##ifdef CAMLTK
let cCAMLtoTKunits = function
Pixels (foo) -> TkToken (string_of_int foo)
| Millimeters (foo) -> TkToken(Printf.sprintf "%gm" foo)
| Inches (foo) -> TkToken(Printf.sprintf "%gi" foo)
| PrinterPoint (foo) -> TkToken(Printf.sprintf "%gp" foo)
| Centimeters (foo) -> TkToken(Printf.sprintf "%gc" foo)
let cTKtoCAMLunits str =
let len = String.length str in
let num_part str = String.sub str 0 (len - 1) in
match String.get str (pred len) with
'c' -> Centimeters (float_of_string (num_part str))
| 'i' -> Inches (float_of_string (num_part str))
| 'm' -> Millimeters (float_of_string (num_part str))
| 'p' -> PrinterPoint (float_of_string (num_part str))
| _ -> Pixels(int_of_string str)
let cCAMLtoTKunits : units -> tkArgs = function
| `Pix (foo) -> TkToken (string_of_int foo)
| `Mm (foo) -> TkToken(Printf.sprintf "%gm" foo)
| `In (foo) -> TkToken(Printf.sprintf "%gi" foo)
| `Pt (foo) -> TkToken(Printf.sprintf "%gp" foo)
| `Cm (foo) -> TkToken(Printf.sprintf "%gc" foo)
let cTKtoCAMLunits str =
let len = String.length str in
let num_part str = String.sub str ~pos:0 ~len:(len - 1) in
match String.get str (pred len) with
| 'c' -> `Cm (float_of_string (num_part str))
| 'i' -> `In (float_of_string (num_part str))
| 'm' -> `Mm (float_of_string (num_part str))
| 'p' -> `Pt (float_of_string (num_part str))
| _ -> `Pix(int_of_string str)