Blob Blame History Raw
#                                mkdeb
#  This generates a Debian packge file (.deb) to install Sourceforge
#  Netpbm on a Debian system.
#  This is especially useful because Debian does not have a good Debian
#  package (what Debian contains is derived from Sourceforge Netpbm ca.
#  2002).
#  The dependencies this package declares are those that can be satisfied by
#  Debian 8 (Jessie).  Netpbm works fine on other versions of Debian, but you
#  may have to change the dependencies in this program or ignore dependencies
#  at install time.

use strict;
use warnings;
use English;
use Getopt::Long;

my $TRUE=1; my $FALSE = 0;

sub parseCommandLine(@) {

    local @ARGV = @_;  # GetOptions takes input from @ARGV only

    my %cmdline;

    my $validOptions = GetOptions(\%cmdline,

    if (!$validOptions) {
        print(STDERR "Invalid option syntax.\n");
    if (@ARGV > 0) {
        print(STDERR "This program takes no non-option arguments.  " .
              "You specified ",
              scalar(@ARGV), "\n");


sub writeFile($$$$) {
    my ($fileLinesR, $fileName, $executable, $errorR) = @_;

    my $success = open(FILE, ">$fileName");
    if ($success) {
        if ($executable eq 'EXECUTABLE') {
            chmod(0755, $fileName);
        } else {
            chmod(0644, $fileName);
        foreach (@{$fileLinesR}) { print FILE; }
    } else {
        $$errorR = "Unable to open the file " .
            "'$fileName' for writing.  Errno=$ERRNO\n";

sub netpbmVersion($) {
    my ($pkgdir) = @_;

    my $versionFileName = "$pkgdir/VERSION";

    my $versionOpened = open(VERSION, "<$versionFileName");

    my $retval;
    my $error;

    if (!$versionOpened) {
        $error = "Unable to open '$versionFileName' for reading.  " .
    } else {
        my $version = <VERSION>;

        if ($version =~ m{^Netpbm (\S*)}) {
            my ($versionNumber) = ($1);
            $retval = $versionNumber;
        } else {
            die("Can't understand format of '$versionFileName': '$version'");

    if ($error) {
        print("Failed to determine the version of Netpbm from the package, "
              . "so that will not be correct in netpbm.config and netpbm.pc.  "
              . $error . "\n");
        $retval = "???";
    return $retval;

sub control($$) {
    my ($release, $architecture) = @_;

# The Debian packaging system doesn't provide a way to express Netpbm's actual
# prerequisites.  For example, Netpbm needs Version 6.2 or better of Libjpeg,
# but there is no way to state that here.  Instead, we state Libjpeg 6.2
# exactly.  This makes the Netpbm package less useful.

    my %control;

    my $debianNativeNetpbm = 
        'netpbm, ' .
        'libnetpbm10, ' .
        'libnetpbm10-dev, ' .
        'netpbm-dev, ' .
        'netpbm-nonfree, ' .
        'pbmwbmp, ' .
        'pnmtopng, ' .

    $control{'Package'} = 'netpbm-sf';
    $control{'Version'} = $release;
    $control{'Architecture'} = $architecture;
    $control{'Maintainer'} = 'Bryan Henderson <>';
    $control{'Installed-Size'} = '6164';
    $control{'Depends'} =
        'libc6, ' .
        'libjpeg62, ' .
        'libpng12-0, ' .
        'libtiff5, ' .
        'libx11-6, ' .
        'libxml2, ' .
        'zlib1g, ' .
        'ghostscript, ' .
        'perl, ' .
        'perl-base, ' .
    $control{'Recommends'} = '';
    $control{'Recommends'} = '';
    $control{'Conflicts'} = $debianNativeNetpbm;
    $control{'Replaces'} = $debianNativeNetpbm;
    $control{'Provides'} = 
        'netpbm, ' .
        'pbmwbmp, ' .
        'pnmtopng, ' .
        'netpbm-dev, ' .
    $control{'Section'} = 'graphics';
    $control{'Priority'} = 'optional';
    $control{'Section'} = 'graphics';
    $control{'Description'} = 'Graphics conversion tools between image formats
 Netpbm is a toolkit for manipulation of graphic images, including
 conversion of images between a variety of different formats. There
 are over 300 separate tools in the package including converters for
 more than 80 graphics formats.  This is the Super Stable version from
 the Sourceforge Netpbm project, unmodified.';

    return \%control;

sub writeControlFile($$) {
    my ($controlR, $fileName) = @_;

    open(CTL, '>', $fileName)
        or die "Can't open '$fileName': $ERRNO";

    while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$controlR}) {
        print CTL ("$key: $value\n");

