Blob Blame History Raw
(*                                                                          *)
(*                                   OCaml                                  *)
(*                                                                          *)
(*          Nicolas Pouillard, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
(*                                                                          *)
(*  Copyright  2007   Institut National de Recherche  en  Informatique et   *)
(*  en Automatique.  All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under   *)
(*  the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special   *)
(*  exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Camlp4      *)
(*  source tree.                                                            *)
(*                                                                          *)

open Ocamlbuild_plugin
open Command
open Arch
open Format

module C = Myocamlbuild_config

let () = mark_tag_used "windows"
let windows = C.os_type = "Win32"
let () = if windows then tag_any ["windows"]

let add_exe a =
  if not windows || Pathname.check_extension a "exe" then a
  else a-.-"exe"

module Camlp4deps = struct
  let lexer = Genlex.make_lexer ["INCLUDE"; ";"; "="; ":"]

  let rec parse strm =
    match Stream.peek strm with
    | None -> []
    | Some(Genlex.Kwd "INCLUDE") ->
      Stream.junk strm;
      begin match Stream.peek strm with
      | Some(Genlex.String s) ->
        Stream.junk strm;
        s :: parse strm
      | _ -> invalid_arg "Camlp4deps parse failure"
    | Some _ ->
      Stream.junk strm;
      parse strm

  let parse_file file =
    with_input_file file begin fun ic ->
      let strm = Stream.of_channel ic in
      parse (lexer strm)

  let build_deps build file =
    let includes = parse_file file in
    List.iter Outcome.ignore_good (build ( (fun i -> [i]) includes));

let () =
  dispatch begin function
  | Before_options ->
    Options.use_ocamlfind := false

  | After_options ->
    Options.use_ocamlfind := false;
    Options.make_links := false

  | After_rules ->
    let use_external_camlp4boot =
      try ignore (Sys.getenv "EXT_CAMLP4BOOT" : string); true with Not_found -> false

    let hot_camlp4boot_dep, hot_camlp4boot_cmd =
      if use_external_camlp4boot then
        (None, "camlp4boot")
        let exe =
          "camlp4boot" ^
          if C.ocamlnat then
            (* If we are using a native plugin, we might as well use a native
               preprocessor. *)
        let dep = "camlp4"/"boot"/exe in
        let cmd =
          let ( / ) = Filename.concat in
           * Workaround ocamlbuild problems on Windows by double-escaping.
           * On systems using forward-slash, the calls to String.escaped will be
           * no-ops anyway and the code will continue to work even once ocamlbuild
           * correctly escapes output (the issue is trying to escape output for both cmd
           * and bash)
          String.escaped (String.escaped ("camlp4"/"boot"/exe))
        (Some dep, cmd)

    flag ["ocaml"; "ocamlyacc"] (A"-v");

    flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "strict_sequence"] (A"-strict-sequence");

    let add_extensions extensions modules =
      List.fold_right begin fun x ->
        List.fold_right begin fun ext acc ->
          (x^ext) :: acc
        end extensions
      end modules []

    (match hot_camlp4boot_dep with
     | Some fn ->
       dep ["camlp4boot"] [fn]
     | None -> ());
    flag ["ocaml"; "pp"; "camlp4boot"] (P hot_camlp4boot_cmd);
    flag ["ocaml"; "pp"; "camlp4boot"; "native"] (S[A"-D"; A"OPT"]);
    flag ["ocaml"; "pp"; "camlp4boot"; "pp:dep"] (S[A"-D"; A"OPT"]);
    flag ["ocaml"; "pp"; "camlp4boot"; "pp:doc"] (S[A"-printer"; A"o"]);
    let exn_tracer = Pathname.pwd/"camlp4"/"boot"/"Camlp4ExceptionTracer.cmo" in
    if Pathname.exists exn_tracer then
      flag ["ocaml"; "pp"; "camlp4boot"; "exntracer"] (P exn_tracer);

    use_lib "camlp4/mkcamlp4" "camlp4/camlp4lib";

    ocaml_lib ~extern:true ~dir:"+compiler-libs" "ocamlcommon";

    let setup_arch arch =
      let annotated_arch = annotate arch in
      let (_include_dirs_table, _for_pack_table) = mk_tables annotated_arch in
      (* Format.eprintf "%a@." (Ocaml_arch.print_table (List.print pp_print_string)) include_dirs_table; *)
      iter_info begin fun i ->
        Pathname.define_context i.current_path i.include_dirs
      end annotated_arch

    let camlp4_arch =
      dir "" [
        dir "camlp4" [
          dir "config" [];
          dir_pack "Camlp4" [
            dir_pack "Struct" [
              dir_pack "Grammar" [];
            dir_pack "Printers" [];
          dir_pack "Camlp4Top" [];

    setup_arch camlp4_arch;

