Blob Blame History Raw
/* -*- c -*- */

 * This file is for the definitions of simd vectorized operations.
 * Currently contains sse2 functions that are built on amd64, x32 or
 * non-generic builds (CFLAGS=-march=...)
 * In future it may contain other instruction sets like AVX or NEON detected
 * at runtime in which case it needs to be included indirectly via a file
 * compiled with special options (or use gcc target attributes) so the binary
 * stays portable.

#ifndef __NPY_SIMD_INC
#define __NPY_SIMD_INC

#include "lowlevel_strided_loops.h"
#include "numpy/npy_common.h"
#include "numpy/ufuncobject.h"
#include "numpy/npy_math.h"
#include <emmintrin.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h> /* for memcpy */

/* Figure out the right abs function for pointer addresses */
static NPY_INLINE npy_intp
abs_intp(npy_intp x)
    return abs(x);
    return labs(x);
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1600)
    /* llabs is not available with Visual Studio 2008 */
    return x > 0 ? x : -x;
    return llabs(x);

 * stride is equal to element size and input and destination are equal or
 * don't overlap within one register
#define IS_BLOCKABLE_UNARY(esize, vsize) \
    (steps[0] == (esize) && steps[0] == steps[1] && \
     (npy_is_aligned(args[0], esize) && npy_is_aligned(args[1], esize)) && \
     ((abs_intp(args[1] - args[0]) >= (vsize)) || \
      ((abs_intp(args[1] - args[0]) == 0))))

#define IS_BLOCKABLE_REDUCE(esize, vsize) \
    (steps[1] == (esize) && abs_intp(args[1] - args[0]) >= (vsize) && \
     npy_is_aligned(args[1], (esize)) && \
     npy_is_aligned(args[0], (esize)))

#define IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY(esize, vsize) \
    (steps[0] == steps[1] && steps[1] == steps[2] && steps[2] == (esize) && \
     npy_is_aligned(args[2], (esize)) && npy_is_aligned(args[1], (esize)) && \
     npy_is_aligned(args[0], (esize)) && \
     (abs_intp(args[2] - args[0]) >= (vsize) || \
      abs_intp(args[2] - args[0]) == 0) && \
     (abs_intp(args[2] - args[1]) >= (vsize) || \
      abs_intp(args[2] - args[1]) >= 0))

#define IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY_SCALAR1(esize, vsize) \
    (steps[0] == 0 && steps[1] == steps[2] && steps[2] == (esize) && \
     npy_is_aligned(args[2], (esize)) && npy_is_aligned(args[1], (esize)) && \
     ((abs_intp(args[2] - args[1]) >= (vsize)) || \
      (abs_intp(args[2] - args[1]) == 0)) && \
     abs_intp(args[2] - args[0]) >= (esize))

#define IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY_SCALAR2(esize, vsize) \
    (steps[1] == 0 && steps[0] == steps[2] && steps[2] == (esize) && \
     npy_is_aligned(args[2], (esize)) && npy_is_aligned(args[0], (esize)) && \
     ((abs_intp(args[2] - args[0]) >= (vsize)) || \
      (abs_intp(args[2] - args[0]) == 0)) && \
     abs_intp(args[2] - args[1]) >= (esize))

#undef abs_intp

#define IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY_BOOL(esize, vsize) \
    (steps[0] == (esize) && steps[0] == steps[1] && steps[2] == (1) && \
     npy_is_aligned(args[1], (esize)) && \
     npy_is_aligned(args[0], (esize)))

#define IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY_SCALAR1_BOOL(esize, vsize) \
    (steps[0] == 0 && steps[1] == (esize) && steps[2] == (1) && \
     npy_is_aligned(args[1], (esize)))

#define IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY_SCALAR2_BOOL(esize, vsize) \
    (steps[0] == (esize) && steps[1] == 0 && steps[2] == (1) && \
     npy_is_aligned(args[0], (esize)))

/* align var to alignment */
#define LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(var, type, alignment)\
    npy_intp i, peel = npy_aligned_block_offset(var, sizeof(type),\
                                                alignment, n);\
    for(i = 0; i < peel; i++)

