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Persistent Memory Development Kit

This is src/test/tools/ctrld/README.

This directory contains a simple application for controlling applications
run in background. The application works on a PID file which plays a role of
an unique identifier of an application run in background.

You can use the command as following:

usage: ctrld <pid file> <cmd> [<arg>]

Available commands:
	run <command> [<arg>...] -- run specified command in a background and store
				    its PID in a <pid file>
	wait [<timeout>]         -- wait until a process identified by a
				    <pid file> ends for at most <timeout>
	wait_port <port>         -- wait until a port <port> is opened
	kill <signo>             -- send a <signo> signal to a process identified
				    by a <pid file>

The process run in background is daemonized. The exit code of ctrld with wait command
is the same as the command of interest.

The PID file may contains the following data:
- PID number
- PID number and return value in a format <PID>r<exit code>