Blob Blame History Raw
## -*- c -*-
## Do the .h file
@open ${name}.h@
 * Note: this file originally auto-generated by mib2c
 * using mib2c.notify.conf
#ifndef $name.uc_H
#define $name.uc_H

/* function declarations */
@foreach $i notifications@
int send_${i}_trap(void);

#endif /* $name.uc_H */
## Do the .c file
@open ${name}.c@
 * Note: this file originally auto-generated by mib2c
 * using mib2c.notify.conf

#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-config.h>
#include <net-snmp/net-snmp-includes.h>
#include <net-snmp/agent/net-snmp-agent-includes.h>
#include "${name}.h"

extern const oid snmptrap_oid[];
extern const size_t snmptrap_oid_len;

@foreach $i notifications@
send_${i}_trap( void )
    netsnmp_variable_list  *var_list = NULL;
    const oid ${i}_oid[] = { $i.commaoid };
    @foreach $v varbinds@
    @if $v.isscalar@
    const oid ${v}_oid[] = { $v.commaoid, 0 };
    @if !$v.isscalar@
    const oid ${v}_oid[] = { $v.commaoid, /* insert index here */ };

     * Set the snmpTrapOid.0 value
        snmptrap_oid, snmptrap_oid_len,
        ${i}_oid, sizeof(${i}_oid));
    @if count_varbinds($i) > 0@
     * Add any objects from the trap definition
    @foreach $v varbinds@
        ${v}_oid, OID_LENGTH(${v}_oid),
        /* Set an appropriate value for $v */
        NULL, 0);

     * Add any extra (optional) objects here

     * Send the trap to the list of configured destinations
     *  and clean up
    send_v2trap( var_list );
    snmp_free_varbind( var_list );

    return SNMP_ERR_NOERROR;