#define LOOP_BLOCKED(type, vsize)\
    for(; i < npy_blocked_end(peel, sizeof(type), vsize, n);\
            i += (vsize / sizeof(type)))

    for (; i < n; i++)

 * Dispatcher functions
 * decide whether the operation can be vectorized and run it
 * if it was run returns true and false if nothing was done

 **                           FLOAT DISPATCHERS

/**begin repeat
 * Float types
 *  #type = npy_float, npy_double, npy_longdouble#
 *  #vector = 1, 1, 0#

/**begin repeat1
 * #func = sqrt, absolute, negative, minimum, maximum#
 * #name = unary*3, unary_reduce*2#
 * #minmax = 0*3, 1*2#

#if @vector@ && defined NPY_HAVE_SSE2_INTRINSICS

/* prototypes */
static void
sse2_@func@_@TYPE@(@type@ *, @type@ *, const npy_intp n);


static NPY_INLINE int
run_@name@_simd_@func@_@TYPE@(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps)
#if @minmax@ && (defined NO_FLOATING_POINT_SUPPORT)
    return 0;
#if @vector@ && defined NPY_HAVE_SSE2_INTRINSICS
    if (@check@(sizeof(@type@), 16)) {
        sse2_@func@_@TYPE@((@type@*)args[1], (@type@*)args[0], dimensions[0]);
        return 1;
    return 0;

/**end repeat1**/

/**begin repeat1
 * Arithmetic
 * # kind = add, subtract, multiply, divide#

#if @vector@ && defined NPY_HAVE_SSE2_INTRINSICS

/* prototypes */
static void
sse2_binary_@kind@_@TYPE@(@type@ * op, @type@ * ip1, @type@ * ip2,
                          npy_intp n);
static void
sse2_binary_scalar1_@kind@_@TYPE@(@type@ * op, @type@ * ip1, @type@ * ip2,
                                  npy_intp n);
static void
sse2_binary_scalar2_@kind@_@TYPE@(@type@ * op, @type@ * ip1, @type@ * ip2,
                                  npy_intp n);


static NPY_INLINE int
run_binary_simd_@kind@_@TYPE@(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps)
#if @vector@ && defined NPY_HAVE_SSE2_INTRINSICS
    @type@ * ip1 = (@type@ *)args[0];
    @type@ * ip2 = (@type@ *)args[1];
    @type@ * op = (@type@ *)args[2];
    npy_intp n = dimensions[0];
    /* argument one scalar */
    if (IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY_SCALAR1(sizeof(@type@), 16)) {
        sse2_binary_scalar1_@kind@_@TYPE@(op, ip1, ip2, n);
        return 1;
    /* argument two scalar */
    else if (IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY_SCALAR2(sizeof(@type@), 16)) {
        sse2_binary_scalar2_@kind@_@TYPE@(op, ip1, ip2, n);
        return 1;
    else if (IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY(sizeof(@type@), 16)) {
        sse2_binary_@kind@_@TYPE@(op, ip1, ip2, n);
        return 1;
    return 0;

/**end repeat1**/

/**begin repeat1
 * #kind = equal, not_equal, less, less_equal, greater, greater_equal,
 *         logical_and, logical_or#
 * #simd = 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0#

#if @vector@ && @simd@ && defined NPY_HAVE_SSE2_INTRINSICS

/* prototypes */
static void
sse2_binary_@kind@_@TYPE@(npy_bool * op, @type@ * ip1, @type@ * ip2,
                          npy_intp n);
static void
sse2_binary_scalar1_@kind@_@TYPE@(npy_bool * op, @type@ * ip1, @type@ * ip2,
                                  npy_intp n);
static void
sse2_binary_scalar2_@kind@_@TYPE@(npy_bool * op, @type@ * ip1, @type@ * ip2,
                                  npy_intp n);


