widget(canvas); "gettags"; TagOrId]
function () icursor [widget(canvas); "icursor"; TagOrId; index: Index(canvas)]
function (int) index [widget(canvas); "index"; TagOrId; index: Index(canvas)]
function () insert [widget(canvas); "insert"; TagOrId; before: Index(canvas); text: string]
% itemcget, itemconfigure are defined later
function () lower [widget(canvas); "lower"; TagOrId; ?below: [TagOrId]]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function () lower_below [widget(canvas); "lower"; TagOrId; TagOrId]
function () lower_bot [widget(canvas); "lower"; TagOrId]
function () move [widget(canvas); "move"; TagOrId; x: Units/int; y: Units/int]
unsafe function (string) postscript [widget(canvas); "postscript"; option(postscript) list]
% We use raise with Module name
function () raise [widget(canvas); "raise"; TagOrId; ?above:[TagOrId]]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function () raise_above [widget(canvas); "raise"; TagOrId; TagOrId]
function () raise_top [widget(canvas); "raise"; TagOrId]
function () scale [widget(canvas); "scale"; TagOrId; xorigin: Units/int; yorigin: Units/int; xscale: float; yscale: float]
% For scan, use x:int and y:int since common usage is with mouse coordinates
function () scan_mark [widget(canvas); "scan"; "mark"; x: int; y: int]
function () scan_dragto [widget(canvas); "scan"; "dragto"; x: int; y: int]
% select variations
function () select_adjust [widget(canvas); "select"; "adjust"; TagOrId; index: Index(canvas)]
function () select_clear [widget(canvas); "select"; "clear"]
function () select_from [widget(canvas); "select"; "from"; TagOrId; index: Index(canvas)]
function (TagOrId) select_item [widget(canvas); "select"; "item"]
function () select_to [widget(canvas); "select"; "to"; TagOrId; index: Index(canvas)]
function (CanvasItem) typeof [widget(canvas); "type"; TagOrId]
function (float,float) xview_get [widget(canvas); "xview"]
function (float,float) yview_get [widget(canvas); "yview"]
function () xview [widget(canvas); "xview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
function () yview [widget(canvas); "yview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
% create and configure variations
function (TagOrId) create_arc [widget(canvas); "create"; "arc"; x1: Units/int; y1: Units/int; x2: Units/int; y2: Units/int; option(arc) list]
function (TagOrId) create_bitmap [widget(canvas); "create"; "bitmap"; x: Units/int; y: Units/int; option(bitmap) list]
function (TagOrId) create_image [widget(canvas); "create"; "image"; x: Units/int; y: Units/int; option(image) list]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (TagOrId) create_line [widget(canvas); "create"; "line"; Units list; option(line) list]
function (TagOrId) create_polygon [widget(canvas); "create"; "polygon"; Units list; option(polygon) list]
function (TagOrId) create_line [widget(canvas); "create"; "line"; xys: {int, int} list; option(line) list]
function (TagOrId) create_polygon [widget(canvas); "create"; "polygon"; xys: {int, int} list; option(polygon) list]
function (TagOrId) create_oval [widget(canvas); "create"; "oval"; x1: Units/int; y1: Units/int; x2: Units/int; y2: Units/int; option(oval) list]
function (TagOrId) create_rectangle [widget(canvas); "create"; "rectangle"; x1: Units/int; y1: Units/int; x2: Units/int; y2: Units/int; option(rectangle) list]
function (TagOrId) create_text [widget(canvas); "create"; "text"; x: Units/int; y: Units/int; option(canvastext) list]
function (TagOrId) create_window [widget(canvas); "create"; "window"; x: Units/int; y: Units/int; option(window) list]
function (string) itemconfigure_get [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; TagOrId]
function () configure_arc [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; TagOrId; option(arc) list]
function () configure_bitmap [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; TagOrId; option(bitmap) list]
function () configure_image [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; TagOrId; option(image) list]
function () configure_line [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; TagOrId; option(line) list]
function () configure_oval [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; TagOrId; option(oval) list]
function () configure_polygon [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; TagOrId; option(polygon) list]
function () configure_rectangle [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; TagOrId; option(rectangle) list]
function () configure_text [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; TagOrId; option(canvastext) list]
function () configure_window [widget(canvas); "itemconfigure"; TagOrId; option(window) list]
%%%%% checkbutton(n)
widget checkbutton {
% Standard options
option ActiveBackground
option ActiveForeground
option Anchor
option Background
option Bitmap
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option DisabledForeground
option Font
option Foreground
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
##ifdef CAMLTK
option ImageBitmap
option ImagePhoto
option Image
option Justify
option PadX
option PadY
option Relief
option TakeFocus
option Text
option TextVariable
option UnderlinedChar
option WrapLength
% Widget specific options
option Command
option Height
option IndicatorOn ["-indicatoron"; bool]
option OffValue ["-offvalue"; string]
option OnValue ["-onvalue"; string]
option SelectColor ["-selectcolor"; Color]
##ifdef CAMLTK
option SelectImageBitmap (SelectImageBitmap) ["-selectimage"; ImageBitmap]
option SelectImagePhoto (SelectImagePhoto) ["-selectimage"; ImagePhoto]
option SelectImage ["-selectimage"; Image]
option State
option Variable ["-variable"; TextVariable]
option Width
function () configure [widget(checkbutton); "configure"; option(checkbutton) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(checkbutton); "configure"]
function () deselect [widget(checkbutton); "deselect"]
function () flash [widget(checkbutton); "flash"]
function () invoke [widget(checkbutton); "invoke"]
function () select [widget(checkbutton); "select"]
function () toggle [widget(checkbutton); "toggle"]
%%%%% clipboard(n)
subtype icccm(clipboard_append) {
ICCCMFormat ["-format"; string]
ICCCMType ["-type"; string]
module Clipboard {
function () clear ["clipboard"; "clear"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]]
function () append ["clipboard"; "append"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]; icccm(clipboard_append) list; "--"; data: string]
%%%%% destroy(n)
function () destroy ["destroy"; widget]
%%%%% tk_dialog(n)
module Dialog {
external create "builtin/dialog"
%%%%% entry(n)
% Defined internally
% subtype Index(entry) {
% Number End Insert SelFirst SelLast At AnchorPoint
% }
##ifndef CAMLTK
% Only for Labltk. InputState is unified as State in Camltk
type InputState {
Normal ["normal"]
Disabled ["disabled"]
widget entry {
% Standard options
option Background
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option ExportSelection
option Font
option Foreground
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
option InsertBackground
option InsertBorderWidth
option InsertOffTime
option InsertOnTime
option InsertWidth
option Justify
option Relief
option SelectBackground
option SelectBorderWidth
option SelectForeground
option TakeFocus
option TextVariable
option XScrollCommand
% Widget specific options
option Show ["-show"; char]
##ifdef CAMLTK
option State
option EntryState ["-state"; InputState]
option TextWidth (Textwidth) ["-width"; int]
function (int,int,int,int) bbox [widget(entry); "bbox"; Index(entry)]
function () configure [widget(entry); "configure"; option(entry) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(entry); "configure"]
