Blob Blame History Raw
(** The first special comment of the file is the comment associated
    with the whole module.*)

(** Special comments can be placed between elements and are kept
    by the OCamldoc tool, but are not associated to any element.
    @-tags in these comments are ignored.*)

(** Comments like the one above, with more than two asterisks,
    are ignored. *)

(** The comment for function f. *)
val f : int -> int -> int
(** The continuation of the comment for function f. *)

(** Comment for exception My_exception, even with a simple comment
    between the special comment and the exception.*)
(* Hello, I'm a simple comment :-) *)
exception My_exception of (int -> int) * int

(** Comment for type weather  *)
type weather =
| Rain of int (** The comment for construtor Rain *)
| Sun (** The comment for constructor Sun *)

(** Comment for type weather2  *)
type weather2 =
| Rain of int (** The comment for construtor Rain *)
| Sun (** The comment for constructor Sun *)
(** I can continue the comment for type weather2 here
  because there is already a comment associated to the last constructor.*)

(** The comment for type my_record *)
type my_record = {
    foo : int ;    (** Comment for field foo *)
    bar : string ; (** Comment for field bar *)
  (** Continuation of comment for type my_record *)

(** Comment for foo *)
val foo : string
(** This comment is associated to foo and not to bar. *)
val bar : string
(** This comment is assciated to bar. *)

(** The comment for class my_class *)
class my_class :
    (** A comment to describe inheritance from cl *)
    inherit cl

    (** The comment for attribute tutu *)
    val mutable tutu : string

    (** The comment for attribute toto. *)
    val toto : int

    (** This comment is not attached to titi since
        there is a blank line before titi, but is kept
        as a comment in the class. *)

    val titi : string

    (** Comment for method toto *)
    method toto : string

    (** Comment for method m *)
    method m : float -> int

(** The comment for the class type my_class_type *)
class type my_class_type =
    (** The comment for variable x. *)
    val mutable x : int

    (** The commend for method m. *)
    method m : int -> int

(** The comment for module Foo *)
module Foo :
    (** The comment for x *)
    val x : int

    (** A special comment that is kept but not associated to any element *)

(** The comment for module type my_module_type. *)
module type MY_MODULE_TYPE =
    (** The comment for value x. *)
    val x : int

    (** The comment for module M. *)
    module M :
        (** The comment for value y. *)
        val y : int

        (* ... *)
