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numastat - NUMA monitoring tool to show per-node usage of memory
Copyright (C) 2012 Bill Gray (, Red Hat Inc

numastat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; version 2.1.

numastat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should find a copy of v2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License
somewhere on your Linux system; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA



Historical note: From approximately 2003 to 2012, numastat was a perl script
written by Andi Kleen to display the /sys/devices/system/node/node<N>/numastat
statistics. In 2012, numastat was rewritten as a C program by Red Hat to
display per-node memory data for applications and the system in general,
while also remaining strictly compatible by default with the original numastat.
A copy of the original numastat perl script is included for reference at the
end of this file.


// Compile with: gcc -O -std=gnu99 -Wall -o numastat numastat.c

#define __USE_MISC
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define STRINGIZE(s) #s

#define KILOBYTE (1024)
#define MEGABYTE (1024 * 1024)

#define BUF_SIZE 2048
#define SMALL_BUF_SIZE 128

// Don't assume nodes are sequential or contiguous.
// Need to discover and map node numbers.

int *node_ix_map = NULL;
char **node_header;

// Structure to organize memory info from /proc/<PID>/numa_maps for a specific
// process, or from /sys/devices/system/node/node?/meminfo for system-wide
// data. Tables are defined below for each process and for system-wide data.

typedef struct meminfo {
	int index;
	char *token;
	char *label;
} meminfo_t, *meminfo_p;


meminfo_t process_meminfo[] = {
	{ PROCESS_HUGE_INDEX,  "huge", "Huge" },
	{        1,            "heap", "Heap" },
	{        2,            "stack", "Stack" },
	{ PROCESS_PRIVATE_INDEX, "N", "Private" }

#define PROCESS_MEMINFO_ROWS (sizeof(process_meminfo) / sizeof(process_meminfo[0]))

meminfo_t numastat_meminfo[] = {
	{ 0, "numa_hit", "Numa_Hit" },
	{ 1, "numa_miss", "Numa_Miss" },
	{ 2, "numa_foreign", "Numa_Foreign" },
	{ 3, "interleave_hit", "Interleave_Hit" },
	{ 4, "local_node", "Local_Node" },
	{ 5, "other_node", "Other_Node" },

#define NUMASTAT_MEMINFO_ROWS (sizeof(numastat_meminfo) / sizeof(numastat_meminfo[0]))

meminfo_t system_meminfo[] = {
	{  0, "MemTotal", "MemTotal" },
	{  1, "MemFree", "MemFree" },
	{  2, "MemUsed", "MemUsed" },
	{  3, "HighTotal", "HighTotal" },
	{  4, "HighFree", "HighFree" },
	{  5, "LowTotal", "LowTotal" },
	{  6, "LowFree", "LowFree" },
	{  7, "Active", "Active" },
	{  8, "Inactive", "Inactive" },
	{  9, "Active(anon)", "Active(anon)" },
	{ 10, "Inactive(anon)", "Inactive(anon)" },
	{ 11, "Active(file)", "Active(file)" },
	{ 12, "Inactive(file)", "Inactive(file)" },
	{ 13, "Unevictable", "Unevictable" },
	{ 14, "Mlocked", "Mlocked" },
	{ 15, "Dirty", "Dirty" },
	{ 16, "Writeback", "Writeback" },
	{ 17, "FilePages", "FilePages" },
	{ 18, "Mapped", "Mapped" },
	{ 19, "AnonPages", "AnonPages" },
	{ 20, "Shmem", "Shmem" },
	{ 21, "KernelStack", "KernelStack" },
	{ 22, "PageTables", "PageTables" },
	{ 23, "NFS_Unstable", "NFS_Unstable" },
	{ 24, "Bounce", "Bounce" },
	{ 25, "WritebackTmp", "WritebackTmp" },
	{ 26, "Slab", "Slab" },
	{ 27, "SReclaimable", "SReclaimable" },
	{ 28, "SUnreclaim", "SUnreclaim" },
	{ 29, "AnonHugePages", "AnonHugePages" },
	{ 30, "ShmemHugePages", "ShmemHugePages" },
	{ 31, "ShmemPmdMapped", "ShmemPmdMapped" },
	{ 32, "HugePages_Total", "HugePages_Total" },
	{ 33, "HugePages_Free", "HugePages_Free" },
	{ 34, "HugePages_Surp", "HugePages_Surp" }

#define SYSTEM_MEMINFO_ROWS (sizeof(system_meminfo) / sizeof(system_meminfo[0]))

// To allow re-ordering the meminfo memory categories in system_meminfo and
// numastat_meminfo relative to order in /proc, etc., a simple hash index is
// used to look up the meminfo categories. The allocated hash table size must
// be bigger than necessary to reduce collisions (and because these specific
// hash algorithms depend on having some unused buckets.

#define HASH_TABLE_SIZE 151
int hash_collisions = 0;

struct hash_entry {
	char *name;
	int index;
} hash_table[HASH_TABLE_SIZE];

void init_hash_table() {
	memset(hash_table, 0, sizeof(hash_table));

int hash_ix(char *s) {
	unsigned int h = 17;
	while (*s) {
		// h * 33 + *s++
		h = ((h << 5) + h) + *s++;
	return (h % HASH_TABLE_SIZE);

int hash_lookup(char *s) {
	int ix = hash_ix(s);
	while (hash_table[ix].name) {	// Assumes big table with blank entries
		if (!strcmp(s, hash_table[ix].name)) {
			return hash_table[ix].index;	// found it
		ix += 1;
		if (ix >= HASH_TABLE_SIZE) {
			ix = 0;
	return -1;

int hash_insert(char *s, int i) {
	int ix = hash_ix(s);
	while (hash_table[ix].name) {	// assumes no duplicate entries
		hash_collisions += 1;
		ix += 1;
		if (ix >= HASH_TABLE_SIZE) {
			ix = 0;
	hash_table[ix].name = s;
	hash_table[ix].index = i;
	return ix;

// To decouple details of table display (e.g. column width, line folding for
// display screen width, et cetera) from acquiring the data and populating the
// tables, this semi-general table handling code is used.  There are various
// routines to set table attributes, assign and test some cell contents,
// initialize and actually display the table.