function () delete_single [widget(entry); "delete"; index: Index(entry)]
function () delete_range [widget(entry); "delete"; start: Index(entry); stop: Index(entry)]
function (string) get [widget(entry); "get"]
function () icursor [widget(entry); "icursor"; index: Index(entry)]
function (int) index [widget(entry); "index"; index: Index(entry)]
function () insert [widget(entry); "insert"; index: Index(entry); text: string]
function () scan_mark [widget(entry); "scan"; "mark"; x: int]
function () scan_dragto [widget(entry); "scan"; "dragto"; x: int]
% selection variation
function () selection_adjust [widget(entry); "selection"; "adjust"; index: Index(entry)]
function () selection_clear [widget(entry); "selection"; "clear"]
function () selection_from [widget(entry); "selection"; "from"; index: Index(entry)]
function (bool) selection_present [widget(entry); "selection"; "present"]
function () selection_range [widget(entry); "selection"; "range"; start: Index(entry) ; stop: Index(entry)]
function () selection_to [widget(entry); "selection"; "to"; index: Index(entry)]
function (float,float) xview_get [widget(entry); "xview"]
function () xview [widget(entry); "xview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
function () xview_index [widget(entry); "xview"; index: Index(entry)]
function (float, float) xview_get [widget(entry); "xview"]
%%%%% focus(n)
%%%%% tk_focusNext(n)
module Focus {
unsafe function (widget) get ["focus"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]]
unsafe function (widget) displayof ["focus"; "-displayof"; widget]
function () set ["focus"; widget]
function () force ["focus"; "-force"; widget]
unsafe function (widget) lastfor ["focus"; "-lastfor"; widget]
unsafe function (widget) next ["tk_focusNext"; widget]
unsafe function (widget) prev ["tk_focusPrev"; widget]
function () follows_mouse ["tk_focusFollowsMouse"]
type font external % builtin/builtin_font.ml
type weight {
Weight_Normal(Normal) ["normal"]
Weight_Bold(Bold) ["bold"]
type slant {
Slant_Roman(Roman) ["roman"]
Slant_Italic(Italic) ["italic"]
type fontMetrics {
Ascent ["-ascent"]
Descent ["-descent"]
Linespace ["-linespace"]
Fixed ["-fixed"]
subtype options(font) {
Font_Family ["-family"; string]
Font_Size ["-size"; int]
Font_Weight ["-weight"; weight]
Font_Slant ["-slant"; slant]
Font_Underline ["-underline"; bool]
Font_Overstrike ["-overstrike"; bool]
% later, JP only
% Charset ["-charset"; string]
%% Beware of the order of Compound ! Put it as the first option
% Compound ["-compound"; [font list]]
% Copy ["-copy"; string]
module Font {
function (string) actual_family ["font"; "actual"; font;
?displayof:["-displayof"; widget];
function (int) actual_size ["font"; "actual"; font;
?displayof:["-displayof"; widget];
function (string) actual_weight ["font"; "actual"; font;
?displayof:["-displayof"; widget];
function (string) actual_slant ["font"; "actual"; font;
?displayof:["-displayof"; widget];
function (bool) actual_underline ["font"; "actual"; font;
?displayof:["-displayof"; widget];
function (bool) actual_overstrike ["font"; "actual"; font;
?displayof:["-displayof"; widget];
function () configure ["font"; "configure"; font; options(font) list]
function (font) create ["font"; "create"; ?name:[string]; options(font) list]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (font) create_named ["font"; "create"; string; options(font) list]
function () delete ["font"; "delete"; font]
function (string list) families ["font"; "families";
?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (string list) families_displayof ["font"; "families";
"-displayof"; widget]
function (int) measure ["font"; "measure"; font; string;
?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (int) measure_displayof ["font"; "measure"; font;
"-displayof"; widget; string ]
function (int) metrics ["font"; "metrics"; font;
?displayof:["-displayof"; widget];
fontMetrics ]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (int) metrics_displayof ["font"; "metrics"; font;
"-displayof"; widget;
fontMetrics ]
function (string list) names ["font"; "names"]
% JP
% function () failsafe ["font"; "failsafe"; string]
%%%%% frame(n)
type Colormap {
NewColormap (New) ["new"]
WidgetColormap (Widget) [widget]
% Visual classes are: directcolor, grayscale, greyscale, pseudocolor,
% staticcolor, staticgray, staticgrey, truecolor
type Visual {
ClassVisual (Clas) [[string; int]]
DefaultVisual ["default"]
WidgetVisual (Widget) [widget]
BestDepth (Bestdepth) [["best"; int]]
Best ["best"]
widget frame {
% Standard options
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
option Relief
option TakeFocus
% Widget specific options
option Background
##ifdef CAMLTK
option Class ["-class"; string]
option Clas ["-class"; string]
option Colormap ["-colormap"; Colormap]
option Container ["-container"; bool]
option Height
option Visual ["-visual"; Visual]
option Width
% Class and Colormap and Visual cannot be changed
function () configure [widget(frame); "configure"; option(frame) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(frame); "configure"]
%%%%% grab(n)
type GrabStatus {
GrabNone ["none"]
GrabLocal ["local"]
GrabGlobal ["global"]
type GrabGlobal external
module Grab {
function () set ["grab"; "set"; ?global:[GrabGlobal]; widget]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function () set_global ["grab"; "set"; "-global"; widget]
unsafe function (widget list) current ["grab"; "current"; ?displayof:[widget]]
##ifdef CAMLTK
% all_current is now current.
% The old current is now current_of
unsafe function (widget list) current_of ["grab"; "current"; widget]
function () release ["grab"; "release"; widget]
function (GrabStatus) status ["grab"; "status"; widget]
subtype option(rowcolumnconfigure) {
Minsize ["-minsize"; Units/int]
Weight ["-weight"; int]
Pad ["-pad"; Units/int]
subtype option(grid) {
Column ["-column"; int]
ColumnSpan ["-columnspan"; int]
In(Inside) ["-in"; widget]
IPadX ["-ipadx"; Units/int]
IPadY ["-ipady"; Units/int]
Row ["-row"; int]
RowSpan ["-rowspan"; int]
Sticky ["-sticky"; string]
% Same as pack
function () grid ["grid"; widget list; option(grid) list]
module Grid {
function (int,int,int,int) bbox ["grid"; "bbox"; widget]
function (int,int,int,int) bbox_cell ["grid"; "bbox"; widget; column: int; row: int]
function (int,int,int,int) bbox_span ["grid"; "bbox"; widget; column1: int; row1: int; column2: int; row2: int]
function () column_configure
["grid"; "columnconfigure"; widget; int;
option(rowcolumnconfigure) list]
function () configure ["grid"; "configure"; widget list; option(grid) list]
function (string) column_configure_get ["grid"; "columnconfigure"; widget;
function () forget ["grid"; "forget"; widget list]
%% info returns only a string
function (string) info ["grid"; "info"; widget]
%% TODO: check result values
function (int,int) location ["grid"; "location"; widget; x:Units/int; y:Units/int]
function (bool) propagate_get ["grid"; "propagate"; widget]
function () propagate_set ["grid"; "propagate"; widget; bool]
function () row_configure
["grid"; "rowconfigure"; widget; int; option(rowcolumnconfigure) list]
function (string) row_configure_get ["grid"; "rowconfigure"; widget; int]
function (int,int) size ["grid"; "size"; widget]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (widget list) slaves ["grid"; "slaves"; widget; ?column:["-column"; int]; ?row:["-row"; int]]
function (widget list) row_slaves ["grid"; "slaves"; widget; "-row"; int]
function (widget list) column_slaves ["grid"; "slaves"; widget; "-column"; int]
function (widget list) slaves ["grid"; "slaves"; widget; ?column:["-column"; int]; ?row:["-row"; int]]
%%%%% image(n)
%%%%% cf Imagephoto and Imagebitmap
% Some functions on images are implemented in Imagephoto or Imagebitmap.
