/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
* (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory.
* See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
#if defined HAVE_LIBHCOLL
#include "../mpid/common/hcoll/hcollpre.h"
MPIR_Comm_kind_t - Name the two types of communicators
typedef enum MPIR_Comm_kind_t {
} MPIR_Comm_kind_t;
/* ideally we could add these to MPIR_Comm_kind_t, but there's too much existing
* code that assumes that the only valid values are INTRACOMM or INTERCOMM */
typedef enum MPIR_Comm_hierarchy_kind_t {
MPIR_COMM_HIERARCHY_KIND__FLAT = 0, /* no hierarchy */
MPIR_COMM_HIERARCHY_KIND__PARENT = 1, /* has subcommunicators */
MPIR_COMM_HIERARCHY_KIND__NODE_ROOTS = 2, /* is the subcomm for node roots */
MPIR_COMM_HIERARCHY_KIND__NODE = 3, /* is the subcomm for a node */
MPIR_COMM_HIERARCHY_KIND__SIZE /* cardinality of this enum */
} MPIR_Comm_hierarchy_kind_t;
typedef enum {
} MPIR_Comm_map_type_t;
/* direction of mapping: local to local, local to remote, remote to
* local, remote to remote */
typedef enum {
} MPIR_Comm_map_dir_t;
typedef struct MPIR_Comm_map {
MPIR_Comm_map_type_t type;
struct MPIR_Comm *src_comm;
/* mapping direction for intercomms, which contain local and
* remote groups */
MPIR_Comm_map_dir_t dir;
/* only valid for irregular map type */
int src_mapping_size;
int *src_mapping;
int free_mapping; /* we allocated the mapping */
struct MPIR_Comm_map *next;
} MPIR_Comm_map_t;
int MPIR_Comm_map_irregular(struct MPIR_Comm *newcomm, struct MPIR_Comm *src_comm,
int *src_mapping, int src_mapping_size,
MPIR_Comm_map_dir_t dir, MPIR_Comm_map_t ** map);
int MPIR_Comm_map_dup(struct MPIR_Comm *newcomm, struct MPIR_Comm *src_comm,
MPIR_Comm_map_dir_t dir);
int MPIR_Comm_map_free(struct MPIR_Comm *comm);
MPIR_Comm - Description of the Communicator data structure
Note that the size and rank duplicate data in the groups that
make up this communicator. These are used often enough that this
optimization is valuable.
This definition provides only a 16-bit integer for context id''s .
This should be sufficient for most applications. However, extending
this to a 32-bit (or longer) integer should be easy.
There are two context ids. One is used for sending and one for
receiving. In the case of an Intracommunicator, they are the same
context id. They differ in the case of intercommunicators, where
they may come from processes in different comm worlds (in the
case of MPI-2 dynamic process intercomms).
The virtual connection table is an explicit member of this structure.
This contains the information used to contact a particular process,
indexed by the rank relative to this communicator.
Groups are allocated lazily. That is, the group pointers may be
null, created only when needed by a routine such as 'MPI_Comm_group'.
The local process ids needed to form the group are available within
the virtual connection table.
For intercommunicators, we may want to always have the groups. If not,
we either need the 'local_group' or we need a virtual connection table
corresponding to the 'local_group' (we may want this anyway to simplify
the implementation of the intercommunicator collective routines).
The pointer to the structure 'MPIR_Collops' containing pointers to the
routines allows an implementation to replace each routine on a
routine-by-routine basis. By default, this pointer is null, as are the
pointers within the structure. If either pointer is null, the implementation
uses the generic provided implementation. This choice, rather than
initializing the table with pointers to all of the collective routines,
is made to reduce the space used in the communicators and to eliminate the
need to include the implementation of all collective routines in all MPI
executables, even if the routines are not used.
Please note that the local_size and remote_size fields can be confusing. For
intracommunicators both fields are always equal to the size of the
communicator. For intercommunicators local_size is equal to the size of
local_group while remote_size is equal to the size of remote_group.
For fault tolerance, do we want to have a standard field for communicator
health? For example, ok, failure detected, all (live) members of failed
communicator have acked.
struct MPIR_Comm {
MPIR_OBJECT_HEADER; /* adds handle and ref_count fields */
MPID_Thread_mutex_t mutex;
MPIR_Context_id_t context_id; /* Send context id. See notes */
MPIR_Context_id_t recvcontext_id; /* Send context id. See notes */
int remote_size; /* Value of MPI_Comm_(remote)_size */
int rank; /* Value of MPI_Comm_rank */
MPIR_Attribute *attributes; /* List of attributes */
int local_size; /* Value of MPI_Comm_size for local group */
int pof2; /* Nearest (smaller than or equal to) power of 2
* to the number of ranks in the communicator.
