(* Color *)
##ifdef CAMLTK
(* type *)
type color =
| NamedColor of string
| Black (* tk keyword: black *)
| White (* tk keyword: white *)
| Red (* tk keyword: red *)
| Green (* tk keyword: green *)
| Blue (* tk keyword: blue *)
| Yellow (* tk keyword: yellow *)
(* /type *)
(* type *)
type color = [
| `Color of string
| `Black (* tk keyword: black *)
| `White (* tk keyword: white *)
| `Red (* tk keyword: red *)
| `Green (* tk keyword: green *)
| `Blue (* tk keyword: blue *)
| `Yellow (* tk keyword: yellow *)
(* /type *)
##ifdef CAMLTK
(* type *)
type cursor =
| XCursor of string
| XCursorFg of string * color
| XCursortFgBg of string * color * color
| CursorFileFg of string * color
| CursorMaskFile of string * string * color * color
(* /type *)
(* Tk_GetCursor emulation *)
(* type *)
type cursor = [
| `Xcursor of string
| `Xcursorfg of string * color
| `Xcursorfgbg of string * color * color
| `Cursorfilefg of string * color
| `Cursormaskfile of string * string * color * color
(* /type *)