module Image {
external names "builtin/image"
%%%%% label(n)
widget label {
% Standard options
option Anchor
option Background
option Bitmap
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option Font
option Foreground
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
##ifdef CAMLTK
option ImageBitmap
option ImagePhoto
option Image
option Justify
option PadX
option PadY
option Relief
option TakeFocus
option Text
option TextVariable
option UnderlinedChar
option WrapLength
% Widget specific options
option Height
% use according to label contents
option Width
option TextWidth
function () configure [widget(label); "configure"; option(label) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(label); "configure"]
%%%%% listbox(n)
% Defined internally
% subtype Index(listbox) {
% Number Active AnchorPoint End AtXY
type SelectModeType {
Single ["single"]
Browse ["browse"]
Multiple ["multiple"]
Extended ["extended"]
widget listbox {
% Standard options
option Background
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option ExportSelection
option Font
option Foreground
% Height is TextHeight
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
option Relief
option SelectBackground
option SelectBorderWidth
option SelectForeground
option SetGrid
option TakeFocus
% Width is TextWidth
option XScrollCommand
option YScrollCommand
% Widget specific options
option TextHeight ["-height"; int]
option TextWidth
option SelectMode ["-selectmode"; SelectModeType]
function () activate [widget(listbox); "activate"; index: Index(listbox)]
function (int,int,int,int) bbox [widget(listbox); "bbox"; index: Index(listbox)]
function () configure [widget(listbox); "configure"; option(listbox) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(listbox); "configure"]
function (Index(listbox) as "[>`Num of int]" list) curselection [widget(listbox); "curselection"]
function () delete [widget(listbox); "delete"; first: Index(listbox); last: Index(listbox)]
function (string) get [widget(listbox); "get"; index: Index(listbox)]
function (string list) get_range [widget(listbox); "get"; first: Index(listbox); last: Index(listbox)]
function (Index(listbox) as "[>`Num of int]") index [widget(listbox); "index"; index: Index(listbox)]
function () insert [widget(listbox); "insert"; index: Index(listbox); texts: string list]
function (Index(listbox) as "[>`Num of int]") nearest [widget(listbox); "nearest"; y: int]
function () scan_mark [widget(listbox); "scan"; "mark"; x: int; y: int]
function () scan_dragto [widget(listbox); "scan"; "dragto"; x: int; y: int]
function () see [widget(listbox); "see"; index: Index(listbox)]
function () selection_anchor [widget(listbox); "selection"; "anchor"; index: Index(listbox)]
function () selection_clear [widget(listbox); "selection"; "clear"; first: Index(listbox); last: Index(listbox)]
function (bool) selection_includes [widget(listbox); "selection"; "includes"; index: Index(listbox)]
function () selection_set [widget(listbox); "selection"; "set"; first: Index(listbox); last: Index(listbox)]
function (int) size [widget(listbox); "size"]
function (float,float) xview_get [widget(listbox); "xview"]
function (float,float) yview_get [widget(listbox); "yview"]
function () xview_index [widget(listbox); "xview"; index: Index(listbox)]
function () yview_index [widget(listbox); "yview"; index: Index(listbox)]
function () xview [widget(listbox); "xview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
function () yview [widget(listbox); "yview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
%%%%% lower(n)
function () lower_window ["lower"; widget; ?below:[widget]]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function () lower_window_below ["lower"; widget; below: widget]
%%%%% menu(n)
%%%%% tk_popup(n)
% defined internally
% subtype Index(menu) {
% Number Active End Last None At Pattern
% }
type MenuItem {
Cascade_Item ["cascade"]
Checkbutton_Item ["checkbutton"]
Command_Item ["command"]
Radiobutton_Item ["radiobutton"]
Separator_Item ["separator"]
TearOff_Item ["tearoff"]
% notused as a subtype. just for cleaning up the rest.
subtype option(menuentry) {
Accelerator ["-accelerator"; string]
ColumnBreak ["-columnbreak"; bool]
HideMargin ["-hidemargin"; bool]
##ifdef CAMLTK
Label ["-label"; string]
Menu ["-menu"; widget(menu)]
##ifdef CAMLTK
Value ["-value"; string]
% Options for cascade entry
subtype option(menucascade) {
ActiveBackground ActiveForeground Accelerator
Background Bitmap ColumnBreak Command Font Foreground
##ifdef CAMLTK
ImageBitmap ImagePhoto
IndicatorOn Label Menu State UnderlinedChar
% Options for radiobutton entry
subtype option(menuradio) {
ActiveBackground ActiveForeground Accelerator
Background Bitmap ColumnBreak Command Font Foreground
##ifdef CAMLTK
ImageBitmap ImagePhoto SelectImageBitmap SelectImagePhoto
Image SelectImage
IndicatorOn Label SelectColor
State UnderlinedChar Value Variable
% Options for checkbutton entry
subtype option(menucheck) {
ActiveBackground ActiveForeground Accelerator
Background Bitmap ColumnBreak Command Font Foreground
##ifdef CAMLTK
ImageBitmap SelectImageBitmap ImagePhoto SelectImagePhoto
Image SelectImage
IndicatorOn Label
OffValue OnValue SelectColor
State UnderlinedChar Variable
% Options for command entry
subtype option(menucommand) {
ActiveBackground ActiveForeground Accelerator
Background Bitmap ColumnBreak Command Font Foreground
##ifdef CAMLTK
ImageBitmap ImagePhoto
Label State UnderlinedChar
type menuType {
Menu_Menubar ["menubar"]
Menu_Tearoff ["tearoff"]
Menu_Normal ["normal"]
% Separators and tearoffs don't have options
widget menu {
% Standard options
option ActiveBackground
option ActiveBorderWidth
option ActiveForeground
option Background
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option DisabledForeground
option Font
option Foreground
option Relief
option TakeFocus
% Widget specific options
option PostCommand ["-postcommand"; function()]
option SelectColor
option TearOff ["-tearoff"; bool]
option TearOffCommand ["-tearoffcommand"; function(menu: widget(any), tornoff: widget(any)) ]
option MenuTitle ["-title"; string]
option MenuType ["-type"; menuType]
function () activate [widget(menu); "activate"; index: Index(menu)]
% add variations
function () add_cascade [widget(menu); "add"; "cascade"; option(menucascade) list]
function () add_checkbutton [widget(menu); "add"; "checkbutton"; option(menucheck) list]
function () add_command [widget(menu); "add"; "command"; option(menucommand) list]
function () add_radiobutton [widget(menu); "add"; "radiobutton"; option(menuradio) list]
function () add_separator [widget(menu); "add"; "separator"]
