Blob Blame History Raw

use Getopt::GUI::Long;
use QWizard;
use QWizard::API;
use Data::Dumper;
use Cwd;

use Getopt::Std;
Getopt::GUI::Long::Configure(qw(display_help no_ignore_case));

use strict;

our %opts =
 'd' => $ENV{'HOME'} . "/src/snmp/patme/",
 'b' => 'main,5.6,5.5,5.4,5.3',
 'p' => '-p0',

# sets the order shown
our @codetrees = ('main',

our %codetrees = ('5.0' => 'V5-0-patches',
		  '5.1' => 'V5-1-patches',
		  '5.2' => 'V5-2-patches',
		  '5.3' => 'V5-3-patches',
		  '5.4' => 'V5-4-patches',
		  '5.5' => 'V5-5-patches',
		  '5.6' => 'V5-6-patches',
		  'main' => 'net-snmp',
		  'UCD' => 'V4-2-patches');

our (@captures, $capfilt, $result, %captures, $capturenum);

	   ['f|file=s',           'Patch file'],
	   ['d|base-directory=s', 'Base directory of checkouts'],
	   ['p|patch-args=s',     'Default patch arguments (-p1)'],

	   ['GUI:separator',   'Patch application specifics;'],
	   ['b|braches=s',     'Branches to apply to (eg 5.1,5.2,...)'],
	   ['m|commit-msg=s',  'Default commit message to use'],
	   ['D|subdir=s',      'Apply patches to a subdirectory'],
	   ['u|no-update',     'Do not run svn status/update in the directory first.  Only use this if it\'s known clean.'],

my %bs;
if ($opts{'b'}) {
    map { $bs{$_} = 1; } split(/,\s*/,$opts{'b'}); 
$opts{'d'} .= "/" if ($opts{'d'} !~ /\/$/);

my $qw = new QWizard();
my $pris = load_primaries();
$qw->{'primaries'} = $pris;

$qw->qwparam('svncommit',$opts{'m'}) if ($opts{'m'});


sub make_tops {
    my @tops;
    foreach my $k (@codetrees) {
	push @tops, 
	  qw_checkbox($k, "Apply to $k", 1, 0, 
		      default => $qw->qwparam($k) || $bs{$k},
		      override => 1);
    return @tops;

sub load_primaries {
    my @tops = make_tops();
       top =>
       qw_primary('top','Select packages to apply the patch to:', '', 
		  qw_text('basedir', 'Base code directory:', 
			  default => $opts{'d'}),
		  qw_text('patchfile','Patch file:', default => $opts{f},
			 check_value => sub { 
			     return "patch file doesn't exist" if (! -f qwparam('patchfile'))
		  qw_checkbox('noupdate','Don\'t run svn update/revert first:', 
			      1, 0, default => $opts{'u'} || 0)],
		  [],[],sub_modules => ['commit', 'commitmsg', 'maketest',
					'edit', 'applying', 'check',

       patch_info =>
       qw_primary('check','Checking code directory status:', '',
		  [qw_paragraph('patch pieces:',
				sub { capture("egrep '^(---|\\+\\+\\+)' " . 
				width => 80,
				height => 30),
		   qw_text('patchargs','Patch arguments',
			   default => $opts{'p'}),
		   qw_text('subdir', 'Apply in package subdir:',
			   default => $opts{'D'}),
		   qw_paragraph('Note:','Hitting next below will first clean your local repositories which could take a bit (watch the console for deails on what it\'s doing at any moment)', doif => sub {!qwparam('noupdate')}),

       check =>
       qw_primary('check','Checking code directory status:', '',
		  [qw_paragraph('removed .rej files:',
			       sub { my $it = captureeachdir('find . -name \*.rej');
				     captureeachdir('find . -name \*.rej | xargs rm -f');
				     return $it;
				preformatted => 1,
				width => 80,
				height => 60,
		   qw_paragraph('svn update:',
				sub {
				    my ($res, $one);
				    foreach my $k (@codetrees) {
					next if (!qwparam($k));
					$res .= "$k:\n";
					$one = capturedir($codetrees{$k}, 
							  "svn update");
					$res .= $one;
					$one = capturedir($codetrees{$k}, 
							  "svn revert -R .");
					$res .= $one;
				    return $res;
				preformatted => 1,
				width => 80,
				height => 60,
				doif => sub{!qwparam('noupdate')}
			       )		  ],

       applying =>
       qw_primary("applying", 'Applying patches to the code bases', '',
		  [{type => 'table',
		    text => 'Results:',
		    values => sub {
			my @tab;
			foreach my $k (@codetrees) {
			    next if (!qwparam($k));
			    push @tab, [$k,
						     preformatted => 1,
						     width => 80,
						     height => 20,
						     values => 
						     sub { my $cmd = "patch " . qwparam('patchargs') . " < " . qwparam('patchfile');
							   my $results = "Running on $k: $cmd" . "\n" . capturedir($codetrees{$k},$cmd);
							   return $results})];
			return [\@tab];