* To be used during collective communication */
MPIR_Group *local_group, /* Groups in communicator. */
*remote_group; /* The local and remote groups are the
* same for intra communicators */
char name[MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME]; /* Required for MPI-2 */
MPIR_Errhandler *errhandler; /* Pointer to the error handler structure */
struct MPIR_Comm *local_comm; /* Defined only for intercomms, holds
* an intracomm for the local group */
MPIR_Comm_hierarchy_kind_t hierarchy_kind; /* flat, parent, node, or node_roots */
struct MPIR_Comm *node_comm; /* Comm of processes in this comm that are on
* the same node as this process. */
struct MPIR_Comm *node_roots_comm; /* Comm of root processes for other nodes. */
int *intranode_table; /* intranode_table[i] gives the rank in
* node_comm of rank i in this comm or -1 if i
* is not in this process' node_comm.
* It is of size 'local_size'. */
int *internode_table; /* internode_table[i] gives the rank in
* node_roots_comm of rank i in this comm.
* It is of size 'local_size'. */
int is_low_group; /* For intercomms only, this boolean is
* set for all members of one of the
* two groups of processes and clear for
* the other. It enables certain
* intercommunicator collective operations
* that wish to use half-duplex operations
* to implement a full-duplex operation */
struct MPIR_Comm *comm_next; /* Provides a chain through all active
* communicators */
struct MPII_Topo_ops *topo_fns; /* Pointer to a table of functions
* implementting the topology routines */
int next_sched_tag; /* used by the NBC schedule code to allocate tags */
int revoked; /* Flag to track whether the communicator
* has been revoked */
MPIR_Info *info; /* Hints to the communicator */
#if defined HAVE_LIBHCOLL
hcoll_comm_priv_t hcoll_priv;
#endif /* HAVE_LIBHCOLL */
/* the mapper is temporarily filled out in order to allow the
* device to setup its network addresses. it will be freed after
* the device has initialized the comm. */
MPIR_Comm_map_t *mapper_head;
MPIR_Comm_map_t *mapper_tail;
/* Other, device-specific information */
extern MPIR_Object_alloc_t MPIR_Comm_mem;
/* this function should not be called by normal code! */
int MPIR_Comm_delete_internal(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr);
#define MPIR_Comm_add_ref(comm_p_) \
do { MPIR_Object_add_ref((comm_p_)); } while (0)
#define MPIR_Comm_release_ref(comm_p_, inuse_) \
do { MPIR_Object_release_ref(comm_p_, inuse_); } while (0)
/* Release a reference to a communicator. If there are no pending
references, delete the communicator and recover all storage and
context ids.
This routine has been inlined because keeping it as a separate routine
results in a >5% performance hit for the SQMR benchmark.
#define FUNCNAME MPIR_Comm_release
#undef FCNAME
static inline int MPIR_Comm_release(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr)
int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
int in_use;
MPIR_Comm_release_ref(comm_ptr, &in_use);
if (unlikely(!in_use)) {
/* the following routine should only be called by this function and its
* "_always" variant. */
mpi_errno = MPIR_Comm_delete_internal(comm_ptr);
/* not ERR_POPing here to permit simpler inlining. Our caller will
* still report the error from the comm_delete level. */
return mpi_errno;
#undef FCNAME
/* MPIR_Comm_release_always is the same as MPIR_Comm_release except it uses
MPIR_Comm_release_ref_always instead.