% not for user: function clone [widget(menu); "clone"; ???; menuType]
function () configure [widget(menu); "configure"; option(menu) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(menu); "configure"]
% beware of possible callback leak when deleting menu entries
function () delete [widget(menu); "delete"; first: Index(menu); last: Index(menu)]
function () configure_cascade [widget(menu); "entryconfigure"; Index(menu); option(menucascade) list]
function () configure_checkbutton [widget(menu); "entryconfigure"; Index(menu); option(menucheck) list]
function () configure_command [widget(menu); "entryconfigure"; Index(menu); option(menucommand) list]
function () configure_radiobutton [widget(menu); "entryconfigure"; Index(menu); option(menuradio) list]
function (string) entryconfigure_get [widget(menu); "entryconfigure"; Index(menu)]
function (int) index [widget(menu); "index"; Index(menu)]
function () insert_cascade [widget(menu); "insert"; index: Index(menu); "cascade"; option(menucascade) list]
function () insert_checkbutton [widget(menu); "insert"; index: Index(menu); "checkbutton"; option(menucheck) list]
function () insert_command [widget(menu); "insert"; index: Index(menu); "command"; option(menucommand) list]
function () insert_radiobutton [widget(menu); "insert"; index: Index(menu); "radiobutton"; option(menuradio) list]
function () insert_separator [widget(menu); "insert"; index: Index(menu); "separator"]
function (string) invoke [widget(menu); "invoke"; index: Index(menu)]
function () post [widget(menu); "post"; x: int; y: int]
function () postcascade [widget(menu); "postcascade"; index: Index(menu)]
% can't use type of course
function (MenuItem) typeof [widget(menu); "type"; index: Index(menu)]
function () unpost [widget(menu); "unpost"]
function (int) yposition [widget(menu); "yposition"; index: Index(menu)]
function () popup ["tk_popup"; widget(menu); x: int; y: int; ?entry:[Index(menu)]]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function () popup_entry ["tk_popup"; widget(menu); x: int; y: int; index: Index(menu)]
%%%%% menubutton(n)
type menubuttonDirection {
Dir_Above ["above"]
Dir_Below ["below"]
Dir_Left ["left"]
Dir_Right ["right"]
widget menubutton {
% Standard options
option ActiveBackground
option ActiveForeground
option Anchor
option Background
option Bitmap
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option DisabledForeground
option Font
option Foreground
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
##ifdef CAMLTK
option ImageBitmap
option ImagePhoto
option Image
option Justify
option PadX
option PadY
option Relief
option TakeFocus
option Text
option TextVariable
option UnderlinedChar
option WrapLength
% Widget specific options
option Direction ["-direction"; menubuttonDirection ]
option Height
option IndicatorOn
option Menu ["-menu"; widget(menu)]
option State
option Width
option TextWidth
function () configure [widget(menubutton); "configure"; option(menubutton) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(menubutton); "configure"]
%%%%% message(n)
widget message {
% Standard options
option Anchor
option Background
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option Font
option Foreground
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
option PadX
option PadY
option Relief
option TakeFocus
option Text
option TextVariable
% Widget specific options
option Aspect ["-aspect"; int]
option Justify
option Width
function () configure [widget(message); "configure"; option(message) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(message); "configure"]
%%%%% option(n)
type OptionPriority {
WidgetDefault ["widgetDefault"]
StartupFile ["startupFile"]
UserDefault ["userDefault"]
Interactive ["interactive"]
Priority [int]
##ifdef CAMLTK
module Option {
unsafe function () add ["option"; "add"; string; string; OptionPriority]
function () clear ["option"; "clear"]
function (string) get ["option"; "get"; widget; string; string]
unsafe function () readfile ["option"; "readfile"; string; OptionPriority]
%% Resource is now superseded by Option
module Resource {
unsafe function () add ["option"; "add"; string; string; OptionPriority]
function () clear ["option"; "clear"]
function (string) get ["option"; "get"; widget; string; string]
unsafe function () readfile ["option"; "readfile"; string; OptionPriority]
module Option {
unsafe function () add
["option"; "add"; path: string; string; ?priority:[OptionPriority]]
function () clear ["option"; "clear"]
function (string) get ["option"; "get"; widget; name: string; clas: string]
unsafe function () readfile
["option"; "readfile"; string; ?priority:[OptionPriority]]
%%%%% tk_optionMenu(n)
module Optionmenu {
external create "builtin/optionmenu"
%%%%% pack(n)
type Side {
Side_Left ["left"]
Side_Right ["right"]
Side_Top ["top"]
Side_Bottom ["bottom"]
type FillMode {
Fill_None ["none"]
Fill_X ["x"]
Fill_Y ["y"]
Fill_Both ["both"]
subtype option(pack) {
After ["-after"; widget]
Before ["-before"; widget]
Expand ["-expand"; bool]
Fill ["-fill"; FillMode]
In(Inside) ["-in"; widget]
IPadX ["-ipadx"; Units/int]
IPadY ["-ipady"; Units/int]
Side ["-side"; Side]
function () pack ["pack"; widget list; option(pack) list]
module Pack {
function () configure ["pack"; "configure"; widget list; option(pack) list]
function () forget ["pack"; "forget"; widget list]
function (string) info ["pack"; "info"; widget]
function (bool) propagate_get ["pack"; "propagate"; widget]
function () propagate_set ["pack"; "propagate"; widget; bool]
function (widget list) slaves ["pack"; "slaves"; widget]
subtype TkPalette(any) { % Not sophisticated...
PaletteActiveBackground ["activeBackground"; Color]
PaletteActiveForeground ["activeForeground"; Color]
PaletteBackground ["background"; Color]
PaletteDisabledForeground ["disabledForeground"; Color]
PaletteForeground ["foreground"; Color]
PaletteHighlightBackground ["hilightBackground"; Color]
PaletteHighlightColor ["highlightColor"; Color]
PaletteInsertBackground ["insertBackground"; Color]
PaletteSelectColor ["selectColor"; Color]
PaletteSelectBackground ["selectBackground"; Color]
PaletteForegroundselectColor ["selectForeground"; Color]
PaletteTroughColor ["troughColor"; Color]
%%%%% tk_setPalette(n)
%%%% can't simply encode general form of tk_setPalette
module Palette {
function () set_background ["tk_setPalette"; Color]
function () set ["tk_setPalette"; TkPalette(any) list]
function () bisque ["tk_bisque"]
%%%%% photo(n)
type PaletteType external % builtin_palette.ml
subtype option(photoimage) {
% Channel ["-channel"; file_descr] % removed in 8.3 ?
