Blob Blame History Raw
#  (C) 2004 by Argonne National Laboratory.
#      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
# Definitions for various MPI I/O Read/write tests

# If we want a separate step to check the file as written different
# from the read step, insert it here.
# If the open fails, jump to 111
call mpi_file_open( comm, filename, MPI_MODE_RDWR + MPI_MODE_CREATE, MPI_INFO_NULL, fh, ierr )
if (ierr .ne. MPI_SUCCESS) then
    goto 111
call mpi_file_close( fh, ierr )
call mpi_barrier( comm, ierr )
call mpi_comm_rank( comm, r, ierr )
if (r .eq. 0) then
    call mpi_file_delete( filename, MPI_INFO_NULL, ierr )
call mpi_barrier( comm, ierr )

# Common code to initialize the buffer for contiguous writes
do i=1, n
    buf(i) = r*n + (k-1)*n*s + i-1
# This is for double buffered tests
do i=1, n
    buf2(i) = r*n + (k)*n*s + i-1

do i=1, n
    ans = r*n + (k-1)*n*s + i-1
    if (buf(i) .ne. ans) then
        errs = errs + 1
        if (errs .le. 10) then
            print *, r, k, ' buf(',i,') = ', buf(i), ' expected ', ans
do i=1, n
    buf(i) = - (r*n + (k-1)*n*s + i)
do i=1, n
    if (buf2(i) .ne. r*n + (k)*n*s + i-1) then
        errs = errs + 1
        if (errs .le. 10) then
            print *, r,k,' buf2(',i,') = ', buf2(i)
do i=1, n
    buf2(i) = - (r*n + (k)*n*s + i)

# Common error check
if (ierr .ne. MPI_SUCCESS) then
    errs = errs + 1
    if (errs .le. 10) then
        call MTestPrintError( ierr )

# Common error check when MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS is a possibility
# (status array is then statuses, of length nreq (one status per request)
if (ierr .ne. MPI_SUCCESS) then
    errs = errs + 1
    if (errs .le. 10) then
        call MTestPrintError( ierr )
        if (ierr .eq. MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS) then
            do i=1, nreq
                if (statuses(MPI_ERROR,i) .ne. MPI_SUCCESS) then
                    print *, 'For statuses[', i, '], error is:'
                    call MTestPrintError( statuses(MPI_ERROR,i) )

# Common offset computation, based on the block, rank, size
offset = (r * n + (k - 1) * n * s) * intsize

# Set the view of the file for this process; suitable for
# collective I/O and independent file I/O without seek
call mpi_type_vector( b, n, n*s, MPI_INTEGER, filetype, ierr )
call mpi_type_commit( filetype, ierr )
offset = r * n * intsize
call mpi_file_set_view( fh, offset, MPI_INTEGER, filetype, "native", MPI_INFO_NULL, ierr )
call mpi_type_free( filetype, ierr )

# Some tests require that the individual processes proceed in order.
# The following definitions initialize the src and dest, and arrange
# to pass a token using MPI_Ssend
# Prereqs: r and s contain rank and size, and src,dest are declared.
# The ring is executed b times, with index variable k
src  = mod( r + s - 1, s )
dest = mod( r + 1, s )
if (s .eq. 1) then
    src = MPI_PROC_NULL
    dest = MPI_PROC_NULL
if (r .eq. s-1) then
    call mpi_ssend( MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INTEGER, dest, 1, comm, ierr )
call mpi_recv( MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INTEGER, src, k, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ierr )
if (r .eq. s-1) then
    call mpi_ssend( MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INTEGER, dest, k+1, comm, ierr )
    call mpi_ssend( MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INTEGER, dest, k, comm, ierr )
if (r .eq. 0) then
    call mpi_recv( MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INTEGER, src, b+1, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ierr )
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This test uses the individual file pointers.
# To reach the correct locations, we seek to the position
<TESTDEFN filename="writef.f">
integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), ans
include 'iooffset.h'
do k=1, b
   call mpi_file_seek( fh, offset, MPI_SEEK_SET, ierr )
   call mpi_file_write( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr )
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b
    call mpi_file_seek( fh, offset, MPI_SEEK_SET, ierr )
    call mpi_file_read( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr )

# This test uses independent I/O with thread-safe, individual file pointers
<TESTDEFN filename="writeatf.f">
integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), ans
include 'iooffset.h'
do k=1, b
   call mpi_file_write_at( fh, offset, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr )
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b
   call mpi_file_read_at( fh, offset, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr )

# This test uses collective I/O with thread-safe, individual file pointers
<TESTDEFN filename="writeatallf.f">
integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), ans 
include 'iooffset.h'
do k=1, b
   call mpi_file_write_at_all( fh, offset, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr )
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b
   call mpi_file_read_at_all( fh, offset, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr )

# This test uses nonblocking collective I/O with thread-safe, individual file pointers
<TESTDEFN filename="iwriteatallf.f">
integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer request
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), ans
include 'iooffset.h'
do k=1, b
   call mpi_file_iwrite_at_all( fh, offset, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, request, ierr )
   call mpi_wait(request, status, ierr)
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b
   call mpi_file_iread_at_all( fh, offset, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, request, ierr )
   call mpi_wait(request, status, ierr)