    Pathname.define_context "camlp4" ["camlp4/config"];
    Pathname.define_context "camlp4/boot" ["camlp4/config"];
    Pathname.define_context "camlp4/Camlp4Parsers" ["camlp4"; "camlp4/config"];
    Pathname.define_context "camlp4/Camlp4Printers" ["camlp4"; "camlp4/config"];
    Pathname.define_context "camlp4/Camlp4Filters" ["camlp4"; "camlp4/config"];
    Pathname.define_context "camlp4/Camlp4Top" ["camlp4"; "camlp4/config"];

    (* Some modules of camlp4 have the same names as ones from compiler-libs. For this
       reason we can't just -I +compiler-libs. Instead we copy the .cmi of the few modules
       of compiler-libs we are using to a local directory. *)

    let import = [
    ] in

    let import =
      if Myocamlbuild_config.ocamlnat then
        "opttoploop.cmi" :: "opttopdirs.cmi" :: import

      (fun fn ->
         let prod = "camlp4" / "import" / fn in
         rule (Printf.sprintf "copy %s" fn)
           (fun _ _ -> cp (C.standard_library / "compiler-libs" / fn) prod))

    flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "use_import"] & S[A "-I"; A "camlp4/import"];
    dep ["ocaml"; "compile"; "use_import"]
      ( (fun fn -> "camlp4" / "import" / fn) import);

    let gen_import = add_exe "camlp4/config/gen_import.byte" in
    let camlp4_import = "camlp4/config/" in
    rule "generate"
      (fun _ _ ->
         Cmd (S [Px gen_import; A Myocamlbuild_config.libdir]));

    copy_rule "% -> %.exe" ~insert:`bottom "%" "%.exe";

    if windows then flag ["ocamlmklib"] (A"-custom");

    let p4  = Pathname.concat "camlp4" in
    let pa  = Pathname.concat (p4 "Camlp4Parsers") in
    let pr  = Pathname.concat (p4 "Camlp4Printers") in
    (*    let fi  = Pathname.concat (p4 "Camlp4Filters") in*)
    let top = Pathname.concat (p4 "Camlp4Top") in

    let pa_r  = pa "Camlp4OCamlRevisedParser" in
    let pa_o  = pa "Camlp4OCamlParser" in
    let pa_q  = pa "Camlp4QuotationExpander" in
    let pa_qc = pa "Camlp4QuotationCommon" in
    let pa_rq = pa "Camlp4OCamlRevisedQuotationExpander" in
    let pa_oq = pa "Camlp4OCamlOriginalQuotationExpander" in
    let pa_rp = pa "Camlp4OCamlRevisedParserParser" in
    let pa_op = pa "Camlp4OCamlParserParser" in
    let pa_g  = pa "Camlp4GrammarParser" in
    let pa_l  = pa "Camlp4ListComprehension" in
    let pa_macro = pa "Camlp4MacroParser" in
    let pa_debug = pa "Camlp4DebugParser" in

    let pr_dump  = pr "Camlp4OCamlAstDumper" in
    (*    let pr_r = pr "Camlp4OCamlRevisedPrinter" in
          let pr_o = pr "Camlp4OCamlPrinter" in*)
    let pr_a = pr "Camlp4AutoPrinter" in
    (*    let fi_exc = fi "Camlp4ExceptionTracer" in*)
    (*    let fi_meta = fi "MetaGenerator" in*)
    let camlp4_bin = p4 "Camlp4Bin" in
    let top_rprint = top "Rprint" in
    let top_top = top "Top" in
    let top_optrprint = top "OptRprint" in
    let top_opttop = top "OptTop" in
    let camlp4Profiler = p4 "Camlp4Profiler" in

    let camlp4lib_cma = p4 "camlp4lib.cma" in
    let camlp4lib_cmxa = p4 "camlp4lib.cmxa" in
    let camlp4lib_lib = p4 ("camlp4lib"^C.ext_lib) in
    let camlp4lib_mllib = p4 ("camlp4lib.mllib") in

    let special_modules =
      if Sys.file_exists "./boot/Profiler.cmo" then [camlp4Profiler] else []

