Blob Blame History Raw
<!-- this is a makerelease script: -->
  <!-- TODO:
  - make mancp below happens before configure is run, which
    doesn't work if it's a complete work.
  - configure options should be prompted into a variable and used
    <step type="section" title="Setup Steps" mandatory="1">
	This set of steps will do some preliminary "safety" checks to
	ensure the local environment is ok and setup some important
	<step type="system" title="Old Code">
	    This checks for old tarballs (and particularly unpacked
	    distributions) which might confuse the later processing.
	    If this step finds outstanding files you need to remove
	    them before continuing!
	    <command expectfailure="1">find . -name 'net-snmp-5*' | egrep '^[^\?]'</command>
	<step type="system" title="Setup Check">
	    This should show the last version number published in this
	    branch by looking at the time line in the README file:
	    <command>head -1 README</command>
	<step type="prompt" prompt="Enter the new version number:"
	  title="Pick a Version Number"
	    Please enter the version number to publish.  Net-SNMP
	    convention dictates that this be a version number like 5.7 or
	    5.7.1.  Pre-releases that occur before a branch freezes should
	    be appended with ".preN" like 5.7.1.pre2.  Release-candidates
	    should be labeled ".rcN" like 5.7.1.rc1.
	<step type="prompt" prompt="Enter the last version number:"
	  title="Enter the last version number"
	    Please enter the last version number that the changelog should be
            generated from.  This should be easy for a new release on a branch,
            but may be more tricky for a main release.
	<step type="perl" title="Defining a second internal version string"
	      # version number with dashes instead of dots
	      $self->{'parameters'}{'VERSIONTAGNAME'} =
    	          "v" . $self->{'parameters'}{'VERSION'};

	      $self->{'parameters'}{'LASTVERSIONTAGNAME'} =
    	          "v" . $self->{'parameters'}{'LASTVERSION'};

	      # target version number (without preN/rcN)
	      $self->{'parameters'}{'VERSIONTARGET'} =
    	      if ( $self->{'parameters'}{'VERSIONTARGET'} =~ /\.pre.*/ ) {
    	          $self->{'parameters'}{'VERSIONTARGET'} =~ s/\.pre.*//;
    	          $self->{'parameters'}{'RELEASETYPE'} = "pre";
    	      } elsif ( $self->{'parameters'}{'VERSIONTARGET'} =~ /\.rc.*/ ) {
    	          $self->{'parameters'}{'VERSIONTARGET'} =~ s/\.rc.*//;
    	          $self->{'parameters'}{'RELEASETYPE'} = "rc";
    	      } else {
    	          $self->{'parameters'}{'RELEASETYPE'} = "full";

	      # version in floating point form for perl modules
              my ($major, $minor, $patch, $opps) =
	          ($self->{'parameters'}{'VERSION'} =~
	      $self->{'parameters'}{'VERSIONFLOAT'} = 
                  $major + $minor/100 + $patch/10000 + $opps/100000;

	      # find out the git branch we're on.
	      open(GITINFO,"git branch|");
	      while(&lt;GITINFO&gt;) {
		  if (/^\*\s+(.*)/) {
		     $self->{'parameters'}{'BRANCHPATH'} = $1;
		     my ($nextBranch);
		     $nextBranch = &lt;GITINFO&gt;;
		     $nextBranch =~ s/^\s+//;
		     $self->{'parameters'}{'NEXTBRANCH'} = $nextBranch;

	      return 0;
	<step type="Informational" title="Release Parameter Information" pause="1">
	    Here is the configured information we'll be using:

