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${"% OCaml Fileutils "}

ocaml-fileutils is a library of pure OCaml functions to manipulate real files and filenames.

<div id="download-latest">
  <a href="${ocaml_fileutils.latest.url}">
    Download version ${ocaml_fileutils.latest.version}

Features of the project:

* pure OCaml
* file functions inspired from GNU fileutils (aiming to be POSIX compatible)
    * cp: copy files and directories
    * mv: rename files and directories
    * rm: remove files and directories
    * test: check file types and compare values
    * find: find files that match certain criteria
    * mkdir: create directory and its parents
    * ls: list content of a directory
    * touch: change file timestamps
    * which: locate a command
    * readlink: resolve symlink
    * du: compute disk usage
    * stat: abstract of Unix.stat
    * cmp: compare files
    * chmod: change permissions of a file
* filename functions support Win32/Unix/MacOS and Cygwin filenames:
    * Compare: is_subdir, is_updir, compare
    * Transform: make_absolute, make_relative, reduce
    * Extension: chop_extension, check_extension

You can browse the online API documentation of the latest version.

 * [API for version ${ocaml_fileutils.latest.version}, the latest stable version](api-fileutils/index.html)
% for version in ocaml_fileutils_doc.others:
 * [API for version ${version.version}](api-fileutils-${version.version}/index.html)
% endfor
 * [API for the version under development](api-fileutils-dev/index.html)