       edit =>
       qw_primary('edit','Fix the following files:','',
		  [qw_paragraph('Fix these (maybe):',
			       sub {
				   $capfilt = '(.*.rej)';
				   my $res = 
				     captureeachdir('find . -name \*.rej');
				   print Dumper(\%captures);
				   $capfilt = undef;
				   return $res;
				preformatted => 1,
				width => 80,
				height => 60,
		   qw_label('failed files:',
			    sub { $capturenum = 0;
				  map { $capturenum += $#{$captures{$_}} + 1;
				    } (keys(%captures));
				  return $capturenum;
		  qw_checkbox('edithem','Open an editor on the failed files?',
			      1, 0, doif => sub { return $capturenum > 0 }),
		  qw_text('editor','Editor:',default => $ENV{'EDITOR'} || 'vi',
			  doif => sub { return $capturenum > 0 })],
		  [sub {
		       if (qwparam('edithem')) {
			   foreach my $k (keys(%captures)) {
			       foreach my $f (@{$captures{$k}}) {
				   my $file = qwparam('basedir') .
				     $codetrees{$k} .
				       qwparam('subdir') . '/' . $f->[0];
				   print STDERR "editing: $file\n";
				   system(qwparam('editor') . " " . $file);

       maketest =>
       qw_primary("maketest", "Run make?",'',
		 [qw_checkbox('makeit','Run make?', 1, 0),
		  qw_checkbox('maketest', 'Run make test?', 1, 0)
 		 [sub {
 		      if (qwparam('makeit') || qwparam('maketest')) {
 			  $_[0]->add_todos(-early, 'domake');

       domake =>
       qw_primary("domake", "Make results",'',
		  [qw_paragraph('Make results:',
				sub { return captureeachdir('make'); },
				preformatted => 1,
				width => 80,
				height => 20,
				doif => sub { qwparam('makeit') }
		   qw_paragraph('Make test results:',
				sub { return captureeachdir('make test'); },
				preformatted => 1,
				width => 80,
				height => 20,
				doif => sub { qwparam('maketest') }

       commitmsg =>
       qw_primary("commitmsg", 'Commit info:', '',
		  [qw_text('svncommit','Commit message',
			   default => qwparam('svncommit') || $opts{'m'}),
		  {type => 'dynamic',
		   values => sub { my @tops = make_tops(1); return \@tops}}]),

       commit =>
       qw_primary("commit", 'running commit:', '',
		  [qw_paragraph('committing files:',
			       sub { my $msg = qwparam('svncommit');
				     $msg =~ s/\'/\'\"\'\"\'/g; # escape 's
				     return capturedir($opts{'d'},
						       'svn commit -m \'' . $msg . '\' ' . get_codedirs_str()); },
				preformatted => 1,
				width => 80,
				height => 20,

       editing =>
       qw_primary("applying", 'Edit the following files:', '',
		  [{type => 'table',
		    text => 'Results:',
		    values => sub { return [\@captures]},

sub capture {
    my $cmd = join(" ",@_);
    my $results = "Running: $cmd\n";
    my @a;
    print $results;
    open(I,"$cmd 2>&1|");
    while (<I>) {
	$results .= $_;
	print $_;
	if ($capfilt) {
	    print "capfilt: $capfilt\n";
	    @a = /$capfilt/;
	    print "  capfilt: @a\n";
	    push @captures, [@a];
    $result = $? >> 8;
    $results .= "RESULT: " . (($result) ? "FAIL" : "SUCCESS") . "($result)\n";
    return $results;

sub capturedir {
    my $dir = shift;
    $dir .= "/" if ($dir !~ /\/$/);
    my $basedir = qwparam('basedir');
    $basedir .= "/" if ($basedir !~ /\/$/);
    my $olddir = getcwd();
    my $newdir = "$basedir$dir" . qwparam('subdir');
    my $res = "changing to: $newdir\n";
    print $res;
    $res .= capture(@_);
    return $res;

sub get_codedirs_str() {
    my $res = "";
    foreach my $k (@codetrees) {
	next if (!qwparam($k));
	$res .= " $opts{'d'}$codetrees{$k}";
    $res =~ s/^ //;
    return $res;

sub captureeachdir {
    my $out;
    %captures = ();
    foreach my $k (@codetrees) {
	next if (!qwparam($k));
	$out .= "$k:\n";
	$out .= capturedir($codetrees{$k}, @_) . "\n";
	if ($#captures > -1) {
	    @{$captures{$k}} = @captures;
	    @captures = ();
    return $out;

sub dodir {
    my $text = shift;
      [{type => 'table',
	text => $text,
	values => [[sub {
			my @tab;
			foreach my $k (@codetrees) {
			    next if (!qwparam($k));
			    push @tab, [$k,
						     preformatted => 1,
						     width => 80,
						     height => 20,
						     values => 
						     [[sub { $_->[0]($k)}, 
			return [\@tab];
		    }, @_]]