Blob Blame History Raw
(* camlp4r *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*                             Camlp4                                  *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*        Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt     *)
(*                                                                     *)
(*  Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et   *)
(*  Automatique.  Distributed only by permission.                      *)
(*                                                                     *)

value buff = ref (String.create 80);
value store len x =
  do {
    if len >= String.length buff.val then
      buff.val := buff.val ^ String.create (String.length buff.val)
    else ();
    buff.val.[len] := x;
    succ len
value get_buff len = String.sub buff.val 0 len;

value rec copy_strip_locate cs =
  match cs with parser
  [ [: `'$' :] -> maybe_locate cs
  | [: `c :] -> do { print_char c; copy_strip_locate cs }
  | [: :] -> () ]
and maybe_locate cs =
  match cs with parser
  [ [: `'1'..'9' :] -> locate cs
  | [: :] -> do { print_char '$'; copy_strip_locate cs } ]
and locate cs =
  match cs with parser
  [ [: `'0'..'9' :] -> locate cs
  | [: `':' :] -> inside_locate cs
  | [: :] -> raise (Stream.Error "colon char expected") ]
and inside_locate cs =
  match cs with parser
  [ [: `'$' :] -> copy_strip_locate cs
  | [: `'\\'; `c :] -> do { print_char c; inside_locate cs }
  | [: `c :] -> do { print_char c; inside_locate cs }
  | [: :] -> raise (Stream.Error "end of file in locate directive") ]

value file = ref "";

value quot name loc str =
  let loc = Loc.move `stop (String.length str) loc in
  let exp =
      match Quotation.find name with
      [ Quotation.ExStr f -> f
      | _ -> raise Not_found ]
    [ Not_found -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc Not_found ]
  let new_str =
    try exp True { Quotation.loc = file.val ; loc_name_opt = None } str with
    [ Loc.Exc_located loc exc -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc exc
    | exc -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc exc ]
  let cs = Stream.of_string new_str in copy_strip_locate cs

value rec ident len =
  [ [: `('A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '0'..'9' | '_' | ''' as c); s :] ->
      ident (store len c) s
  | [: :] -> get_buff len ]

value loc_of_ep ep =
  Loc.set_all `start 1 0 ep ( file.val);

value rec copy cs =
  match cs with parser
  [ [: `'<' :] -> maybe_quot cs
  | [: `'"' :] -> do { print_char '"'; inside_string cs }
  | [: `c :] -> do { print_char c; copy cs }
  | [: :] -> () ]
and maybe_quot cs =
  match cs with parser
  [ [: `'<' :] ep -> inside_quot "" (loc_of_ep ep) 0 cs
  | [: `':'; i = ident 0; `'<' ?? "less char expected" :] ep ->
      inside_quot i (loc_of_ep ep) 0 cs
  | [: :] -> do { print_char '<'; copy cs } ]
and inside_quot name loc len cs =
  match cs with parser
  [ [: `'>' :] -> maybe_end_quot name loc len cs
  | [: `c :] -> inside_quot name loc (store len c) cs
  | [: :] -> raise (Stream.Error "end of file in quotation") ]
and maybe_end_quot name loc len cs =
  match cs with parser
  [ [: `'>' :] -> do { quot name loc (get_buff len); copy cs }
  | [: :] -> inside_quot name loc (store len '>') cs ]
and inside_string cs =
  match cs with parser
  [ [: `'"' :] -> do { print_char '"'; copy cs }
  | [: `c :] -> do { print_char c; inside_string cs }
  | [: :] -> raise (Stream.Error "end of file in string") ]

value copy_quot cs = do { copy cs; flush stdout; };

Arg.parse [] (fun x -> file.val := x) "ocpp <objects> <file>";

value main () =
    if file.val <> "" then
      copy_quot (Stream.of_channel (open_in_bin file.val))
    else ()
  with exc ->
    do {
      Format.printf "@.";
        (match exc with
         [ Loc.Exc_located loc exc ->
           do { Format.eprintf "%a@." Loc.print loc; exc }
         | exc -> exc ])
; := "ocpp";
Odyl_main.go.val := main;