static NPY_INLINE int
run_binary_simd_@kind@_@TYPE@(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps)
#if @vector@ && @simd@ && defined NPY_HAVE_SSE2_INTRINSICS
    @type@ * ip1 = (@type@ *)args[0];
    @type@ * ip2 = (@type@ *)args[1];
    npy_bool * op = (npy_bool *)args[2];
    npy_intp n = dimensions[0];
    /* argument one scalar */
    if (IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY_SCALAR1_BOOL(sizeof(@type@), 16)) {
        sse2_binary_scalar1_@kind@_@TYPE@(op, ip1, ip2, n);
        return 1;
    /* argument two scalar */
    else if (IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY_SCALAR2_BOOL(sizeof(@type@), 16)) {
        sse2_binary_scalar2_@kind@_@TYPE@(op, ip1, ip2, n);
        return 1;
    else if (IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY_BOOL(sizeof(@type@), 16)) {
        sse2_binary_@kind@_@TYPE@(op, ip1, ip2, n);
        return 1;
    return 0;

/**end repeat1**/

/**begin repeat1
 * #kind = isnan, isfinite, isinf, signbit#

#if @vector@ && defined NPY_HAVE_SSE2_INTRINSICS

static void
sse2_@kind@_@TYPE@(npy_bool * op, @type@ * ip1, npy_intp n);


static NPY_INLINE int
run_@kind@_simd_@TYPE@(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps)
#if @vector@ && defined NPY_HAVE_SSE2_INTRINSICS
    if (steps[0] == sizeof(@type@) && steps[1] == 1 &&
        npy_is_aligned(args[0], sizeof(@type@))) {
        sse2_@kind@_@TYPE@((npy_bool*)args[1], (@type@*)args[0], dimensions[0]);
        return 1;
    return 0;

/**end repeat1**/

/**end repeat**/

 **                           BOOL DISPATCHERS

/**begin repeat
 * # kind = logical_or, logical_and#

static void
sse2_binary_@kind@_BOOL(npy_bool * op, npy_bool * ip1, npy_bool * ip2,
                        npy_intp n);

static void
sse2_reduce_@kind@_BOOL(npy_bool * op, npy_bool * ip, npy_intp n);

static NPY_INLINE int
run_binary_simd_@kind@_BOOL(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps)
    if (sizeof(npy_bool) == 1 && IS_BLOCKABLE_BINARY(sizeof(npy_bool), 16)) {
        sse2_binary_@kind@_BOOL((npy_bool*)args[2], (npy_bool*)args[0],
                               (npy_bool*)args[1], dimensions[0]);
        return 1;
    return 0;

static NPY_INLINE int
run_reduce_simd_@kind@_BOOL(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps)
    if (sizeof(npy_bool) == 1 && IS_BLOCKABLE_REDUCE(sizeof(npy_bool), 16)) {
        sse2_reduce_@kind@_BOOL((npy_bool*)args[0], (npy_bool*)args[1],
        return 1;
    return 0;

/**end repeat**/

/**begin repeat
 * # kind = absolute, logical_not#

static void
sse2_@kind@_BOOL(npy_bool *, npy_bool *, const npy_intp n);

static NPY_INLINE int
run_unary_simd_@kind@_BOOL(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps)
    if (sizeof(npy_bool) == 1 && IS_BLOCKABLE_UNARY(sizeof(npy_bool), 16)) {
        sse2_@kind@_BOOL((npy_bool*)args[1], (npy_bool*)args[0], dimensions[0]);
        return 1;
    return 0;

/**end repeat**/


 * Vectorized operations
 **                           FLOAT LOOPS

/**begin repeat
* horizontal reductions on a vector
* # VOP = min, max#

static NPY_INLINE npy_float sse2_horizontal_@VOP@___m128(__m128 v)
    npy_float r;
    __m128 tmp = _mm_movehl_ps(v, v);                   /* c     d     ... */
    __m128 m = _mm_@VOP@_ps(v, tmp);                    /* m(ac) m(bd) ... */
    tmp = _mm_shuffle_ps(m, m, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 1, 1, 1));/* m(bd) m(bd) ... */
    _mm_store_ss(&r, _mm_@VOP@_ps(tmp, m));             /* m(acbd) ... */
    return r;

static NPY_INLINE npy_double sse2_horizontal_@VOP@___m128d(__m128d v)
    npy_double r;
    __m128d tmp = _mm_unpackhi_pd(v, v);    /* b     b */
    _mm_store_sd(&r, _mm_@VOP@_pd(tmp, v)); /* m(ab) m(bb) */
    return r;