# This test uses collective I/O with thread-safe, individual file pointers
<TESTDEFN filename="writeatallbef.f">
integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), ans
include 'iooffset.h'
do k=1, b
   call mpi_file_write_at_all_begin( fh, offset, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, ierr )
   call mpi_file_write_at_all_end( fh, buf, status, ierr )
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b
   call mpi_file_read_at_all_begin( fh, offset, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, ierr )
   call mpi_file_read_at_all_end( fh, buf, status, ierr )

# This test uses nonblocking I/O with independent file pointers
<TESTDEFN filename="iwriteatf.f">
integer statuses(MPI_STATUS_SIZE,2)
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), buf2(MAX_BUFFER), ans
integer req(2), nreq
include 'iooffset.h'
do k=1, b ,2
   nreq = 1
   call mpi_file_iwrite_at( fh, offset, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, req(1), ierr )
   if (k+1 .le. b) then
       offset = offset + (s * n) * intsize
       nreq = nreq + 1
       call mpi_file_iwrite_at( fh, offset, buf2, n, MPI_INTEGER, req(2), ierr )
   call mpi_waitall( nreq, req, statuses, ierr )
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b ,2
   nreq = 1
   call mpi_file_iread_at( fh, offset, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, req(1), ierr )
   if (k+1 .le. b) then
       offset = offset + (s * n) * intsize
       nreq = nreq + 1
       call mpi_file_iread_at( fh, offset, buf2, n, MPI_INTEGER, req(2), ierr )
   call mpi_waitall( nreq, req, statuses, ierr )
   if (nreq .eq. 2) then

# This test uses nonblocking I/O with independent file pointers and explicit
# seeks
<TESTDEFN filename="iwritef.f">
integer statuses(MPI_STATUS_SIZE,2)
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), buf2(MAX_BUFFER), ans
integer req(2), nreq
include 'iooffset.h'
do k=1, b ,2
   nreq = 1
   call mpi_file_seek( fh, offset, MPI_SEEK_SET, ierr )	
   call mpi_file_iwrite( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, req(1), ierr )
   if (k+1 .le. b) then
       offset = offset + (s * n) * intsize
       call mpi_file_seek( fh, offset, MPI_SEEK_SET, ierr )	
       nreq = nreq + 1
       call mpi_file_iwrite( fh, buf2, n, MPI_INTEGER, req(2), ierr )
   call mpi_waitall( nreq, req, statuses, ierr )
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b ,2
   nreq = 1
   call mpi_file_seek( fh, offset, MPI_SEEK_SET, ierr )	
   call mpi_file_iread( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, req(1), ierr )
   if (k+1 .le. b) then
       offset = offset + (s * n) * intsize
       call mpi_file_seek( fh, offset, MPI_SEEK_SET, ierr )	
       nreq = nreq + 1
       call mpi_file_iread( fh, buf2, n, MPI_INTEGER, req(2), ierr )
   call mpi_waitall( nreq, req, statuses, ierr )
   if (nreq .eq. 2) then

# This test uses nonblocking I/O with shared file pointers
<TESTDEFN filename="iwriteshf.f">
integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), ans
integer src, dest
integer req
do k=1, b
    call mpi_file_iwrite_shared( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, req, ierr )
    call mpi_wait( req, status, ierr )
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b
    call mpi_file_iread_shared( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, req, ierr )
    call mpi_wait( req, status, ierr )

# This test uses collective I/O
<TESTDEFN filename="writeallf.f">
integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), ans
integer filetype
include 'iooffset.h'
do k=1, b
     call mpi_file_write_all( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr )
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b
    call mpi_file_read_all( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr )

# This test uses split collective I/O
<TESTDEFN filename="writeallbef.f">
integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), ans
integer filetype
include 'iooffset.h'
do k=1, b
     call mpi_file_write_all_begin( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, ierr )
     call mpi_file_write_all_end( fh, buf, status, ierr )
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b
    call mpi_file_read_all_begin( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, ierr )
    call mpi_file_read_all_end( fh, buf, status, ierr )

# This test uses the shared file pointers collectively.
<TESTDEFN filename="writeordf.f">
integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), ans
include 'iooffset.h'
do k=1, b
   call mpi_file_write_ordered( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr )
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b
    call mpi_file_read_ordered( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr )

# This test uses the shared file pointers with split collectives.
<TESTDEFN filename="writeordbef.f">
integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), ans
include 'iooffset.h'
do k=1, b
   call mpi_file_write_ordered_begin( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, ierr )
   call mpi_file_write_ordered_end( fh, buf, status, ierr )
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b
    call mpi_file_read_ordered_begin( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, ierr )
    call mpi_file_read_ordered_end( fh, buf, status, ierr )

# This test uses the shared file pointers independently.
# We pass a token to control the oredering
<TESTDEFN filename="writeshf.f">
integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
integer buf(MAX_BUFFER), ans
integer src, dest
do k=1, b
    call mpi_file_write_shared( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr )
# No extra declarations are needed for the read step
do k=1, b
    call mpi_file_read_shared( fh, buf, n, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr )