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 * A list of holidays, which should be sorted, not contain any
 * duplicates or NaTs, and not include any days already excluded
 * by the associated weekmask.
 * The data is manually managed with PyArray_malloc/PyArray_free.
typedef struct {
    npy_datetime *begin, *end;
} npy_holidayslist;

 * This object encapsulates a weekmask and normalized holidays list,
 * so that the business day API can use this data without having
 * to normalize it repeatedly. All the data of this object is private
 * and cannot be modified from Python. Copies are made when giving
 * the weekmask and holidays data to Python code.
typedef struct {
    npy_holidayslist holidays;
    int busdays_in_weekmask;
    npy_bool weekmask[7];
} NpyBusDayCalendar;

extern NPY_NO_EXPORT PyTypeObject NpyBusDayCalendar_Type;

 * Converts a Python input into a 7-element weekmask, where 0 means
 * weekend and 1 means business day.
PyArray_WeekMaskConverter(PyObject *weekmask_in, npy_bool *weekmask);

 * Sorts the array of dates provided in place and removes
 * NaT, duplicates and any date which is already excluded on account
 * of the weekmask.
 * Returns the number of dates left after removing weekmask-excluded
 * dates.
normalize_holidays_list(npy_holidayslist *holidays, npy_bool *weekmask);

 * Converts a Python input into a non-normalized list of holidays.
 * IMPORTANT: This function can't do the normalization, because it doesn't
 *            know the weekmask. You must call 'normalize_holiday_list'
 *            on the result before using it.
PyArray_HolidaysConverter(PyObject *dates_in, npy_holidayslist *holidays);