int MPIR_Comm_release_always(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_create(MPIR_Comm **);
int MPIR_Comm_create_group(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Group * group_ptr, int tag,
MPIR_Comm ** newcomm);
/* implements the logic for MPI_Comm_create for intracommunicators only */
int MPIR_Comm_create_intra(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Group * group_ptr, MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_commit(MPIR_Comm *);
int MPIR_Comm_is_node_aware(MPIR_Comm *);
int MPIR_Comm_idup_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Comm ** newcomm, MPIR_Request ** reqp);
int MPIR_Comm_shrink(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_agree(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, int *flag);
#if defined(HAVE_ROMIO)
int MPIR_Comm_split_filesystem(MPI_Comm comm, int key, const char *dirname, MPI_Comm * newcomm);
#define MPIR_Comm_rank(comm_ptr) ((comm_ptr)->rank)
#define MPIR_Comm_size(comm_ptr) ((comm_ptr)->local_size)
/* Communicator info hint functions */
typedef int (*MPIR_Comm_hint_fn_t) (MPIR_Comm *, MPIR_Info *, void *);
int MPIR_Comm_register_hint(const char *hint_key, MPIR_Comm_hint_fn_t fn, void *state);
int MPIR_Comm_delete_attr_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPII_Keyval * keyval_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_create_keyval_impl(MPI_Comm_copy_attr_function * comm_copy_attr_fn,
MPI_Comm_delete_attr_function * comm_delete_attr_fn,
int *comm_keyval, void *extra_state);
int MPIR_Comm_accept_impl(const char *port_name, MPIR_Info * info_ptr, int root,
MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_connect_impl(const char *port_name, MPIR_Info * info_ptr, int root,
MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_create_errhandler_impl(MPI_Comm_errhandler_function * function,
MPI_Errhandler * errhandler);
int MPIR_Comm_dup_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_dup_with_info_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Info * info_ptr,
MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_get_info_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Info ** info_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_set_info_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Info * info_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_free_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr);
void MPIR_Comm_free_keyval_impl(int keyval);
void MPIR_Comm_get_errhandler_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Errhandler ** errhandler_ptr);
void MPIR_Comm_set_errhandler_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Errhandler * errhandler_ptr);
void MPIR_Comm_get_name_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm, char *comm_name, int *resultlen);
int MPIR_Intercomm_merge_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, int high, MPIR_Comm ** new_intracomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Intercomm_create_impl(MPIR_Comm * local_comm_ptr, int local_leader,
MPIR_Comm * peer_comm_ptr, int remote_leader, int tag,
MPIR_Comm ** new_intercomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_group_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Group ** group_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_remote_group_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Group ** group_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_group_failed_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm, MPIR_Group ** failed_group_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_remote_group_failed_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm, MPIR_Group ** failed_group_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_split_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, int color, int key, MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_split_type_self(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, int split_type, int key,
MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_split_type_node(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, int split_type, int key,
MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_split_type_node_topo(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, int split_type, int key,
MPIR_Info * info_ptr, MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_split_type(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, int split_type, int key, MPIR_Info * info_ptr,
MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_split_type_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, int split_type, int key, MPIR_Info * info_ptr,
MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_set_attr_impl(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, int comm_keyval, void *attribute_val,
MPIR_Attr_type attrType);
int MPIR_Comm_split_type_neighborhood(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, int split_type, int key,
MPIR_Info * info_ptr, MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_split_type_nbhd_common_dir(MPIR_Comm * user_comm_ptr, int key, const char *hintval,
MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
int MPIR_Comm_split_type_network_topo(MPIR_Comm * user_comm_ptr, int key, const char *hintval,
MPIR_Comm ** newcomm_ptr);
/* Preallocated comm objects. There are 3: comm_world, comm_self, and
a private (non-user accessible) dup of comm world that is provided
if needed in MPI_Finalize. Having a separate version of comm_world
avoids possible interference with User code */
extern MPIR_Comm MPIR_Comm_builtin[MPIR_COMM_N_BUILTIN];
extern MPIR_Comm MPIR_Comm_direct[];
/* This is the handle for the internal MPI_COMM_WORLD . The "2" at the end
of the handle is 3-1 (e.g., the index in the builtin array) */
#define MPIR_ICOMM_WORLD ((MPI_Comm)0x44000002)
typedef struct MPIR_Commops {
int (*split_type) (MPIR_Comm *, int, int, MPIR_Info *, MPIR_Comm **);
} MPIR_Commops;
extern struct MPIR_Commops *MPIR_Comm_fns; /* Communicator creation functions */
/* internal functions */
int MPII_Comm_init(MPIR_Comm *);
int MPII_Comm_is_node_consecutive(MPIR_Comm *);
/* applies the specified info chain to the specified communicator */
int MPII_Comm_apply_hints(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Info * info_ptr);
int MPII_Comm_copy(MPIR_Comm *, int, MPIR_Comm **);
int MPII_Comm_copy_data(MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr, MPIR_Comm ** outcomm_ptr);
int MPII_Setup_intercomm_localcomm(MPIR_Comm *);
/* comm_create helper functions, used by both comm_create and comm_create_group */
int MPII_Comm_create_calculate_mapping(MPIR_Group * group_ptr,
MPIR_Comm * comm_ptr,
int **mapping_out, MPIR_Comm ** mapping_comm);
int MPII_Comm_create_map(int local_n,
int remote_n,
int *local_mapping,
int *remote_mapping, MPIR_Comm * mapping_comm, MPIR_Comm * newcomm);