#define CELL_TYPE_NULL     0
#define CELL_TYPE_LONG     1
#define CELL_TYPE_DOUBLE   2
#define CELL_TYPE_STRING   3
#define CELL_TYPE_CHAR8    4

#define CELL_FLAG_FREEABLE (1 << 0)
#define CELL_FLAG_ROWSPAN  (1 << 1)
#define CELL_FLAG_COLSPAN  (1 << 2)

#define COL_JUSTIFY_LEFT       (1 << 0)
#define COL_JUSTIFY_RIGHT      (1 << 1)
#define COL_JUSTIFY_CENTER     3
#define COL_JUSTIFY_MASK       0x3
#define COL_FLAG_SEEN_DATA     (1 << 2)
#define COL_FLAG_NON_ZERO_DATA (1 << 3)
#define COL_FLAG_ALWAYS_SHOW   (1 << 4)


typedef struct cell {
	uint32_t type;
	uint32_t flags;
	union {
		char *s;
		double d;
		int64_t l;
		char c[8];
} cell_t, *cell_p;

typedef struct vtab {
	int header_rows;
	int header_cols;
	int data_rows;
	int data_cols;
	cell_p cell;
	int *row_ix_map;
	uint8_t *row_flags;
	uint8_t *col_flags;
	uint8_t *col_width;
	uint8_t *col_decimal_places;
} vtab_t, *vtab_p;

#define ALL_TABLE_ROWS (table->header_rows + table->data_rows)
#define ALL_TABLE_COLS (table->header_cols + table->data_cols)
#define GET_CELL_PTR(row, col) (&table->cell[(row * ALL_TABLE_COLS) + col])


void set_row_flag(vtab_p table, int row, int flag) {
	table->row_flags[row] |= (uint8_t)flag;

void set_col_flag(vtab_p table, int col, int flag) {
	table->col_flags[col] |= (uint8_t)flag;

void clear_row_flag(vtab_p table, int row, int flag) {
	table->row_flags[row] &= (uint8_t)~flag;

void clear_col_flag(vtab_p table, int col, int flag) {
	table->col_flags[col] &= (uint8_t)~flag;

int test_row_flag(vtab_p table, int row, int flag) {
	return ((table->row_flags[row] & (uint8_t)flag) != 0);

int test_col_flag(vtab_p table, int col, int flag) {
	return ((table->col_flags[col] & (uint8_t)flag) != 0);

void set_col_justification(vtab_p table, int col, int justify) {
	table->col_flags[col] &= (uint8_t)~COL_JUSTIFY_MASK;
	table->col_flags[col] |= (uint8_t)(justify & COL_JUSTIFY_MASK);

void set_col_width(vtab_p table, int col, uint8_t width) {
	if (width >= SMALL_BUF_SIZE) {
		width = SMALL_BUF_SIZE - 1;
	table->col_width[col] = width;

void set_col_decimal_places(vtab_p table, int col, uint8_t places) {
	table->col_decimal_places[col] = places;

void set_cell_flag(vtab_p table, int row, int col, int flag) {
	cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
	c_ptr->flags |= (uint32_t)flag;

void clear_cell_flag(vtab_p table, int row, int col, int flag) {
	cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
	c_ptr->flags &= (uint32_t)~flag;

int test_cell_flag(vtab_p table, int row, int col, int flag) {
	cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
	return ((c_ptr->flags & (uint32_t)flag) != 0);

void string_assign(vtab_p table, int row, int col, char *s) {
	cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
	c_ptr->type = CELL_TYPE_STRING;
	c_ptr->s = s;

void repchar_assign(vtab_p table, int row, int col, char c) {
	cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
	c_ptr->type = CELL_TYPE_REPCHAR;
	c_ptr->c[0] = c;

void double_assign(vtab_p table, int row, int col, double d) {
	cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
	c_ptr->type = CELL_TYPE_DOUBLE;
	c_ptr->d = d;

void long_assign(vtab_p table, int row, int col, int64_t l) {
	cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
	c_ptr->type = CELL_TYPE_LONG;
	c_ptr->l = l;

void double_addto(vtab_p table, int row, int col, double d) {
	cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
	c_ptr->type = CELL_TYPE_DOUBLE;
	c_ptr->d += d;

void long_addto(vtab_p table, int row, int col, int64_t l) {
	cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
	c_ptr->type = CELL_TYPE_LONG;
	c_ptr->l += l;

void clear_assign(vtab_p table, int row, int col) {
	cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
	memset(c_ptr, 0, sizeof(cell_t));

void zero_table_data(vtab_p table, int type) {
	// Sets data area of table to zeros of specified type
	for (int row = table->header_rows; (row < ALL_TABLE_ROWS); row++) {
		for (int col = table->header_cols; (col < ALL_TABLE_COLS); col++) {
			cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
			memset(c_ptr, 0, sizeof(cell_t));
			c_ptr->type = type;

void sort_rows_descending_by_col(vtab_p table, int start_row, int stop_row, int col) {
	// Rearrange row_ix_map[] indices so the rows will be in
	// descending order by the value in the specified column
	for (int ix = start_row; (ix <= stop_row); ix++) {
		int biggest_ix = ix;
		cell_p biggest_ix_c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(table->row_ix_map[ix], col);
		for (int iy = ix + 1; (iy <= stop_row); iy++) {
			cell_p iy_c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(table->row_ix_map[iy], col);
			if (biggest_ix_c_ptr->d < iy_c_ptr->d) {
				biggest_ix_c_ptr = iy_c_ptr;
				biggest_ix = iy;
		if (biggest_ix != ix) {
			int tmp = table->row_ix_map[ix];
			table->row_ix_map[ix] = table->row_ix_map[biggest_ix];
			table->row_ix_map[biggest_ix] = tmp;

void span(vtab_p table, int first_row, int first_col, int last_row, int last_col) {
	// FIXME: implement row / col spannnig someday?

