Blob Blame History Raw
/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
 *  (C) 2005 by Argonne National Laboratory.
 *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.

 * This file provides a simple test of the Totalview debugger interface
 * It also illustrates some (but not all) of the operations that the
 * debugger performs using the routines defined in mpi_interface.h .

/* You can build this with -DNOT_STANDALONE and then run it with a debugger;
   by default, it builds routines to simulate some actions that a
   debugger might take when running it with the message queue interface */

#include <stdio.h>
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "mpi_interface.h"

/* style: allow:fprintf:8 sig:0 */
/* style: allow:printf:15 sig:0 */

int showQueues(int, int);
int init_dbr(void);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    MPI_Request rreq, sreq, rreq2;
    int wrank, wsize;
    int buf = -1, sbuf = 2, rbuf = -1;;
    int vbuf[10];
    MPI_Comm dupworld;

    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

    /* Perform the initialization steps for accessing the message queues */

    /* Create some pending receives and unexpected messages */
    MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &dupworld);
    MPI_Comm_set_name(dupworld, "Dup of comm world");
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wrank);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wsize);
    MPI_Irecv(&buf, 1, MPI_INT, (wrank + 1) % wsize, 17, dupworld, &rreq);
    MPI_Irecv(vbuf, 10, MPI_INT, (wrank + 1) % wsize, 19, dupworld, &rreq2);
    MPI_Isend(&sbuf, 1, MPI_INT, (wrank + wsize - 1) % wsize, 18, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &sreq);
    /* This relies on buffering short eager messages */
    /*    MPI_Send(&ssbuf, 1, MPI_INT, (wrank + 2) %wsize, 18, dupworld); */

    /* Access the queues */
    printf("Should see pending recv with tag 17, 19 on dupworld and send with tag 18 on world\n");
    showQueues(3, 3);

    /* Match up some of the messages */
    MPI_Send(&sbuf, 1, MPI_INT, (wrank + wsize - 1) % wsize, 17, dupworld);
    MPI_Recv(&rbuf, 1, MPI_INT, (wrank + 1) % wsize, 18, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
    MPI_Wait(&rreq, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
    MPI_Wait(&sreq, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

    /* Access the queues again */
    printf("\nAfter a few send/receives\n");
    printf("Should see recv with tag 19 on dupworld\n");
    showQueues(3, 1);

    MPI_Send(&sbuf, 1, MPI_INT, (wrank + wsize - 1) % wsize, 19, dupworld);

    /* Access the queues again */
    printf("\nAfter a few send/receives (all now matched)\n");
    showQueues(3, 0);

    /* Shut down */
    MPI_Wait(&rreq2, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);


    return 0;

#if !defined(NOT_STANDALONE)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Forward references for the functions that simulate debugger operations */
static void dbgrI_put_image_info(mqs_image * image, mqs_image_info * info);
static mqs_image_info *dbgrI_get_image_info(mqs_image * image);
static int dbgrI_find_function(mqs_image * image, char *name,
                               mqs_lang_code lang, mqs_taddr_t * loc);
int dbgrI_find_symbol(mqs_image * image, char *name, mqs_taddr_t * loc);
static void dbgrI_put_process_info(mqs_process * process, mqs_process_info * info);
static mqs_process_info *dbgrI_get_process_info(mqs_process * process);
static void dbgrI_get_type_sizes(mqs_process * process, mqs_target_type_sizes * ts);
static int dbgrI_fetch_data(mqs_process * proc, mqs_taddr_t addr, int asize, void *data);
static void dbgrI_target_to_host(mqs_process * proc, const void *in_data,
                                 void *out_data, int asize);
static mqs_image *dbgrI_get_image(mqs_process * process);
mqs_type *dbgrI_find_type(mqs_image * image, char *name, mqs_lang_code lang);
int dbgrI_field_offset(mqs_type * type, char *name);
static int dbgrI_get_global_rank(mqs_process * process);

/* The global variables describing this process for the debugger */
static mqs_basic_callbacks cb;
static mqs_image_callbacks icb;
static mqs_process_callbacks pcb;
static mqs_image image;
static mqs_process process;

struct mqs_process_ {
    mqs_process_info *p_info;
struct mqs_image_ {
    mqs_image_info *i_info;

int init_dbr(void)
    int hasQ = 0;
    const char *version = mqs_version_string();
    const char *msg;

    if (mqs_version_compatibility() != MQS_INTERFACE_COMPATIBILITY) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected value of version\n");

    fprintf(stderr, "Version string: %s\n", version);

    if (mqs_dll_taddr_width() != sizeof(void *)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected table width returned\n");
        return 1;

    /* Do the initialization. */
    memset(&cb, 0, sizeof(cb));
    cb.mqs_malloc_fp = malloc;
    cb.mqs_free_fp = free;
    cb.mqs_dprints_fp = 0;
    cb.mqs_put_image_info_fp = dbgrI_put_image_info;
    cb.mqs_get_image_info_fp = dbgrI_get_image_info;
    cb.mqs_put_process_info_fp = dbgrI_put_process_info;
    cb.mqs_get_process_info_fp = dbgrI_get_process_info;


    icb.mqs_get_type_sizes_fp = dbgrI_get_type_sizes;
    icb.mqs_find_function_fp = dbgrI_find_function;
    icb.mqs_find_symbol_fp = dbgrI_find_symbol;
    icb.mqs_find_type_fp = dbgrI_find_type;
    icb.mqs_field_offset_fp = dbgrI_field_offset;
    icb.mqs_sizeof_fp = 0;
    mqs_setup_image(&image, &icb);

