## -*- Mode: Makefile; -*-
## vim: set ft=automake :
## (C) 2011 by Argonne National Laboratory.
## See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.mtest
SUBDIRS = mpi_t
noinst_PROGRAMS = singjoin testconnect testconnectserial dimsbalanced \
spawntest_master spawntest_child segfault
# testconnectserial would like MPICHLIBSTR to be defined as the installation
# directory of the MPI library. This definition is not required.
noinst_HEADERS = connectstuff.h
testconnectserial_SOURCES = testconnectserial.c tchandlers.c tcutil.c
testconnectserial_LDADD = $(LDADD) -lm -lpthread
singjoin_LDADD = $(LDADD) @socklib@ @nslib@
CLEANFILES += test-port