void init_table(vtab_p table, int header_rows, int header_cols, int data_rows, int data_cols) {
	// init table sizes
	table->header_rows = header_rows;
	table->header_cols = header_cols;
	table->data_rows = data_rows;
	table->data_cols = data_cols;
	// allocate memory for all the cells
	int alloc_size = ALL_TABLE_ROWS * ALL_TABLE_COLS * sizeof(cell_t);
	table->cell = malloc(alloc_size);
	if (table->cell == NULL) {
		perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
	memset(table->cell, 0, alloc_size);
	// allocate memory for the row map vector
	alloc_size = ALL_TABLE_ROWS * sizeof(int);
	table->row_ix_map = malloc(alloc_size);
	if (table->row_ix_map == NULL) {
		perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
	for (int row = 0; (row < ALL_TABLE_ROWS); row++) {
		table->row_ix_map[row] = row;
	// allocate memory for the row flags vector
	alloc_size = ALL_TABLE_ROWS * sizeof(uint8_t);
	table->row_flags = malloc(alloc_size);
	if (table->row_flags == NULL) {
		perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
	memset(table->row_flags, 0, alloc_size);
	// allocate memory for the column flags vector
	alloc_size = ALL_TABLE_COLS * sizeof(uint8_t);
	table->col_flags = malloc(alloc_size);
	if (table->col_flags == NULL) {
		perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
	memset(table->col_flags, 0, alloc_size);
	// allocate memory for the column width vector
	alloc_size = ALL_TABLE_COLS * sizeof(uint8_t);
	table->col_width = malloc(alloc_size);
	if (table->col_width == NULL) {
		perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
	memset(table->col_width, 0, alloc_size);
	// allocate memory for the column precision vector
	alloc_size = ALL_TABLE_COLS * sizeof(uint8_t);
	table->col_decimal_places = malloc(alloc_size);
	if (table->col_decimal_places == NULL) {
		perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
	memset(table->col_decimal_places, 0, alloc_size);

void free_cell(vtab_p table, int row, int col) {
	cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
	if ((c_ptr->type == CELL_TYPE_STRING)
	    && (c_ptr->flags & CELL_FLAG_FREEABLE)
	    && (c_ptr->s != NULL)) {
	memset(c_ptr, 0, sizeof(cell_t));

void free_table(vtab_p table) {
	if (table->cell != NULL) {
		for (int row = 0; (row < ALL_TABLE_ROWS); row++) {
			for (int col = 0; (col < ALL_TABLE_COLS); col++) {
				free_cell(table, row, col);
	if (table->row_ix_map != NULL) {
	if (table->row_flags != NULL) {
	if (table->col_flags != NULL) {
	if (table->col_width != NULL) {
	if (table->col_decimal_places != NULL) {

char *fmt_cell_data(cell_p c_ptr, int max_width, int decimal_places) {
	// Returns pointer to a static buffer, expecting caller to
	// immediately use or copy the contents before calling again.
	int rep_width = max_width - USUAL_GUTTER_WIDTH;
	static char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
	switch (c_ptr->type) {
		buf[0] = '\0';
		snprintf(buf, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, "%ld", c_ptr->l);
		snprintf(buf, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, "%.*f", decimal_places, c_ptr->d);
		snprintf(buf, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, "%s", c_ptr->s);
		strncpy(buf, c_ptr->c, 8);
		buf[8] = '\0';
		memset(buf, c_ptr->c[0], rep_width);
		buf[rep_width] = '\0';
		strcpy(buf, "Unknown");
	buf[max_width] = '\0';
	return buf;

void auto_set_col_width(vtab_p table, int col, int min_width, int max_width) {
	int width = min_width;
	for (int row = 0; (row < ALL_TABLE_ROWS); row++) {
		cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
		if (c_ptr->type == CELL_TYPE_REPCHAR) {
		char *p = fmt_cell_data(c_ptr, max_width, (int)(table->col_decimal_places[col]));
		int l = strlen(p);
		if (width < l) {
			width = l;
	if (width > max_width) {
		width = max_width;
	table->col_width[col] = (uint8_t)width;

void display_justified_cell(cell_p c_ptr, int row_flags, int col_flags, int width, int decimal_places) {
	char *p = fmt_cell_data(c_ptr, width, decimal_places);
	int l = strlen(p);
	char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
	switch (col_flags & COL_JUSTIFY_MASK) {
		memcpy(buf, p, l);
		if (l < width) {
			memset(&buf[l], ' ', width - l);
		if (l < width) {
			memset(buf, ' ', width - l);
		memcpy(&buf[width - l], p, l);
		memset(buf, ' ', width);
		memcpy(&buf[(width - l + 1) / 2], p, l);
	buf[width] = '\0';
	printf("%s", buf);