/**end repeat**/

/**begin repeat
 *  #type = npy_float, npy_double#
 *  #scalarf = npy_sqrtf, npy_sqrt#
 *  #c = f, #
 *  #vtype = __m128, __m128d#
 *  #vpre = _mm, _mm#
 *  #vsuf = ps, pd#
 *  #vsufs = ss, sd#
 *  #nan = NPY_NANF, NPY_NAN#
 *  #double = 0, 1#
 *  #cast = _mm_castps_si128, _mm_castpd_si128#

/**begin repeat1
* Arithmetic
* # kind = add, subtract, multiply, divide#
* # OP = +, -, *, /#
* # VOP = add, sub, mul, div#

static void
sse2_binary_@kind@_@TYPE@(@type@ * op, @type@ * ip1, @type@ * ip2, npy_intp n)
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(op, @type@, 16)
        op[i] = ip1[i] @OP@ ip2[i];
    /* lots of specializations, to squeeze out max performance */
    if (npy_is_aligned(&ip1[i], 16) && npy_is_aligned(&ip2[i], 16)) {
        if (ip1 == ip2) {
            LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
                @vtype@ a = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i]);
                @vtype@ c = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(a, a);
                @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], c);
        else {
            LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
                @vtype@ a = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i]);
                @vtype@ b = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip2[i]);
                @vtype@ c = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(a, b);
                @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], c);
    else if (npy_is_aligned(&ip1[i], 16)) {
        LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
            @vtype@ a = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i]);
            @vtype@ b = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip2[i]);
            @vtype@ c = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(a, b);
            @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], c);
    else if (npy_is_aligned(&ip2[i], 16)) {
        LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
            @vtype@ a = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip1[i]);
            @vtype@ b = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip2[i]);
            @vtype@ c = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(a, b);
            @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], c);
    else {
        if (ip1 == ip2) {
            LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
                @vtype@ a = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip1[i]);
                @vtype@ c = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(a, a);
                @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], c);
        else {
            LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
                @vtype@ a = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip1[i]);
                @vtype@ b = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip2[i]);
                @vtype@ c = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(a, b);
                @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], c);
        op[i] = ip1[i] @OP@ ip2[i];

static void
sse2_binary_scalar1_@kind@_@TYPE@(@type@ * op, @type@ * ip1, @type@ * ip2, npy_intp n)
    const @vtype@ a = @vpre@_set1_@vsuf@(ip1[0]);
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(op, @type@, 16)
        op[i] = ip1[0] @OP@ ip2[i];
    if (npy_is_aligned(&ip2[i], 16)) {
        LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
            @vtype@ b = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip2[i]);
            @vtype@ c = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(a, b);
            @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], c);
    else {
        LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
            @vtype@ b = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip2[i]);
            @vtype@ c = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(a, b);
            @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], c);
        op[i] = ip1[0] @OP@ ip2[i];

static void
sse2_binary_scalar2_@kind@_@TYPE@(@type@ * op, @type@ * ip1, @type@ * ip2, npy_intp n)
    const @vtype@ b = @vpre@_set1_@vsuf@(ip2[0]);
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(op, @type@, 16)
        op[i] = ip1[i] @OP@ ip2[0];
    if (npy_is_aligned(&ip1[i], 16)) {
        LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
            @vtype@ a = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i]);
            @vtype@ c = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(a, b);
            @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], c);
    else {
        LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
            @vtype@ a = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip1[i]);
            @vtype@ c = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(a, b);
            @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], c);
        op[i] = ip1[i] @OP@ ip2[0];

