Blob Blame History Raw
#include <numpy/npy_common.h>
#include <numpy/npy_cpu.h>
#include <numpy/ndarraytypes.h>
#include <limits.h>

#define error_converting(x)  (((x) == -1) && PyErr_Occurred())

        do { \
            if (!NpyIter_IterationNeedsAPI(iter)) { \
                NPY_BEGIN_THREADS_THRESHOLDED(NpyIter_GetIterSize(iter)); \
            } \
        } while(0)

 * Recursively examines the object to determine an appropriate dtype
 * to use for converting to an ndarray.
 * 'obj' is the object to be converted to an ndarray.
 * 'maxdims' is the maximum recursion depth.
 * 'out_dtype' should be either NULL or a minimal starting dtype when
 * the function is called. It is updated with the results of type
 * promotion. This dtype does not get updated when processing NA objects.
 * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure.
PyArray_DTypeFromObject(PyObject *obj, int maxdims,
                        PyArray_Descr **out_dtype);

PyArray_DTypeFromObjectHelper(PyObject *obj, int maxdims,
                              PyArray_Descr **out_dtype, int string_status);

 * Returns NULL without setting an exception if no scalar is matched, a
 * new dtype reference otherwise.
NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr *
_array_find_python_scalar_type(PyObject *op);

NPY_NO_EXPORT PyArray_Descr *
_array_typedescr_fromstr(char *str);

index2ptr(PyArrayObject *mp, npy_intp i);

_zerofill(PyArrayObject *ret);

_IsAligned(PyArrayObject *ap);

NPY_NO_EXPORT npy_bool
_IsWriteable(PyArrayObject *ap);

convert_shape_to_string(npy_intp n, npy_intp *vals, char *ending);

 * Sets ValueError with "matrices not aligned" message for and friends
 * when a.shape[i] should match b.shape[j], but doesn't.
dot_alignment_error(PyArrayObject *a, int i, PyArrayObject *b, int j);

 * unpack tuple of dtype->fields (descr, offset, title[not-needed])
 * @param "value" should be the tuple.
 * @return "descr" will be set to the field's dtype
 * @return "offset" will be set to the field's offset
 * returns -1 on failure, 0 on success.
_unpack_field(PyObject *value, PyArray_Descr **descr, npy_intp *offset);

 * check whether arrays with datatype dtype might have object fields. This will
 * only happen for structured dtypes (which may have hidden objects even if the
 * HASOBJECT flag is false), object dtypes, or subarray dtypes whose base type
 * is either of these.
_may_have_objects(PyArray_Descr *dtype);

 * Returns -1 and sets an exception if *index is an invalid index for
 * an array of size max_item, otherwise adjusts it in place to be
 * 0 <= *index < max_item, and returns 0.
 * 'axis' should be the array axis that is being indexed over, if known. If
 * unknown, use -1.
 * If _save is NULL it is assumed the GIL is taken
 * If _save is not NULL it is assumed the GIL is not taken and it
 * is acquired in the case of an error
static NPY_INLINE int
check_and_adjust_index(npy_intp *index, npy_intp max_item, int axis,
                       PyThreadState * _save)
    /* Check that index is valid, taking into account negative indices */
    if (NPY_UNLIKELY((*index < -max_item) || (*index >= max_item))) {
        /* Try to be as clear as possible about what went wrong. */
        if (axis >= 0) {
                         "index %"NPY_INTP_FMT" is out of bounds "
                         "for axis %d with size %"NPY_INTP_FMT,
                         *index, axis, max_item);
        } else {
                         "index %"NPY_INTP_FMT" is out of bounds "
                         "for size %"NPY_INTP_FMT, *index, max_item);
        return -1;
    /* adjust negative indices */
    if (*index < 0) {
        *index += max_item;
    return 0;

 * Returns -1 and sets an exception if *axis is an invalid axis for
 * an array of dimension ndim, otherwise adjusts it in place to be
 * 0 <= *axis < ndim, and returns 0.
 * msg_prefix: borrowed reference, a string to prepend to the message
static NPY_INLINE int
check_and_adjust_axis_msg(int *axis, int ndim, PyObject *msg_prefix)
    /* Check that index is valid, taking into account negative indices */
    if (NPY_UNLIKELY((*axis < -ndim) || (*axis >= ndim))) {
         * Load the exception type, if we don't already have it. Unfortunately
         * we don't have access to npy_cache_import here
        static PyObject *AxisError_cls = NULL;
        PyObject *exc;

        if (AxisError_cls == NULL) {
            PyObject *mod = PyImport_ImportModule("numpy.core._internal");

            if (mod != NULL) {
                AxisError_cls = PyObject_GetAttrString(mod, "AxisError");

        /* Invoke the AxisError constructor */
        exc = PyObject_CallFunction(AxisError_cls, "iiO",
                                    *axis, ndim, msg_prefix);
        if (exc == NULL) {
            return -1;
        PyErr_SetObject(AxisError_cls, exc);

        return -1;
    /* adjust negative indices */
    if (*axis < 0) {
        *axis += ndim;
    return 0;
static NPY_INLINE int
check_and_adjust_axis(int *axis, int ndim)
    return check_and_adjust_axis_msg(axis, ndim, Py_None);

 * return true if pointer is aligned to 'alignment'
static NPY_INLINE int
npy_is_aligned(const void * p, const npy_uintp alignment)
     * alignment is usually a power of two
     * the test is faster than a direct modulo
    if (NPY_LIKELY((alignment & (alignment - 1)) == 0)) {
        return ((npy_uintp)(p) & ((alignment) - 1)) == 0;
    else {
        return ((npy_uintp)(p) % alignment) == 0;

 * memchr with stride and invert argument
 * intended for small searches where a call out to libc memchr is costly.
 * stride must be a multiple of size.
 * compared to memchr it returns one stride past end instead of NULL if needle
 * is not found.
static NPY_INLINE char *
npy_memchr(char * haystack, char needle,
           npy_intp stride, npy_intp size, npy_intp * psubloopsize, int invert)
    char * p = haystack;
    npy_intp subloopsize = 0;

    if (!invert) {
         * this is usually the path to determine elements to process,
         * performance less important here.
         * memchr has large setup cost if 0 byte is close to start.
        while (subloopsize < size && *p != needle) {
            p += stride;
    else {
        /* usually find elements to skip path */
        if (NPY_CPU_HAVE_UNALIGNED_ACCESS && needle == 0 && stride == 1) {
            /* iterate until last multiple of 4 */
            char * block_end = haystack + size - (size % sizeof(unsigned int));
            while (p < block_end) {
                unsigned int  v = *(unsigned int*)p;
                if (v != 0) {
                p += sizeof(unsigned int);
            /* handle rest */
            subloopsize = (p - haystack);
        while (subloopsize < size && *p == needle) {
            p += stride;

    *psubloopsize = subloopsize;

    return p;

 * Convert NumPy stride to BLAS stride. Returns 0 if conversion cannot be done
 * (BLAS won't handle negative or zero strides the way we want).
static NPY_INLINE int
blas_stride(npy_intp stride, unsigned itemsize)
     * Should probably check pointer alignment also, but this may cause
     * problems if we require complex to be 16 byte aligned.
    if (stride > 0 && npy_is_aligned((void *)stride, itemsize)) {
        stride /= itemsize;
        if (stride <= INT_MAX) {
            return stride;
    return 0;

 * Define a chunksize for CBLAS. CBLAS counts in integers.
# define NPY_CBLAS_CHUNK  (INT_MAX / 2 + 1)

#include "ucsnarrow.h"