void display_table(vtab_p table,
		      int screen_width,
		      int show_unseen_rows,
		      int show_unseen_cols,
		      int show_zero_rows,
		      int show_zero_cols)
	// Set row and column flags according to whether data in rows and cols
	// has been assigned, and is currently non-zero.
	int some_seen_data = 0;
	int some_non_zero_data = 0;
	for (int row = table->header_rows; (row < ALL_TABLE_ROWS); row++) {
		for (int col = table->header_cols; (col < ALL_TABLE_COLS); col++) {
			cell_p c_ptr = GET_CELL_PTR(row, col);
			// Currently, "seen data" includes not only numeric data, but also
			// any strings, etc -- anything non-NULL (other than rephcars).
			if ((c_ptr->type != CELL_TYPE_NULL) && (c_ptr->type != CELL_TYPE_REPCHAR)) {
				some_seen_data = 1;
				set_row_flag(table, row, ROW_FLAG_SEEN_DATA);
				set_col_flag(table, col, COL_FLAG_SEEN_DATA);
				// Currently, "non-zero data" includes not only numeric data,
				// but also any strings, etc -- anything non-zero (other than
				// repchars, which are already excluded above).  So, note a
				// valid non-NULL pointer to an empty string would still be
				// counted as non-zero data.
				if (c_ptr->l != (int64_t)0) {
					some_non_zero_data = 1;
					set_row_flag(table, row, ROW_FLAG_NON_ZERO_DATA);
					set_col_flag(table, col, COL_FLAG_NON_ZERO_DATA);
	if (!some_seen_data) {
		printf("Table has no data.\n");
	if (!some_non_zero_data && !show_zero_rows && !show_zero_cols) {
		printf("Table has no non-zero data.\n");
	// Start with first data column and try to display table,
	// folding lines as necessary per screen_width
	int col = -1;
	int data_col = table->header_cols;
	while (data_col < ALL_TABLE_COLS) {
		// Skip data columns until we have one to display
		if ((!test_col_flag(table, data_col, COL_FLAG_ALWAYS_SHOW)) &&
		    (((!show_unseen_cols) && (!test_col_flag(table, data_col, COL_FLAG_SEEN_DATA))) ||
		     ((!show_zero_cols)   && (!test_col_flag(table, data_col, COL_FLAG_NON_ZERO_DATA))))) {
			data_col += 1;
		// Display blank line between table sections
		if (col > 0) {
		// For each row, display as many columns as possible
		for (int row_ix = 0; (row_ix < ALL_TABLE_ROWS); row_ix++) {
			int row = table->row_ix_map[row_ix];
			// If past the header rows, conditionally skip rows
			if ((row >= table->header_rows) && (!test_row_flag(table, row, ROW_FLAG_ALWAYS_SHOW))) {
				// Optionally skip row if no data seen or if all zeros
				if (((!show_unseen_rows) && (!test_row_flag(table, row, ROW_FLAG_SEEN_DATA))) ||
				    ((!show_zero_rows)   && (!test_row_flag(table, row, ROW_FLAG_NON_ZERO_DATA)))) {
			// Begin a new row...
			int cur_line_width = 0;
			// All lines start with the left header columns
			for (col = 0; (col < table->header_cols); col++) {
				display_justified_cell(GET_CELL_PTR(row, col),
				cur_line_width += (int)(table->col_width[col]);
			// Reset column index to starting data column for each new row
			col = data_col;
			// Try to display as many data columns as possible in every section
			for (;;) {
				// See if we should print this column
				if (test_col_flag(table, col, COL_FLAG_ALWAYS_SHOW) ||
				    (((show_unseen_cols) || (test_col_flag(table, col, COL_FLAG_SEEN_DATA))) &&
				     ((show_zero_cols)   || (test_col_flag(table, col, COL_FLAG_NON_ZERO_DATA))))) {
					display_justified_cell(GET_CELL_PTR(row, col),
					cur_line_width += (int)(table->col_width[col]);
				col += 1;
				// End the line if no more columns or next column would exceed screen width
				if ((col >= ALL_TABLE_COLS) ||
				    ((cur_line_width + (int)(table->col_width[col])) > screen_width)) {
		// Remember next starting data column for next section
		data_col = col;

int verbose = 0;
int num_pids = 0;
int num_nodes = 0;
int screen_width = 0;
int show_zero_data = 1;
int compress_display = 0;
int sort_table = 0;
int sort_table_node = -1;
int compatibility_mode = 0;
int pid_array_max_pids = 0;
int *pid_array = NULL;
char *prog_name = NULL;
double page_size_in_bytes = 0;
double huge_page_size_in_bytes = 0;

void display_version_and_exit() {
	char *version_string = "20130723";
	printf("%s version: %s: %s\n", prog_name, version_string, __DATE__);

void display_usage_and_exit() {
	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-c] [-m] [-n] [-p <PID>|<pattern>] [-s[<node>]] [-v] [-V] [-z] [ <PID>|<pattern>... ]\n", prog_name);
	fprintf(stderr, "-c to minimize column widths\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "-m to show meminfo-like system-wide memory usage\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "-n to show the numastat statistics info\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "-p <PID>|<pattern> to show process info\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "-s[<node>] to sort data by total column or <node>\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "-v to make some reports more verbose\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "-V to show the %s code version\n", prog_name);
	fprintf(stderr, "-z to skip rows and columns of zeros\n");

int get_screen_width() {
	int width = 80;
	char *p = getenv("NUMASTAT_WIDTH");
	if (p != NULL) {
		width = atoi(p);
		if ((width < 1) || (width > 10000000)) {
			width = 80;
	} else if (isatty(fileno(stdout))) {
		FILE *fs = popen("resize 2>/dev/null", "r");
		if (fs != NULL) {
			char buf[72];
			char *columns;
			columns = fgets(buf, sizeof(columns), fs);
			if (columns && strncmp(columns, "COLUMNS=", 8) == 0) {
				width = atoi(&columns[8]);
				if ((width < 1) || (width > 10000000)) {
					width = 80;
	} else {
		// Not a tty, so allow a really long line
		width = 10000000;
	if (width < 32) {
		width = 32;
	return width;

