Blob Blame History Raw
(*                                                                          *)
(*                                   OCaml                                  *)
(*                                                                          *)
(*                            INRIA Rocquencourt                            *)
(*                                                                          *)
(*  Copyright  2006   Institut National de Recherche  en  Informatique et   *)
(*  en Automatique.  All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under   *)
(*  the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special   *)
(*  exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Camlp4      *)
(*  source tree.                                                            *)
(*                                                                          *)

(* Authors:
 * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
 * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
  open Structure;
value tree_in_entry prev_symb tree =
  [ Dlevels levels ->
      let rec search_levels =
        [ [] -> tree
        | [level :: levels] ->
            match search_level level with
            [ Some tree -> tree
            | None -> search_levels levels ] ]
      and search_level level =
        match search_tree level.lsuffix with
        [ Some t -> Some (Node {node = Sself; son = t; brother = DeadEnd})
        | None -> search_tree level.lprefix ]
      and search_tree t =
        if tree <> DeadEnd && t == tree then Some t
          match t with
          [ Node n ->
              match search_symbol n.node with
              [ Some symb ->
                  Some (Node {node = symb; son = n.son; brother = DeadEnd})
              | None ->
                  match search_tree n.son with
                  [ Some t ->
                      Some (Node {node = n.node; son = t; brother = DeadEnd})
                  | None -> search_tree ] ]
          | LocAct _ _ | DeadEnd -> None ]
      and search_symbol symb =
        match symb with
        [ Snterm _ | Snterml _ _ | Slist0 _ | Slist0sep _ _ | Slist1 _ |
          Slist1sep _ _ | Sopt _ | Stry _ | Stoken _ | Stree _ | Skeyword _
          when symb == prev_symb ->
            Some symb
        | Slist0 symb ->
            match search_symbol symb with
            [ Some symb -> Some (Slist0 symb)
            | None -> None ]
        | Slist0sep symb sep ->
            match search_symbol symb with
            [ Some symb -> Some (Slist0sep symb sep)
            | None ->
                match search_symbol sep with
                [ Some sep -> Some (Slist0sep symb sep)
                | None -> None ] ]
        | Slist1 symb ->
            match search_symbol symb with
            [ Some symb -> Some (Slist1 symb)
            | None -> None ]
        | Slist1sep symb sep ->
            match search_symbol symb with
            [ Some symb -> Some (Slist1sep symb sep)
            | None ->
                match search_symbol sep with
                [ Some sep -> Some (Slist1sep symb sep)
                | None -> None ] ]
        | Sopt symb ->
            match search_symbol symb with
            [ Some symb -> Some (Sopt symb)
            | None -> None ]
        | Stry symb ->
            match search_symbol symb with
            [ Some symb -> Some (Stry symb)
            | None -> None ]
        | Stree t ->
            match search_tree t with
            [ Some t -> Some (Stree t)
            | None -> None ]
        | _ -> None ]
      search_levels levels
  | Dparser _ -> tree ]
