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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Pbmtoxbm User Manual</TITLE></HEAD>
Updated: 25 October 2006
<A HREF="#index">Table Of Contents</A>

pbmtoxbm - convert a PBM image to an X11 bitmap

<H2 id="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</H2>




<H2 id="description">DESCRIPTION</H2>

<p>This program is part of <a href="index.html">Netpbm</a>.

<b>pbmtoxbm</b> reads a PBM image as input and produces an X10 or X11 bitmap
as output.

<h2 id="options">OPTIONS</h2>


<dd>This option causes <b>pbmtoxbm</b> to generate the X10 version of

<p>You may not specify this with <b>-x11</b>.

<p>This option was new with Netpbm 10.37 (December 2006).  Before that,
use <b>pbmtox10bm</b> instead.


<dd>This option causes <b>pbmtoxbm</b> to generate the X11 version of

<p>You may not specify this with <b>-x10</b>.

<p>The X11 version is the default, so this option has no effect.

<p>This option was new with Netpbm 10.37 (December 2006).


<H2 id="seealso">SEE ALSO</H2>

<A HREF="pbmtox10bm.html">pbmtox10bm</A>,
<A HREF="xbmtopbm.html">xbmtopbm</A>,
<A HREF="pbm.html">pbm</A>

<H2 id="author">AUTHOR</H2>

Copyright (C) 1988 by Jef Poskanzer.

<H2 id="index">Table Of Contents</H2>
<LI><A HREF="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</A>
<LI><A HREF="#description">DESCRIPTION</A>
<LI><A HREF="#seealso">SEE ALSO</A>
<LI><A HREF="#author">AUTHOR</A>