##ifdef CAMLTK
(* type *)
type bindAction =
| BindSet of eventField list * (eventInfo -> unit)
| BindSetBreakable of eventField list * (eventInfo -> unit)
| BindRemove
| BindExtend of eventField list * (eventInfo -> unit)
(* /type *)
val bind:
widget -> (modifier list * xEvent) list -> bindAction -> unit
let bind widget eventsequence action =
tkCommand [| TkToken "bind";
TkToken (Widget.name widget);
cCAMLtoTKeventSequence eventsequence;
begin match action with
BindRemove -> TkToken ""
| BindSet (what, f) ->
let cbId = register_callback widget (wrapeventInfo f what)
TkToken ("camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what))
| BindSetBreakable (what, f) ->
let cbId = register_callback widget (wrapeventInfo f what)
TkToken ("camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what) ^
" ; if { $BreakBindingsSequence == 1 } then { break ;} ; set BreakBindingsSequence 0")
| BindExtend (what, f) ->
let cbId = register_callback widget (wrapeventInfo f what)
TkToken ("+camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what))
end |]
(* unsafe *)
val bind_class :
string -> (modifier list * xEvent) list -> bindAction -> unit
(* /unsafe *)
/FUNCTION class arg is not constrained *)
let bind_class clas eventsequence action =
tkCommand [| TkToken "bind";
TkToken clas;
cCAMLtoTKeventSequence eventsequence;
begin match action with
BindRemove -> TkToken ""
| BindSet (what, f) ->
let cbId = register_callback Widget.dummy
(wrapeventInfo f what) in
TkToken ("camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what))
| BindSetBreakable (what, f) ->
let cbId = register_callback Widget.dummy
(wrapeventInfo f what) in
TkToken ("camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what)^
" ; if { $BreakBindingsSequence == 1 } then { break ;} ; set BreakBindingsSequence 0" )
| BindExtend (what, f) ->
let cbId = register_callback Widget.dummy
(wrapeventInfo f what) in
TkToken ("+camlcb " ^ cbId ^ (writeeventField what))
end |]
(* unsafe *)
val bind_tag :
string -> (modifier list * xEvent) list -> bindAction -> unit
(* /unsafe *)
let bind_tag = bind_class
val break : unit -> unit
let break = function () ->
Textvariable.set (Textvariable.coerce "BreakBindingsSequence") "1"
(* Legacy functions *)
let tag_bind = bind_tag;;
let class_bind = bind_class;;
let bind_class ~events ?(extend = false) ?(breakable = false) ?(fields = [])
?action ?on:widget name =
let widget = match widget with None -> Widget.dummy | Some w -> coe w in
[| TkToken "bind";
TkToken name;
cCAMLtoTKeventSequence events;
begin match action with None -> TkToken ""
| Some f ->
let cbId =
register_callback widget ~callback: (wrapeventInfo f fields) in
let cb = if extend then "+camlcb " else "camlcb " in
let cb = cb ^ cbId ^ writeeventField fields in
let cb =
if breakable then
cb ^ " ; if { $BreakBindingsSequence == 1 } then { break ;}"
^ " ; set BreakBindingsSequence 0"
else cb in
TkToken cb
let bind ~events ?extend ?breakable ?fields ?action widget =
bind_class ~events ?extend ?breakable ?fields ?action ~on:widget
(Widget.name widget)
let bind_tag = bind_class
val break : unit -> unit
let break = function () ->
tkCommand [| TkToken "set" ; TkToken "BreakBindingsSequence" ; TkToken "1" |]