char *command_name_for_pid(int pid) {
	// Get the PID command name field from /proc/PID/status file.  Return
	// pointer to a static buffer, expecting caller to immediately copy result.
	static char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
	char fname[64];
	snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "/proc/%d/status", pid);
	FILE *fs = fopen(fname, "r");
	if (!fs) {
		return NULL;
	} else {
		while (fgets(buf, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, fs)) {
			if (strstr(buf, "Name:") == buf) {
				char *p = &buf[5];
				while (isspace(*p)) {
				if (p[strlen(p) - 1] == '\n') {
					p[strlen(p) - 1] = '\0';
				return p;
	return NULL;

void show_info_from_system_file(char *file, meminfo_p meminfo, int meminfo_rows, int tok_offset) {
	// Setup and init table
	vtab_t table;
	int header_rows = 2 - compatibility_mode;
	int header_cols = 1;
	// Add an extra data column for a total column
	init_table(&table, header_rows, header_cols, meminfo_rows, num_nodes + 1);
	int total_col_ix = header_cols + num_nodes;
	// Insert token mapping in hash table and assign left header column label for each row in table
	for (int row = 0; (row < meminfo_rows); row++) {
		hash_insert(meminfo[row].token, meminfo[row].index);
		if (compatibility_mode) {
			string_assign(&table, (header_rows + row), 0, meminfo[row].token);
		} else {
			string_assign(&table, (header_rows + row), 0, meminfo[row].label);
	// printf("There are %d table hash collisions.\n", hash_collisions);
	// Set left header column width and left justify it
	set_col_width(&table, 0, 16);
	set_col_justification(&table, 0, COL_JUSTIFY_LEFT);
	// Open /sys/devices/system/node/node?/<file> for each node and store data
	// in table.  If not compatibility_mode, do approximately first third of
	// this loop also for (node_ix == num_nodes) to get "Total" column header.
	for (int node_ix = 0; (node_ix < (num_nodes + (1 - compatibility_mode))); node_ix++) {
		int col = header_cols + node_ix;
		// Assign header row label and horizontal line for this column...
		string_assign(&table, 0, col, node_header[node_ix]);
		if (!compatibility_mode) {
			repchar_assign(&table, 1, col, '-');
			int decimal_places = 2;
			if (compress_display) {
				decimal_places = 0;
			set_col_decimal_places(&table, col, decimal_places);
		// Set column width and right justify data
		set_col_width(&table, col, 16);
		set_col_justification(&table, col, COL_JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
		if (node_ix == num_nodes) {
		// Open /sys/.../node<N>/numstast file for this node...
		char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
		char fname[64];
		snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "/sys/devices/system/node/node%d/%s", node_ix_map[node_ix], file);
		FILE *fs = fopen(fname, "r");
		if (!fs) {
			sprintf(buf, "cannot open %s", fname);
		// Get table values for this node...
		while (fgets(buf, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, fs)) {
			char *tok[64];
			int tokens = 0;
			const char *delimiters = " \t\r\n:";
			char *p = strtok(buf, delimiters);
			if (p == NULL) {
				continue;	// Skip blank lines;
			while (p) {
				tok[tokens++] = p;
				p = strtok(NULL, delimiters);
			// example line from numastat file: "numa_miss 16463"
			// example line from meminfo  file: "Node 3 Inactive:  210680 kB"
			int index = hash_lookup(tok[0 + tok_offset]);
			if (index < 0) {
				printf("Token %s not in hash table.\n", tok[0]);
			} else {
				double value = (double)atol(tok[1 + tok_offset]);
				if (!compatibility_mode) {
					double multiplier = 1.0;
					if (tokens < 4) {
						multiplier = page_size_in_bytes;
					} else if (!strncmp("HugePages", tok[2], 9)) {
						multiplier = huge_page_size_in_bytes;
					} else if (!strncmp("kB", tok[4], 2)) {
						multiplier = KILOBYTE;
					value *= multiplier;
					value /= (double)MEGABYTE;
				double_assign(&table, header_rows + index, col, value);
				double_addto(&table, header_rows + index, total_col_ix, value);
	// Crompress display column widths, if requested
	if (compress_display) {
		for (int col = 0; (col < header_cols + num_nodes + 1); col++) {
			auto_set_col_width(&table, col, 4, 16);
	// Optionally sort the table data
	if (sort_table) {
		int sort_col;
		if ((sort_table_node < 0) || (sort_table_node >= num_nodes)) {
			sort_col = total_col_ix;
		} else {
			sort_col = header_cols + node_ix_map[sort_table_node];
		sort_rows_descending_by_col(&table, header_rows, header_rows + meminfo_rows - 1, sort_col);
	// Actually display the table now, doing line-folding as necessary
	display_table(&table, screen_width, 0, 0, show_zero_data, show_zero_data);

void show_numastat_info() {
	if (!compatibility_mode) {
		printf("\nPer-node numastat info (in MBs):\n");
	show_info_from_system_file("numastat", numastat_meminfo, NUMASTAT_MEMINFO_ROWS, 0);

void show_system_info() {
	printf("\nPer-node system memory usage (in MBs):\n");
	show_info_from_system_file("meminfo", system_meminfo, SYSTEM_MEMINFO_ROWS, 2);