	    VERSION:                 {VERSION}

	    VERSION tag name:        {VERSIONTAGNAME}

	    Floating point VERSION:  {VERSIONFLOAT}

            Git Branch Name:         {BRANCHPATH}
	<step type="system" stepname="update" title="update">
	  <text>We need to make sure your code is up to date and
	  matches the latest sources in this branch.</text>
	    <command>git pull</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="update" title="Check for changes">
	  <text>This steps looks for outstanding files that have been
	  modified.  There should be no outstanding modifications!  If
	  this step finds outstanding modified files you need to check
	  them in or revert them before continuing!</text>
	    <command expectfailure="1">git status --porcelain | egrep '^[^\?]'</command>
    <step type="section" title="Source Code Setup">
	This set of steps will modify various places within the source
	code tree to bring it up to date with the new version number
	about to be published.
	<step type="section" title="Libtool / Library versioning setup">
	    These steps will modify the various files in the source tree
	    that contain the version number, show you the changes that
	    will be made and then check in the resulting changes if you
	    approve of them.
	    <step type="informational" pause="true"
	      skipunless="'{RELEASETYPE}' eq 'pre'"
	      stepname="version:manualedit" title="version:libtoolmanualedit">
		You may need to edit to update the library
		version numbering - see the comments there about LIBCURRENT,
		LIBAGE and LIBREVISION for details.  This is usually only
		needed for the first pre-release of a given version.

		This script will commit the file for you after you're done.
	    <step prompt="true" type="system" stepname="version:libtoolcommit"
	      <text>We'll now commit the file if you've
		modified it.</text>
		<command ignoreerror="1">git commit -m "version update for {VERSION}"</command>
	<step type="section" title="Change The Version Number">
	    These steps will modify the various files in the source tree
	    that contain the version number, show you the changes that
	    will be made and then check in the resulting changes if you
	    approve of them.
	    <step type="modify" title="Modify the source files"
		We will now modify files through the code to replace the
		version number with the newer one.
		  find="VERSION = '(.*)'"
		  replace="VERSION = \'{VERSIONFLOAT}\'">
		<!-- this will fail (ok) against future versions with
		configure generated PACKAGE_VERSION usage -->
		  find="NetSnmpVersionInfo = &quot;[\d\.]+&quot;"
		  replace="NetSnmpVersionInfo = &quot;{VERSION}&quot;">
		  find="Version: [\.0-9a-zA-Z]+"
		  replace="Version: {VERSION}">
		  find="VERSION = [\.0-9a-zA-Z]+"
		  replace="VERSION = {VERSION}">
		  find="AC_INIT\(\[Net-SNMP\], \[([^\]]+)\]"
		  replace="AC_INIT([Net-SNMP], [{VERSION}]">
		  find="NetSnmpVersionInfo = &quot;[^&quot;]+&quot;"
		  replace="NetSnmpVersionInfo = &quot;{VERSION}&quot;">
	    <step type="system" stepname="release:versionautoconf"
	      title="Running autoconf to rebuild configure">
	      <text>We modified, so we now need to run
		autoconf to rebuild configure.</text>
		<command>rm -f configure</command>
	    <step type="system" stepname="release:versiondiff"
	      title="Running diff to check changes">

	      <text>Check the following changes for proper version number
		differences before we commit the chances.</text>
		<command>git diff</command>
	    <step type="system" stepname="release:versioncommit" pause="true"
	      title="Running git commit to commit the changes">

	      <text>Check the changes in the above diff and then we'll
		commit the results here if they look ok.</text>
		<command>git commit -a -m "Version number update: {VERSION}"</command>
        <step type="section" title="Handle dist/release">
	    <step type="system" title="Set RC mode" skipunless="'{RELEASETYPE}' eq 'rc'">
	      <text>Note in 'dist/release' that this branch is in release candidate mode
	        <command>git checkout V5-7-patches</command>
	        <command>grep -v {BRANCHPATH} dist/release > dist/ </command>
	        <command>echo {BRANCHPATH} rc >> dist/ </command>
	        <command>mv dist/ dist/release </command>
	        <command ignoreerror="1">git commit -m "Release Candidate for {BRANCHPATH}" dist/release</command>
	        <command>git checkout {BRANCHPATH} </command>
	        <command>grep -v {BRANCHPATH} dist/release > dist/ </command>
	        <command>echo {BRANCHPATH} rc >> dist/ </command>
	        <command>mv dist/ dist/release </command>
	        <command>git commit -m "Release Candidate for {BRANCHPATH}" dist/release</command>
	    <step type="system" title="Unset RC mode" skipif="'{RELEASETYPE}' eq 'rc'">
	      <text>Ensure that 'dist/release' doesn't reference this branch
	        <command>git checkout V5-7-patches</command>
	        <command>grep -v {BRANCHPATH} dist/release > dist/ </command>
	        <command>mv dist/ dist/release </command>
	        <command ignoreerror="1">git commit -m "{BRANCHPATH} out of Release Candidate" dist/release</command>
	        <command>git checkout {BRANCHPATH} </command>
	        <command>grep -v {BRANCHPATH} dist/release > dist/ </command>
	        <command>mv dist/ dist/release </command>
	        <command>git commit                </command>
	<step type="system" stepname="docs:make" title="docs:make">
	  <text>This step will create manual pages from doxygen
	  instrumented code files.</text>
	       if [ -f Makefile ]
	         make docs
	         make mancp
	<step type="system" stepname="docs:update" title="docs:update">
	  <text>This will run git status to figure out what files have
	  changed since the previous man page generation steps were
	  done.  After this step, we'll commit all the modified files.

