Blob Blame History Raw
/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
 *  (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory.
 *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.

/* style: allow:fprintf:10 sig:0 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mpi.h"
#include "../../include/mpitestconf.h"
#include <string.h>

   Name mapping.  All routines are created with names that are lower case
   with a single trailing underscore.  This matches many compilers.
   We use #define to change the name for Fortran compilers that do
   not use the lowercase/underscore pattern

#ifdef F77_NAME_UPPER
#define chkcomm2inc_ CHKCOMM2INC
#define chkckeyvals_ CHKCKEYVALS

#elif defined(F77_NAME_LOWER) || defined(F77_NAME_MIXED)
/* Mixed is ok because we use lowercase in all uses */
#define chkcomm2inc_ chkcomm2inc
#define chkckeyvals_ chkckeyvals

#elif defined(F77_NAME_LOWER_2USCORE) || defined(F77_NAME_LOWER_USCORE) || \
/* Else leave name alone (routines have no underscore, so both
   of these map to a lowercase, single underscore) */
#error 'Unrecognized Fortran name mapping'

int chkcomm2inc_(int *keyval, const int *expected, int *ierr);
int chkcomm2inc_(int *keyval, const int *expected, int *ierr)
    int flag;
    MPI_Aint *val;

    /* See Example 16.19 in MPI 2.2, part B.  The use of MPI_Aint *val
     * and the address of val in the get_attr call is correct, as is
     * the use of *val to access the value. */
    MPI_Comm_get_attr(MPI_COMM_WORLD, *keyval, &val, &flag);
    if (!flag) {
        *ierr = 1;
    } else {
        if (*val != *expected) {
            /* In some cases, using printf from a c routine linked
             * with a Fortran routine can cause linking difficulties.
             * To avoid problems in running the tests, this print
             * is commented out */
            /* printf("Val = %x, expected = %d\n", val, *expected); */
            *ierr = *ierr + 1;
    return 0;

/* Attribute delete and copy functions for each type */
int myCommCopyfn(MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *extra_state,
                 void *attr_val_in, void *attr_val_out, int *flag);
int myCommCopyfn(MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *extra_state,
                 void *attr_val_in, void *attr_val_out, int *flag)
    *(void **) attr_val_out = (char *) attr_val_in + 2;
    *flag = 1;
    return MPI_SUCCESS;

int myCommDelfn(MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attr_val, void *extra_state);
int myCommDelfn(MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attr_val, void *extra_state)
    return MPI_SUCCESS;

int myTypeCopyfn(MPI_Datatype dtype, int keyval, void *extra_state,
                 void *attr_val_in, void *attr_val_out, int *flag);
int myTypeCopyfn(MPI_Datatype dtype, int keyval, void *extra_state,
                 void *attr_val_in, void *attr_val_out, int *flag)
    *(void **) attr_val_out = (char *) attr_val_in + 2;
    *flag = 1;
    return MPI_SUCCESS;

int myTypeDelfn(MPI_Datatype dtype, int keyval, void *attr_val, void *extra_state);
int myTypeDelfn(MPI_Datatype dtype, int keyval, void *attr_val, void *extra_state)
    return MPI_SUCCESS;

int myWinCopyfn(MPI_Win win, int keyval, void *extra_state,
                void *attr_val_in, void *attr_val_out, int *flag);
int myWinCopyfn(MPI_Win win, int keyval, void *extra_state,
                void *attr_val_in, void *attr_val_out, int *flag)
    *(void **) attr_val_out = (char *) attr_val_in + 2;
    *flag = 1;
    return MPI_SUCCESS;

int myWinDelfn(MPI_Win win, int keyval, void *attr_val, void *extra_state);
int myWinDelfn(MPI_Win win, int keyval, void *attr_val, void *extra_state)
    return MPI_SUCCESS;

int chkckeyvals_(int *comm_keyval, int *type_keyval, int *win_keyval);
int chkckeyvals_(int *comm_keyval, int *type_keyval, int *win_keyval)
    MPI_Comm_create_keyval(myCommCopyfn, myCommDelfn, comm_keyval, 0);
    MPI_Type_create_keyval(myTypeCopyfn, myTypeDelfn, type_keyval, 0);
    MPI_Win_create_keyval(myWinCopyfn, myWinDelfn, win_keyval, 0);
    return 0;