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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Rlatopam User Manual</TITLE></HEAD>
Updated: 13 January 2006
<A HREF="#index">Table Of Contents</A>

rlatopam - convert Alias/Wavefront RLA and RPF image files
to PAM image files.

<H2 id="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</H2>



<H2 id="description">DESCRIPTION</H2>

<p>This program is part of <a href="index.html">Netpbm</a>.

<p><b>rlatopam</b> converts an Alias RLA (run-length encoded type A)
or RPF (rich pixel format) image to a PAM image file.  The output PAM
file can be grayscale or RGB, with or without a transparency channel.

<p><i>rlafile</i> is the file name of the input file.  If you omit this
parameter, <b>rlatopam</b> reads the image from Standard Input.

<p>There is no program in Netpbm that converts the other direction.x

<H2 id="seealso">SEE ALSO</H2>

<B><A HREF="pam.html">pam</A></B>

<h2 id="history">HISTORY</h2>

<p><b>rlatopam</b> was new in Netpbm 10.32 (February 2006).

<H2 id="author">AUTHOR</H2>

Simon Walton
Matte World Digital

<A NAME="index">&nbsp;</A>
<H2>Table Of Contents</H2>
<LI><A HREF="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A>
<LI><A HREF="#description">DESCRIPTION</A>
<LI><A HREF="#seealso">SEE ALSO</A>
<LI><A HREF="#history">HISTORY</A>
<LI><A HREF="#author">AUTHOR</A>