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# iptables_acc version 0.1
# Author: Gereon Ruetten,
# for further informations about mrtg :
# usage :
# Target[traffic]: /usr/local/mrtg-2/bin/iptables_acc httpin httpout
# the two arguments are the user chains you want to read

use strict;

my ($IPTABLES, $host, $in_chain, $out_chain, $in_data, $out_data);

$IPTABLES='/usr/local/bin/iptables';  # where to find iptables
$host=`/bin/hostname --fqdn`;  # local hostname (for information only)

# these are defaults, yu can ovveride them with command-line parameters
$in_chain='httpin';  # name of input accounting rule
$out_chain='httpout'; # name of output accounting rule

$in_data = 0;   # edit these settings if you want to monitor something else
$out_data = 0;  # then the bytes counter

## -- don't edit below here ----

my (@rules, @in_count, @out_count, $upTime, $value, $c);

# get command line params
($in_chain,$out_chain) = @ARGV;

# fetch the status from iptables
@rules=`$IPTABLES -L $in_chain -v -n -x`;
splice @rules, 0, 2;
@in_count=split(' ',$rules[$in_data]);

@rules=`$IPTABLES -L $out_chain -v -n -x`;
splice @rules, 0, 2;
@out_count = split(' ',$rules[$out_data]);

#foreach $value (@in_count) {
#  printf "in $c: $value\n";
#  $c++;

#foreach $value (@out_count) {
#  printf "out $c: $value\n";
#  $c++;

# uptime of the machine
open(UPTIME,"uptime |cut -b 13-26|");
chop $upTime;

# 4 lines of output only.
if (!$in_count[1]) { $in_count[1] = 0; }
if (!$out_count[1]) { $out_count[1] = 0; }

print	"$in_count[1]\n",