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Persistent Memory Development Kit

This is src/test/blk_non_zero/README.

This directory contains a unit test for pmemblk_read/write/set_zero/set_error
with a deliberately non-zero filled map.

The program in blk_non_zero.c takes a block size, file and a list of
operation:LBA pairs.  For example:

	./blk_non_zero 4096 file1 r:0 w:5 z:9 e:100

this will call pmemblk_open() on file1 and then pmemblk_read() for LBA 0,
pmemblk_write() for LBA 5, pmemblk_set_zero() for LBA 9, and pmem_set_error()
for LBA 100.

In tests 0-4 the map is filled with pseudo-random data before any read/write
operation is made. In tests 5-8 the pool is created by the libpmemblk Library
and is zero filled. Each block written is filled up with the ordinal number of
the write operation (a block full of 8-bit 1s, then a block filled with 8-bit
2s, etc.).  When a block is read, the number it was filled with is  reported
(and the program verifies the entire block is filled with that  number).