    hasQ = mqs_image_has_queues(&image, &msg);
    if (hasQ == mqs_ok) {
        pcb.mqs_get_global_rank_fp = dbgrI_get_global_rank;
        pcb.mqs_get_image_fp = dbgrI_get_image;
        pcb.mqs_fetch_data_fp = dbgrI_fetch_data;
        pcb.mqs_target_to_host_fp = dbgrI_target_to_host;
        mqs_setup_process(&process, &pcb);
        hasQ = mqs_process_has_queues(&process, &msg);
        if (hasQ != mqs_ok) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get queues from process: %s\n", msg);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get queues from image: %s\n", msg);
    if (hasQ != mqs_ok)
        return 1;

    return 0;

int showQueues(int nComm, int expected)
    mqs_communicator comm;
    mqs_pending_operation op;
    int rc;
    int nFound = 0, nCommFound = 0;

    /* Get a stable copy of the active communicators */

    while (mqs_get_communicator(&process, &comm) == mqs_ok) {
        printf("Communicator %s\n",;
        rc = mqs_setup_operation_iterator(&process, mqs_pending_receives);
        if (rc == mqs_ok) {
            printf("Pending receives for communicator %s\n",;
            while ((rc = mqs_next_operation(&process, &op)) == mqs_ok) {
                printf("tag = %d, rank = %d, length = %d\n",
                       (int) op.desired_tag, (int) op.desired_local_rank, (int) op.desired_length);
        } else if (rc == mqs_end_of_list) {
            /* No operations */
            printf("No pending receives for communicator %s\n",;
        } else if (rc == mqs_no_information) {
            printf("No information available for communicator %s\n",;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unknown return %d from mqs_setup_operation_iterator\n", rc);

        rc = mqs_setup_operation_iterator(&process, mqs_unexpected_messages);
        if (rc == mqs_ok) {
            printf("Unexpected messages for communicator %s\n",;
            while ((rc = mqs_next_operation(&process, &op)) == mqs_ok) {
                printf("tag = %d, rank = %d, length = %d\n",
                       (int) op.desired_tag, (int) op.desired_local_rank, (int) op.desired_length);
        } else if (rc == mqs_end_of_list) {
            /* No operations */
            printf("No unexpected receives for communicator %s\n",;
        } else if (rc == mqs_no_information) {
            printf("No unexpected receive information available for communicator %s\n",;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unknown return %d from mqs_setup_operation_iterator\n", rc);

        rc = mqs_setup_operation_iterator(&process, mqs_pending_sends);
        if (rc == mqs_ok) {
            printf("Pending sends for communicator %s\n",;
            while ((rc = mqs_next_operation(&process, &op)) == mqs_ok) {
                printf("tag = %d, rank = %d, length = %d\n",
                       (int) op.desired_tag, (int) op.desired_local_rank, (int) op.desired_length);
        } else if (rc == mqs_end_of_list) {
            /* No operations */
            printf("No pending sends for communicator %s\n",;
        } else if (rc == mqs_no_information) {
            printf("No pending send information available for communicator %s\n",;
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "Unknown return %d from mqs_setup_operation_iterator\n", rc);


    if (nFound < expected) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: expected to find %d queue entries but only saw %d\n", expected,
    if (nCommFound < nComm) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: expected to find %d comms but only saw %d\n", nComm, nCommFound);

    return 0;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Example service routines */
/* FIXME: Move these into dbgstub.c */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void dbgrI_put_image_info(mqs_image * image, mqs_image_info * info)
    image->i_info = info;

static mqs_image_info *dbgrI_get_image_info(mqs_image * image)
    return image->i_info;

static void dbgrI_put_process_info(mqs_process * process, mqs_process_info * info)
    process->p_info = info;

static mqs_process_info *dbgrI_get_process_info(mqs_process * process)
    return process->p_info;

static void dbgrI_get_type_sizes(mqs_process * process, mqs_target_type_sizes * ts)
    ts->short_size = sizeof(short);
    ts->int_size = sizeof(int);
    ts->long_size = sizeof(long);
    ts->long_long_size = sizeof(long long);
    ts->pointer_size = sizeof(void *);

/* This is a hack that knows exactly the names used in dll_mpich.c */
/* Note that if loc is null, don't save the address */
static int dbgrI_find_function(mqs_image * image, char *name, mqs_lang_code lang, mqs_taddr_t * loc)
    if (strcmp(name, "MPIR_Breakpoint") == 0) {
#if 0
        if (loc)
            *loc = (mqs_taddr_t) MPIR_Breakpoint;
    } else {
        if (loc)
            *loc = 0;
    return mqs_ok;

#define MPIR_Memcpy memcpy
/* Simulate requesting the debugger to fetch data from within this process */
static int dbgrI_fetch_data(mqs_process * proc, mqs_taddr_t addr, int asize, void *data)
    MPIR_Memcpy(data, (void *) addr, (size_t) asize);
    return mqs_ok;

/* Simulate converting data to debuggers byte ordering */
static void dbgrI_target_to_host(mqs_process * proc, const void *in_data, void *out_data, int asize)
    MPIR_Memcpy(out_data, in_data, asize);

/* Return the "debuggers" image structure (statically allocated above) */
static mqs_image *dbgrI_get_image(mqs_process * process)
    return &image;

static int dbgrI_get_global_rank(mqs_process * process)
    static int wrank = -1;
    if (wrank < 0) {
        MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wrank);

    return wrank;
int init_dbr(void)
    return 0;

int showQueues(void)
    return 0;