Format ["-format"; string]
Gamma ["-gamma"; float]
Palette ["-palette"; PaletteType]
subtype photo(copy) {
ImgFrom(Src_area) ["-from"; int; int; int; int]
ImgTo(Dst_area) ["-to"; int; int; int; int]
Shrink ["-shrink"]
Zoom ["-zoom"; int; int]
Subsample ["-subsample"; int; int]
subtype photo(put) {
subtype photo(read) {
ImgFormat ["-format"; string]
TopLeft(Dst_pos) ["-to"; int; int]
subtype photo(write) {
ImgFormat ImgFrom
module Imagephoto {
function (ImagePhoto) create ["image"; "create"; "photo"; ?name:[ImagePhoto]; option(photoimage) list]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (ImagePhoto) create_named ["image"; "create"; "photo"; ImagePhoto; option(photoimage) list]
function () delete ["image"; "delete"; ImagePhoto]
function (int) height ["image"; "height"; ImagePhoto]
function (int) width ["image"; "width"; ImagePhoto]
function () blank [ImagePhoto; "blank"]
function () configure [ImagePhoto; "configure"; option(photoimage) list]
function (string) configure_get [ImagePhoto; "configure"]
function () copy [ImagePhoto; "copy"; src: ImagePhoto; photo(copy) list]
function (int, int, int) get [ImagePhoto; "get"; x: int; y: int]
% it is buggy ? can't express nested lists ?
function () put [ImagePhoto; "put"; [Color list list]; photo(put) list]
% external put "builtin/imagephoto_put"
function () read [ImagePhoto; "read"; file: string; photo(read) list]
function () redither [ImagePhoto; "redither"]
function () write [ImagePhoto; "write"; file: string; photo(write) list]
% Functions inherited from the "image" TK class
%%%%% place(n)
type BorderMode {
Inside ["inside"]
Outside ["outside"]
Ignore ["ignore"]
subtype option(place) {
RelX ["-relx"; float]
RelY ["-rely"; float]
RelWidth ["-relwidth"; float]
RelHeight ["-relheight"; float]
BorderMode ["-bordermode"; BorderMode]
function () place ["place"; widget; option(place) list]
module Place {
function () configure ["place"; "configure"; widget; option(place) list]
function () forget ["place"; "forget"; widget]
function (string) info ["place"; "info"; widget]
function (widget list) slaves ["place"; "slaves"; widget]
%%%%% radiobutton(n)
widget radiobutton {
% Standard options
option ActiveBackground
option ActiveForeground
option Anchor
option Background
option Bitmap
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option DisabledForeground
option Font
option Foreground
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
##ifdef CAMLTK
option ImageBitmap
option ImagePhoto
option Image
option Justify
option PadX
option PadY
option Relief
option TakeFocus
option Text
option TextVariable
option UnderlinedChar
option WrapLength
% Widget specific options
option Command
option Height
option IndicatorOn
option SelectColor
##ifdef CAMLTK
option SelectImageBitmap
option SelectImagePhoto
option SelectImage
option State
option Value
option Variable
option Width
function () configure [widget(radiobutton); "configure"; option(radiobutton) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(radiobutton); "configure"]
function () deselect [widget(radiobutton); "deselect"]
function () flash [widget(radiobutton); "flash"]
function () invoke [widget(radiobutton); "invoke"]
function () select [widget(radiobutton); "select"]
%%%%% raise(n)
% We cannot use raise !!
function () raise_window ["raise"; widget; ?above:[widget]]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function () raise_window_above ["raise"; widget; widget]
%%%%% scale(n)
%% shared with scrollbars
##ifdef CAMLTK
subtype WidgetElement(scale) {
Slider ["slider"]
Trough1 ["trough1"]
Trough2 ["trough2"]
Beyond [""]
type ScaleElement {
Slider ["slider"]
Trough1 ["trough1"]
Trough2 ["trough2"]
Beyond [""]
widget scale {
% Standard options
option ActiveBackground
option Background
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option Font
option Foreground
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
option Orient
option Relief
option RepeatDelay
option RepeatInterval
option TakeFocus
option TroughColor
% Widget specific options
option BigIncrement ["-bigincrement"; float]
option ScaleCommand ["-command"; function (float)]
option Digits ["-digits"; int]
option From(Min) ["-from"; float]
option Label ["-label"; string]
option Length ["-length"; Units/int]
option Resolution ["-resolution"; float]
option ShowValue ["-showvalue"; bool]
option SliderLength ["-sliderlength"; Units/int]
option State
option TickInterval ["-tickinterval"; float]
option To(Max) ["-to"; float]
option Variable
option Width
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (int,int) coords [widget(scale); "coords"]
function (int,int) coords_at [widget(scale); "coords"; at: float]
function (int,int) coords [widget(scale); "coords"; ?at: [float]]
function () configure [widget(scale); "configure"; option(scale) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(scale); "configure"]
function (float) get [widget(scale); "get"]
function (float) get_xy [widget(scale); "get"; x: int; y: int]
function (WidgetElement/ScaleElement) identify [widget(scale); x: int; y: int]
function () set [widget(scale); "set"; float]
%%%%% scrollbar(n)
##ifdef CAMLTK
subtype WidgetElement(scrollbar) {
Arrow1 ["arrow1"]
Arrow2 ["arrow2"]
type ScrollbarElement {
Arrow1 ["arrow1"]
Trough1 ["through1"]
Trough2 ["through2"]
Slider ["slider"]
Arrow2 ["arrow2"]
Beyond [""]
widget scrollbar {
% Standard options
option ActiveBackground
option Background
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
option Jump
option Orient
option Relief
option RepeatDelay
option RepeatInterval
option TakeFocus
option TroughColor
% Widget specific options
option ActiveRelief ["-activerelief"; Relief]
option ScrollCommand ["-command"; function(scroll: ScrollValue)]
option ElementBorderWidth ["-elementborderwidth"; Units/int]
option Width
##ifdef CAMLTK
function () activate [widget(scrollbar); "activate"; element: WidgetElement(scrollbar)]
function () activate [widget(scrollbar); "activate"; element: ScrollbarElement]
function (WidgetElement/ScrollbarElement) activate_get [widget(scrollbar); "activate"]
function () configure [widget(scrollbar); "configure"; option(scrollbar) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(scrollbar); "configure"]
function (float) delta [widget(scrollbar); "delta"; x: int; y: int]
function (float) fraction [widget(scrollbar); "fraction"; x: int; y: int]
function (float, float) get [widget(scrollbar); "get"]
function (int,int,int,int) old_get [widget(scrollbar); "get"]
function (WidgetElement/ScrollbarElement) identify [widget(scale); "identify"; int; int]
function () set [widget(scrollbar); "set"; first: float; last: float]
function () old_set [widget(scrollbar); "set"; total:int; window:int; first:int; last:int]
%%%%% selection(n)
subtype icccm(selection_clear) {
DisplayOf ["-displayof"; widget]
Selection ["-selection"; string]
subtype icccm(selection_get) {
subtype icccm(selection_ownset) {
LostCommand ["-command"; function()]
subtype icccm(selection_handle) {
ICCCMFormat ["-format"; string]
module Selection {
function () clear ["selection"; "clear"; icccm(selection_clear) list]
function (string) get ["selection"; "get"; icccm(selection_get) list]
% function () handle_set ["selection"; "handle"; icccm(selection_handle) list; widget; function(int,int)]
external handle_set "builtin/selection_handle_set"
unsafe function (widget) own_get ["selection"; "own"; icccm(selection_clear) list]
% builtin
% function () own_set ["selection"; "own"; widget; icccm(selection_ownset) list]
external own_set "builtin/selection_own_set"
%%%%% send(n)
type SendOption {
SendDisplayOf ["-displayof"; widget] % DisplayOf is used for icccm !