void show_process_info() {
	vtab_t table;
	int header_rows = 2;
	int header_cols = 1;
	int data_rows;
	int show_sub_categories = (verbose || (num_pids == 1));
	if (show_sub_categories) {
	} else {
		data_rows = num_pids;
	// Add two extra rows for a horizontal rule followed by a total row
	// Add one extra data column for a total column
	init_table(&table, header_rows, header_cols, data_rows + 2, num_nodes + 1);
	int total_col_ix = header_cols + num_nodes;
	int total_row_ix = header_rows + data_rows + 1;
	string_assign(&table, total_row_ix, 0, "Total");
	if (show_sub_categories) {
		// Assign left header column label for each row in table
		for (int row = 0; (row < PROCESS_MEMINFO_ROWS); row++) {
			string_assign(&table, (header_rows + row), 0, process_meminfo[row].label);
	} else {
		string_assign(&table, 0, 0, "PID");
		repchar_assign(&table, 1, 0, '-');
		printf("\nPer-node process memory usage (in MBs)\n");
	// Set left header column width and left justify it
	set_col_width(&table, 0, 16);
	set_col_justification(&table, 0, COL_JUSTIFY_LEFT);
	// Set up "Node <N>" column headers over data columns, plus "Total" column
	for (int node_ix = 0; (node_ix <= num_nodes); node_ix++) {
		int col = header_cols + node_ix;
		// Assign header row label and horizontal line for this column...
		string_assign(&table, 0, col, node_header[node_ix]);
		repchar_assign(&table, 1, col, '-');
		// Set column width, decimal places, and right justify data
		set_col_width(&table, col, 16);
		int decimal_places = 2;
		if (compress_display) {
			decimal_places = 0;
		set_col_decimal_places(&table, col, decimal_places);
		set_col_justification(&table, col, COL_JUSTIFY_RIGHT);
	// Initialize data in table to all zeros
	zero_table_data(&table, CELL_TYPE_DOUBLE);
	// If (show_sub_categories), show individual process tables for each PID,
	// Otherwise show one big table of process total lines from all the PIDs.
	for (int pid_ix = 0; (pid_ix < num_pids); pid_ix++) {
		int pid = pid_array[pid_ix];
		if (show_sub_categories) {
			printf("\nPer-node process memory usage (in MBs) for PID %d (%s)\n", pid, command_name_for_pid(pid));
			if (pid_ix > 0) {
				// Re-initialize show_sub_categories table, because we re-use it for each PID.
				zero_table_data(&table, CELL_TYPE_DOUBLE);
		} else {
			// Put this row's "PID (cmd)" label in left header column for this PID total row
			char tmp_buf[64];
			snprintf(tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf), "%d (%s)", pid, command_name_for_pid(pid));
			char *p = strdup(tmp_buf);
			if (p == NULL) {
				perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
			string_assign(&table, header_rows + pid_ix, 0, p);
			set_cell_flag(&table, header_rows + pid_ix, 0, CELL_FLAG_FREEABLE);
		// Open numa_map for this PID to get per-node data
		char fname[64];
		snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "/proc/%d/numa_maps", pid);
		char buf[BUF_SIZE];
		FILE *fs = fopen(fname, "r");
		if (!fs) {
			sprintf(buf, "Can't read /proc/%d/numa_maps", pid);
		// Add up sub-category memory used from each node.  Must go line by line
		// through the numa_map figuring out which category memory, node, and the
		// amount.
		while (fgets(buf, BUF_SIZE, fs)) {
			int category = PROCESS_PRIVATE_INDEX;	// init category to the catch-all...
			const char *delimiters = " \t\r\n";
			char *p = strtok(buf, delimiters);
			while (p) {
				// If the memory category for this line is still the catch-all
				// (i.e.  private), then see if the current token is a special
				// keyword for a specific memory sub-category.
				if (category == PROCESS_PRIVATE_INDEX) {
					for (int ix = 0; (ix < PROCESS_PRIVATE_INDEX); ix++) {
						if (!strncmp(p, process_meminfo[ix].token, strlen(process_meminfo[ix].token))) {
							category = ix;
				// If the current token is a per-node pages quantity, parse the
				// node number and accumulate the number of pages in the specific
				// category (and also add to the total).
				if (p[0] == 'N') {
					int node_num = (int)strtol(&p[1], &p, 10);
					if (p[0] != '=') {
						perror("node value parse error");
					double value = (double)strtol(&p[1], &p, 10);
					double multiplier = page_size_in_bytes;
					if (category == PROCESS_HUGE_INDEX) {
						multiplier = huge_page_size_in_bytes;
					value *= multiplier;
					value /= (double)MEGABYTE;
					// Add value to data cell, total_col, and total_row
					int tmp_row;
					if (show_sub_categories) {
						tmp_row = header_rows + category;
					} else {
						tmp_row = header_rows + pid_ix;
					// Don't assume nodes are sequential or contiguous.
					// Need to find correct tmp_col from node_ix_map
					int i = 0;
					while(node_ix_map[i++] != node_num)
					int tmp_col = header_cols + i - 1;
					double_addto(&table, tmp_row, tmp_col, value);
					double_addto(&table, tmp_row, total_col_ix, value);
					double_addto(&table, total_row_ix, tmp_col, value);
					double_addto(&table, total_row_ix, total_col_ix, value);
				// Get next token on the line
				p = strtok(NULL, delimiters);
		// Currently, a non-root user can open some numa_map files successfully
		// without error, but can't actually read the contents -- despite the
		// 444 file permissions.  So, use ferror() to check here to see if we
		// actually got a read error, and if so, alert the user so they know
		// not to trust the zero in the table.
		if (ferror(fs)) {
			sprintf(buf, "Can't read /proc/%d/numa_maps", pid);
		// If showing individual tables, or we just added the last total line,
		// prepare the table for display and display it...
		if ((show_sub_categories) || (pid_ix + 1 == num_pids)) {
			// Crompress display column widths, if requested
			if (compress_display) {
				for (int col = 0; (col < header_cols + num_nodes + 1); col++) {
					auto_set_col_width(&table, col, 4, 16);
			} else {
				// Since not compressing the display, allow the left header
				// column to be wider.  Otherwise, sometimes process command
				// name instance numbers can be truncated in an annoying way.
				auto_set_col_width(&table, 0, 16, 24);
			// Put dashes above Total line...
			set_row_flag(&table, total_row_ix - 1, COL_FLAG_ALWAYS_SHOW);
			for (int col = 0; (col < header_cols + num_nodes + 1); col++) {
				repchar_assign(&table, total_row_ix - 1, col, '-');
			// Optionally sort the table data
			if (sort_table) {
				int sort_col;
				if ((sort_table_node < 0) || (sort_table_node >= num_nodes)) {
					sort_col = total_col_ix;
				} else {
					sort_col = header_cols + node_ix_map[sort_table_node];
				sort_rows_descending_by_col(&table, header_rows, header_rows + data_rows - 1, sort_col);
			// Actually show the table
			display_table(&table, screen_width, 0, 0, show_zero_data, show_zero_data);
	}			// END OF FOR_EACH-PID loop
}				// show_process_info()