	  You may find additional files (marked with a ?) that should
	  be added to the repository and you'll need to do this by
	  hand before going on to the next step.

	  Note: based on a recent net-snmp-admin discussion, we're no
	  longer going to be adding the bazillions of man pages that
	  doxygen generates by default.  Only important ones should be
	    <command>git status --porcelain man</command>
	<step type="informational" pause="true" stepname="docs:manualaddnewman" title="docs:manualaddnewman">
	    Update man/ with details of any new man pages,
	    and run 'git add' on them.

	    I'll commit these changes for you after you're done.
	<step prompt="true" type="system" stepname="docs:commit" title="docs:commit">
	    <command ignoreerror="1">git commit -m "documentation update for {VERSION}" man</command>
    <step type="section" title="Testing Steps">
	These steps will help you test the source code to ensure it
	passes some simple "it works" tests.
	<step type="system" stepname="build:distclean" title="build:distclean">
	  <text>First we need to clean the existing build tree and
	  start from scratch.</text>
	    <command>NETSNMP_DONT_CHECK_VERSION=1 make distclean</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="build:configure" title="build:configure">
	  <text>We need to run configure to set up the build tree.</text>
	    <command>./configure --cache=config.cache --with-defaults --with-mib-modules='host examples examples/example testhandler tlstm-mib tsm-mib smux Rmon disman/event-mib' --with-transports="IPX TLSTCP DTLSUDP" --with-security-modules="tsm" --enable-ipv6 --enable-embedded-perl --enable-shared</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="build:make" title="build:make">
	  <text>Then we need to build the code</text>
	    <command>NETSNMP_DONT_CHECK_VERSION=1 make 2>&amp;1 | tee -a make-$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M).log</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="build:test" title="testing: default tests">
	  <text>Now we run "make test" which should produce a perfect
	  set up test results.  If not, this needs to be fixed or at
	  least understood and accepted as is for some other reason.</text>
	    <command>make test 2>&amp;1 | tee -a make-test-$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M).log</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="build:test:unit" title="testing: unit-tests">
	  <text>Now we run the unit-tests which should also produce a perfect
	  set up test results.  If not, this needs to be fixed or at
	  least understood and accepted as is for some other reason.</text>
	    <command>cd testing &amp;&amp; ./RUNFULLTESTS -g unit-tests</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="build:test:transports" title="testing: transports">
	  <text>Now we run the transport tests which should also
	  produce a perfect set up test results, if your machine
	  supports all the transports.  If not, this needs to be fixed
	  or at least understood and accepted as is for some other
	  reason (like you can't do IPv6 on your system).</text>
	    <command>cd testing &amp;&amp; ./RUNFULLTESTS -g transports</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="code:checkcomments" title="code:checkcomments">
	  <text>This command looks for source code oddities and policy
	    <command>make checks</command>
    <step type="section" title="Release File Steps">
      <text>Certain files in the distribution are built on a
	per-release basis.  These steps will help set up these files.</text>
	<step type="system" stepname="code:makedepend" title="code:makedepend">
          <text>This step creates Makefile dependencies using the
          "distdepend" rule in the top level Makefile.