SendAsync ["-async"]
unsafe function () send ["send"; SendOption list; "--"; app: string; command: string list]
%%%%% text(n)
type TextIndex external
type TextTag external
type TextMark external
type TabType {
TabLeft [Units/int; "left"]
TabRight [Units/int; "right"]
TabCenter [Units/int; "center"]
TabNumeric [Units/int; "numeric"]
type WrapMode {
WrapNone ["none"]
WrapChar ["char"]
WrapWord ["word"]
type Comparison {
LT (Lt) ["<"]
LE (Le) ["<="]
EQ (Eq) ["=="]
GE (Ge) [">="]
GT (Gt) [">"]
NEQ (Neq) ["!="]
type MarkDirection {
Mark_Left ["left"]
Mark_Right ["right"]
type AlignType {
Align_Top ["top"]
Align_Bottom ["bottom"]
Align_Center ["center"]
Align_Baseline ["baseline"]
subtype option(embeddedi) {
Align ["-align"; AlignType]
##ifdef CAMLTK
Name ["-name"; string]
subtype option(embeddedw) {
Align ["-align"; AlignType]
Stretch ["-stretch"; bool]
type TextSearch {
Forwards ["-forwards"]
Backwards ["-backwards"]
Exact ["-exact"]
Regexp ["-regexp"]
Nocase ["-nocase"]
Count ["-count"; TextVariable]
type text_dump {
DumpAll ["-all"]
DumpCommand ["-command"; function (key: string, value: string, index: string)]
DumpMark ["-mark"]
DumpTag ["-tag"]
DumpText ["-text"]
DumpWindow ["-window"]
widget text {
% Standard options
option Background
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option ExportSelection
option Font
option Foreground
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
option InsertBackground
option InsertBorderWidth
option InsertOffTime
option InsertOnTime
option InsertWidth
option PadX
option PadY
option Relief
option SelectBackground
option SelectBorderWidth
option SelectForeground
option SetGrid
option TakeFocus
option XScrollCommand
option YScrollCommand
% Widget specific options
option TextHeight
option Spacing1 ["-spacing1"; Units/int]
option Spacing2 ["-spacing2"; Units/int]
option Spacing3 ["-spacing3"; Units/int]
##ifdef CAMLTK
option State
option EntryState
option Tabs ["-tabs"; [TabType list]]
option TextWidth
option Wrap ["-wrap"; WrapMode]
function (int,int,int,int) bbox [widget(text); "bbox"; index: TextIndex]
function (bool) compare [widget(text); "compare"; index: TextIndex; op: Comparison; index: TextIndex]
function () configure [widget(text); "configure"; option(text) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(text); "configure"]
function () debug [widget(text); "debug"; bool]
function () delete [widget(text); "delete"; start: TextIndex; stop: TextIndex]
function () delete_char [widget(text); "delete"; index: TextIndex]
function (int, int, int, int, int) dlineinfo [widget(text); "dlineinfo"; index: TextIndex]
% require result parser
function (string list) dump [widget(text); "dump"; text_dump list; start: TextIndex; stop: TextIndex]
function (string list) dump_char [widget(text); "dump"; text_dump list; index: TextIndex]
function (string) get [widget(text); "get"; start: TextIndex; stop: TextIndex]
function (string) get_char [widget(text); "get"; index: TextIndex]
function () image_configure
[widget(text); "image"; "configure"; name: string; option(embeddedi) list]
function (string) image_configure_get
[widget(text); "image"; "cgets"; name: string]
function (string) image_create
[widget(text); "image"; "create"; index: TextIndex; option(embeddedi) list]
function (string list) image_names [widget(text); "image"; "names"]
function (Index(text) as "[>`Linechar of int * int]") index [widget(text); "index"; index: TextIndex]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function () insert [widget(text); "insert"; index: TextIndex; text: string; [TextTag list]]
function () insert [widget(text); "insert"; index: TextIndex; text: string; ?tags: [TextTag list]]
% Mark
function () mark_gravity_set [widget(text); "mark"; "gravity"; mark: TextMark; direction: MarkDirection]
function (MarkDirection) mark_gravity_get [widget(text); "mark"; "gravity"; mark: TextMark]
function (TextMark list) mark_names [widget(text); "mark"; "names"]
function (TextMark) mark_next [widget(text); "mark"; "next"; index: TextIndex]
function (TextMark) mark_previous [widget(text); "mark"; "previous"; index: TextIndex]
function () mark_set [widget(text); "mark"; "set"; mark: TextMark; index: TextIndex]
function () mark_unset [widget(text); "mark"; "unset"; marks: TextMark list]
% Scan
function () scan_mark [widget(text); "scan"; "mark"; x: int; y: int]
function () scan_dragto [widget(text); "scan"; "dragto"; x: int; y: int]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (Index) search [widget(text); "search"; TextSearch list; "--"; string; TextIndex; TextIndex]
function (Index(text) as "[>`Linechar of int * int]") search [widget(text); "search"; switches: TextSearch list; "--"; pattern: string; start: TextIndex; ?stop: [TextIndex]]
function () see [widget(text); "see"; index: TextIndex]
% Tags
function () tag_add [widget(text); "tag"; "add"; tag: TextTag; start: TextIndex; stop: TextIndex]
function () tag_add_char [widget(text); "tag"; "add"; tag: TextTag; index: TextIndex]
external tag_bind "builtin/text_tag_bind"
function () tag_configure [widget(text); "tag"; "configure"; tag: TextTag; option(texttag) list]
function () tag_delete [widget(text); "tag"; "delete"; TextTag list]
function () tag_lower [widget(text); "tag"; "lower"; tag: TextTag; ?below: [TextTag]]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function () tag_lower_below [widget(text); "tag"; "lower"; TextTag; TextTag]
function () tag_lower_bot [widget(text); "tag"; "lower"; TextTag]
function (TextTag list) tag_names [widget(text); "tag"; "names"; ?index: [TextIndex]]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (TextTag list) tag_allnames [widget(text); "tag"; "names"]
function (TextTag list) tag_indexnames [widget(text); "tag"; "names"; TextIndex]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (Index, Index) tag_nextrange [widget(text); "tag"; "nextrange"; TextTag; start: TextIndex; stop: TextIndex]
function (Index, Index) tag_prevrange [widget(text); "tag"; "prevrange"; TextTag; start: TextIndex; stop: TextIndex]
function (Index(text) as "[>`Linechar of int * int]", Index(text) as "[>`Linechar of int * int]") tag_nextrange [widget(text); "tag"; "nextrange"; tag: TextTag; start: TextIndex; ?stop: [TextIndex]]
function (Index(text) as "[>`Linechar of int * int]", Index(text) as "[>`Linechar of int * int]") tag_prevrange [widget(text); "tag"; "prevrange"; tag: TextTag; start: TextIndex; ?stop: [TextIndex]]
function () tag_raise [widget(text); "tag"; "raise"; tag: TextTag; ?above: [TextTag]]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function () tag_raise_above [widget(text); "tag"; "raise"; TextTag; TextTag]
function () tag_raise_top [widget(text); "tag"; "raise"; TextTag]
##ifdef CAMLTK
function (Index list) tag_ranges [widget(text); "tag"; "ranges"; TextTag]
function (Index(text) as "[>`Linechar of int * int]" list) tag_ranges [widget(text); "tag"; "ranges"; tag: TextTag]
