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default_store \- generic storage of global data.
.B #include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h>
.B #include <net-snmp/config_api.h>

.BI "int netsnmp_ds_set_boolean(int " store ", int " which ", int " val ");"
.BI "int netsnmp_ds_get_boolean(int " store ", int " which ");"
.BI "int netsnmp_ds_set_int(int " store ", int " which ", int " val ");"
.BI "int netsnmp_ds_get_int(int " store ", int " which ");"
.BI "int netsnmp_ds_set_string(int " store ", int " which ", "
.BI "                          const char *" val ");"
.BI "char *netsnmp_ds_get_string(int " store ", int " which ");"
.BI "int netsnmp_ds_register_config(u_char " type ", "
.BI "                               const char *" ftype ","
.BI "                               const char *" token ","
.BI "                               int " store ", int " which ");"
.BI "int netsnmp_ds_register_premib(u_char " type ", "
.BI "                               const char *" ftype ","
.BI "                               const char *" token ","
.BI "                               int " store ", int " which ");"
.BI "void netsnmp_ds_shutdown(void);"
The purpose of the default storage is three-fold:
.IP 1)
To create a global storage space without creating a whole bunch of
globally accessible variables or a whole bunch of access functions to
work with more privately restricted variables.
.IP 2)
To provide a single location where the thread locking needs to be
implemented. At the time of this writing, however, thread locking is not
yet in place.
.IP 3)
To reduce the number of cross dependencies between code pieces that
may or may not be linked together in the long run. This provides for a
single location in which configuration data, for example, can be
stored for a separate section of code that may not be linked in to
the application in question.
The functions defined here implement these goals.
Currently, three data types are supported: booleans, integers, and
strings. Each of these data types have separate storage
spaces. In addition, the storage space for each data type is divided
further by the application level.   Currently, there are two storage
spaces. The first is reserved for the SNMP library itself. The second 
is intended for use in applications and is not modified or checked by
the library, and, therefore, this is the space usable by you.
You can think of these storage spaces as being 3 arrays, something
like bool_storage[storeid][which], int_storage[storeid][which], and
string_storage[storeid][which].  The data is then accessed through the 
functions defined below.  For data you wish to store, you should use a 
.I store
parameter of
The storage space used by the library (for which the 
.I store
parameter is
is defined in the default_store.h file, which currently contains the 
following defines: 