(* *)
(* MLTk, Tcl/Tk interface of OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Francois Rouaix, Francois Pessaux, Jun Furuse and Pierre Weis *)
(* projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *)
(* General Public License, with the special exception on linking *)
(* described in file LICENSE found in the OCaml source tree. *)
(* *)
(* Memory gauge *)
open Camltk
open Gc
let inited = ref None
let w = ref 300
let delay = ref 5 (* in seconds *)
let wordsize = (* officially approved *)
if 1 lsl 31 = 0 then 4 else 8
let init () =
let top = Toplevel.create Widget.default_toplevel [Class "CamlGC"] in
let name = Camltk.appname_get () in
Wm.title_set top (name ^ " Memory Gauge");
Wm.withdraw top;
inited := Some top;
(* this should be executed before the internal "all" binding *)
bind top [[], Destroy] (BindSet ([], (fun _ -> inited := None)));
let fminors = Frame.create top [] in
let lminors = Label.create fminors [Text "Minor collections"]
and vminors = Label.create fminors [] in
pack [lminors][Side Side_Left];
pack [vminors][Side Side_Right; Fill Fill_X; Expand true];
let fmajors = Frame.create top [] in
let lmajors = Label.create fmajors [Text "Major collections"]
and vmajors = Label.create fmajors [] in
pack [lmajors][Side Side_Left];
pack [vmajors][Side Side_Right; Fill Fill_X; Expand true];
let fcompacts = Frame.create top [] in
let lcompacts = Label.create fcompacts [Text "Compactions"]
and vcompacts = Label.create fcompacts [] in
pack [lcompacts][Side Side_Left];
pack [vcompacts][Side Side_Right; Fill Fill_X; Expand true];
let fsize = Frame.create top [] in
let lsize = Label.create fsize [Text "Heap size (bytes)"]
and vsize = Label.create fsize [] in
pack [lsize][Side Side_Left];
pack [vsize][Side Side_Right; Fill Fill_X; Expand true];
let fheap = Frame.create top [Width (Pixels !w); Height (Pixels 10)] in
let flive = Frame.create fheap [Background Red]
and ffree = Frame.create fheap [Background Green]
and fdead = Frame.create fheap [Background Black] in
pack [fminors; fmajors; fcompacts; fsize; fheap][Fill Fill_X];
let display () =
let st = Gc.stat() in
Label.configure vminors [Text (string_of_int st.minor_collections)];
Label.configure vmajors [Text (string_of_int st.major_collections)];
Label.configure vcompacts [Text (string_of_int st.compactions)];
Label.configure vsize [Text (string_of_int (wordsize * st.heap_words))];
let liver = (float st.live_words) /. (float st.heap_words)
and freer = (float st.free_words) /. (float st.heap_words) in
Place.configure flive [X (Pixels 0); Y (Pixels 0);
RelWidth liver; RelHeight 1.0];
Place.configure ffree [RelX liver; Y (Pixels 0);
RelWidth freer; RelHeight 1.0];
Place.configure fdead [RelX (liver +. freer); Y (Pixels 0);
RelWidth (1.0 -. freer -. liver); RelHeight 1.0]
let rec tim () =
if Winfo.exists top then begin
Timer.set (!delay * 1000) tim
let rec f () =
match !inited with
Some w -> Wm.deiconify w
| None -> init (); f()