/**end repeat1**/

 * compress 4 vectors to 4/8 bytes in op with filled with 0 or 1
 * the last vector is passed as a pointer as MSVC 2010 is unable to ignore the
 * calling convention leading to C2719 on 32 bit, see #4795
static NPY_INLINE void
sse2_compress4_to_byte_@TYPE@(@vtype@ r1, @vtype@ r2, @vtype@ r3, @vtype@ * r4,
                              npy_bool * op)
    const __m128i mask = @vpre@_set1_epi8(0x1);
    __m128i ir1 = @vpre@_packs_epi32(@cast@(r1), @cast@(r2));
    __m128i ir2 = @vpre@_packs_epi32(@cast@(r3), @cast@(*r4));
    __m128i rr = @vpre@_packs_epi16(ir1, ir2);
#if @double@
    rr = @vpre@_packs_epi16(rr, rr);
    rr = @vpre@_and_si128(rr, mask);
    @vpre@_storel_epi64((__m128i*)op, rr);
    rr = @vpre@_and_si128(rr, mask);
    @vpre@_storeu_si128((__m128i*)op, rr);

static void
sse2_signbit_@TYPE@(npy_bool * op, @type@ * ip1, npy_intp n)
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(ip1, @type@, 16) {
        op[i] = npy_signbit(ip1[i]) != 0;
    LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
        @vtype@ a = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i]);
        int r = @vpre@_movemask_@vsuf@(a);
        if (sizeof(@type@) == 8) {
            op[i] = r & 1;
            op[i + 1] = (r >> 1);
        else {
            op[i] = r & 1;
            op[i + 1] = (r >> 1) & 1;
            op[i + 2] = (r >> 2) & 1;
            op[i + 3] = (r >> 3);
        op[i] = npy_signbit(ip1[i]) != 0;

/**begin repeat1
 * #kind = isnan, isfinite, isinf#
 * #var = 0, 1, 2#

static void
sse2_@kind@_@TYPE@(npy_bool * op, @type@ * ip1, npy_intp n)
#if @var@ != 0 /* isinf/isfinite */
    /* signbit mask 0x7FFFFFFF after andnot */
    const @vtype@ mask = @vpre@_set1_@vsuf@(-0.@c@);
    const @vtype@ ones = @vpre@_cmpeq_@vsuf@(@vpre@_setzero_@vsuf@(),
#if @double@
    const @vtype@ fltmax = @vpre@_set1_@vsuf@(DBL_MAX);
    const @vtype@ fltmax = @vpre@_set1_@vsuf@(FLT_MAX);
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(ip1, @type@, 16) {
        op[i] = npy_@kind@(ip1[i]) != 0;
    LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 64) {
        @vtype@ a = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i + 0 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ b = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i + 1 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ c = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i + 2 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ d = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i + 3 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ r1, r2, r3, r4;
#if @var@ != 0 /* isinf/isfinite */
        /* fabs via masking of sign bit */
        r1 = @vpre@_andnot_@vsuf@(mask, a);
        r2 = @vpre@_andnot_@vsuf@(mask, b);
        r3 = @vpre@_andnot_@vsuf@(mask, c);
        r4 = @vpre@_andnot_@vsuf@(mask, d);
#if @var@ == 1 /* isfinite */
        /* negative compare against max float, nan is always true */
        r1 = @vpre@_cmpnle_@vsuf@(r1, fltmax);
        r2 = @vpre@_cmpnle_@vsuf@(r2, fltmax);
        r3 = @vpre@_cmpnle_@vsuf@(r3, fltmax);
        r4 = @vpre@_cmpnle_@vsuf@(r4, fltmax);
#else /* isinf */
        r1 = @vpre@_cmpnlt_@vsuf@(fltmax, r1);
        r2 = @vpre@_cmpnlt_@vsuf@(fltmax, r2);
        r3 = @vpre@_cmpnlt_@vsuf@(fltmax, r3);
        r4 = @vpre@_cmpnlt_@vsuf@(fltmax, r4);
        /* flip results to what we want (andnot as there is no sse not) */
        r1 = @vpre@_andnot_@vsuf@(r1, ones);
        r2 = @vpre@_andnot_@vsuf@(r2, ones);
        r3 = @vpre@_andnot_@vsuf@(r3, ones);
        r4 = @vpre@_andnot_@vsuf@(r4, ones);
#if @var@ == 0 /* isnan */
        r1 = @vpre@_cmpneq_@vsuf@(a, a);
        r2 = @vpre@_cmpneq_@vsuf@(b, b);
        r3 = @vpre@_cmpneq_@vsuf@(c, c);
        r4 = @vpre@_cmpneq_@vsuf@(d, d);
        sse2_compress4_to_byte_@TYPE@(r1, r2, r3, &r4, &op[i]);
        op[i] = npy_@kind@(ip1[i]) != 0;