          Note that if you have any additional MIB module code files in the
          source tree, these will be included in the Makefile dependency list.
          You may wish to remove these and re-run "make distdepend" before
          committing the changes.
	    <command>make distdepend</command>
	<step prompt="true" type="system" stepname="code:commitdepend" title="code:commitdepend">
          <text>This step commits the dependency changes done in the
          previous step.</text>
	    <command ignoreerror="1">git commit -m "make depend for {VERSION}" `find . -name Makefile.depend`</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="changelog:create" title="Creating a changelog update">
          <text>We need to extract the portions of the change logs
          committed to the repository.</text>
	    <command>git log --no-merges {LASTVERSIONTAGNAME}..HEAD &gt; ChangeLog.add</command>
	<step type="informational" pause="true" stepname="changelog:manualedit" title="changelog:manualedit">
	    You need to manually insert the *relevent* portions of
	    'ChangeLog.add' into the ChangeLog file.

            I also suggest truncating ChangeLog.add to only contain
            the *relevent* portions for this release, as this will make
            CHANGES.new2 and NEWS.new2 more accurate later on.

	    I'll commit these changes for you after you finish cutting
	    out the proper changes.
	<step prompt="true" type="system" stepname="changelog:commit" title="changelog:commit">
	    <command>git commit -m "version update for {VERSION}" ChangeLog</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="docs:newnews" title="docs:newnews">
	    <command>perl dist/extractnews -s ----- -e ----- ChangeLog</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="docs:newnews" title="docs:newnews">
	    <command>perl dist/extractnews -c CHANGES.new2 -n NEWS.new2 ChangeLog.add</command>
	<step type="informational" pause="true" stepname="docs:README-and-NEWS" title="docs:README">
	    You need to manually insert the relevent portions of
	    '' and '' into the CHANGES and NEWS file.
	    (There are alternative versions in 'CHANGES.new2' and 'NEWS.new2')
	    You may wish to update the README file as well.
	    I'll commit these changes for you afterwards
	<step prompt="true" type="system" stepname="docs:commit" title="docs:commit">
	    <command ignoreerror="1">git commit -m "version update for {VERSION}" README NEWS CHANGES</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="release:update" title="release:update">
	  <text>One more git pull and status to make sure nothing
	  odd exists in your source tree.  Please check the results!</text>
	    <command>git pull</command>
	    <command>git status --porcelain</command>

    <step type="section" title="Make the Release" prompt="yes">
      <text>This is it!  After this point it's much harder to turn
      back.  If everything is ok until this point and you're ready to
      actually tag the release in git and make release files, these
      steps will do that for you.
	<step prompt="true" type="system" stepname="release:tag" title="release:tag">
	    This will actually copy the current checked out branch
	    to the new tag name.  Specifically:

               git tag -u ACB19FD6 -s {VERSIONTAGNAME} -m "Tagging of version {VERSION} as {VERSIONTAGNAME}"
	    <command>git tag -u ACB19FD6 -s {VERSIONTAGNAME} -m "Tagging of version {VERSION} as {VERSIONTAGNAME}"</command>
	<step prompt="true" type="system" stepname="release:makedist" title="release:makedist">
	    <command>git archive --prefix=net-snmp-{VERSION}/ {BRANCHPATH} | tar xf -</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="release:removefiles" title="release:removefiles">
	    <command>net-snmp-{VERSION}/remove-files net-snmp-{VERSION}</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="release:makedist" title="release:makedist">
	    <command>star artype=ustar -c -z -f net-snmp-{VERSION}.tar.gz  net-snmp-{VERSION}</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="release:makezipclean" title="release:makezipclean">
	    <command>rm -f net-snmp-{VERSION}.zip</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="release:makezip" title="release:makezip">
	    <command>zip -r net-snmp-{VERSION}.zip  net-snmp-{VERSION}</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="release:searching-gpg-keys" title="release:searching-gpg-keys">
	    <command>gpg --list-secret-keys net-snmp-admin</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="release:gpg" title="release:gpg">
	    <command>gpg --use-agent -u ACB19FD6 -a --detach-sign net-snmp-{VERSION}.tar.gz</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="release:gpg" title="release:gpg">
	    <command>gpg --use-agent -u ACB19FD6 -a --detach-sign net-snmp-{VERSION}.zip</command>
	<step type="command" name="release:nextbranch" title="Don't propagate code modifications"
	      pause="0" mandatory="0">
	    Mark these code modifications as specific to this particular branch
	    <command>git checkout {NEXTBRANCH}</command>
	    <command>git merge -s ours -m "Release {VERSION} specific changes" {BRANCHPATH}</command>
	    <command>git checkout {BRANCHPATH}</command>
	<step type="command" name="release:push" title="Push the code modifications"
	      pause="0" mandatory="0">
	    Push the code modifications to the upstream branch
	    <command>git push</command>
	    <command>git push --tags origin {VERSIONTAGNAME}</command>

