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This directory contains an example application implemented using libpmemobj.

The *mapcli* application is a simple CLI application which uses:

 * three implementations of hashmap:
 ** hashmap_atomic	- hashmap using atomic API of libpmemobj
 ** hashmap_tx		- hashmap using tx API of libpmemobj
 ** hashmap_rp		- hashmap using action API of libpmemobj

 * four implementations of tree maps:
 ** ctree		- Crit-Bit using tx API of libpmemobj
 ** btree		- B-tree using tx API of libpmemobj
 ** rtree		- Radix-tree using tx API of libpmemobj
 ** rbtree		- red-black tree using tx API of libpmemobj

$ ./mapcli ctree|btree|rtree|rbtree|hashmap_atomic|hashmap_tx|hashmap_rp <file> [<RNG seed>]

The first argument specifies which map should be used.

The file will either be created if it doesn't exist or opened if it contains
a valid pool.

The third argument specifies seed for RNG - the seed is utilized by three of
hashmaps implementations.

The application expects one of the below commands on standard input:
h - help
i $value - insert $value
r $value - remove $value
c $value - check $value, returns 0/1
n $value - insert $value random values
p - print all values
d - print debug info
b - rebuild
q - quit

** NOTE: **
Please note that some of functions may not be implemented by all types of map.
In such case the application will abort with proper message.

In order to build kv_server you need to install libuv development

rpm-based systems : libuv-devel
dpkg-based systems: libuvX-dev (where X is the API/ABI version)