/**end repeat1**/

/**begin repeat1
 * #kind = equal, not_equal, less, less_equal, greater, greater_equal#
 * #OP = ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=#
 * #VOP = cmpeq, cmpneq, cmplt, cmple, cmpgt, cmpge#

/* sets invalid fpu flag on QNaN for consistency with packed compare */
static NPY_INLINE int
sse2_ordered_cmp_@kind@_@TYPE@(const @type@ a, const @type@ b)
    @vtype@ one = @vpre@_set1_@vsuf@(1);
    @type@ tmp;
    @vtype@ v = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsufs@(@vpre@_load_@vsufs@(&a),
    v = @vpre@_and_@vsuf@(v, one);
    @vpre@_store_@vsufs@(&tmp, v);
    return tmp;

static void
sse2_binary_@kind@_@TYPE@(npy_bool * op, @type@ * ip1, @type@ * ip2, npy_intp n)
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(ip1, @type@, 16) {
        op[i] = sse2_ordered_cmp_@kind@_@TYPE@(ip1[i], ip2[i]);
    LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 64) {
        @vtype@ a1 = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i + 0 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ b1 = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i + 1 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ c1 = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i + 2 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ d1 = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i + 3 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ a2 = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip2[i + 0 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ b2 = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip2[i + 1 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ c2 = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip2[i + 2 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ d2 = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip2[i + 3 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ r1 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(a1, a2);
        @vtype@ r2 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(b1, b2);
        @vtype@ r3 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(c1, c2);
        @vtype@ r4 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(d1, d2);
        sse2_compress4_to_byte_@TYPE@(r1, r2, r3, &r4, &op[i]);
        op[i] = sse2_ordered_cmp_@kind@_@TYPE@(ip1[i], ip2[i]);

static void
sse2_binary_scalar1_@kind@_@TYPE@(npy_bool * op, @type@ * ip1, @type@ * ip2, npy_intp n)
    @vtype@ s = @vpre@_set1_@vsuf@(ip1[0]);
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(ip2, @type@, 16) {
        op[i] = sse2_ordered_cmp_@kind@_@TYPE@(ip1[0], ip2[i]);
    LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 64) {
        @vtype@ a = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip2[i + 0 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ b = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip2[i + 1 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ c = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip2[i + 2 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ d = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip2[i + 3 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ r1 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(s, a);
        @vtype@ r2 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(s, b);
        @vtype@ r3 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(s, c);
        @vtype@ r4 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(s, d);
        sse2_compress4_to_byte_@TYPE@(r1, r2, r3, &r4, &op[i]);
        op[i] = sse2_ordered_cmp_@kind@_@TYPE@(ip1[0], ip2[i]);

static void
sse2_binary_scalar2_@kind@_@TYPE@(npy_bool * op, @type@ * ip1, @type@ * ip2, npy_intp n)
    @vtype@ s = @vpre@_set1_@vsuf@(ip2[0]);
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(ip1, @type@, 16) {
        op[i] = sse2_ordered_cmp_@kind@_@TYPE@(ip1[i], ip2[0]);
    LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 64) {
        @vtype@ a = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i + 0 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ b = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i + 1 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ c = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i + 2 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ d = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip1[i + 3 * 16 / sizeof(@type@)]);
        @vtype@ r1 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(a, s);
        @vtype@ r2 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(b, s);
        @vtype@ r3 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(c, s);
        @vtype@ r4 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(d, s);
        sse2_compress4_to_byte_@TYPE@(r1, r2, r3, &r4, &op[i]);
        op[i] = sse2_ordered_cmp_@kind@_@TYPE@(ip1[i], ip2[0]);
/**end repeat1**/