	<step type="section" title="Release File Test">
	  <text>We'll also re-build the source and retest a few things to
	    ensure the packaged file can actually be built.
	    <step type="system" stepname="posttest:untar" title="posttest:untar">
		<command>rm -rf net-snmp-{VERSION}</command>
	    <step type="system" stepname="posttest:untar" title="posttest:untar">
		<command>tar xzf net-snmp-{VERSION}.tar.gz</command>
	    <step type="system" stepname="posttest:configure" title="posttest:configure">
		<command>cd net-snmp-{VERSION} &amp;&amp; ./configure --cache=config.cache --with-defaults --with-mib-modules='host examples examples/example     testhandler smux Rmon disman/event-mib' --with-transports=IPX --enable-ipv6 --enable-embedded-perl --enable-shared</command>
	    <step type="system" stepname="posttest:make" title="posttest:make">
		<command>cd net-snmp-{VERSION} &amp;&amp; make 2>&amp;1 | tee -a make-$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M).log</command>
	    <step type="system" stepname="posttest:test" title="posttest:test">
		<command>cd net-snmp-{VERSION} &amp;&amp; make test 2>&amp;1 | tee -a make-test-$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M).log</command>
    <step type="section" title="Release the results">
      <text>Now we'll publish the results to the SF server</text>
	<step pause="true" type="system" skipif="'{RELEASETYPE}' eq 'full'"
	      stepname="publish:rsync" title="rsync the new files">
	  <text>This will copy the results to the SF uploads directory
	    in your account on  The following command
	    is just as an example - this script does *not* upload the
	    files automatically.  You must do something like:</text>
	    <command>echo rsync -v net-snmp-{VERSION}.tar.gz net-snmp-{VERSION}.tar.gz.asc net-snmp-{VERSION}.zip net-snmp-{VERSION}.zip.asc ${VERSIONTARGET}-pre-releases/</command>
	<step type="informational" stepname="publish:editrelease"
	title="Update the SF release web page">
	    Update the project download web page ( to mention this new release
<!-- Doesn't work
	    <command>firefox ''</command>
	<step type="system" stepname="publish:editpatches"
	      skipunless="'{RELEASETYPE}' eq 'full'"
	      title="Update the SF Official Patch tracker">
	    If this the final version of this release, then:
	    Any official patches for the previous release should be re-prioritised to level 5.
	    Any official patches for the earlier releases should be re-prioritised to level 1 and closed.
	    <command>firefox ''</command>
    <step type="informational" title="reminder:binaries">
	Binaries: build rpms, .tar.gzs, etc.
    <step type="Informational" name="cleanup:nsrollup" title="Run nsrollup"
	  pause="1" mandatory="1">
	You need to run nsrollup now to sync all the changes we've
	made into any upstream branches.  This will likely cause merge
	conflicts because of the version number clashes and will need
	to be resolved.

	Run (in bash):

 	  . local/gittools/shell-functions

	XXX: For conflicts, we can probably pick -s ours but needs to
     	     be checked and documented.
    <step type="section" title="Advertise it!">
	<step type="informational" pause="1" title="announcements">
	  <text>Send an announcement message to one of the following
	  mailing lists based on its type:



                       (one week after the source tarball is made available)
	<step type="informational" title="irc:topicupdate" skipunless="'{RELEASETYPE}' eq 'full'" pause="1">
	  <text>Update the topic on the #Net-SNMP channel if this is a
	    trunk based release (or the latest on the top most patch tree).
    <step type="informational" title="publish" skipunless="'{RELEASETYPE}' eq 'full'" pause="1">
	Advertise: NEWS upload to sf, publish on -announce, freshmeat,
	and the GNU FSF directory
        (send mail to