int node_and_digits(const struct dirent *dptr) {
	char *p = (char *)(dptr->d_name);
	if (*p++ != 'n') return 0;
	if (*p++ != 'o') return 0;
	if (*p++ != 'd') return 0;
	if (*p++ != 'e') return 0;
	do {
		if (!isdigit(*p++)) return 0;
	} while (*p != '\0');
	return 1;

void init_node_ix_map_and_header(int compatibility_mode) {
	// Count directory names of the form: /sys/devices/system/node/node<N>
	struct dirent **namelist;
	num_nodes = scandir("/sys/devices/system/node", &namelist, node_and_digits, NULL);
	if (num_nodes < 1) {
		if (compatibility_mode) {
			perror("sysfs not mounted or system not NUMA aware");
		} else {
			perror("Couldn't open /sys/devices/system/node");
	} else {
		node_ix_map = malloc(num_nodes * sizeof(int));
		if (node_ix_map == NULL) {
			perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
		// For each "node<N>" filename present, save <N> in node_ix_map
		for (int ix = 0; (ix < num_nodes); ix++) {
			node_ix_map[ix] = atoi(&namelist[ix]->d_name[4]);
		// Now, sort the node map in increasing order. Use a simplistic sort
		// since we expect a relatively short (and maybe pre-ordered) list.
		for (int ix = 0; (ix < num_nodes); ix++) {
			int smallest_ix = ix;
			for (int iy = ix + 1; (iy < num_nodes); iy++) {
				if (node_ix_map[smallest_ix] > node_ix_map[iy]) {
					smallest_ix = iy;
			if (smallest_ix != ix) {
				int tmp = node_ix_map[ix];
				node_ix_map[ix] = node_ix_map[smallest_ix];
				node_ix_map[smallest_ix] = tmp;
		// Construct vector of "Node <N>" and "Total" column headers. Allocate
		// one for each NUMA node, plus one on the end for the "Total" column
		node_header = malloc((num_nodes + 1) * sizeof(char *));
		if (node_header == NULL) {
			perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
		for (int node_ix = 0; (node_ix <= num_nodes); node_ix++) {
			char node_label[64];
			if (node_ix == num_nodes) {
				strcpy(node_label, "Total");
			} else if (compatibility_mode) {
				snprintf(node_label, sizeof(node_label), "node%d", node_ix_map[node_ix]);
			} else {
				snprintf(node_label, sizeof(node_label), "Node %d", node_ix_map[node_ix]);
			char *s = strdup(node_label);
			if (s == NULL) {
				perror("malloc failed line: " STRINGIFY(__LINE__));
			node_header[node_ix] = s;

void free_node_ix_map_and_header() {
	if (node_ix_map != NULL) {
		node_ix_map = NULL;
	if (node_header != NULL) {
		for (int ix = 0; (ix <= num_nodes); ix++) {
		node_header = NULL;

double get_huge_page_size_in_bytes() {
	double huge_page_size = 0;;
	FILE *fs = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
	if (!fs) {
		perror("Can't open /proc/meminfo");
	char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
	while (fgets(buf, SMALL_BUF_SIZE, fs)) {
		if (!strncmp("Hugepagesize", buf, 12)) {
			char *p = &buf[12];
			while ((!isdigit(*p)) && (p < buf + SMALL_BUF_SIZE)) {
			huge_page_size = strtod(p, NULL);
	return huge_page_size * KILOBYTE;

int all_digits(char *p) {
	if (p == NULL) {
		return 0;
	while (*p != '\0') {
		if (!isdigit(*p++)) return 0;
	return 1;

int starts_with_digit(const struct dirent *dptr) {
	return (isdigit(dptr->d_name[0]));

void add_pid_to_list(int pid) {
	if (num_pids < pid_array_max_pids) {
		pid_array[num_pids++] = pid;
	} else {
		if (pid_array_max_pids == 0) {
			pid_array_max_pids = 32;
		int *tmp_int_ptr = realloc(pid_array, 2 * pid_array_max_pids * sizeof(int));
		if (tmp_int_ptr == NULL) {
			char buf[SMALL_BUF_SIZE];
			sprintf(buf, "Too many PIDs, skipping %d", pid);
		} else {
			pid_array = tmp_int_ptr;
			pid_array_max_pids *= 2;
			pid_array[num_pids++] = pid;

int ascending(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
	return *(int *)p1 - *(int *) p2;

void sort_pids_and_remove_duplicates() {
	if (num_pids > 1) {
		qsort(pid_array, num_pids, sizeof(int), ascending);
		int ix1 = 0;
		for (int ix2 = 1; (ix2 < num_pids); ix2++) {
			if (pid_array[ix2] == pid_array[ix1]) {
			ix1 += 1;
			if (ix2 > ix1) {
				pid_array[ix1] = pid_array[ix2];
		num_pids = ix1 + 1;

