! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*-
! (C) 2014 by Argonne National Laboratory.
! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
program main
use mpi_f08
integer errs, toterrs, ierr
integer wrank, wsize
type(MPI_Group) wgroup
type(MPI_Info) info
type(MPI_Request) req
integer fsize, frank
!integer comm, group, type, op, errh, result
type(MPI_Comm) comm
type(MPI_Group) group
type(MPI_Datatype) type
type(MPI_Op) op
type(MPI_Errhandler) errh
integer result
integer c2fcomm, c2fgroup, c2ftype, c2finfo, c2frequest, &
& c2ferrhandler, c2fop
character value*100
logical flag
errs = 0
call mpi_init( ierr )
! Test passing a Fortran MPI object to C
call mpi_comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, wrank, ierr )
errs = errs + c2fcomm( MPI_COMM_WORLD%MPI_VAL)
call mpi_comm_group( MPI_COMM_WORLD, wgroup, ierr )
errs = errs + c2fgroup( wgroup%MPI_VAL )
call mpi_group_free( wgroup, ierr )
call mpi_info_create( info, ierr )
call mpi_info_set( info, "host", "myname", ierr )
call mpi_info_set( info, "wdir", "/rdir/foo", ierr )
errs = errs + c2finfo( info%MPI_VAL )
call mpi_info_free( info, ierr )
errs = errs + c2ftype( MPI_INTEGER%MPI_VAL )
call mpi_irecv( 0, 0, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, &
& MPI_COMM_WORLD, req, ierr )
call mpi_cancel( req, ierr )
errs = errs + c2frequest( req%MPI_VAL )
call mpi_wait( req, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ierr )
errs = errs + c2ferrhandler( MPI_ERRORS_RETURN%MPI_VAL )
errs = errs + c2fop( MPI_SUM%MPI_VAL )
! Test using a C routine to provide the Fortran handle
call mpi_comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, wsize, ierr )
call mpi_comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, wrank, ierr )
call f2ccomm( comm )
call mpi_comm_size( comm, fsize, ierr )
call mpi_comm_rank( comm, frank, ierr )
if (fsize.ne.wsize .or. frank.ne.wrank) then
errs = errs + 1
print *, "Comm(fortran) has wrong size or rank"
call f2cgroup( group )
call mpi_group_size( group, fsize, ierr )
call mpi_group_rank( group, frank, ierr )
if (fsize.ne.wsize .or. frank.ne.wrank) then
errs = errs + 1
print *, "Group(fortran) has wrong size or rank"
call mpi_group_free( group, ierr )
call f2ctype( type )
if (type .ne. MPI_INTEGER) then
errs = errs + 1
print *, "Datatype(fortran) is not MPI_INT"
call f2cinfo( info )
call mpi_info_get( info, "host", 100, value, flag, ierr )
if (.not. flag) then
errs = errs + 1
print *, "Info test for host returned false"
else if (value .ne. "myname") then
errs = errs + 1
print *, "Info test for host returned ", value
call mpi_info_get( info, "wdir", 100, value, flag, ierr )
if (.not. flag) then
errs = errs + 1
print *, "Info test for wdir returned false"
else if (value .ne. "/rdir/foo") then
errs = errs + 1
print *, "Info test for wdir returned ", value
call mpi_info_free( info, ierr )
call f2cop( op )
if (op .ne. MPI_SUM) then
errs = errs + 1
print *, "Fortran MPI_SUM not MPI_SUM in C"
call f2cerrhandler( errh )
if (errh .ne. MPI_ERRORS_RETURN) then
errs = errs + 1
! Summarize the errors
call mpi_allreduce( errs, toterrs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, &
& MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr )
if (wrank .eq. 0) then
if (toterrs .eq. 0) then
print *, ' No Errors'
print *, ' Found ', toterrs, ' errors'
call mpi_finalize( ierr )