sub createScripts($$) {
    my ($dpkgDirName, $buildToolsDir) = @_;

    my @scriptList = ('postinst', 'postrm');

    my @scriptFileList = map("$buildToolsDir/debian/$_", @scriptList);

    system('cp', @scriptFileList, "$dpkgDirName/DEBIAN/") &&
        die("Failed to copy postinst, etc. to '$dpkgDirName/DEBIAN'.");

    my @createdFileList = map("$dpkgDirName/DEBIAN/$_", @scriptList);

    chmod(0755, @createdFileList);

sub createDirOrDie($) {
    my ($newDirName) = @_;

        or die("Couldn't create directory '$newDirName'.  $ERRNO");

    chmod(0755, $newDirName);

processTemplate($$$) {
    my ($templateR, $infoR, $outputR) = @_;

    my @output;

    foreach (@{$templateR}) {
        if (m{^@}) {
            # Comment -- ignore it.
        } else {
            if (defined($infoR->{VERSION})) {
            if (defined($infoR->{BINDIR})) {
            if (defined($infoR->{LIBDIR})) {
            if (defined($infoR->{LINKDIR})) {
            if (defined($infoR->{DATADIR})) {
            if (defined($infoR->{INCLUDEDIR})) {
            if (defined($infoR->{MANDIR})) {
            push(@output, $_);
    $$outputR = \@output;

sub makeConfig($$$) {
    my ($fileName, $templateSubsR, $netpbmPkgDir) = @_;
# Install 'netpbm-config' -- a program you run to tell you things about
# how Netpbm is installed.
    my $error;

    my $configTemplateFilename = $netpbmPkgDir . "/config_template";

    my $templateOpened = open(TEMPLATE, "<$configTemplateFilename");
    if (!$templateOpened) {
        $error = "Can't open template file '$configTemplateFilename'.\n";
    } else {
        my @template = <TEMPLATE>;


        processTemplate(\@template, $templateSubsR, \my $fileContentsR);

        writeFile($fileContentsR, $fileName, 'EXECUTABLE', \$error);
    if ($error) {
        print(STDERR "Failed to create the Netpbm configuration program.  " .

sub makePkgConfig($$$) {
    my ($fileName, $templateSubsR, $netpbmPkgDir) = @_;
# Install a pkg-config file (netpbm.pc) - used by the 'pkg-config' program to
# find out various things about how Netpbm is installed.
    my $error;

    my $pcTemplateFilename = "$netpbmPkgDir/pkgconfig_template";

    my $templateOpened = open(TEMPLATE, "<$pcTemplateFilename");
    if (!$templateOpened) {
        $error = "Can't open template file '$pcTemplateFilename'.\n";
    } else {
        my @template = <TEMPLATE>;


        processTemplate(\@template, $templateSubsR,
                        \my $fileContentsR);

        writeFile($fileContentsR, $fileName, 'NOTEXECUTABLE', \$error);
    if ($error) {
        print(STDERR "Failed to create the Netpbm Pkg-config file.  " .

sub makeManweb($$) {
    my ($dpkgDirName, $netpbmPkgDir) = @_;
#  Set up things so one can read the manual with e.g.
#    $ manweb pnmtojpeg
    my @manwebConfContents;

    push(@manwebConfContents, "#Configuration file for Manweb\n");
    push(@manwebConfContents, "webdir=/usr/man/web\n");


    my $manwebConfFileName = "$dpkgDirName/etc/manweb.conf";

    writeFile(\@manwebConfContents, $manwebConfFileName,
        'NOTEXECUTABLE', \my $error);

    if ($error) {
        die("Failed to create Manweb configuration file $manwebConfFileName");

    system('cp', '--archive',
           "$netpbmPkgDir/man/web", "$dpkgDirName/usr/man/web") &&
               die("Failed to copy executables from '$netpbmPkgDir/bin' " .
                   "to '$dpkgDirName/usr/bin'");

sub buildDpkgBuildTree($$$$$) {
    my ($dpkgDirName, $release, $netpbmPkgDir, $architecture,
        $buildToolsDir) = @_;
#  Create the directory tree that is the input to Dpkg-deb --build.
#  This tree contains all the files to be installed, _plus_ the control
#  subdirectory named DEBIAN.
    print("Creating file tree for input to dpkg-deb --build as " .



    my $controlR = control($release, $architecture);

    writeControlFile($controlR, "$dpkgDirName/DEBIAN/control");

    createScripts($dpkgDirName, $buildToolsDir);


    system('cp', '--archive',
           "$netpbmPkgDir/bin", "$dpkgDirName/usr/bin") &&
               die("Failed to copy executables from '$netpbmPkgDir/bin' " .
                   "to '$dpkgDirName/usr/bin'");