void add_pids_from_pattern_search(char *pattern) {
	// Search all /proc/<PID>/cmdline files and /proc/<PID>/status:Name fields
	// for matching patterns.  Show the memory details for matching PIDs.
	int num_matches_found = 0;
	struct dirent **namelist;
	int files = scandir("/proc", &namelist, starts_with_digit, NULL);
	if (files < 0) {
		perror("Couldn't open /proc");
	for (int ix = 0; (ix < files); ix++) {
		char buf[BUF_SIZE];
		// First get Name field from status file
		int pid = atoi(namelist[ix]->d_name);
		char *p = command_name_for_pid(pid);
		if (p) {
			strcpy(buf, p);
		} else {
			buf[0] = '\0';
		// Next copy cmdline file contents onto end of buffer.  Do it a
		// character at a time to convert nulls to spaces.
		char fname[272];
		snprintf(fname, sizeof(fname), "/proc/%s/cmdline", namelist[ix]->d_name);
		FILE *fs = fopen(fname, "r");
		if (fs) {
			p = buf;
			while (*p != '\0') {
			*p++ = ' ';
			int c;
			while (((c = fgetc(fs)) != EOF) && (p < buf + BUF_SIZE - 1)) {
				if (c == '\0') {
					c = ' ';
				*p++ = c;
			*p++ = '\0';
		if (strstr(buf, pattern)) {
			if (pid != getpid()) {
				num_matches_found += 1;
	if (num_matches_found == 0) {
		printf("Found no processes containing pattern: \"%s\"\n", pattern);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	prog_name = argv[0];
	int show_the_system_info = 0;
	int show_the_numastat_info = 0;
	static struct option long_options[] = {
		{"help", 0, 0, '?'},
		{0, 0, 0, 0}
	int long_option_index = 0;
	int opt;
	while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "cmnp:s::vVz?", long_options, &long_option_index)) != -1) {
		switch (opt) {
		case 0:
			printf("Unexpected long option %s", long_options[long_option_index].name);
			if (optarg) {
				printf(" with arg %s", optarg);
		case 'c':
			compress_display = 1;
		case 'm':
			show_the_system_info = 1;
		case 'n':
			show_the_numastat_info = 1;
		case 'p':
			if ((optarg) && (all_digits(optarg))) {
			} else {
		case 's':
			sort_table = 1;
			if ((optarg) && (all_digits(optarg))) {
				sort_table_node = atoi(optarg);
		case 'v':
			verbose = 1;
		case 'V':
		case 'z':
			show_zero_data = 0;
		case '?':
	// Figure out the display width, which is used to format the tables
	// and limit the output columns per row
	screen_width = get_screen_width();
	// Any remaining arguments are assumed to be additional process specifiers
	while (optind < argc) {
		if (all_digits(argv[optind])) {
		} else {
		optind += 1;
	// If there are no program options or arguments, be extremely compatible
	// with the old numastat perl script (which is included at the end of this
	// file for reference)
	compatibility_mode = (argc == 1);
	init_node_ix_map_and_header(compatibility_mode);	// enumarate the NUMA nodes
	if (compatibility_mode) {
	// Figure out page sizes
	page_size_in_bytes = (double)sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
	huge_page_size_in_bytes = get_huge_page_size_in_bytes();
	// Display the info for the process specifiers
	if (num_pids > 0) {
	if (pid_array != NULL) {
	// Display the system-wide memory usage info
	if (show_the_system_info) {
	// Display the numastat statistics info
	if ((show_the_numastat_info) || ((num_pids == 0) && (!show_the_system_info))) {

#if 0

# Print numa statistics for all nodes
# Copyright (C) 2003,2004 Andi Kleen, SuSE Labs.
# numastat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version
# 2.
# numastat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.

# You should find a copy of v2 of the GNU General Public License somewhere
# on your Linux system; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Example: NUMASTAT_WIDTH=80 watch -n1 numastat

# output width
if (defined($ENV{'NUMASTAT_WIDTH'})) {
} else {
	use POSIX;
	if (POSIX::isatty(fileno(STDOUT))) {
		if (open(R, "resize |")) {
			while (<R>) {
				$WIDTH=$1 if /COLUMNS=(\d+)/;
			close R;
	} else {
		# don't split it up for easier parsing
$WIDTH = 32 if $WIDTH < 32;

if (! -d "/sys/devices/system/node" ) {
	print STDERR "sysfs not mounted or system not NUMA aware\n";
	exit 1;

%stat = ();
$title = "";
$mode = 0;
opendir(NODES, "/sys/devices/system/node") || exit 1;
foreach $nd (readdir(NODES)) {
	next unless $nd =~ /node(\d+)/;
	# On newer kernels, readdir may enumerate the 'node(\d+) subdirs
	# in opposite order from older kernels--e.g., node{0,1,2,...}
	# as opposed to node{N,N-1,N-2,...}.  Accomodate this by
	# switching to new mode so that the stats get emitted in
	# the same order.
        #print "readdir(NODES) returns $nd\n";
	if (!$title && $nd =~ /node0/) {
		$mode = 1;
	open(STAT, "/sys/devices/system/node/$nd/numastat") ||
			die "cannot open $nd: $!\n";
	if (! $mode) {
		$title = sprintf("%16s",$nd) . $title;
	} else {
		$title = $title . sprintf("%16s",$nd);
	@fields = ();
	while (<STAT>) {
		($name, $val) = split;
		if (! $mode) {
			$stat{$name} = sprintf("%16u", $val) . $stat{$name};
		} else {
			$stat{$name} = $stat{$name} . sprintf("%16u", $val);
		push(@fields, $name);
	close STAT;
closedir NODES;

$numfields = int(($WIDTH - 16) / 16);
$l = 16 * $numfields;
for ($i = 0; $i < length($title); $i += $l) {
	print "\n" if $i > 0;
	printf "%16s%s\n","",substr($title,$i,$l);
	foreach (@fields) {
		printf "%-16s%s\n",$_,substr($stat{$_},$i,$l);