function () tag_remove [widget(text); "tag"; "remove"; tag: TextTag; start: TextIndex; stop: TextIndex]
function () tag_remove_char [widget(text); "tag"; "remove"; tag: TextTag; index: TextIndex]
function () window_configure [widget(text); "window"; "configure"; tag: TextTag; option(embeddedw) list]
function () window_create [widget(text); "window"; "create"; index: TextIndex; option(embeddedw) list]
function (widget list) window_names [widget(text); "window"; "names"]
% scrolling
function (float,float) xview_get [widget(text); "xview"]
function (float,float) yview_get [widget(text); "yview"]
function () xview [widget(text); "xview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
function () yview [widget(text); "yview"; scroll: ScrollValue]
function () yview_index [widget(text); "yview"; index: TextIndex]
function () yview_index_pickplace [widget(text); "yview"; "-pickplace"; index: TextIndex]
function () yview_line [widget(text); "yview"; line: int] % obsolete
subtype option(texttag) {
BgStipple ["-bgstipple"; Bitmap]
FgStipple ["-fgstipple"; Bitmap]
LMargin1 ["-lmargin1"; Units/int]
LMargin2 ["-lmargin2"; Units/int]
Offset ["-offset"; Units/int]
OverStrike ["-overstrike"; bool]
RMargin ["-rmargin"; Units/int]
Underline ["-underline"; bool]
Wrap ["-wrap"; WrapMode]
%%%%% tk(n)
unsafe function () appname_set ["tk"; "appname"; string]
unsafe function (string) appname_get ["tk"; "appname"]
function (float) scaling_get ["tk"; "scaling"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]]
unsafe function () scaling_set ["tk"; "scaling"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]; float]
%%%%% tk_chooseColor(n)
subtype option(chooseColor){
InitialColor ["-initialcolor"; Color]
Parent ["-parent"; widget]
Title ["-title"; string]
function (Color) chooseColor ["tk_chooseColor"; option(chooseColor) list]
%%%%% tkwait(n)
module Tkwait {
function () variable ["tkwait"; "variable"; TextVariable]
function () visibility ["tkwait"; "visibility"; widget]
function () window ["tkwait"; "window"; widget]
%%%%% toplevel(n)
% This module will be renamed "toplevelw" to avoid collision with
% Caml Light standard toplevel module.
widget toplevel {
% Standard options
option BorderWidth
option Cursor
option HighlightBackground
option HighlightColor
option HighlightThickness
option Relief
option TakeFocus
% Widget specific options
option Background
##ifdef CAMLTK
option Class
option Clas
option Colormap
option Container ["-container"; bool]
option Height
option Menu
option Screen ["-screen"; string]
option Use ["-use"; string] % must be hexadecimal "0x????"
option Visual
option Width
function () configure [widget(toplevel); "configure"; option(toplevel) list]
function (string) configure_get [widget(toplevel); "configure"]
%%%%% update(n)
function () update ["update"]
function () update_idletasks ["update"; "idletasks"]
%%%%% winfo(n)
type AtomId {
AtomId [int]
module Winfo {
unsafe function (AtomId) atom ["winfo"; "atom"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]; string]
unsafe function (string) atomname ["winfo"; "atomname"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]; AtomId]
##ifdef CAMLTK
unsafe function (AtomId) atom_displayof ["winfo"; "atom"; "-displayof"; widget; string]
unsafe function (string) atomname_displayof ["winfo"; "atomname"; "-displayof"; widget; AtomId]
function (int) cells ["winfo"; "cells"; widget]
function (widget list) children ["winfo"; "children"; widget]
function (string) class_name ["winfo"; "class"; widget]
function (bool) colormapfull ["winfo"; "colormapfull"; widget]
unsafe function (widget) containing ["winfo"; "containing"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]; x: int; y: int]
##ifdef CAMLTK
unsafe function (widget) containing_displayof ["winfo"; "containing"; "-displayof"; widget; int; int]
% addition for applets
external contained "builtin/winfo_contained"
function (int) depth ["winfo"; "depth"; widget]
function (bool) exists ["winfo"; "exists"; widget]
function (float) fpixels ["winfo"; "fpixels"; widget; length: Units]
function (string) geometry ["winfo"; "geometry"; widget]
function (int) height ["winfo"; "height"; widget]
unsafe function (string) id ["winfo"; "id"; widget]
unsafe function (string list) interps ["winfo"; "interps"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]]
##ifdef CAMLTK
unsafe function (string list) interps_displayof ["winfo"; "interps"; "-displayof"; widget]
function (bool) ismapped ["winfo"; "ismapped"; widget]
function (string) manager ["winfo"; "manager"; widget]
function (string) name ["winfo"; "name"; widget]
unsafe function (widget) parent ["winfo"; "parent"; widget] % bogus for top
unsafe function (widget) pathname ["winfo"; "pathname"; ?displayof:["-displayof"; widget]; string]
##ifdef CAMLTK
unsafe function (widget) pathname_displayof ["winfo"; "pathname"; "-displayof"; widget; string]
function (int) pixels ["winfo"; "pixels"; widget; length: Units]
function (int) pointerx ["winfo"; "pointerx"; widget]
function (int) pointery ["winfo"; "pointery"; widget]
function (int, int) pointerxy ["winfo"; "pointerxy"; widget]
function (int) reqheight ["winfo"; "reqheight"; widget]
function (int) reqwidth ["winfo"; "reqwidth"; widget]
function (int,int,int) rgb ["winfo"; "rgb"; widget; color: Color]
function (int) rootx ["winfo"; "rootx"; widget]
function (int) rooty ["winfo"; "rooty"; widget]
unsafe function (string) screen ["winfo"; "screen"; widget]
function (int) screencells ["winfo"; "screencells"; widget]
function (int) screendepth ["winfo"; "screendepth"; widget]
function (int) screenheight ["winfo"; "screenheight"; widget]
function (int) screenmmheight ["winfo"; "screenmmheight"; widget]
function (int) screenmmwidth ["winfo"; "screenmmwidth"; widget]
function (string) screenvisual ["winfo"; "screenvisual"; widget]
function (int) screenwidth ["winfo"; "screenwidth"; widget]
unsafe function (string) server ["winfo"; "server"; widget]
unsafe function (widget(toplevel)) toplevel ["winfo"; "toplevel"; widget]
function (bool) viewable ["winfo"; "viewable"; widget]
function (string) visual ["winfo"; "visual"; widget]
function (int) visualid ["winfo"; "visualid"; widget]
% need special parser
function (string) visualsavailable ["winfo"; "visualsavailable"; widget; ?includeids: [int list]]
function (int) vrootheight ["winfo"; "vrootheight"; widget]
function (int) vrootwidth ["winfo"; "vrootwidth"; widget]
function (int) vrootx ["winfo"; "vrootx"; widget]
function (int) vrooty ["winfo"; "vrooty"; widget]
function (int) width ["winfo"; "width"; widget]
function (int) x ["winfo"; "x"; widget]
function (int) y ["winfo"; "y"; widget]
%%%%% wm(n)
type FocusModel {
FocusActive ["active"]
FocusPassive ["passive"]
type WmFrom {
User ["user"]
Program ["program"]
module Wm {
%%% Aspect
function () aspect_set ["wm"; "aspect"; widget(toplevel); minnum:int; mindenom:int; maxnum:int; maxdenom:int]
% aspect: problem with empty return