static void
sse2_sqrt_@TYPE@(@type@ * op, @type@ * ip, const npy_intp n)
    /* align output to 16 bytes */
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(op, @type@, 16) {
        op[i] = @scalarf@(ip[i]);
    assert(n < (16 / sizeof(@type@)) || npy_is_aligned(&op[i], 16));
    if (npy_is_aligned(&ip[i], 16)) {
        LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
            @vtype@ d = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip[i]);
            @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], @vpre@_sqrt_@vsuf@(d));
    else {
        LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
            @vtype@ d = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip[i]);
            @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], @vpre@_sqrt_@vsuf@(d));
        op[i] = @scalarf@(ip[i]);

@type@ scalar_abs_@type@(@type@ v)
    /* add 0 to clear -0.0 */
    return (v > 0 ? v: -v) + 0;

@type@ scalar_neg_@type@(@type@ v)
    return -v;

/**begin repeat1
 * #kind = absolute, negative#
 * #VOP = andnot, xor#
 * #scalar = scalar_abs, scalar_neg#
static void
sse2_@kind@_@TYPE@(@type@ * op, @type@ * ip, const npy_intp n)
     * get 0x7FFFFFFF mask (everything but signbit set)
     * float & ~mask will remove the sign, float ^ mask flips the sign
     * this is equivalent to how the compiler implements fabs on amd64
    const @vtype@ mask = @vpre@_set1_@vsuf@(-0.@c@);

    /* align output to 16 bytes */
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(op, @type@, 16) {
        op[i] = @scalar@_@type@(ip[i]);
    assert(n < (16 / sizeof(@type@)) || npy_is_aligned(&op[i], 16));
    if (npy_is_aligned(&ip[i], 16)) {
        LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
            @vtype@ a = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@(&ip[i]);
            @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(mask, a));
    else {
        LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
            @vtype@ a = @vpre@_loadu_@vsuf@(&ip[i]);
            @vpre@_store_@vsuf@(&op[i], @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(mask, a));
        op[i] = @scalar@_@type@(ip[i]);
/**end repeat1**/

/**begin repeat1
 * #kind = maximum, minimum#
 * #VOP = max, min#
 * #OP = >=, <=#
/* arguments swapped as unary reduce has the swapped compared to unary */
static void
sse2_@kind@_@TYPE@(@type@ * ip, @type@ * op, const npy_intp n)
    const size_t stride = 16 / sizeof(@type@);
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(ip, @type@, 16) {
        *op = (*op @OP@ ip[i] || npy_isnan(*op)) ? *op : ip[i];
    assert(n < (stride) || npy_is_aligned(&ip[i], 16));
    if (i + 3 * stride <= n) {
        /* load the first elements */
        @vtype@ c1 = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@((@type@*)&ip[i]);
        @vtype@ c2 = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@((@type@*)&ip[i + stride]);
        i += 2 * stride;

        /* minps/minpd will set invalid flag if nan is encountered */
        LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 32) {
            @vtype@ v1 = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@((@type@*)&ip[i]);
            @vtype@ v2 = @vpre@_load_@vsuf@((@type@*)&ip[i + stride]);
            c1 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(c1, v1);
            c2 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(c2, v2);
        c1 = @vpre@_@VOP@_@vsuf@(c1, c2);

        if (npy_get_floatstatus() & NPY_FPE_INVALID) {
            *op = @nan@;
        else {
            @type@ tmp = sse2_horizontal_@VOP@_@vtype@(c1);
            *op  = (*op @OP@ tmp || npy_isnan(*op)) ? *op : tmp;
        *op  = (*op @OP@ ip[i] || npy_isnan(*op)) ? *op : ip[i];
/**end repeat1**/

/**end repeat**/

 **                           BOOL LOOPS

/**begin repeat
 * # kind = logical_or, logical_and#
 * # and = 0, 1#
 * # op = ||, &&#
 * # sc = !=, ==#
 * # vpre = _mm*2#
 * # vsuf = si128*2#
 * # vtype = __m128i*2#
 * # type = npy_bool*2#
 * # vload = _mm_load_si128*2#
 * # vloadu = _mm_loadu_si128*2#
 * # vstore = _mm_store_si128*2#