      (fun (src, dst) ->
         let src = src-.-"ml" in
         let dst = dst-.-"ml" in
         rule dst
           (fun _ _ ->
              Cmd(S[P"sed"; A"s/Toploop/Opttoploop/g;s/Topdirs/Opttopdirs/g";
                    P src; Sh ">"; P dst])))
      [ (top_top, top_opttop)
      ; (top_rprint, top_optrprint)

    let mk_camlp4_top_lib name modules =
      let name = "camlp4"/name in
      let cma = name-.-"cma" in
      let deps = special_modules @ modules @ [top_top] in
      let cmos = add_extensions [".cmo"] deps in
      rule cma
        ~insert:(`before "ocaml: mllib & cmo* -> cma")
        begin fun _ _ ->
          Cmd(S[!Options.ocamlc; A"-a"; T(tags_of_pathname cma++"ocaml"++"link"++"byte");
                P camlp4lib_cma; A"-linkall"; atomize cmos; A"-o"; Px cma])
      if Myocamlbuild_config.ocamlnat then begin
        let cmxa = name-.-"cmxa" in
        let deps =

            (fun dep ->
               if dep = top_top then
               else if dep = top_rprint then
        let cmxs = add_extensions [".cmx"] deps in
        rule cmxa
          ~insert:(`before "ocaml: mllib & cmx* & o* -> cmxa & a")
          begin fun _ _ ->
            let camlp4lib_cmxs =
                (fun m -> p4 (m-.-"cmx"))
                (string_list_of_file camlp4lib_mllib)
            Cmd(S[!Options.ocamlopt; A"-a";
                  T(tags_of_pathname cma++"ocaml"++"link"++"native");
                  atomize camlp4lib_cmxs; A"-linkall"; atomize cmxs; A"-o"; Px cmxa])

    let mk_camlp4_bin name modules =
      let name = "camlp4"/name in
      let byte = name-.-"byte" in
      let native = name-.-"native" in
      let deps = special_modules @ modules @ [camlp4_bin] in
      let cmos = add_extensions [".cmo"] deps in
      let cmxs = add_extensions [".cmx"] deps in
      let objs = add_extensions [C.ext_obj] deps in
      rule byte
        ~prod:(add_exe byte)
        ~insert:(`before "ocaml: cmo* -> byte")
        begin fun _ _ ->
          Cmd(S[!Options.ocamlc; T(tags_of_pathname byte++"ocaml"++"link"++"byte");
                P camlp4lib_cma; A"-linkall"; atomize cmos; A"-o"; Px (add_exe byte)])
      rule native
        ~deps:(camlp4lib_cmxa :: camlp4lib_lib :: (cmxs @ objs))
        ~prod:(add_exe native)
        ~insert:(`before "ocaml: cmx* & o* -> native")
        begin fun _ _ ->
          Cmd(S[!Options.ocamlopt; T(tags_of_pathname native++"ocaml"++"link"++"native");
                P camlp4lib_cmxa; A"-linkall"; atomize cmxs; A"-o"; Px (add_exe native)])

    let mk_camlp4 name modules bin_mods top_mods =
      mk_camlp4_bin name (modules @ bin_mods);
      mk_camlp4_top_lib name (modules @ top_mods);

    copy_rule "camlp4: boot/ -> Camlp4/Struct/"
      ~insert:`top "camlp4/boot/" "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/";

    dep ["ocaml"; "file:camlp4/Camlp4/"]

    dep ["ocaml"; "compile"; "file:camlp4/Camlp4/"]

    mk_camlp4_bin "camlp4" [];
    mk_camlp4 "camlp4boot"
      [pa_r; pa_qc; pa_q; pa_rp; pa_g; pa_macro; pa_debug; pa_l] [pr_dump] [top_rprint];
    mk_camlp4 "camlp4r"
      [pa_r; pa_rp] [pr_a] [top_rprint];
    mk_camlp4 "camlp4rf"
      [pa_r; pa_qc; pa_q; pa_rp; pa_g; pa_macro; pa_l] [pr_a] [top_rprint];
    mk_camlp4 "camlp4o"
      [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op] [pr_a] [];
    mk_camlp4 "camlp4of"
      [pa_r; pa_qc; pa_q; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pa_g; pa_macro; pa_l] [pr_a] [];
    mk_camlp4 "camlp4oof"
      [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pa_qc; pa_oq; pa_g; pa_macro; pa_l] [pr_a] [];
    mk_camlp4 "camlp4orf"
      [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pa_qc; pa_rq; pa_g; pa_macro; pa_l] [pr_a] []
  | _ ->