function (int,int,int,int) aspect_get ["wm"; "aspect"; widget(toplevel)]
function () client_set ["wm"; "client"; widget(toplevel); name: string]
function (string) client_get ["wm"; "client"; widget(toplevel)]
function () colormapwindows_set
["wm"; "colormapwindows"; widget(toplevel); [windows: widget list]]
unsafe function (widget list) colormapwindows_get
["wm"; "colormapwindows"; widget(toplevel)]
function () command_clear ["wm"; "command"; widget(toplevel); ""]
function () command_set ["wm"; "command"; widget(toplevel); [string list]]
function (string list) command_get ["wm"; "command"; widget(toplevel)]
function () deiconify ["wm"; "deiconify"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Focus model
function () focusmodel_set ["wm"; "focusmodel"; widget(toplevel); FocusModel]
function (FocusModel) focusmodel_get ["wm"; "focusmodel"; widget(toplevel)]
function (string) frame ["wm"; "frame"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Geometry
function () geometry_set ["wm"; "geometry"; widget(toplevel); string]
function (string) geometry_get ["wm"; "geometry"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Grid
function () grid_clear ["wm"; "grid"; widget(toplevel); ""; ""; ""; ""]
function () grid_set ["wm"; "grid"; widget(toplevel); basewidth: int; baseheight: int; widthinc: int; heightinc: int]
function (int,int,int,int) grid_get ["wm"; "grid"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Groups
function () group_clear ["wm"; "group"; widget(toplevel); ""]
function () group_set ["wm"; "group"; widget(toplevel); leader: widget]
unsafe function (widget) group_get ["wm"; "group"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Icon bitmap
function () iconbitmap_clear ["wm"; "iconbitmap"; widget(toplevel); ""]
function () iconbitmap_set ["wm"; "iconbitmap"; widget(toplevel); Bitmap]
function (Bitmap) iconbitmap_get ["wm"; "iconbitmap"; widget(toplevel)]
function () iconify ["wm"; "iconify"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Icon mask
function () iconmask_clear ["wm"; "iconmask"; widget(toplevel); ""]
function () iconmask_set ["wm"; "iconmask"; widget(toplevel); Bitmap]
function (Bitmap) iconmask_get ["wm"; "iconmask"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Icon name
function () iconname_set ["wm"; "iconname"; widget(toplevel); string]
function (string) iconname_get ["wm"; "iconname"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Icon position
function () iconposition_clear ["wm"; "iconposition"; widget(toplevel); ""; ""]
function () iconposition_set ["wm"; "iconposition"; widget(toplevel); x: int; y: int]
function (int,int) iconposition_get ["wm"; "iconposition"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Icon window
function () iconwindow_clear ["wm"; "iconwindow"; widget(toplevel); ""]
function () iconwindow_set ["wm"; "iconwindow"; widget(toplevel); icon: widget(toplevel)]
unsafe function (widget(toplevel)) iconwindow_get ["wm"; "iconwindow"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Sizes
function () maxsize_set ["wm"; "maxsize"; widget(toplevel); width: int; height: int]
function (int,int) maxsize_get ["wm"; "maxsize"; widget(toplevel)]
function () minsize_set ["wm"; "minsize"; widget(toplevel); width: int; height: int]
function (int,int) minsize_get ["wm"; "minsize"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Override
unsafe function () overrideredirect_set ["wm"; "overrideredirect"; widget(toplevel); bool]
function (bool) overrideredirect_get ["wm"; "overrideredirect"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Position
function () positionfrom_clear ["wm"; "positionfrom"; widget(toplevel); ""]
function () positionfrom_set ["wm"; "positionfrom"; widget(toplevel); WmFrom]
function (WmFrom) positionfrom_get ["wm"; "positionfrom"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Protocols
function () protocol_set ["wm"; "protocol"; widget(toplevel); name: string; command: function()]
function () protocol_clear ["wm"; "protocol"; widget(toplevel); name: string; ""]
function (string list) protocols ["wm"; "protocol"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Resize
function () resizable_set ["wm"; "resizable"; widget(toplevel); width: bool; height: bool]
function (bool, bool) resizable_get ["wm"; "resizable"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Sizefrom
function () sizefrom_clear ["wm"; "sizefrom"; widget(toplevel); ""]
function () sizefrom_set ["wm"; "sizefrom"; widget(toplevel); WmFrom]
function (WmFrom) sizefrom_get ["wm"; "sizefrom"; widget(toplevel)]
function (string) state ["wm"; "state"; widget(toplevel)]
%%% Title
function (string) title_get ["wm"; "title"; widget(toplevel)]
function () title_set ["wm"; "title"; widget(toplevel); string]
%%% Transient
function () transient_clear ["wm"; "transient"; widget(toplevel); ""]
function () transient_set ["wm"; "transient"; widget(toplevel); master: widget]
unsafe function (widget) transient_get ["wm"; "transient"; widget(toplevel)]
function () withdraw ["wm"; "withdraw"; widget(toplevel)]
%%%%% tk_getOpenFile(n) (since version 8.0)
type FilePattern external
subtype option(getFile) {
DefaultExtension ["-defaultextension"; string]
FileTypes ["-filetypes"; [FilePattern list]]
InitialDir ["-initialdir"; string]
InitialFile ["-initialfile"; string]
Parent ["-parent"; widget]
Title ["-title"; string]
function (string) getOpenFile ["tk_getOpenFile"; option(getFile) list]
function (string) getSaveFile ["tk_getSaveFile"; option(getFile) list]
%%%%% tk_messageBox
type MessageIcon {
Error ["error"]
Info ["info"]
Question ["question"]
Warning ["warning"]
type MessageType {
AbortRetryIgnore ["abortretryignore"]
Ok ["ok"]
OkCancel ["okcancel"]
RetryCancel ["retrycancel"]
YesNo ["yesno"]
YesNoCancel ["yesnocancel"]
subtype option(messageBox) {
MessageDefault ["-default"; string]
MessageIcon ["-icon"; MessageIcon]
Message ["-message"; string]
MessageType ["-type"; MessageType]
function (string) messageBox ["tk_messageBox"; option(messageBox) list]
module Tkvars {
function (string) library ["set"; "tk_library"]
function (string) patchLevel ["set"; "tk_patchLevel"]
function (bool) strictMotif ["set"; "tk_strictMotif"]
function () set_strictMotif ["set"; "tk_strictMotif"; bool]
function (string) version ["set"; "tk_version"]
% Direct API calls, non Tcl-based modules
module Pixmap {
external create "builtin/rawimg"
%%% encodings : require if you want write your application international
module Encoding {
function (string) convertfrom ["encoding"; "convertfrom";
?encoding: [string]; string]
function (string) convertto ["encoding"; "convertto";
?encoding: [string]; string]
function (string list) names ["encoding"; "names"]
function () system_set ["encoding"; "system"; string]
function (string) system_get ["encoding"; "system"]
% sample addition: ttk::labelframe
% widget "ttk::labelframe" {
% function (string) after [int]
% }
% subtype option("ttk::labelframe") {
% Text
% }