 * convert any bit set to boolean true so vectorized and normal operations are
 * consistent, should not be required if bool is used correctly everywhere but
 * you never know
#if !@and@
static NPY_INLINE @vtype@ byte_to_true(@vtype@ v)
    const @vtype@ zero = @vpre@_setzero_@vsuf@();
    const @vtype@ truemask = @vpre@_set1_epi8(1 == 1);
    /* get 0xFF for zeros */
    @vtype@ tmp = @vpre@_cmpeq_epi8(v, zero);
    /* filled with 0xFF/0x00, negate and mask to boolean true */
    return @vpre@_andnot_@vsuf@(tmp, truemask);

static void
sse2_binary_@kind@_BOOL(npy_bool * op, npy_bool * ip1, npy_bool * ip2, npy_intp n)
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(op, @type@, 16)
        op[i] = ip1[i] @op@ ip2[i];
    LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
        @vtype@ a = @vloadu@((@vtype@*)&ip1[i]);
        @vtype@ b = @vloadu@((@vtype@*)&ip2[i]);
#if @and@
        const @vtype@ zero = @vpre@_setzero_@vsuf@();
        /* get 0xFF for non zeros*/
        @vtype@ tmp = @vpre@_cmpeq_epi8(a, zero);
        /* andnot -> 0x00 for zeros xFF for non zeros, & with ip2 */
        tmp = @vpre@_andnot_@vsuf@(tmp, b);
        @vtype@ tmp = @vpre@_or_@vsuf@(a, b);

        @vstore@((@vtype@*)&op[i], byte_to_true(tmp));
        op[i] = (ip1[i] @op@ ip2[i]);

static void
sse2_reduce_@kind@_BOOL(npy_bool * op, npy_bool * ip, const npy_intp n)
    const @vtype@ zero = @vpre@_setzero_@vsuf@();
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(ip, npy_bool, 16) {
        *op = *op @op@ ip[i];
        if (*op @sc@ 0) {
    /* unrolled once to replace a slow movmsk with a fast pmaxb */
    LOOP_BLOCKED(npy_bool, 32) {
        @vtype@ v = @vload@((@vtype@*)&ip[i]);
        @vtype@ v2 = @vload@((@vtype@*)&ip[i + 16]);
        v = @vpre@_cmpeq_epi8(v, zero);
        v2 = @vpre@_cmpeq_epi8(v2, zero);
#if @and@
        if ((@vpre@_movemask_epi8(@vpre@_max_epu8(v, v2)) != 0)) {
            *op = 0;
        if ((@vpre@_movemask_epi8(@vpre@_min_epu8(v, v2)) != 0xFFFF)) {
            *op = 1;
        *op = *op @op@ ip[i];
        if (*op @sc@ 0) {

/**end repeat**/

/**begin repeat
 * # kind = absolute, logical_not#
 * # op = !=, ==#
 * # not = 0, 1#
 * # vpre = _mm*2#
 * # vsuf = si128*2#
 * # vtype = __m128i*2#
 * # type = npy_bool*2#
 * # vloadu = _mm_loadu_si128*2#
 * # vstore = _mm_store_si128*2#

static void
sse2_@kind@_BOOL(@type@ * op, @type@ * ip, const npy_intp n)
    LOOP_BLOCK_ALIGN_VAR(op, @type@, 16)
        op[i] = (ip[i] @op@ 0);
    LOOP_BLOCKED(@type@, 16) {
        @vtype@ a = @vloadu@((@vtype@*)&ip[i]);
#if @not@
        const @vtype@ zero = @vpre@_setzero_@vsuf@();
        const @vtype@ truemask = @vpre@_set1_epi8(1 == 1);
        /* equivalent to byte_to_true but can skip the negation */
        a = @vpre@_cmpeq_epi8(a, zero);
        a = @vpre@_and_@vsuf@(a, truemask);
        /* abs is kind of pointless but maybe its used for byte_to_true */
        a = byte_to_true(a);
        @vstore@((@vtype@*)&op[i], a);
        op[i] = (ip[i] @op@ 0);

/**end repeat**/