    # doc.url is inappropriate with the program installed into the global
    # /usr/bin .

    system("cp", "--archive", "$netpbmPkgDir/include",
           "$dpkgDirName/usr/include") &&
               die("Failed to copy header files from " .
                   "'$netpbmPkgDir/include' " .
                   "to '$dpkgDirName/usr/include'");

    system("cp", "--archive",
           "$netpbmPkgDir/lib", "$dpkgDirName/usr/lib") &&
               die("Failed to copy libraries from '$netpbmPkgDir/lib' " .
                   "to '$dpkgDirName/usr/lib'");

    my @linkFileList = glob("$netpbmPkgDir/link/*");

    if (@linkFileList > 0) {
        system("cp", "--archive",
               @linkFileList, "$dpkgDirName/usr/lib/") &&
                   die("Failed to copy libraries from '$netpbmPkgDir/link' " .
                       "to '$dpkgDirName/usr/lib'");

    system("cp", "--archive",
           "$netpbmPkgDir/misc", "$dpkgDirName/usr/share/netpbm") &&
               die("Failed to copy files from '$netpbmPkgDir/misc' " .
                   "to '$dpkgDirName/usr/share/netpbm'");

    # We install Netpbm in the default search path, so most of the values
    # 'netpbm-config' returns are null strings.
    my $templateSubsR =
    {VERSION    => $release,
     BINDIR     => '',
     LIBDIR     => '',
     LINKDIR    => '',
     DATADIR    => '/usr/share/netpbm',
     INCLUDEDIR => '',
     MANDIR     => ''};

    makeConfig("$dpkgDirName/usr/bin/netpbm-config", $templateSubsR,


    makePkgConfig("$dpkgDirName/usr/lib/pkgconfig/netpbm.pc", $templateSubsR,

    # Beginning in Netpbm 10.78 (March 2017_, 'make package' doesn't package
    # the manweb stuff, so we no longer put it in the Debian package.
    #makeManweb($dpkgDirName, $netpbmPkgDir);

sub debianArchOfThisMachine() {

    # A lazy implementation that handles only the most common cases

    my $retval;

    my $arch = qx{'arch'};

    if ($arch eq 'x86_64') {
        $retval = 'amd64';
    } elsif ($arch =~ m{i.86}) {
        $retval = 'i386';
    } else {
        die("Can't determine the Debian architecture classification of this " .
            "system.  You'll have to give a -arch option");
    return $retval;

sub buildToolsDir($) {
    my ($cmdlineR) = @_;

    my $retval;

    if (exists($cmdlineR->{'buildtools'})) {
        $retval = $cmdlineR->{'buildtools'};
    } else {
        if (-f('./debian/mkdeb')) {
            $retval = '.';
        } else {
            die("The current directory does not appear to be 'buildtools' " .
                "subdirectory of a Netpbm source tree, so you will have " .
                "to use the -buildtools option to identify it");
    return $retval;

sub netpbmPkgDir($) {
    my ($cmdlineR) = @_;

    my $retval;

    if (exists($cmdlineR->{'pkgdir'})) {
        $retval = $cmdlineR->{'pkgdir'};
    } else {
        my $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR} || "/tmp";

        my $defaultPkgDir = "$tmpdir/netpbm";

        if (-d($defaultPkgDir)) {
            $retval = $defaultPkgDir;
        } else {
            die("No directory '$defaultPkgDir' exists.  " .
                "You can specify the Netpbm package directory " .
                "(what 'make package' created), with a -pkgdir option");
    return $retval;

sub arch($) {
    my ($cmdlineR) = @_;

    my $retval;

    if (exists($cmdlineR->{'arch'})) {
        $retval = $cmdlineR->{'arch'};
    } else {
        $retval = debianArchOfThisMachine();

    return $retval;

#                               MAIN PROGRAM

my $cmdlineR = parseCommandLine(@ARGV);

my $buildTools = buildToolsDir($cmdlineR);

my $netpbmPkgDir = netpbmPkgDir($cmdlineR);

my $arch = arch($cmdlineR);

my $release = netpbmVersion($netpbmPkgDir);

my $dpkgDirName = "/tmp/netpbm-sf-$release";
buildDpkgBuildTree($dpkgDirName, $release, $netpbmPkgDir, $arch,

my $debFileName = 'netpbm-sf-' . $release . '_' . $arch . '.deb';

system('dpkg-deb', '--build', $dpkgDirName, $debFileName) &&
    die("dpgk-deb --build with input '$dpkgDirName' failed.");

system('rm', '--recursive', $dpkgDirName);